Duke of Herrington

Chapter 20 The Black History of the Empire

Chapter 20 The Black History of the Empire
"My lord, you are a hereditary nobleman. As long as you are still alive, this kind of thing will come to you one after another! According to the tradition of the empire, you should accept and support them, so that you can be called a 'hereditary nobleman'!"

Ted thought that the monogamy of the religious nobles in the Middle Ages was at the forefront of the system, but he didn't expect that they would do this in private and it would become a tradition? "Where is this all? Do I have to accept it?"

"My lord, no one said you have to accept it, but you shouldn't refuse a beautiful woman's invitation to a true love ceremony~ People go crazy for love, and you have to indulge more or less."

"What ceremony?"

Chris stood up, walked slowly to the window, and explained: "It's a euphemism, and you know the specific meaning."

"Ah this!"

"Don't be surprised, I have a history of your ancestors, I'll explain it to you." As he spoke, Chris took out a notebook from his satchel, flipped forward a few pages, pointed at the record and looked at Ted.

"My lord, the last time the northern border reduced taxes, it was only 5.00%! It made your ancestors have 1 times of 'trouble' in one year." Chris changed some words to suit Ted's thoughts.

"In the eyes of most nobles, 'trouble' is a kind of gift to women, and it is also a 'tribute' prepared by the common people to give back to the noble lords. After the trouble, the nobles usually support them. The common people who could not afford to eat The family will even be proud of such a promising daughter, because the rewards given by the nobles are enough to feed the whole family!"

Hearing this, Ted frowned, human imagination is always not enough, his ancestors are so bad?Throwing morality into the sewer for selfish desire: "Unexpectedly, the ancestors actually"

"My lord, listen to me first. You have rejected 49 times this week, and with the one just now, it is 50 times. From this data alone, you are 'more respected' than all your ancestors."

Ted leaned on the chair helplessly, raised his hand and complained: "I'd rather not be so respected, it makes me feel uncomfortable!"

"My lord, you were indeed not respected at the beginning. After you distributed the food, the first leaders hid their daughters at home for a period of time, and they didn't let them out until a few days later."

The more Ted listened, the more confused he became. Chris's ability to observe was terrible, and he couldn't guess it at all, nor could he see the true psychology of the people around him, so he had to ask for advice: "Why is this?"

"Small favors and small favors will make 'trouble' come to you, but such a big favor has never been seen before, and probably will never come again, everyone! People are panicking, they think you are going to re-promote the 'right of the first night' that has been abolished for many years. That's not it That's a good thing! At that time, children as young as three years old and old people as old as 180 years old will hardly escape your clutches!"

Such an explanation made Ted want to cry, he had never had such an idea, not at all!He's just a bit of a collection hobby, but he also collects girls of different races, and won't waste time on a single race!
"Am I like that kind of person? I only want to lead the people and spend my wealth to feed them, but they doubt me so much?"

"No, my lord, they are afraid. After all, these things have happened in history. And most of the executors are well-dressed, clean-eyed and handsome hereditary nobles like you, so according to most people's From the point of view, you should be abnormal, even to the point of being pathological!"

"But fortunately, these are 'ifs' and not facts. Now the citizens know that you are a good lord and worthy of respect."

"." Ted was dumbfounded. He couldn't tell whether Chris was joking, comforting himself, or stating the facts. "Is it a mistake to be upright, handsome and clean?"

"My lord, you can take a look at the history of the aristocracy of the empire. The content inside is all about a collection of desires and rights. People like you have never existed! It is simply a clear stream of the aristocrats of the empire. There is no love, love Clean, full of fragrance, loving wife and people, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are Jesus alive!"


Chris closed the book, and slowly turned to look at Ted: "My lord, in other parts of the empire, it is a very common thing to rob people's daughters. In order to satisfy their own pathological desires, the nobles will do any unreasonable things. ! As long as the boss is on top, even mothers, wives, daughters, or cousins ​​are hard to escape, not to mention insignificant civilians~”

Listening to Chris's continuation, Ted couldn't help clenching his fists. He didn't expect things to be so bad!Moral collapse is not a good thing. When people's desires are infinitely magnified, uncontrolled will make the whole country fall into the abyss: "Don't they feel guilty about it?"

"My lord." Chris opened the bag, took out a crumpled paper coupon from the bag and put it on Ted's desk: "As long as you buy the church's indulgence, any sin can be forgiven! The law governs, but the nobles have indulgences~"

"My God!" Ted was stunned. He should have thought that there would be such unreliable things in this world. Use a piece of worthless paper to paralyze yourself, and the evil will break out of the cage. In the end, everyone will become Zhang San!

"It seems that we have an obligation to pass on better values ​​to the people"

"My lord, it is a good thing that you have such an idea, but we should not act too hastily. We are just a poor and weak noble in a corner of the border, with only 60 people. There is no way to overthrow the entire empire. The most urgent task is to increase productivity and arm ourselves!"

Hearing these words, Ted was stunned, he stood up slowly, looked at the man in ancient clothes in front of him, and suddenly had a modern sense of intimacy.

In just a few days, his way of thinking has completely changed.

"It seems that the book has helped you a lot, Chris~"

"Of course~ And now, I can do things with peace of mind, because your ideas and self-control are far superior to all nobles! At least I don't have to push your illegitimate child into the water to drown"

Ted doesn't know how to deal with these dirty things, but the housekeeper in front of him, as a family vassal for generations, knows these things very well~ It's not troublesome to ask them: "What's going on?"

When the matter was mentioned here, Chris sighed, opened the book, and found a string of cold numbers: "My father, for your father, drowned 162 babies with his own hands, and they are all your father's illegitimate children. female"

Ted's three views have been shaken to pieces, and he doesn't mind breaking it a little more: "You mean, I used to have 162 brothers and sisters?"

"My lord, according to the imperial tradition, they are not considered your brothers and sisters. Your brothers and sisters only come from your parents. As for those illegitimate children, they should not come to this world, so they will be drowned."

"Okay. I know that I will read these documents, and you can take them away tomorrow morning." Today's conversations made Ted more determined to change the empire. He didn't want to hear Chris tell the dirty history of the nobles. up.
"No problem, my lord, I will always solve your problems, please rest assured~" Chris closed the curtains and walked out of the office slowly.

If you want to change, you have to completely change your thinking!First mission!It is to eliminate the cancer of the church.


[Congratulations to the host, unlocking the first main mission in this continent!
The first stage: Change the thoughts of the people in the territory!

Reward: Shop Add-on: Pets!

ps: After completing the first stage, you can buy pets and pet supplies in the mall! 】

"Finally... I have passed the novice period, and I have a clue about the main mission!" Ted picked up the pen on the table, opened the file and flipped through it.
The successive missions ignited his fighting spirit again!
Now, let the citizens eat meat, egg and milk first!Then solve the problem of elf refugees!

It's just that Ted still wants to complain about the system.
Tasks and so on, all rely on chance encounters and accidents, or rely on imagination, I have no initiative at all!
The thought flashed by, and the system seemed to have received this signal, and immediately popped up a line of words, mocking Ted: "Life is full of surprises, and your embarrassment will be recorded by the Time Management Bureau~ Please don't be shy!"


This line gave Ted a new idea: If the future technology reaches a certain height and breaks through the barrier of time, I can go to the parallel world
It's okay to think here~
However, a strange idea came out of nowhere: If I found myself in a parallel world, if I was still a woman. Am I
(End of this chapter)

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