Duke of Herrington

Chapter 19 Enviable 'Trouble'~

Chapter 19 Enviable 'Trouble'~
"Everyone line up, we will take you to your residence in a while, food, water, and charcoal will be distributed to you! Don't worry, our Lord Ted Herrington will take you in!"

"Thank you, sir!" Knowing that they don't have to continue wandering, all the refugees knelt on the ground, knocking on the ground with their fragile heads, refusing to stop even though they were bloody.

Such a shocking scene, whoever it is, will get a kick in the heart. As long as there is a little bit of humanity, they will not let them continue: "Get up! The adults don't like this! Clean up and eat!"

When Ted returned to the mansion, his body stopped shaking. With the help of the guards, he returned to the bedroom and lay down on the bed to rest.

[Special Mission: Goodwill
Take in miserable refugees, for every refugee of any race x10, get star coin x1]

"DiDi, 520 star coins have arrived!"

[Campaign Mission: Moon Elf's Revenge!

Opening conditions: well-trained army x 10, number of people x 500 million, food storage x 3 years, marrying a moon elf.

Task Reward: Moon Elf is renamed as Dark Moonman, and joins your forces! 】

"This..." As soon as Ted lay down, two messages popped up. He never expected that his unintentional action would start such a mission. It's just that his strength is not enough. If he wants to start the mission, he must at least Waiting for 10 years, especially the 10 troops. They are well-trained, it is not easy at first glance!
As for marrying a moon elf, this task can be let go first, even if I can't control my desire, I still have to wait for this group of people to eat and drink enough!


Now that I feel weak all over, I might as well lie down and sleep for a while, and when I regain my strength, go to the workshop to have a look.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the students finished their meal and went back to the workshop to continue studying the books. As soon as Ted entered the door, he saw the tools being produced. The boy who studied machinery even produced a set of tools according to the books. Many sets of lathe parts have been assembled!
The theory put forward by the boy is very successful. Use more advanced lathes to copy, increase production, and use learning methods to make up for the technological gaps in the past. Just like cultivating modern workers, you don’t need to teach them the eliminated technologies, just let them know new ones. How to use the tool is!

However, hands-on ability is always a problem. Technology is sometimes awkward. Like the lathe in front of you, it is stuck between the backward and the advanced. There is no CNC, and it all depends on mechanical work, which requires a lot of practical experience. This is something that everyone does not have. .

Even if a car can be built, it is estimated that it will fall apart after running and running, and it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of failures before it can be successful!

"My lord! Can you think of a way for the power of the electricity? 50kw is not enough!"

"How much do you want?"

"At least 120kw!"

"No problem, it will be done in three days!"

"Thank you sir!"

"grown ups?"

"What's the matter?"

"Can I dismantle Sir Chris's car?"


Walking into the middle of the factory, Ted spotted a handsome townsman standing in front of a buxom woman with a vise in hand.

"Lina, Archimedes once said that if you give him a fulcrum, he can lift the entire planet, but I can't find your fulcrum anyway."

"My fulcrum?" The girl named Lina put down the book in her hand and looked at the man puzzled.

The man put down the vise beside him, jumped off the table, walked slowly to Lina and said with a smile, "Yes! I can pry open the fulcrum of your atrium, because I want to live in it~"

"I hate it~" Lina stood up, grabbed the man's tie with one hand, made his head stop precisely in front of her, and replied in a low voice, "Idiot, you are already there."

Immediately afterwards, the two gnawed together, acting as if no one was there, and didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

"It's great to be an adult!" Ted shook his head, not daring to look at this hormonal scene again.
I'm not even 16 years old, so I can't think about some things, but this scene will always ignite the desire in my heart. In order to prevent myself from exercising the power of the nobility by mistake, it is the best way to escape in advance.

Since the appeal has risen and the city has become peaceful, the habit of cleanliness and sanitation seems to make the citizens more daring and presumptuous!
Whenever I walk into a shop or a tavern, there will always be a group of sexy girls coming to trouble me. I have tasks on my body, and I have to collect all the achievements in the album, but that will have to wait until I become an adult!Besides, there is no need to collect multiple illustrated books of the same race.

Ted couldn't figure out why the townspeople always imagined themselves to be the old Bden of the rest of the empire?
"I'm very pure! I'm only 15 years old! If this is on the modern earth, you will be caught and imprisoned for at least half a year if you do this to me! Hey!"

As time goes by, the citizens respect themselves more and more, which is indeed a good thing, but there is no need to introduce your daughter as soon as they meet!
Ted remembered that Chris had announced his wife a long time ago, and it had been registered, but the wedding had not yet been held.
"Then why do these citizens still do this? Could it be that they think I am a good person? A good person who is in charge? I am so kind to every ordinary person, even if I have a despised illegitimate child in the future, I will take good care of it!? No Abandon the woman?"

"Isn't this bullying honest people!"

The more Ted thought about it, the more he collapsed, until he came to the end of the workshop and met William and his two sons.

They seem to have made the drawings of the greenhouse and are verifying the data~
Now that everything is fine, can I sleep peacefully?
With this thought in mind, Ted stretched his waist and walked towards the city lord's mansion next door. He hasn't paid much attention to Mia recently.

As soon as he opened the door, a red-faced girl blocked his way
"Again?" Ted knew what was going to happen at a glance.
The one in front of me, as a girl who was born and raised in the north, has been brave and brave already written into her soul. From the confident eyes, it can be seen that she is clearly prepared, and it is likely that she has rehearsed no less than 10 times!
Looking at the handsome lord in front of me, I recalled every bit of his care for the people, and the kindness and compassion he radiated from the inside out.
The girl plucked up her courage, stared at Ted with loving eyes and said in expectation: "My lord, I like you! How about letting me be your mistress? It will definitely not cause trouble to your life!"

Ted: "."

The girl tilted her head, waiting for the lord's answer of 'yes'. Under the bronzing hair, she looked like a European-style doll. If it was someone else, there was no reason to refuse!
And now, Ted was also embarrassed, not knowing what to say.
Suddenly, a sonorous and powerful shout came!That was the voice of Chris urging his life!
"My lord! There are documents that need your signature!"

Usually when I hear this shout, my wallet is tight!And now, how sweet the cry is!Even saved his own life: "Chris! I'm coming!"

In order to show that he is a conscientious lord, Ted put his hand on the girl's shoulder and said solemnly: "Ma'am, you must study hard and make progress every day. Don't always think about men. There are many better things waiting for you in the world than men." ! For example, the stars in the sky and the forest on the ground~ are waiting for you to explore!"

After speaking, Ted smiled and took out a copy of "Geology" and put it in the girl's hand, then hurried away.

"Could it be that adults like women who understand geography?" The girl seemed to have found a new goal while holding the book and guessing.

Back at the Lord's Mansion, Ted came to the office, and Chris had been waiting for a long time with the documents in his arms.

"My lord, here are a few documents that you have to look over, and these need to be signed"

"Wait. Chris, before I go to work, I want to ask you a question."

Chris is busy with all the tasks for today, and he is still idle, why not solve the problems for the lord! "My lord, please tell, I know everything!"

"Ahem. Housekeeper, you know why some citizens always introduce their daughters to me. I'm sure they know that I'm registered for marriage, but the wedding is not held. There are shops and taverns in the city, and there will always be girls who come to find me. My trouble! Like just now, if you hadn't called me, I still don't know what excuse I would use to get rid of 'trouble'!"


"I call him trouble, but another way of saying it is 'Aventure'!" Ted didn't think it was a good thing. In his previous life, he might have looked forward to it every day, but now, too many 'Aventures' It became troublesome.

Whenever I rejected them, those people's sad and self-doubting eyes always made Ted feel apologetic.

Hearing this, Chris understood Ted's troubles, and then he opened his arms and made a helpless gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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