Duke of Herrington

Chapter 162 Dazed!head!green!

Chapter 162 Dazed!head!green!
The emperor hadn't realized the momentum of the rebellion, and he always thought that the people in front of him were not serious: "You have seen this too, rushing forward is to die, who knows what weapons they used?"

"His Majesty!"

As he said that, the general raised his hand, deliberately held it on the hilt of his sword, and urged in a threatening tone: "Please command the team to charge!"

Only now did the emperor realize the seriousness of the situation, but he is the emperor and must maintain the dignity of the royal family!

so!He imitated the majestic appearance of his dead father, and said angrily: "What? Are you going to rebel?"

The generals who were preparing to rebel seemed to have premeditated, and even the lines were prepared in advance. After all, a warrior can't say these words: "Locke doesn't need a cowardly emperor. If he is timid, he just knows how to live without the slightest aristocratic spirit. He will be ashamed by the gods and people! Such a person is not worthy of living in the world!"

Right now, rushing forward will only lead to death!But the general in front of him was aggressive, and he was not very good at refusing.
After thinking about it, he used his not-so-smart mind to make a compromise decision!

He tried to ask in the most cowardly tone, "What if I don't go to war?"

"Then I'm welcome!"

"There's something to say.!"

The general pulled out some of his weapons, and the flash of cold light caused the emperor in front of him to tighten his back. The tense atmosphere forced a mass of prehistoric spirit to gather in his dantian!Combined with recent sleep deprivation and diminished ability to control valves
An embarrassing scene is coming!
As his constipated expression gradually eased, a foul smell was slowly released.

In the distance, Gray has just been promoted to the military rank because he is a fast learner and has a good brain.

At this moment, he was holding a sniper rifle, and through a 24x lens, he was clearly monitoring the conversation between the enemy emperor and a noble general.

It is not difficult for Grain to talk about lips!At least for him, it's nothing!
Seeing that the tense situation was about to get out of control, he turned his mouth sideways and reported the real-time situation to the officer: "Mr. Muller! The enemy seems to be fighting among themselves! That general seems to be rebelling!"

Such anti-intellectual behavior, either the enemy went offline, or took this opportunity to get rid of the emperor and support others: "What? At this juncture, regicide and rebellion? Is the person on the other side without a brain? Or is it this? A conspiracy?"

However, when Mueller finished speaking, he realized one thing!

That is. How did Grain know?So before making a decision, he asked first: "Hey! Wait, how do you know? Can you hear me from such a distance?"

Logically speaking, special abilities should be reported in advance!He can read lips. He doesn't think it's a 'special' ability: "Hey sir! I can lip-read, from primary school, I can't go wrong! Don't worry!"

"Okay! Then you continue to monitor them!"

"Yes, sir!"

Just when Grain thought nothing would happen, the general who was preparing to rebel drew his weapon and arrived at the front!

"Sir, they are going to kill the emperor, shall we protect it?"

The current task is to capture the enemy emperor, prevent the situation from expanding, and prevent further escalation of the conflict!
From this point of view, this must be a conspiracy!As for the specific reason, no one knows yet!

In order to find out, Mueller immediately ordered: "Of course we must keep it! This is a bargaining chip! If he dies, the empire will be completely messed up!"

If you want to protect people, then... sniping from a distance is the best way: "If this is the case, then I will snipe and kill everyone who intends to kill the emperor?"

"Just do it!"

"Yes, sir!"

Meanwhile, exciting news comes over the intercom!
"The bomber squad has entered the combat radius, here is Joseph! When the green dwarf enemies arrive, we will give them some special firecrackers and fireworks from the north!"

According to the agreement, and in order to allow the bomb to explode accurately on the enemy's brain, in a state of less advanced technology, it is the best way to use smoke bombs to mark: "No problem, we will launch a green signal smoke bomb to help you SD direction!"

"You're so sweet! We'll be on top of you in about 30 minutes!"

"I see, I will definitely mark it clearly for you at that time! We will record the explosion process in time and use it as a file record!"

"Then report records belong to you!"

"no problem!"

Just when Muller and Joseph had just finished talking on the phone, Grann frowned and stared at the group of people who were ready to act in the scope.
"I'll say it again for the last time! There are only two choices before you, or attack with all your strength! I will still call you Your Majesty! If you continue to hold back like a turtle, then I can only support a powerful The mighty duke has become the emperor"


This Tie Hanhan emperor only now knows the specific situation!

There is a duke in the empire who is already ready to move!But he never thought that he would rebel at this juncture?

Now, no matter whether you rush or not, the end is death!

The only difference is: obedience to the person in front of you can forcibly extend your life for a while
Seeing the emperor's indecision, the sword-wielding general was aggressive again: "You only have five seconds to think about it!"


The countdown was going on, and the young emperor was sitting on the chariot at a loss, he didn't want to be killed by the people in front of him, and he didn't want to command the team to charge.
[-] soldiers are gone just like that, it seems that there is still power left on the other side!Commanding the team to rush forward is the most stupid idea, if the enemy is in a hurry, he will die without a whole body!In the end, the enemy will only find the parts from a pile of broken limbs and 'put them together' and send them back.
This is too detrimental to the face of the royal family!If this is recorded, it will really become the 'one emperor through the ages'.
At this moment, he also understands that it is impossible to counterattack the grand plan of counterattack, so he can only hesitate here, live a few more seconds, and experience the sweet air of the world again.

Five seconds passed quickly, and as the countdown ended, the traitor in front of him raised his long sword and was about to slash down on the emperor!

"An indecisive person is not worthy of being the emperor of the Locke Empire!"

In the blink of an eye, a tracer peanut flew by, and when it penetrated the rebel's heart, it brushed the emperor's hair and flew out!
"Fuck! What is this!!! Help!!!"

The emperor, who had never seen such a bloody scene, was frightened stupid by this scene!

Unlike the scene in the movie, when a large-caliber sniper bullet penetrates the body, there will not be a hole the size of a bullet
The .82BMG used by M1A50 directly blasted a big hole through the body!The powerful kinetic energy tore apart the heart and liver, and dyed the entire semi-open tank red!

"Fuck! I want to go home! Who will save me!"

The emperor raised his hand and wiped off the blood on his face. His trembling hand was as smooth as a blade in a blender, and even a phantom appeared!
The pungent smell of blood and the tragic scene of the body being torn apart by bullets scared him to pee, and the shit was also scared out
As a human emperor, he can barely bear the current situation, but the next scene, like a nightmare, is forever nailed in his mind.
It wasn't just one person who wanted to rebel. After seeing the failure of the 'assassination', the others also picked up their weapons, ready to kill the shocked and immobile emperor!
However, Grein in the distance is not a fool, he can kill 10 people if he kills one person!

Since the semi-open chariot is a semicircle and the rear is extremely hard, the assassin can only go around to the front of the emperor to assassinate!

In an instant, after the first assassin fell, all those who wanted to rebel got a signal, and they revealed the red ribbon on their right arms!Pull out your sharp blade and slash at those around you who are not ready to rebel
Seeing that things were out of control, in order not to start unnecessary wars, Glenn could only ask Mueller: "Fuck! Sir! This is messed up, what should I do?"

"What else should I do? Go and rob people! Their emperor is dead, and we will be in trouble! Commando, come on me!"


After hearing the order, the commando, who had been waiting for a long time, picked up Thomson, replaced it with 100 rounds of large drums, and rushed out of the trench directly!
"The one with the red ribbon!"


It takes time for the commando to rush to Emperor Locke, and during this time, Grein needs to solve the assassin's problem
As a half-inventor, Grain will not be satisfied with a magazine with a capacity of 10 rounds. He refers to the 5.56-round Type-C drum of the 100NATO bomb, borrows a high-end lathe, and imitates one for the .50BMG. The magazine with a capacity of 35 rounds is at least much easier to use than the ten-round drum!
It is also because of Grein's invention that the veterans of the Fire Tribe have used new magazines and no longer have to endure the pain caused by short magazines.
So... the emperor who stayed in the chariot was not approached by the assassin at all!
But not being approached doesn't mean he is happy now.
Because the powerful sniper bullets tore apart everyone who tried to get close to him, and every time he got close, his face would be covered with blood again
After he was pasted 30 times, the commando finally arrived at his side!

The leading man was 2.26 meters tall, so he was caught immediately!

"Hero, spare your life! I surrender!"

The ferocious old iron holding Emperor Locke seems to be very disgusted with the man in his hand who keeps shouting to surrender!
He doesn't have integrity at all, he only knows how to protect himself, and try his best to survive!If Xueman Empire had such an emperor, he would definitely be the first to stand up and support Earl Herrington as emperor
Right now, this person is like a piggy being lifted up, struggling in the air!Even feces and urine were spilled all over the floor: "Okay! Don't scream like a woman! I won't kill you! You are safe!"

"Thank you strongman! Thank you!"

Knowing that he will not die, the emperor is like grabbing a life-saving rein!He stretched out his right hand, grabbed the strong man who was carrying him, and kept repeating thank you, or rainbow farts like a good person's life is safe, just to survive
Suddenly, a grassroots rebel officer behind him discovered that the emperor was about to run away!Then he rushed over with the people beside him: "The dog emperor is there! Come! Brothers! Kill him! Get the reward from the Duke!"

The commando team would definitely not let the duck with its beak die in its own hands, and the five commando members decisively chose to stay behind!

Although it's broken, there's no risk at all
In just five seconds, dozens of rebels who came to find fault fell under the guns!
One idiot even raised his arm, as if he wanted to use his body to resist the impact of the bullet?
Seeing this, the commandos didn't know whether to laugh or pity them.

During the chaotic battle, a burst of smoke and dust rose not far away!
Seeing the density of the smoke, Mueller frowned, pretending to be serious and said: "The goblins are here!"

At this time, the investigator standing on a high place got more accurate data: "Report sir, the enemy is about 5 kilometers away from us, do you want to launch a signal bomb!"


The order had been communicated, and Mueller picked up the walkie-talkie and asked about the progress: "How is it? Are you there?"

"I see our position!"

"The signal flare has been sent out, you can just throw it on the green smoke bomb! I will use the things the lord gave me to record!"

"Is it a reconnaissance drone?"

"you know?"

"Coincidentally, I have it too!"

I learned that there are precious little things that I think are advanced, and the special forces also have them!Mueller felt a little unhappy: "You special forces are really, you will always be the first to get any advanced high-tech things!"

"Hey, what is your duty? The work we do is also confidential!"

"Okay. Then the enemy will look at you! You wash a wave of land first, and then we shell, how about it?"


In front of the position, the commandos have all returned, and the emperor of the empire has also been pulled back!

"Everyone, my queen is still in the team!"

"When is it, do you still want a queen? I finally survived! What kind of wife do you want!"

Just when the emperor was calling for his wife, Grain found a luxuriously dressed woman through the scope, in the arms of the little rebel leader.
Seeing this, he gave up his plan to cover, and dragged the emperor who was crying to his mother, and came to the detection mirror: "Open your eyes wide! Take a good look! Your daughter-in-law is in someone else's arms!"

"What? This! Impossible!!!"

Although the silly emperor said it was impossible, his curiosity drove him to keep a close eye on the observation mirror!
When he found his loving wife in someone else's arms, his heart was ashamed, which was no longer enough to express his feelings.
"Damn! How dare you betray me, I want you to die!"

Seeing that he couldn't beat the men around him, the emperor, who was in a state of desperation, focused his attention on a woman who was powerless!

He looked at the sniper rifle beside him, and without saying a word, he lay down in front of the gun and aimed it at a distance!
Seeing this, everyone did not stop them.
Because this modified M82A1 is definitely not something that weak chickens can handle, so everyone didn't care
And it is completely impossible for an untrained person to accurately hit the target with this sniper rifle!

"How to use this thing? I want revenge!"

Grain next to him would definitely not believe that this stunned young man would hit the target accurately!So. He came to this gun and began to patiently explain how to use it
"This is a sniper scope. I have opened the insurance for you. You only need to pull the trigger to fire it."

The other people around also looked like they were watching a joke, and they didn't care that the person in front of them could hit them at all.

As an angry and incompetent emperor, the worst thing he ever saw was to be taken away by others.

Following the prompts from the people around him, he aimed at the target in the sniper scope
"I told you to betray me! Go to hell!"

"Boom!" There was a gunshot, and bullets sprang out of the gun chamber. Even with a bipod, the stunned green man couldn't resist the powerful recoil!Plus he can't use weapons.
The right shoulder was directly broken!

"My shoulder! Ouch."

He was lying on the ground and howling, the bone dislocation feeling from his shoulder oppressed his fragile nerves!
A few seconds later, the sound of killing pigs became louder and louder, even covering the sound of killing in the distance.

Seeing this, the hunky man who was robbed of the butt of his gun last night and finally gave a shot to an officer received a command from Glenn's eyes. He picked up the rifle in his hand and reduced the strength by half. The precision was in Locke's turn. on the emperor's head.
"Go away!"

"!!! zzzzz"

This ability to control strength cannot be developed in a day or two!So, Grein gave him a thumbs up: "Good job! But... where did you learn this ability? The strength is still so accurate?"

"Hehehe, I was a pig slaughterer before, and I want to let the pigs wait for the slaughter! One stick down, you can't kill the fat pigs, because the meat must be delicious! You have to make him dizzy! Over time, practice makes perfect!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing the explanation from this veteran, the people around also laughed
(End of this chapter)

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