Duke of Herrington

Chapter 33 Feast!meeting!

Chapter 33 Feast!meeting!
"Let me put it this way." Ted didn't want to answer directly, but returned the question to Da Vinci.

"If you were the lord of the northern border, would you let the people brave the heavy snow to cross the 120-kilometer-wide Gobi to deliver food to the south? You know, in this kind of weather, if you don't pay attention, you will get lost in the Gobi and eventually freeze to death
So ~ Sir Da Vinci, do you have the heart to sacrifice the lives of the people in charge to help other victims? "

Da Vinci stopped what he was doing, thought for a while with a not very bright mind, and gave an unreliable answer: "If this can pass through the Gobi and deliver supplies to the victims, I am willing! Even if it costs some The sacrifice is worth it!"

As soon as this answer came out, people around scoffed at it, and even Steve was surprised by this answer, which was a disgusting answer that the Virgin Mary and her grandmother could come up with.

"Oh, Sir Da Vinci, the radiance of your Virgin almost blinded me~" Ted leaned on the back and laughed, and the people around him also laughed.

"Let me analyze it for you from several aspects." Ted put down the cup in his hand, took a deep breath, and stared at the Virgin in front of him with a serious expression.
"Such a ridiculous thing, if you want to recruit volunteers, it is almost impossible. Besides, the north has always been at odds with other parts of the empire. You can only send troops to force civilians to cross the Gobi. According to the records of the past few years, through the Gobi The probability is only one-third, indicating that only one of the three caravans will reach the middle of the empire."

"At that time, you will not only have to bear the losses, but also compensate the pensions of the soldiers and civilian husbands. These expenses are enough to bring down any hereditary noble family. Based on this alone, no nobleman is willing to do it!"

"Even if your food is delivered! Counting the consumption on the road, the rest will be a drop in the bucket, and you will be ridiculed by the group of hungry people who are about to starve to death without any gratitude!"

Wang Duoyu dare not invest in such a ridiculous thing!

Dragging icebergs from the North Pole is understandable, but throwing people into snowdrifts to freeze to death, as long as you have a slightly normal mind, you won't do it.

Ted couldn't understand Sir Da Vinci's thoughts, and he didn't know what kind of childhood experience made him what he is today?
"Could it be that his mind was enlightened by a priest or a nun when he was young?" A strange thought flashed across
These never-heard words, as well as the contemptuous gazes of the people around him, made Da Vinci realize that something was wrong with him, so he didn't refute, but put down the things in his hand, waiting for Ted's next words.

"After that, your citizens will resent you. Tax evasion is just a trivial matter, and it may attract assassins to assassinate you. Because of your stupid actions, in peaceful times, children who should have fathers lost their lives. Fathers, wives lost husbands, etc."

"In the end, you ignore the opposition and continue to recruit civilian husbands! Then your leaders will rise up, break through the blockade of the guards with agricultural tools, and send you to the guillotine! Even if you were good at the beginning, it will turn into a bad thing in the end Son, there will only be one more stupid lord killed by the people in history, no one cares about your initial thoughts."

"At that time, you and your 60 soldiers will face the anger of 60 people. Dare I ask, can you swing your sword 60 times? Because on average, you have to kill [-] people. Besides, your soldiers are also people. They Will I still protect you?"

Ted drank half a glass of water with a smile, and continued: "I love my people, and I will not let them risk their lives to save strangers. In my eyes, they are my brothers and sisters, and their lives are more important. , I want them to live well, and I want to keep the best for my own people!"

Da Vinci was stunned, holding his chin and began to doubt his life, and pondered whether his past actions were reliable.

And Ted continued to fan the flames: "Aside from these things, even if you successfully delivered the food without any loss, then~ the lord of the hungry people, what will other marquises and dukes think of you, they will only think you are meddling, and then turn against you , will be proposed to vote by the emperor's nobles, and finally exiled on trumped-up charges~"

"Speaking of which, this is why, Sir Da Vinci, you are just a lord, not a hereditary noble, and you don't have your own territory, let alone a member of a certain hereditary noble. After all, the lives of the citizens are entrusted to you. Why don't you take them into slavery and live two more days, because sooner or later they will be killed by your growing heart!"

"You ignore the people around you, seek far away, and finally try your best but get nothing~"

"I will give you a famous saying from our northern border: Never do things that will only move you, but are actually useless."

"In our place, this kind of person is called B!"

The previous words were very serious. When Ted finished speaking the last word, everyone burst into laughter, blowing away the originally depressing atmosphere~
At the same time, the outstanding people who came to the banquet heard this, and they will definitely tell everyone what they saw and heard today when they go home!

Especially the phrase "my brothers and sisters" has never been heard before, and it is estimated that there will be no one to come~
Combined with recent events, these are not bragging!

Now, the treatment of the people in the north has reached a terrifying level!

If a foreigner comes to the north and experiences this kind of experience, he will have a meal as soon as he wakes up, and then he will sleep with Cuihua at home, and then he will sleep like a dead pig. If he returns to his hometown, he will not write an article "Peach Blossom Spring" Sorry for what I saw and heard!
According to historical experience, gossip is much more influential than the official right to speak. What Ted is doing now is to control the right to speak, whether it is official or gossip, he has to handle it with his own hands!
It won't be long before the image of him loving the people like a son will be widely spread, and the people's respect for him will rise to a higher level!

Ted's goal is to have [-]% of the excellent citizens who are loyal to him in the territory, [-]% of the ordinary citizens who blindly obey him, and [-]% of the fools!
Such a ratio of citizens will greatly improve social production efficiency, and will also allow the lord to gain unprecedented appeal, and it is even more for future development!

After the laughter around him faded away, Ted smiled back on his face, winked at the maid beside him, and then introduced: "Okay, I've talked so much about the heavy topic, it's time for the main course Yes! This is the traditional delicacy of our Herrington family, from the Edwardian Dynasty 2 years ago: Steak Herrington! Please try it~”

The next moment, gorgeously dressed beauties covered with translucent veils came to the guests with delicacies~
Compared with other maids, the dark elf woman in front of Steve has a fairy face, and her figure and temperament are completely in line with his aesthetics. Every movement, frown and smile is like a flying knife, piercing his heart.

Ted put down the chopsticks in his hand, turned his head and asked in a low voice: "Alice, what happened to the woman in front of the prince, I remember, there is no her here"

Alice trembled with her right hand, as if she saw something terrible, she reminded in a low voice: "My lord, it's like this, she belongs to our family. According to your words, she is called the Queen of the Sea. She is 622 years old this year. She only has one There are more than 2200 men with legs, and her hobby is hunting all kinds of handsome men, whether married or not, she will try! And she has never failed! Relying on her unique skills, she has broken up hundreds of families, even I was never wronged when I was captured as a slave."

Hearing this, Ted gasped, broke out in a cold sweat, and even scared the chopsticks out of his hand
Such an experienced female sea queen, it is estimated that every movement and every breath will draw out the soul of a man!
But~ thinking about it this way, I can take advantage of this opportunity to grab the prince's handle!

"My lord, you have to be careful, I have read the hunting target manual of this female sea queen, and you are one of them, code-named 2298"


What Alice said later made Ted dumbfounded. He thought he could take advantage of the prince with the help of the Queen of the Sea!Tell him to shut his mouth and stop talking nonsense.
Now it seems that the goal has been achieved, but it is difficult to protect itself!

Ted has antibodies against most women, but for this kind of billionaire male killer similar to Marilyn Monroe, his own resistance is not enough for her to stick between her teeth!
Suddenly, the queen of the sea noticed something, turned her head slowly, and threw out a hormonal admiration look!This sudden sharp look directly cut Ted's main artery.
"I'll go." Ted felt dizzy, short of breath, and an indescribable feeling was about to burst through his brain. "

"My lord, are you hot?" The caring Mia picked up a wet towel and quickly pasted it on Ted's face before he recovered
"My God! This skill. Thank you Mia!"

This feeling is scary, and I don't know if there is any way to prevent it: "This female sea queen is really half-old, and NB still exists, I really have to be careful!"

Ted is awake, but Steve is mesmerized, dizzy, with pink hearts in his eyes, and only the shadow of the female Aquaman in his pupils.

The next moment, he stood up like a brain twitch, and in a strange tone, he made up a reason: "Ahem, Mr. Earl, I remembered that I have something to bring to you, can you wait for me to pick it up?"

This is obviously being charmed!
It's just that no one cares about it, because human beings have a vague concept of magic, and they all think it's made up by adults to fool children
As for the magic of the moon elves, they just lamented the speed of growing vegetables!

Ted didn't have such a tricky idea, he just planned to get him drunk, and then asked some royal secrets, and the fairy dance was the worst plan.

But the plan didn't change quickly, and it seemed that she couldn't jump right now. The queen of the sea had chosen her hunting target. According to Alice's intention, and the performance of the prince, this was not acting, but a real thing.

Ted put down the tableware, stood up according to noble etiquette and made a gesture of invitation: "No problem, the dinner will last until midnight, you can look for it slowly~"

"I'll go back as soon as I go! It won't take long, soon~" Steve blushed, and left the banquet hall behind the female sea queen.

Now that the plan has changed, you have to grasp it!Ted winked at Chris and lip-synced: "Turn off the flash!"

This camera was bought by Ted in exchange for two trucks of boutique TT some time ago. In order to better record the changes in the city, it is necessary to have such a thing!You can also collect evidence by the way~
Chris nodded in agreement, took a notepad and left pretending to have something to do.

The rest should continue to eat and drink.

Da Vinci thought for a long time, and probably understood what Ted said, and he was indeed wrong
Chris followed Steve all the way to his bedroom.

Inside the room, the Queen of Seas pressed the prince against the wall, and whispered in a teasing voice in his ear: "I heard that you have a wife and children. It is said that you are a strict wife, aren't you afraid?"

"." Steve hesitated for a moment, then lost consciousness again within three seconds of waking up.

"It's okay~ my dear prince, I will let you experience the feeling of betraying your wife, even more subtle than the feeling of betraying God! From today until your wife finds out, as long as you behave well, I will always be Your love~"

The more self-disciplined and well-behaved a man is, the more he will become the target of Neptune. A traditional man like this forces him to break the rules, let him be presumptuous, trample on his vows and self-esteem, and finally be led by the nose, and then abandon his wife. My son, disperse all the wealth!

Especially when a good man kneels in front of his wife and repents, and touches Haiwang's house at night, that's what Haiwang enjoys.
Since then, the good man has turned bad
If you agree not to enter your life, it's just rhetoric, and if you don't tear your family apart in the end, don't let it go!

Meanwhile, Chris stood guard outside with his camera, flash off.

"Come~" Neptune hugged Steve tightly, and deliberately lay down on the big bed behind him.

After 7 seconds, Chris put away the camera and ran out of the building with question marks on his face.

"Wait a minute. It was an accident! I was so nervous! Yes! I haven't eaten yet! Give me another chance!"

"Okay ~ don't lock the door tonight."

When Chris returned to the banquet hall, Ted was stunned. Why didn't the housekeeper who had been working hard for many years come back like this instead of completing the task he had given him?
"My lord. That's it." After the butler explained the situation, Ted couldn't hold back and laughed
This incident will be his joke for a whole year: "Puff. 7 seconds? Are you sure? It turns out that the prince just said 'It won't take long, it will be soon' is not a joke. Hahaha."

When Steve also returned to the banquet hall, Ted suppressed his smile. He didn't dare to look at Steve directly. When he looked up, he seemed to see the number 7 hanging above his head, ready to count down.
After drinking a large glass of iced coconut juice, he calmed down, wiped off his smiling face and continued with the banquet.

"Come~ Your Royal Highness, since you are back, let's enjoy the traditional dance of our northern moon elves~"

In order to prove the lie, Prince Steve really brought a small gift, a royal dagger
Ted has no interest in this thing. It is not as good as a dagger in terms of portability, and it is not as good as a machete in terms of power. The positioning of this thing is very embarrassing.
"Ahem. No problem!" The prince, who entered the sage mode, looks serious like an emperor at the moment, but his majestic appearance is a little funny.

The banquet continued until midnight when everyone dispersed.

During the traditional dance of the moon elves, Ted holds Mia and Alice's little hands and admires them quietly.

It seems that the feeling of hugging left and right is very good?
After obtaining the consent of the Queen of the Sea, these photos became confidential documents in Ted's possession.

What would it be like for a man who is self-disciplined and caring for his family like the prince, if his wife finds out that he is stealing people outside?
It's just that Ted doesn't think Steve's wife will care much, after all, 7 seconds. It's not even enough time for a cup of tea.
(End of this chapter)

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