Duke of Herrington

Chapter 198 Waves Empire...

Chapter 198 Waves Empire
Above the city wall, Ted took out a few cans of iced Coke from his pocket, distributed them to the people around him, took one of the cans by the way, and came to Steve: "Steve! Here!"

"Thank you~ what else can we do now?"

Ted leaned against the wall and sat down with a smile: "It's nothing, I just want to tell you, hurry up and let other nobles dispatch troops, once the war in the west starts, the Huck Empire in the south will cooperate with the goblins to attack us." To jointly launch an attack, I think it is better for us to prepare in advance! If we make a defensive posture, they will not dare to attack! According to the confessions of the emperor of the Southern Empire and the captives we captured, the situation is indeed not optimistic! If we act late, I am afraid Something is going to happen."

Steve didn't take the enemies in the south seriously at all, even the Western Empire, he didn't take it seriously: "We have tanks and armored vehicles! There are also bombers and cannons! There are also many infantry with firearms! More powerful Logistics! The food produced can feed the entire continent!"

Once a person has the ability, he will scoop it up, and Steve is the same. Even if this arrogance does not kill him, Ted would like to remind him a little: "Having said that, but we should not use excessive violence against the South."

"how do I say this?"

"We belonged to an empire, it was just an accident 3000 years ago."

"Yeah, that's right"

Ted does not deny that he is powerful, but he has his own plans.
Once the war starts again, no matter what the outcome of the war is, the contradictions between the ruling class will definitely be transferred to the bottom class. In addition, the people at the bottom are not very smart, and they will definitely be brainwashed by the people above.
Even if Xueman wins the war in the end, the people in the south will still have grievances!
The Xueman Empire in the north, and the Huck Empire in the south, were one country thousands of years ago, but they split into two countries only because the First Prince and the Second Prince had disagreements in certain aspects.

Everyone knows this, but when the two armies confront each other, they don't think about it.
If you want to subdue Huck, you must think of some effective means!

According to the intelligence of the captives, the hatred of the people in the south towards the intruder goblins is far greater than that of Xueman who 'used to be a family'!

At first, the power of the media can be used to brainwash the grassroots people, artificially replacing the content of the imperial rulers brainwashing the local people!You can start the 'infiltration' plan!
For example, the conflict between the people of the southern empire and some nobles, from the south and the north, and the south and the goblins, to the people of the south and the rulers of the south and the goblins!
Next, just eliminate the goblins occupying the southern territory for the southern people!
The status of the Xueman Empire in the hearts of the southern people will definitely surpass that group of inactive nobles and royal families!
After that, as long as the means of propaganda are used, Xiaozhi will use emotion to reason, and use the "technological difference" and "information difference" to promote the argument of "one country", and intentionally direct the contradiction to the southern ruling class!

And tell the people that it is because of the incompetence of the southern rulers!This is what caused today's situation!As long as you support Xueman's 'orthodox royal family', you can have land!There are chickens!From then on, live a life without worrying about eating and drinking!
During the brainwashing period, some "humanitarian aid materials" will be distributed in a matching manner to attract a large number of melon-eating people who don't know the truth!

As long as a group of people believed in this, then they could accept some southern refugees at the border to supplement the large labor gap caused by the famine in the Snowman Empire.

With such a beginning, more and more people will believe in it!
At that time, dealing with a country full of internal conflicts will be several times easier than dealing with a country that hates Xueman!
But these "time-consuming and labor-intensive" actions are limited to dealing with the southern empire, and strengthening the military operations in the south only makes them give up the opportunity to try and provide a platform for infiltration work.

After all, we were all one family thousands of years ago!There's no need to tear your skin apart and kill them all!
Once upon a time, the north and the south lived in harmony, the huge empire was invincible in the world, and the neighboring countries from the west and the sea all surrendered at the feet of giants!The state-run chamber of commerce runs north and south, and the cities and villages complement each other and play their due role!The strength is far stronger than today!
Take the first step to unify Nok Continent, unify Xueman!The second step is to get back all the territory of the former empire!
As for the enemies from the west who took advantage of the gap, there is only one result!
If the North and the South used to be a family, even if they fight to the death, it is only a conflict between their own brothers, but the west is an outsider!
Regardless of the outcome of the war with the west, the people of the two ethnic groups will never have the possibility of peace.
In order to prevent civil strife in the future and prevent the alliance from falling apart, there are two ways right now!
One, is to kill them all!But this one is obviously unrealistic
Another way is to get rid of all the aristocratic and royal families in the west, implement a policy of ignoring the people, and brainwash them with the Sun God Sect, so that they will not only farm and herd, but also worship the Sun God. Through long-term brainwashing after the war, the contradictions will be dumped To the slain nobles!And gradually squeeze their living space, compressing them into a minority!
Finally, the enclosure is protected.

Even with such a reserved method, there are a bit too many people to kill
But for the future of Nok Continent, it is worth sacrificing some unscrupulous nobles sometimes!
After explaining this to Steve, Ted was also tired, and he drank the Coke in his hand: "Steve, do you want to take a break?"

Compared to his father, who 'continues to play music and continues to dance', Steve is still responsible for the country, he will not rest at such a time!He also has to enjoy the joy of "the imperial conquest"!So he pretended to be angry and said: "Take a break! Others are coming! We must not fight back? When will the troops you call arrive! Let's go directly! Push to the opposite imperial capital!"

Ted doesn't intend to pour cold water on it. Now, the country needs a little morale: "The idea is commendable, and it can be acted on, but what is the name of the empire in the west?"

"West...? Let me think about it. It should be the Wave Empire. I can't remember clearly after a long time, but it should be them!"

"Oh?" Ted almost laughed out loud at the familiar name. But he doesn't have a beard, let alone a dictator, but what should be done is still to be done: "In this case, we will Inside, take down the entire Wave Empire!"

Take advantage of the advantages of mechanized troops to destroy the head of the enemy country in the shortest time, and then divide and gradually eat away!Use the existing advanced tactical system and superior mobile forces to defeat the enemy in the shortest time.

it's not difficult
But when Steve heard that it only took one month, he thought that Ted had said something wrong: "One month? Isn't that an exaggeration? Even if you have a large number of mechanized troops in your hands, it is difficult to defeat them in one month! You know , the land of the Western Empire is almost the same as Xueman!"

Seeing that Steve didn't believe himself, Ted smiled and took out a chocolate energy bar from his pocket and handed it to him: "Why don't we make a bet? How about it?"

"What are you gambling?"


Steve would be looking forward to Ted's bet, but Ted really doesn't know what he wants, because he doesn't like antiques, nor does he like art calligraphy and paintings.
Beauty or something, already has several wives, both human and non-human.
so.he made a mistake
"How about taking a big gamble?" Steve proposed with a smile.

"How big? What about it?"

"If I win, you'll have to send me a big private jet! The one with the toilet!"

This is not an excessive request, even for now, it is not difficult: "That's it? Look at your talent! I can send you off now!"

"Then I don't care, just take him as a bet now! If I lose, I will promise you one request!"

After thinking about it, Ted still came up with an important thing, which is related to the future situation of the empire! "A request? Then I have to think about it. How about this!? If I finish the Western Empire within a month, you have to persuade your father to abdicate!"

Steve was at a loss, obviously he didn't study hard when he was young: "I'm not about to ascend the throne right away? Is there still a need for him to abdicate?"

Ted shook his head. He guessed that Steve was not very clear about the royal regulations: "According to tradition, you are right! But according to the law, if the previous ruler is still alive, he has to sign the rebate, Otherwise, you will have to return the throne, and if you do not return it, it will be tantamount to treason."

"Then can I amend this law as soon as I come to power?"

After learning about this incident, Steve's first thought was not why Dad was alive, but how to avoid trouble. This is a kind of progress.!

"Well, yes, it is possible, but there is a premise, you are not satisfied now"

"What premise?"

"??? Please! Are you a member of the royal family? Or am I!? Don't tell me, you need an outsider to tell you the laws of the royal family!"

"Uh, I really don't know"

Ted took out the manual with a kind face and pointed it out to him: "Look, this is a core clause. You need at least three princes over the age of 3 as heirs before you can propose it. After that, you need the support of more than half of the nobles."

"A matter of the royal family? Do you still need the support of the nobles?"

"if not!?"

"Okay. I agree! But what if there is an accident and nobles interfere?"

"Don't worry, there won't be any. They may use your kindness for profit and power, but they definitely dare not oppose me."

"Hiss, you are ruthless!"

"What's so cruel? I just put them under house arrest, and I don't intend to kill them"

"That's cruel enough!"

"All right."

(End of this chapter)

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