Duke of Herrington

Chapter 159 Elimination!interest!

Chapter 159 Elimination!interest!
At [-] a.m. the next day, the northern border team going to intercept the unknown group woke up one after another!
Last night, everyone did a lot of physical work!Like digging trenches, setting up cannons, and setting up machine gun positions.
Which doesn't need a wheel shovel?Which one does not need to sweat?
But we are soldiers, trained soldiers!These basic tasks will not be difficult for them, on the contrary, they are excited because of the first mission, and the fortifications they made are far beyond the standard!
This is also the first time that all soldiers slept in the trenches!
I thought it would be uncomfortable, but in fact, everyone seems to be old fritters, and there is no discomfort in sleeping at all!On the contrary, I feel more at ease than ever.

Of course, as the supreme commander of the team, Muller will not let everyone sleep so well!
In order to check everyone's training results, he led the officer team to snatch the guns of the soldiers one by one to see how they reacted.

Fortunately, the result is very satisfying. Eighty percent of the soldiers know that even if they are sleeping, they have to hold the weapon tightly in their hands. If they drag it hard, or reach out to grab it quietly, they will wake up with a start!
One old iron even hit an officer with the butt of his gun!Fortunately, that officer is a son of Lian's family, so it won't hurt if he suffers like this.

After testing, Muller wrote a report with the tagline: Hard to snatch away without exerting force against 'constipation'!Evaluation, excellent!

At this time, cooking smoke rose not far behind the camp, and the meal behind the camp was ready!
Everyone knows in the game "Riding and Slashing" that there are many types of food, and eating well can boost morale, and Ted believes in it!
The members of the cooking class are also super cooks specially trained by Makarov!Make sure the soldiers are well fed!In addition, they can not only fry sugar on the front line in dimly lit conditions, but also take up arms and fight with infantry when necessary!
"Let's eat! Take the lunch box! Follow the platoon as a unit and go to the rear to cook!"


Muller took the lunch box handed over by his teammates, stretched himself, picked up the report in his hand and continued reading.
According to the news from the reconnaissance plane reconnaissance, the team rushing here seems to be a little weak, and it is expected that they will not be able to arrive on time at noon, and may be one or two hours late.

But these are not things for everyone!

Soldiers can eat first, maintain their equipment after eating, and finally wait for the opposite side to deliver it!
No matter when the enemy comes, the troops will always wait for work at ease, and will never suffer.

'Didi! '

Before the report was finished, the walkie-talkie rang again!
"General Muller, this is investigation No. 7. Our third investigation found that the situation below is not as simple as imagined, and even a bit complicated!"

The situation is complicated and will not exceed the scheduled plan. Muller even took into account the sudden accident of "the appearance of a black dragon"!
But as a commander, you still have to find out the situation and reduce unnecessary casualties: "Oh? Tell me!"

The co-pilot investigator picked up the notebook and relayed the previously recorded information to Muller: "There are two groups of people below, one part of them is riding a horse in front, and the one chasing after them looks like a green creature with a small size! I’ve never seen anything I’m riding! It looks like they don’t pose much of a threat, but there are a lot of them, and there’s a lot of dust splashed up, not to mention covering the sky and blocking out the sun, but they can be regarded as sandstorms!”

With good machine guns and mortars, the last thing you are afraid of is a large-scale weak chicken unit.

Seeing this, Mueller breathed a sigh of relief, put down the report in his hand, and responded: "Well, I know, I will pay attention."

"Okay, our reconnaissance mission is complete, return to the city for supplies! If you need air support, you can tell us, the effect is guaranteed to be outstanding!"

"Don't worry, I won't be polite!"

When he said this, Muller didn't know what happened in the city. He didn't go to the test site in person, but only learned about it through the radio.
Last night, Ted and the research team completed the test of the small bomber, and the results were outstanding!

In order to complete the assembly of the bomber and the bomb launcher, the research institute integrated information during the conception stage.

According to the drawings drawn by John, Thomas re-planned the layout of the plane's interior.

The first batch of small bombers can carry a total of 1.2 tons of aerial bombs. Because of the reduced weight of the aircraft and the weight of the loader, only so much can be loaded at this stage.

The aerial bombs produced by John have five specifications, namely small aerial bombs of 50kg and 100kg, medium aerial bombs of 200kg and 600kg, and large aerial bombs of 1.2t 'Little Ant'.

Judging from the intensity of the usual missions, the first two are enough. Besides, John’s loader can be disassembled, and an aircraft can be loaded with ammunition of different specifications. Just replace it with the corresponding loader to balance the center of gravity. Normal use.

There are bombs, and there are delivery tools!John, as a representative of human beings with high IQ, did not ignore the 'optical sight'!
With this thing, the bomb can be accurately delivered to the enemy's head.

Because it was already late at night, everyone only tried small aerial bombs and did not try other types.

The small bomber is an extended model of the An-2, and it is different from the normal bomber. In addition to a pilot, the northern version also needs a co-pilot to control the aiming.

Even if this is a small shortcoming, in this dark age, it doesn't hurt much, pilots can fly with their heart!
A hundred kilometers away, a team of 3 people only rested for 2 hours before setting off again to the target location!

On the way, a dog's leg came out: "Your Majesty, we will reach the northern border of the Xueman Empire in less than half a day!"

The emperor sitting in the chariot vaguely felt that this trip would not be so smooth!So he subconsciously looked at the dog leg, and asked for confirmation: "Is the place you picked reliable?"

"Return to Your Majesty, quite reliable! This nobleman seems to be a viscount, the weakest person in their empire! There is a famine in the south, and it is estimated that their city has become a city of death, and they have no time to take care of us! Our [-] The elite army can sweep this place!"

Seeing the dog legs happily drawing big cakes, the emperor actually believed it: "If this is the case, then we will be saved!"

Seeing that the emperor believed his own nonsense, the dog legs continued to fan the flames: "Yes! Gobi in the north, as long as you go in, you will be confused and dizzy. Fortunately, we brought camels, so we won't get lost! And the group of goblins behind Lun, will eventually die here because of no water and no food!"

"At that time, we can use force to occupy this place, and use the information gap caused by the inconvenient transportation to make a fortune! Finally, we will plan a counterattack!"

When people have no hope, no matter whether the cakes drawn by others are edible or not, even if there is a fire pit behind the cakes, they will jump into it without hesitation: "It's so good!"

The young emperor forced a smile to respond to the servant beside him. After he heard this opinion, his left eyelid twitched and his right eyelid twitched!
It seemed that God was telling him that this choice was a mistake and would kill him!

In the last battle, Dad used all the power of the whole country to attack Xueman, but ended in failure.

In the end, domestic opposition arose everywhere, and refugees and bandits ran rampant!
After he managed to calm down the troubles in the country, densely packed warships suddenly appeared on the southern coastline, filled with green dwarfs, and when the Locke Empire was weak, they filed in!Occupied most of the land and pastoral.

After the father found out about this, he was so angry that he died on the spot. As the eldest son, he took over the position as a matter of course.

When he took over the country, he found...no matter what he did, it was too late.
The frontier guards had already been defeated, and the army of green-skinned dwarves was pressing down on the border. After paying the indemnity to the north, the empire's combat power fell to the bottom. Coupled with the curse of "blessings never come, misfortunes never come singly", famine broke out in the country again!
The pope guarded himself, sitting on a large amount of food and money, and refused to send troops, allowing the empire's territory to be eroded.
A large country with a population of hundreds of millions has become fragmented in just a few months. The nobles of all walks of life have closed their doors to protect themselves, and many have colluded with the invading goblins to tear down the people under their rule. It was given to them as food and grass supplies for a short period of peace.

With the help of this gang of traitors, it didn't take long for this army to invade the imperial city. The newly enthroned emperor could only flee like a bereaved dog without any dignity!
The goblin troops behind also knew that this was a big fish, so they sent the most elite 'Alpaca Knights' to hunt them down!

This cat-and-mouse game lasted for several days, and every night, he couldn't fall asleep, so he had to pray to 'God' and ask him to bless everyone!To see the sun the next day.

The same is true today: "I hope that the viscount in the northern border is very weak, and it is better to be vulnerable! I hope God can wake up the pope and let him send troops!"

In Valentine, when Ted had just finished eating and was about to go to work at the city hall, a mysterious force came from nowhere and made him sneezed hard!

"Who's talking about me behind my back? Could it be Steve?"

As a qualified successor of a certain doctrine, Ted doesn't believe in anything except the God of Wealth!

He thought about his existing troops, and still felt inadequate
The quantity has increased, but the quality has not met my expectations.

"Forget it, I have to tell Thomas to hurry up and produce tanks and armored vehicles! To avoid long nights and dreams! After all, the quality has improved! Only then can I feel at ease or I will always feel that I am weak! The armored force is only a thousand, so there is no sense of security!"

Once a person suffers from insufficient firepower phobia, there is no cure.

Not only machine guns must be equipped, but tanks, aircraft and cannons must also be equipped!The bomb's equivalent can be made as big as it can be made!
The 1.2-ton bomb is just the beginning, not the end!
'Didi! '

Not long after Ted finished dealing with the armored units, the intercom rang again!

On the other end, Steve covered his head and said with emotion: "Ted! You are too cruel! The fortress was dismantled like this?"

Ted thought Steve was praising him: "Of course, each of us has two kilograms of C-4 or incendiary bombs on us. It's a bit embarrassing to bring them back, so I ordered them to be used!"

"How many people did you go to yesterday?"

"Count me a total of 29!"

"I'll go!" Steve held the walkie-talkie and said in surprise: "58 kilograms of explosives? Are you serious? I remember 2 kilograms, which is as big as a brick! It can demolish a small building, and you are really giving face! "

Ted didn't have enough time, and he vaguely felt that Steve's tone was a bit of an invitation for credit: "Hey, stop bragging, just tell me what's going on!"

Business matters!Steve was sitting in the carriage, and heaved a long sigh: "It's really something, I just heard about it, and I checked the prices when passing by the city!"

"Huh? It seems that you are quite smart! I just need these data!"

Winter is over, it's time to dump goods, this wave of data is really important!
Holding the receipt in his hand, Steve compared it with the data from a while ago: "The prices around the imperial capital haven't skyrocketed, but compared to the price half a year ago, it's only increased by 2%!"

"That's not bad, they're not so stupid as to pit people from the bottom of the imperial city"

Listening to Ted's tone, Steve shook his head quickly, even if Ted couldn't see it, there would still be some body movements: "Hey! Don't praise them, I just heard the news that the price is going to increase! "

According to the productivity over there, and the existing food circulation on the market, the price should indeed be increased, but the question of how much or how little should be increased: "Huh? How much should it be increased?"

"The amount should be 6 times! The price of some vegetables will increase by 12 times! Regardless of whether the news is true or not, we should pay attention! When passing by the village, many residents have already planned to stockpile food, and the market has begun to limit purchases."

This kind of information is generally confidential!Unless there is a connection, or the records of the chamber of commerce.
However, Ted tactically forgot about the chamber of commerce: "Where did you hear this news, is it correct?"

"Of course! This is my chamber of commerce!"

"My own chamber of commerce?" Ted immediately came back to avoid being ridiculed by Steve, and came up with another way by the way: "That would be much better! Let them send out all available carts and carts to the northern border Wait at the border, and pull all the canned food, wheat, and vegetables we produce over there! Our output has exploded, and the warehouse is full, and I am worried that there is no place to use it! It’s a pity to lose it, why don’t you sell it for money!”

"Okay! I'll make arrangements!"

Pulling it by a truck will definitely reveal its secrets. Right now, we can only return to the original and let these people pull it by a horse-drawn cart.
Fresh things can be sold nearby, and canned food can even be sold to the west!This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is not in vain!

Since you plan to sell canned food, why don't you print the sun god's logo on it, so you can get familiar with it first!Let's talk about it later!

After dealing with Steve, Ted called Chris: "Chris, this is Ted, how is our food warehouse?"

Chris has already been very busy because of the food problem!The production efficiency is too high, coupled with the Tomato Baron's Great Plains, the speed of building warehouses will never catch up with the speed of food output!

"Master Ehui, the situation is not optimistic. Our warehouse will be completely full the day after tomorrow, and we have to wait a few days for the new warehouse."

In the past, it was a good thing for food to explode, but now we have to find a way to sell the excess production capacity! "Pull them out, pull out all the food in the warehouse! Anything that can be canned, can be made into canned food! We are going to fight against the empire! Let the production workers work harder and strive to make the people of the whole country eat Use our stuff! Let the other nobles of the empire not earn a penny!"

"Yes! My lord, I'll go right away!"

Nothing grabs Chris' attention like 'making money' and 'getting the market'!

Even if the wealth reserve in the city has reached an unprecedented scale!Still not too much!

In this world, the only country that has developed its own currency is the Northern Territory, and it has not yet circulated.
All other continents adopted natural precious metals as currencies.

This method is very simple, but there are many problems!

Judging from the size of the 'minable' gold reserves in this world, this thing is not suitable as a currency!

Now it is just used to make do with it because of the limited mining capacity, which is the same as Napoleon's aluminum bowl.
If a country has mastered the indigenous method of alchemy, the value of this thing will drop to the same as silver!
In addition to the total content of the world, the excrement of ice dragons can also pull out a lot of gold.

Although the scientific truth does not make sense, the fact is there, gold can indeed appear out of thin air!In the end there will only be more and more!
If a loaf of bread is sold for 50 gold coins, the world will be in chaos that day!When dozens of mustaches appear together, the world will be bald!
But this time, the nobles and the church put on a pair of pants, and they want to empty the people's wealth at once this time!Take this opportunity to let society go back to slavery, so that ordinary people have to spend several months of wages for a full meal, so they have to become slaves of the rich.

Of course, Ted will not let this happen. The population of the empire has been consumed by more than half due to the war. If the internal friction continues like this, human beings may disappear from the world!

"Chris, I'll tell you the price later, just sell it at the original price of the empire! Not only can it have a 3% gross profit margin, but it can also combat the arrogance of the nobles!"

"But my lord, if the nobles try to use money to buy our things empty"

"Oh! Don't worry about this, he will sell us when he buys it! I want to see if we have more goods, or the wealth of the nobles and the church! I want to get all the precious metal reserves of the empire at once!"

"But if they rob it."

"Sell in the name of Steve, the owner of the Chamber of Commerce writes Steve, put his flag up!"

"What if they plan to continue to rob?"

"Then let them grab it!"

The way to deal with 0 yuan purchase is very simple, open it and let them grab it!After getting the empire, screening qualified citizens is a thankless task. If there is a chance to get rid of maggots in advance, what is a waste of food?
"My lord. This. Let them grab it? Don't stop it?"

Ted shook his head, and slowly said his thoughts: "Those who spend money to buy, give normal food, don't worry if you rob it, we will send goods with 'special additions' to the robbed area! "


Hearing such remarks, Chris stared at the book, unable to imagine that this sentence came from Ted who "loves the people like a son"!

"Don't question me with this tone, I did it according to the laws of our northern border! In times of chaos, robbing food is equivalent to rebellion! So! They are all criminals and can be suppressed by force! Even the National Guard is allowed to attack criminal groups Do a sweep."

"As a lord who puts people first, and in order to carry out the fine tradition of frugality, I will not shoot at them! But the law is the law, and we will definitely strictly enforce it!"

The explanation is reasonable, but Chris still feels that "poisoning" is too much, after all, they are imperial people, not enemies! "It can be 'supplemented'. That's poisonous!"

"Um, we won't use real poison, just some laxatives, which are harmless to the body. We will just let them lie on the bed for a while, and expel all their food. It's useless to snatch them."

"It is true that the method can be implemented! While achieving the goal, it can also teach those people who do evil things a lesson! High! It is really high! It seems that I have to continue to learn from you, my lord!"

Ted would always take up Chris’s rainbow farts with great pleasure: “You don’t need to learn anything, we are all a group, and it’s only natural to share good ideas!”

"If that's the case, I'll follow your command to collect supplies and earn money from the rich!"


(End of this chapter)

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