Duke of Herrington

Chapter 199 A Brief Respite

Chapter 199 A Brief Respite

Steve and Ted have discussed it, and the next plan is perfect. As long as everything is carried out step by step, there will be no accidents.
It's just that someone next to him came to his senses, he leaned over and pointed at himself as if to remind them.
As a warlike second prince, when he heard that he was going to fight against the Wave Empire, he had already written a military deployment document, and was going to go out with him to cause trouble!

As a veteran who has been in the army for many years, as long as there is a battle, he will not care about other things!

These days, whether it is from what I have seen or heard, or from hearsay!Galen roughly guessed that Ted would definitely not worry about logistics supplies!
Now that he doesn't have to worry about supplies, he can let go!He dared to say that even without firearms, with cold weapons and cavalry, he could defeat the Western Empire!
Seeing the two people in front of him staring at him stupidly, Galen took half a step forward tactically and asked, "Hey! You two have finished chatting and made a plan, what about me?"

Ted responded with a shrug. "You? How about housekeeping?"

After fighting for so many years, Galen has never stayed at home: "What!? You went out to fight? Leave me at home? Is this plausible?"

The guardian of the house has another candidate. I say this just to set Galen up and let him learn the necessary knowledge: "What's so outrageous about this? Do you know anything about modern war command? Know how to command infantry to fight against the enemy?" Enemy ten times bigger than yourself? How to make mechanized troops more efficient? Do you understand? I don’t understand anything! I don’t trust you to hand over my troops.”

These words are very reasonable, but Galen still doesn't give up. Since he can't command the modern army, he can try to ask for equipment: "Then do you have any spare equipment? I will use it to arm my troops. When is the time to go to the front line to fight?"

Ted shook his head, picked up the weapon behind him and said with a smile, "Do you think it's possible? Untrained soldiers die from gunfire before they see the enemy when they pick up their weapons. Play yourself to death!"

"It's just a pariah, if you die, you die!"

It is not easy for this member of the royal family to understand the truth that water can carry a boat and capsize it. Moreover, there has been no case of water capsizing a boat for so many years.

Therefore, Ted could only cut in from a different angle: "Galen, think about it, this weapon is far more deadly than a bow and crossbow, and it is full of uncertainties if it is used by people who have not undergone systematic training." ! If it was replaced by a bad-tempered illiterate person, he might point a weapon at you!"

Such worries are very reasonable, the second prince doesn't want to be blackmailed and die at the hands of his own people!Besides, most of his men are conscripts and captured coolies, there are no volunteers at all!
Under the trend of internal conflicts, it is easy to be killed by former subordinates: "It makes sense! But what do you mean by the second half of the sentence? According to you, you need to be literate with a gun?"

Ted raised his hand, wiped off the sweat on his chin, and pointed to the surroundings: "It is reasonable to say that it is not necessary, but everyone in our northern army is literate and knows how to coordinate tactics. Reading and writing is just a common skill for them!"

As a prince, he knows exactly what it means to have a large number of combat-literate soldiers.
What's more, these soldiers still have such a deadly weapon in their hands!
When encountering the enemy, their ability to resist pressure and combat ability will allow them to gain the upper hand with one enemy and ten.

"Then let me just ask, what is your literacy rate? I guess it must be more than half?"

Ted still had that superficial smile on his face, pretending to be a B, and said with a smile: "The last count was 90%, and the remaining [-]% are babies who haven't been weaned yet."

"Hiss..." After hearing such an introduction, Galen gasped, feeling incredible!

Driven by curiosity, he asked, "How did you do it?"

"How to do it? It's actually not difficult. I just gave them something to eat when they were starving to death. In return, they have to learn to read and write. If they don't learn and eat my food, then they don't give them food." My face."

At first, it was not what Ted said, and he just borrowed the reason that the common people thought
Looking at Ted's appearance, Galen's goal is half achieved!So, he brought up his own affairs again, and returned to the topic bluntly: "You are also good enough! But I can't just stay idle at home, can I? I have to do something!"

After thinking about it, Ted still plans to test the strength of No. 2 tool man, and pull him out to see if he is really powerful or a fake NB!

"How about this, then you will be an accompanying 'battlefield observer', learn tactical theory, and how to use weapons, practice is always faster than textbooks! Since you are so willing to fight, then I will give you a chance! From now on In the end, we will fight all the time, from this continent to the whole world! As long as you follow the rules and don’t make trouble for me, I will fulfill you! Before that, I still have a few rules.”

"no problem!"

"I haven't said the conditions yet"

"No need! If you want the status of my prince, I can give it to you now! As long as it allows me to fight! Anything!"

"Come on, stop talking nonsense! If you want to join in the fun, learn this booklet first!"

"what is this?"

"Just watch it!"

Taking advantage of the time when the eldest prince was fighting with foreign enemies, the imperial city got a chance to breathe!

Now, as long as the fortifications are done before the First Prince's troops are exhausted, that's all.

It's just that this wooden frame and mud wall is useless no matter how it is strengthened. It can withstand more than a dozen impacts, but it is only a matter of time before it is breached.

As long as you hit it with a car for half an hour, the city wall will collapse!

Right now, there is only one way to strengthen the defense!
That is to take out the mines and bury some surprises
The Airborne Corps doesn't carry many landmines, so it's enough for emergencies
A few hundred is enough to weaken the attack strength of their vanguard.

Besides, the enemy would not be so stupid as to ride a Triceratops into the city wall. Even if the city wall was not strong, worse than a tofu project, it could still block a wave of charges.

At that time, the first wave of corpses in the front row can become an obstacle to prevent the enemy from advancing.

In addition, the corpses that were all over the battlefield just now can also hinder certain attacks.

But these are just delays, and there is no way to put the enemy in an offensive situation.

After a few hours.
The plane flew back and dropped more than 90 tons of supplies.

Accompanied by two aerial gunboats loaded with ammunition and fuel, they can overlook the entire battlefield from the sky and provide fire support at any time.

It was getting late, and Ted didn't light up the imperial city, but took three oversized searchlights from Viscount Tomato and hung them on the city wall to stand by.

This thing was originally used to find planes at night, but now there are no planes. Giant bats rely on ultrasonic waves to identify directions at night. The animals retreated in spite of the difficulties!

At night, Ted went to the rear to take inventory, leaving Steve and Galen behind.

Just when the two were about to doze off, everyone heard sparse noises from a distance, and Steve immediately put on night vision goggles to observe the situation in the distance.
"Hmm! The First Prince's troops have been wiped out, and the rest of them are also fleeing. Andy should be in the sturdy carriage at the farthest distance."

Galen was confused, looking at Steve, who knew nothing about the military, and wanted to greet his whole family anxiously, but since they were all family members, he could only hold back: "Hey, forget about Andy, he is now A bare-bones commander, let's see what the enemy is doing!"

"The enemy... didn't choose to attack, but stayed in place and set up camp. They just sent some scouts to check the situation first."

"It's easy! You can just kill it. The enemy's long-distance attack relies on one breath. After the battle with the First Prince, the breath is gone! It's already the end of the battle! If you rush to attack the city at night, it's tantamount to courting death! However, since they If they don’t choose to attack the city and wait until tomorrow, their accumulated advantages will be reduced by half! We will also slow down! This can only be regarded as an ordinary general!”

It's interesting to answer like this, at least Steve thinks so: "Oh? It seems that second brother, you have a very good view on military strategy!"

"What? You understand too?"

"I don't understand, but I have heard it, and I can feel that what you said is not a joke"

Before Galen could speak, Ted led the soldiers back to the city wall: "Hey! You two stop first, what's going on outside!?"

Galen didn't know there was something on his helmet, so he reprimanded strangely: "I don't know, I can't see clearly!"

Ted shook his head, raised his hand and gently pulled the night vision goggle off Galen's head, and clicked the switch: "I said I need to learn, but you still don't believe it?"

"Hey! This thing is good! It's like daytime! It's just a little green"

"Stop making trouble, what's the situation outside?" Ted already knew the situation outside, and he just wanted to test Galen and conduct a small test.

"My Kangkang is generally fine. They need to rest after a long journey. The beasts are already tired and lying down, and the people are no better. If I were the commander of the enemy army, I would definitely lead the troops to carry out small-scale night raids. The exhaustion of a small number of people is exchanged for the fear of the enemy all night! It is a pity that the enemy generals are not smart, and we can see that the night is like the day! Hehehe."

"Well, I see!" After finishing speaking, Ted picked up the walkie-talkie: "Attention scouts, you take turns to watch the night, let other soldiers rest, and if you see the enemy, try to use a crossbow to deal with it! A thousand-pound winch crossbow is at this distance , killing a few unarmored night walkers is still no problem!"

"No problem, we will never startle the enemy! We will definitely make the enemy come and go, but if they step on a landmine."

"Then you can take out your trumpet and mock them!"


After dealing with the city, it's the enemy's turn to sleep well
"Is Joseph there? Give them a Molotov cocktail!"

"It's ready, ready to attack at any time!"

"Go and do something now!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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