Duke of Herrington

Chapter 34 The Qualities of the Queen of the Sea!

Chapter 34 The Qualities of the Queen of the Sea!

At night, just as agreed in the evening, the Queen of the Sea brought Chris to the outside of Steve's bedroom, preparing to collect the prince's handle for the northern border.

To Neptune's surprise, Chris was only talking about work along the way. No matter how Neptune changed the subject, it was useless. Chris was still talking about work on his own. By the way, he took out a hundred gold coins and put them in Neptune's hands: "In a while, I have to take a few close-ups. I'd better let me take pictures of the prince's face!"

"No problem! Big~man~" Neptune said while twisting his body, Brother Su was half-showing trying to charm Chris!

However, Chris still talked about work and turned a blind eye to this behavior: "It's okay, the money is given to you by the lord, as a reward for your willingness to donate your personal portrait rights for the safety of the northern border, and! These photos we It will definitely not be shown to others, but will be recorded in the archives as evidence!"

"I see, my lord~" Others would more or less respond to Aquaman's small movements, but Chris didn't respond at all, not even a little bit!Neither!His body temperature breathing is completely normal!No matter how arrogant and cheap I am, the butler in front of me is like a stone.
Even Neptune himself was dumbfounded. He began to doubt life: "How does this kind of person have a wife and children? Could it be given by their God?"

In fact, Chris was thinking about something else, and this 'something else' did attract him more than desire!

He is counting the grain production and the benefits in the north after spring every day. In his opinion, nothing is more important than money!
Women or something, white thighs, milky white Xuezi, no matter how delicate the skin is, there will be a day of aging!
And the shiny gold, even if thousands of years have passed, will not leave a trace of the scars of the years!It will still be in a corner, waiting for the moment to be discovered!
The passion between men and women is short-lived, but gold is eternal!
From collisions between stars, to supernovas that end their lives in explosions!How can this brilliance from the stars be comparable to a female carbon-based creature?
Even if Aquaman stood naked in front of Chris, he would not have any reaction!He just smiled contemptuously, and continued to pick up the gold and enjoy the joy of counting money!
Humanoid creatures are likely to betray Chris, even wives and children, there will be a day when they change their minds!But silver coins will not!Gold will not!
They will only accompany you quietly, help you through difficult times, and share weal and woe with you!

Beside her, the female sea queen is still making small movements endlessly, trying to make Chris pay attention to herself!
Before the start of the mission, Chris turned on the camera to focus, but found that his eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers, but he couldn't see clearly!
So he took the initiative to hold Neptune, and whispered in her ear: "Wait! It's so dark now, the camera won't work!"

"Don't worry~ this won't trouble me, don't forget that we can do magic!" Neptune bit his lips, untied the coat covering his body, pushed Chris away rudely, and then ran across his face with his fingertips, Throwing a lewd wink at him.

This time, she used ten layers of skill, and even made a magic in her hand, which made her skin emit a faint halo to stimulate hormone secretion.
If it were any man, even if he didn't pee his pants on the spot, he would probably have to react a bit.
But when Chris saw this, a strange idea appeared in his mind
"If we hire some beauties from the elves, after we develop televisions or computers, let them live broadcast the leeks of the dogs, wouldn't it be a lot of money!? This ability can be used to make movies, do special effects, or go to the circus A troupe performance! Don’t you count the money until you lose your hands? I’m such a good money maker!”

"Hehehe, finally took the money and slammed it on those scientists, and then ordered them to build me a hundred satellites! Hehehe money. Cool!"

The Queen of the Sea was stunned, she could tell that Chris in front of her was very happy, but judging from her eyes, she was definitely not happy because of herself!
"Forget it. Don't think about it, let's finish scoring this one first~"

Gently pushed open the door, approached Steve lightly according to his own standard routine, and threw a piece of clothing away, so that the warm fluorescent light gradually appeared on the skin surface and slowly bloomed in the darkness.

Like the mysterious wild flowers in the mountains and forests, it attracts the confused people passing by.
People like Steve from the imperial capital have never seen such a scene before!Covering his head with his hands and covering his face, he sighed in surprise, "OMG, OMG! I didn't expect you to be able to do this!"

"What?" Aquaman didn't hesitate at all. After taking away the prince's soul, he used the atmosphere to transform into a pair of beautiful fluorescent butterfly wings. The looming beauty raised the hormones in the house to another level: "Do you like it?"

Steve was dumbfounded. Looking at the icy-skinned jade hands, he drooled in humiliation, which was even more exaggerated than a beast that hadn't eaten for three days!
He loves this way of playing!At the same time, the beast hiding in the well-dressed heart is ready to move, and the bottom line in the mind is completely destroyed. In front of the solemn wife, they respect each other like guests, but they have no passion, and their actions are the same every night.
And the sea king of the alien race in front of him, even the simple action of eating and drinking water, will make the prince forget to breathe!

At this moment, with no wife, no children, and no rules and regulations, his inner nature of clothes and beasts was fully exposed!
Steve stretched out his right hand to hug Neptune's slender waist, and replied, "I like it!"

"If you like it, then you say: You love me as much as you love your wife~"

Hesitating would lead to defeat. In order to please the Neptune in front of him, the prince responded immediately, fearing that he would be upset if he said it a second later: "I love you more than anything else. I don't want QTMD's wife and children!"

In my mind, I think of my wife who has loved me for many years, and the vows I made before!He looked in front of him again, and stared at this moon elf beauty who had dazzled him. Self-discipline and lust were constantly intertwined in his heart.
In the end, rationality was completely defeated.
Life!Sometimes it takes a little passion!
"Today! You are my wife!"

Outside the door, Chris shook his head, raised the camera in his hand, and sighed softly in his heart: "It would be great if I didn't want the money, give it all to me!"

During the whole process, Chris was completing the task without being disturbed by any other things, and even had spare energy to plan the use of this magical wing.
"This special effect can't be done even if it costs millions! It's worth 1000 million! Another huge sum of money saved! Hehehe. Small money."

The next morning.
Ted sat on a chair in Steve's bedroom and watched "Sociology" to enrich himself.

Not far away, on a soft and comfortable big bed, the queen of the sea was snuggling against Steve's chest, making the prince forget all his troubles, and compared with his previous life, he had never been so comfortable. Pass.

If Leonardo da Vinci were to paint this beautiful picture, it would definitely become a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation. The feeling shown by these two people is no different from that of a loving original couple
There was no trace of remorse on Steve's blissful face!Neptune's sweet smile, like a newlywed daughter-in-law, curled up next to Steve, attracting the man's desire to protect and possess.

The sun rose and gradually shone on Steve's face. He slowly opened his eyes and found that the person next to him was still the same person from last night. He smiled and stretched out his hand to gently touch the elf's pointed ears
A slight movement woke up Neptune, she lay on top of him, and gently stroked his beard with her nails
(End of this chapter)

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