Duke of Herrington

Chapter 161 The First Engagement

Chapter 161 The First Battle

After Ted sent off Steve's confidant, he had time to pick up the front-line report and read it carefully.

However, the world is unpredictable, the door has just been closed, Ted picked up the report and did not read two lines, a message came from the intercom
"Sir, this is the frontline command post, I'm Muller! The enemy has entered the range of the artillery bombardment, what should we do? Should we catch them alive or wipe them all out?"

According to the tradition of the empire, all these decisions require Ted's orders, but he is not good at dealing with these problems, Ted thinks Chris is better at it!

But since Mueller asked, I still have to use my brain: "What is the latest investigation report?"

Muller picked up the folder in his hand, turned to the next page, and briefly explained in his own words: "Wait a minute! The troops are divided into two parts! According to the flag, the former part is the flag of the royal family of the Southern Empire. , behind is a small green creature"

"I heard from Raphael of the Dragon Clan: These little beasts are a parasitic race from the southern continent, called Goblins."

"That's it." Ted touched his chin, wondering if the idea in his head was correct
Compared with before, my current order is related to tens of thousands of lives!The responsibility was too great, and Ted didn't think he had the IQ or qualifications to handle it himself.
But as the saying goes, when you don't know right or wrong, just ask 'Yuan Fang'!
"Muller, what do you think?"

Everyone is used to giving orders from the lord, so Muller was surprised when asked this question!
But he has the habit of writing war planning, and then he turned to the next page: "I don't know the specific reason yet, but it seems that the goblins are hunting down the human beings in the south. I think we can detain the human beings first and pay their money." Weapons, after annihilating the outsiders, then deal with the 'own' affairs!"

Ted also agrees with this idea!
At this point, he really intends to let go of his military power for a while!
Almighty warriors do exist, but they are definitely not themselves.

It's time to hand over some of the power to someone else.
Territories and countries have to move towards the future sooner or later, productivity has improved, and ideology has to keep up, otherwise it will still be a primitive society, and sooner or later it will collapse due to uneven distribution.

"Mueller, you don't need to ask me for my opinion on things like this in the future. You have heard the truth, and you have specialization in the art. It may be okay for me to command one or two battles, but it's okay to rely on soldier's intuition or fighting style like this. It's up to you to decide what's better"

Having said that, this matter is an exception. It involves the royal families of other countries. If it is not handled properly, it will be a serious diplomatic incident, which will easily lead to conflicts that could have been avoided: "But this is not only about combat, but also about The country's external decisions."

Ted covered his head and didn't know what to do. After all, he could only provide a general direction for the development of the territory, and he couldn't control every detail!
"In terms of diplomacy, Chris is better at it. The responsibilities of our northern border are divided very finely. My decision has to be screened and corrected by Chris and the think tank before it can be sent out!"

Hearing what the lord said, Mu Le seemed to understand, but he didn't quite understand: "I still don't quite understand this!"

When Ted planned to disperse his rights, he also thought about it for a long time.
at last!For the development of the world, Ted intends to gradually let go of power...
"It's very simple, we are all human beings, we are all superior, and we can also be impulsive! We may make some outrageous and irreversible decisions at some point. It's like the chief culprit who started the war, this group of people in the Southern Empire! According to me From my point of view, I might directly order you to open fire and blast all the intruders into scum!"

As the general of the army, Muller also wants to do the same, even if the people in the northern border and other regions of the empire cannot get along, but before the national interests and the big right and wrong!He must establish the correct three views!

Because he understood the truth of the cold lips and teeth: "Sir, if you want to do this, I can immediately order to fire!"

Ted shook his head, sat in a chair and told the truth without hiding anything.

After all, Muller is the general of the army that he plans to train. In the future, all the affairs of the army will depend on him: "No need! Paper can't cover the fire. No matter how we block the news, the emperor on the opposite side will be killed by us. This kind of explosive news will definitely be spread!"

"If this is done, it will definitely cause a series of chain reactions, and the already precarious Xueman Empire will continue to fight! Besides, the battle for succession within the empire has begun, and it will only add chaos to chaos!"

"At a certain inopportune time, if we make a certain wrong decision, the butterfly effect will lead to a complete collapse of the chess game. At that time, everyone will be buried with us because of our decision. This is the last thing I want to see!"

Muller was on the other side of the walkie-talkie, looking at the papers in his hands, especially the brutal battle plans that had been crossed out, looking hot right now!I couldn't help but alert myself in my heart: "It seems that the order can't be given casually! At least you have to go through your brain!"

He savored the things the lord said carefully, and finally understood why he gave the rights in his hands to other people.

"I see, sir! You are the supreme commander, give us a direction, and we will take care of the rest!"

Ted put down the water glass in his hand and praised: "That's what it means! Now, the direction is to keep a low profile! It's not the time for us to go out, try to solve the trouble in the most conservative way! If you think about it, you can contact Chris immediately. I read the report, they are still fifteen kilometers away from you! Enough for you to come up with a solution!"


Mueller already had a general direction in mind, so he connected to the channel of the city hall!

"This is Mueller, is Mr. Chris here?"

At this moment, Chris is reading the newspaper, eating donuts, drinking afternoon tea, and waiting for documents or orders by the way, this unexpected call cheers him up: "I am, please speak!"

"Have you heard about my side?"

Even if Chris is not in charge of the military, he will record these documents and store them in the archives room: "I know! There is a group of unknown groups approaching, and you are dealing with it! But... logically, this aspect is not under our control?"

Mueller quickly explained what he meant: "The lord has said that the military is indeed handed over to me, but the problem is: some of the people who came are from the southern royal family! If it is not handled properly, it will definitely cause serious diplomatic accidents. In the end, it is definitely not a good way to start a conflict and let the two countries go to war, so I come to ask what you mean."

"That's it, then we really have to intervene." The witty Chris didn't need long to think!He quickly came up with a solution based on his years of experience.

"Capture the emperor and prince alive on the opposite side, and you can dispose of other people who don't surrender! According to the current situation, as long as the emperor is not dead, you won't have to tear your face!"

"Thank you, I've now understood!"

"You're welcome!"

After getting the accurate result, Mueller had an idea in an instant. He turned to the staff officer in front of him and told the battle plan.
"Order all the troops, don't fire at the royal family, they are important bargaining chips! As long as human enemies put down their weapons and armor, they will be spared death, and they will be shot on the spot if they dare to resist!"

"As for the Goblin troops in the rear, according to the reminder from the landlord, Rafael, they are maggots from another continent. Setting foot on our territory is equivalent to declaring war with us! Don't be merciful, just destroy them!"


The task has been issued, and within 10 minutes, everyone in the army knows about it!
As the battle was about to start, Muller looked at the breastplate in front of a soldier and asked the staff officer, "By the way, have the soldiers put on protection yet?"

"It's all worn! Bulletproof breastplate, not only can prevent bullets, but also can prevent punctures and chopping! It is said that it is remade by melting and casting scraps from heavy industries, and it is durable!"

"Then I'm much more at ease! Remember to let the heavy machine gunner take it easy, don't point at the crowd and hold down your right index finger and don't let go! If you see it and hit it, it will not end well if you hit the royal family and cause a big incident!"


At this moment, the troops are ready for battle!

When they saw the smoke and dust gradually rising in the distance, everyone cheered up!

"Attention all departments, the latest news came from the reconnaissance plane. There is a distance of about 8 kilometers between the two troops. That is to say, we only have one hour at most to deal with the affairs of the Southern Empire. Keep an eye on the signal gun! Shoot directly if there is an accident , leaving only the southern emperor as a bargaining chip! All rebels were shot on the spot!"

Half an hour later, the troops of the Locke Empire came to 300 meters in front of the northern position and stopped.
When they stopped and raised their hands to look at the distant position, Muller turned the power of the sound to the maximum!
He picked up the microphone, and "warmly" reminded: "A further 100 meters ahead, you will set foot on the land of Earl Herrington in the north! Explain why you are here! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"This" the emperor sitting in the chariot heard the loud horn outside, and felt that the bad premonition seemed to come true.

However... the generals outside don't think so!He looked at the group of waste hiding in the fortification with disdain, as if he was looking at a group of turtles!I don't even have the courage to confront him head-on!
Seeing this, he turned his body sideways, and joked with the people around him: "I didn't expect this weak nobleman to wear a mask, and Xianyu turned over!"

Hearing that the general of one's own side is so disdainful to the enemy on the opposite side, it seems like a gesture of gesture!The opposite side can be wiped out!
Ever since, they followed the command of the general and started farting rainbow farts: "Yes! The general is right! The salted fish has turned around, and it is still a salted fish! It can't change the essence!"

"That's right! Such enemies, I just need to roll my eyes at them! They will be smashed to pieces!"

"Hahahaha! I only need one person and one ride, and I can take the head of the enemy's general among thousands of troops!"

"Yes, yes! I"

A few minutes later, everyone was still bragging!

But the general realized one thing!That is, it is not a wise move to say hello here, because the enemies behind have not been shaken off, so they have to enter the Gobi in the north first!

Every minute wasted now will increase the risk in the later stage by one point!
In order to deal with the enemies in front of him as soon as possible, the general decided not to talk about martial arts, not to follow the ancestral system, not to declare war, not to fight duels!Directly lead the cavalry to charge!

He wanted to rely on the lance and the big sword in his hand to try to tear apart a concrete fortification with heavy firepower weapons!
In his opinion, these are all tricks and tricks!So, he came outside the emperor's chariot, and shouted loudly to attract the attention of the people around him: "Your Majesty, I will take you to the northern border after I finish the enemy with a back and forth charge!"

Seeing the confidence of his generals, the emperor planned to anesthetize himself, deceiving himself that they would break through the defense line and go to the safe zone: "Okay! Then I wish you victory!"

With the permission from the emperor, the general immediately organized the team and put the heavy armored knights at the front!

"Warriors of the Locke Empire! It's time to fight for His Majesty! Raise your lances and wave your long swords! Let the blood of the enemy play our battle song! Listen to my orders! Prepare to charge!"

At this moment, within the northern camp, Muller always felt that his side was the one with the villains and the injustice when he heard what the other party said.
"This group of people is really, chanting seemingly righteous slogans, and always doing embarrassing things!"


Muller sighed, picked up the microphone, and gave the first warning to the enemy who was starting to charge: "Stop your offensive behavior quickly, or we will fight back!"

The first time I warned, the opponent didn't take it seriously, but sped up the progress and kicked the horse in the belly!Charge to the position!
On the Gobi, the neighing of war horses, the sound of iron hoofs beating on the gravel, and the sound of screaming and killing echoed on the battlefield constantly!
At this time, the distance between the two armies was only 200 meters!
Muller shook his head, picked up the microphone and issued a final warning: "This is the last warning! Stop your offensive! Surrender immediately!"

Listening to the 'surrender' request from the enemy, the Lord General of the Locke Empire loudly ordered: "Knights of the Empire, for God! For Your Majesty! Tear up the enemy in front of you!"

After shouting, the chief general put down the mask of his helmet, and when the distance reached about 100 meters, he raised his spear and rushed to the front!

At the same time, the speed of the war horse is getting faster and faster!
Mueller picked up the walkie-talkie again, looked at the dead people in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and ordered: "Fire!"

A red flare flew into the sky!Even in the daytime, everyone can see the bright colors and hear the harsh sound
After receiving the order to fire from the commander, all the soldiers adjusted the muzzles of their weapons, and poured out their firepower at the cavalry charging ahead!

Between lightning and flint, tens of thousands of bullets tore through the air, and turned into a hell messenger to claim his life!
Seeing the overwhelming light spots flying towards him, the confident general regretted it.
Somewhere, he saw God.
However, before he could see the people around God clearly, his face was crushed by the original iron hoof behind him!Life passed quickly, and the severe pain lasted less than a second before completely losing consciousness
Where the bullets go, there is no grass. These primitive plate armor knights did not know until their death that the flying tracer 'peanuts' would be so powerful.
Just 9 seconds!Before the cavalry had time to scream, they were shot dead and fell into a pool of blood.

No matter the horses or the knights wearing plate armor, they were all killed in the first round of attacks, and no one survived!

Muller put down the binoculars in his hand, picked up the microphone and ordered again: "Attention all units! Cease fire!"

The order to cease fire was issued, and all the soldiers released their right index fingers that were holding the trigger, waiting for the smoke and dust to disperse
After 5 minutes, when the smoke and dust raised disappeared, everyone was dumbfounded!

It was the first time for the Northern Territory troops to actually fight. Even if everyone was mentally prepared, they didn't expect the guys in their hands to be so sharp?
[-] guns of various types, just one round of fire, knocked out the [-] heavy armored knights who attacked in the first wave!
This was unimaginable in the past!

If you want to raise 6 knights, you have to pay at least [-] times the casualties before you can beat them back!

Seeing this, an inexplicable sense of superiority floated from the bottom of my heart.
Mueller shook his head, let out a long sigh, and said with emotion: "The times have changed!"

The staff officer next to him picked up the notepad on the table and recorded the combat situation: "Yes! The times have indeed changed! According to calculations, it took less than ten seconds to consume [-] rounds of ammunition, thanks to the fact that the opponent has little experience. , and charge in a dense formation, we can quickly resolve the battle!"

"indeed so!"

Ahead, after the emperor of the Locke Empire saw all this clearly, he wanted to retreat in his heart.
In ten seconds, ten thousand elite knights in heavy armor disappeared. Before they could even see the appearance of the enemy, they were pierced by tracer 'peanuts'
"Is this witchcraft? Or...retreat?"

It's just that, with the wolf behind him and the tiger and leopard in front, he will die no matter where he goes!
"Could it be that I will die here? I am unwilling!"

When the emperor himself was complaining about the world, Muller picked up the loudspeaker and shouted: "Listen up front, you have only one choice! Surrender! Now put down your weapons and armor! Get off your horse! Put your head in your hands! Slow down!" Come slowly!"

As soon as the emperor heard that there was a way out, he didn't listen to the advice of the people around him when he was dying, and he didn't lead his troops to continue charging. Instead, he stepped out of the chariot, held the royal flag in his hand and shouted: "Surrender!"

The soldiers who originally planned to fight to the death were stunned when they saw the emperor surrendered first, but they were just soldiers and could only obey the emperor's order: Surrender!

"Wait. The minister wants to fight to the death! Why did His Majesty surrender first?"


(End of this chapter)

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