Chapter 32
"Please listen to my introduction first~" The contrived appearance of the person in charge was gradually accepted by everyone, and they even thought it was funny!

He still raised his heels and shrugged, then stretched out his hand and gently tugged at his collar, and took two steps forward, looking like a hotel manager who was asked by Duoyu to maintain a 'bold and uninhibited' attitude!
After finishing all this, for the demonstration, he sat on a toilet, pulled off a leaf of orchid in front of his face, and demonstrated it to everyone present, just like modern people wipe the filth.
When it was Steve's turn, the person in charge gently stopped him, took a pot of roses and put it in front of him, and said seriously: "Your Highness, your part has just suffered a catastrophe, and you need softer and more comfortable materials." !"

"Use her?" Looking at the blooming rose in front of him, Steve couldn't bear it, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke the soft rose petals. He said sadly: "I'm sorry, I can only sacrifice a little bit."

Steve closed his eyes in reluctance, gently took off the brightest large petals on the periphery, overlapped them, and gently scraped off the dirt on his body according to the instructions just now
The warm and comfortable petals pass across the broken skin without causing much pain, leaving only a faint floral fragrance to penetrate into the skin
At this moment, Steve cried for many years of constipation, he never thought that it was cured in the north
After the end, several people stood up and wanted to leave, but were stopped by the person in charge again.

"Guys, there is one more thing you haven't done"

"Oh?" The prince and his party looked at the person in charge in doubt. Everything he said was very funny, but it seemed to make sense!
"Restroom~! The restroom is called the restroom because you must wash your hands after going to the toilet! It is convenient to not wash your hands, and it is difficult to live to 199! In our northern border, washing hands is very important!"

"That's how it is!" Doing as the Romans do, several people took turns washing their hands with hand sanitizer, thoroughly washing off the last stain on their bodies.

In their spare time, the group even began to admire the power of language, expressing a place for excretion with such elegant words, and finally did not forget to remind everyone of the importance of hygiene!

The prince exclaimed in his heart: "High! Really high!"

The person in charge raised his hat and explained to everyone in a pretentious manner: "Now, everyone can go to sleep with peace of mind~"

"Hey~ Mr. Manager, what do you call the place where you sleep in the northern border?" Da Vinci joked. He was just joking and didn't expect a serious answer.

But this question surprised the person in charge, he stopped, turned his head to look at Da Vinci and exclaimed: "I didn't expect you to think of this!"

"What? Is there a vocabulary for this?" Steve was dumbfounded. Surprises are everywhere in the northern border. Not only is it clean and hygienic, but also its literary quality is not low!
"Of course! As a place to sleep, that's the most important thing! Our lord, call it 'Fantasy Land!' A fantasy land used to immerse yourself in dreams, no matter whether you are poor or rich, in the dreamland, everyone is equal! No matter what Is your dream a radiant positive energy, or a deep and dark fantasy"

"There, there is no difference!"

Such an amazing answer made the people around applaud and cheer. In just one day, they learned several new words, which are not only very practical, elegant, but also very philosophical!

"Not bad! Really good!"

At this moment, the few people seemed to have forgotten the scene of being humiliated during the day, and made up their minds to learn something in the north and bring it back to the imperial capital for use!

The next day, Ted held a banquet in his lord's mansion, and invited many outstanding citizens to come and count.

After all, there are only two aristocrats in the northern region, namely Herrington and his vassal Darkholm. It is a bit too shabby to hold a banquet like this.
So it's a good idea to invite enthusiastic and outstanding citizens to come!

In order to showcase the novelties of the North, Ted has changed the time to night again!By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to show off my newly bought lamps and add some dancing content.

As the new moon elves who joined the northern border, they also want to take this opportunity to show their tradition~
Several older moon elves quietly conveyed to Ted through Alice: they will present a traditional dance of the moon elves.
Ted has no reason to refuse, he is just showing off now, he just wants to Versailles in front of the fifth prince, such a beautiful and charming race is a member of the northern border, are you angry?

Then, get him drunk and ask questions or have a fairy dance!When the handle is revealed, I will hold him firmly in my hands!It would be even better if there are other love stories!After all, the fifth prince is a strict wife!As long as you get a handle, threaten him, and if you dare to talk nonsense, tell his wife and children!

This trick doesn't work for ordinary people, but it's especially effective for strict wives. Excessive sense of responsibility will even make him kneel in front of his wife and repent!

Indulgence coupons can be forgiven by God, but they cannot buy the sincerity of a wife!
At seven o'clock in the evening, the banquet started on time, and when the prince and Da Vinci came to the banquet hall, even the feeling of breathing was forgotten.
There were temporarily hired human women and elf maids standing around, and the two of them stared at a moon elf beauty with unique temperament almost at the same time.
And this elf with all kinds of charms, the prince always feels like he has seen it before.
"Two~ please take a seat!" It was still the funny person in charge, he pulled out the chair and urged the two to hurry up and take a seat.

After sitting down, the smell of food on the face diverted the eyes of the two of them.

The exquisite melon and fruit platter scared the two back tactically!The colorful colors are like poison, making Steve dare not speak at all!
At first, he could only eat what he knew first, and then he followed suit after others had eaten some fruits.

The appetizers are just some simple fruits and melons, but these two foreigners feel happy after eating them, just like the connoisseurs who are shocked by the food in the animation!
"You two, how are you doing in the north? Do you have any suggestions for our hospitality?"

"Mr. Earl, so far, it is very good. If it can be like this from the beginning, it will be great~" The prince swallowed the strawberry in his mouth, and was conquered by the slightly sweet and sour taste.
"Sir Da Vinci, do you have anything to say?" Ted put down his glass and looked at the young noble painter.

Ted sat at the host's seat, with Mia and Alice on the left and right. According to Sir Chris's suggestion, taking Alice with him would send a signal to all the dark elves, that is, the Lord Lord cares about everyone!By the way, prepare yourself to marry Alice~
Ted is also waiting for a further suggestion from Chris. As a lord, he can mess around, but he cannot marry a wife at will. The vassal family has to put forward constructive suggestions and issue a notice to the public
The content does not need to be complicated, just send a notice, for example, marrying the moon elves can make the people in the territory more united!For the long-term stability of the territory, the lord decided to marry another one!
Afterwards, Ted can borrow the donkey from the slope, and take Alice back home in a legitimate way!
Judging from their recent relationship, Mia and Alice shouldn't have any conflicts.
In addition, he is also looking forward to the wine that Alice stepped on with the first box of grapes in summer~
According to the tradition of the moon elves, women who step on grapes are not allowed to wash their feet for half a month before the start, and they have to wear thick and airtight boots, and insist on running for two hours every day, sweating and stacking buffs!Such a hard-working moon elf girl is qualified to step on grapes~
This is also because of the characteristics of the moon elves. Their women's sweat does not stink, but emits a natural fragrance. The more dark elves women do not take a bath, the greater the body odor will be!

Before, when Alice cried and threw herself into his arms, Ted smelled this fragrance. One sip on his head, two sips was equivalent to a bottle of vodka
This bodily fluid is exactly the same as the sperm whale feces. Whenever he thinks of it, Ted always imagines a group of moon elves sweating in the gym, and the fragrance is overflowing.
Using this kind of sweat and grape juice to produce wine, if a picture of a sexy moon elf stepping on grapes is pasted on the bottle, wouldn’t it be a profit?

"I can't wait." There was an evil voice lingering in my ears, "Why don't you just smell Alice's stinky feet. Smell the stinky feet! Smell the stinky feet! Smell the stinky feet. She's 19 years old this year! Reasonable and legal!"

"Huh" Ted took a deep breath to dispel the evil thoughts, and opened his eyes again!Now is a banquet, not the time to be crooked!
As for my own feelings for Alice. At this stage, it is indeed a desire for sex, a strong possessive desire that arises when encountering beautiful things!Belonging to the most naked and primitive desires, not as emotionally based as with Mia
But~ Feelings can be slowly cultivated in the future. In the tens of thousands of years of human history, there are not a few people who rely on sleeping to develop feelings. Besides, I am married to a medium, not secretly.
It's still the same old saying, whether it's delicious or not, eat first and then talk about it. It looks beautiful, even if it's a poisonous mushroom, you have to recognize it if you have a bad stomach!Anyway, I have resurrection coins, even if Alice poisons me, I will recognize it~
In the living room, Da Vinci put down the delicious food in his hands and thought of his own paintings. Some painful memories came to his mind, "My lord Earl, your hospitality is quite good. They are all foods that we have never seen before. It seems that the Northern Territory Very rich!"

"Just... I don't know how many people will die in the empire this winter. If the Earl is capable, why don't you help the people in other provinces of the empire? I heard that the food in the northern border will be distributed for free until next year's autumn harvest."

Ted was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that there was such a person among the nobles who was willing to consider the people. Could it be that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups?Like-minded people are attracted to each other?
"Sir Da Vinci's idea is really good. In the empire, there are fewer and fewer people who worry about the country and the people." Ted raised his cup, took a sip of coconut juice, and continued: "But your proposal I can't accept it"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"I am the lord of the northern border, and my primary task is the livelihood and development of the people in the north. I will only consider other people when I have spare energy."

Ted's wording was very ambiguous. Except for Chris, no one present knew whether he had spare strength.

"My lord, do you have the energy now?" Sir Da Vinci put down the things in his hands, and the radiance of the Virgin shone from his body bit by bit!

(End of this chapter)

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