Duke of Herrington

Chapter 36 Love!Korea!Silk!

Chapter 36 Love!Korea!Silk!
Early the next morning, Ted invited Alice to his home premeditatedly.

At the same time, he took Mia and sat in the bedroom to talk. Beside him~ Chris was recording with a document.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ted plucked up his courage, but still took Mia's hand tremblingly, put it in his palm and asked tentatively: "Mia, do you want to have a sister?"

Mia was at a loss, and didn't know what Ted wanted to express: "Multiple sisters? What do you mean? Could it be that I still have a sister in the orphanage?"

"This, it's not like this. Yes. I might be..." Ted hesitated and couldn't think of a keyword, and he couldn't come out when the words came to his mouth
Said to marry another?Doesn't that make you look like an asshole?
A soft and cute elf girl like Lisi, don't snatch her!Is it possible to make others cheaper?
Unlike other elves, Alice's ears are of a moderate size. Unlike some people, the ears can even be used as a fan to fan the wind, and her smell has been etched into the nerves by Ted!
After thinking about it, Ted could only bite the bullet and said: "Mia, you are my wife, so I must explain this matter clearly to you."

The next moment, a servant pushed open the door, followed the script instructions prepared by Chris, and softly reminded: "My lord, Miss Alice has arrived!"

When mentioning 'Alice', Ted deliberately showed Mia a complex expression and an attitude of refusal and welcome by taking advantage of the slope to get off the donkey.
Such an obvious thing, even if Mia is not deeply involved in the world, she should understand it!
"Your Excellency, do you really want to marry another one? But our law, and the commandments of the pope in the middle."

Ted was stunned. He thought Mia would refuse, or act coquettishly, but he didn't expect that she was thinking about the three of them together!
"Ahem. Mia~ We don't believe in God anymore! As for the local laws, I need to sign them~"

Hearing this, Mia touched her chin, overclocking her clever little head to think: "Is that so?"

In fact, she did not object to this idea, but some rules and regulations were restricting her thoughts, and now she was also trying to figure out how to make Alice stay.

She was only hostile to Alice at the beginning, but after a while, she found out that this good-looking girl from another race could also be used as a snack extractor and a confidant.
Mia's attitude changed 180 degrees.

Not only can Alice produce fruits and vegetables anytime and anywhere, but she can also cook good dishes. The little cakes she makes are simply delicious!
When she is sad, Alice will use magic to make Mia happy, and even hug the sentimental Mia tightly with open arms!Tell stories with a magnetic voice and channel bad thoughts!
If such a perfect big sister is cheap, others will lose her share in the delicious food, and when she is sad, there is no soft pillow. Wouldn't it be a loss of a few gold mines!
Thinking of the small cake and pillow that are about to go away, Mia seems to have figured it out!

Anyway, a good husband will definitely be tempted by the outside world, even if Ted doesn't provoke him, someone will come to harass him!

It is not uncommon for imperial nobles to steal people outside. If Ted doesn’t steal people today, it doesn’t mean he won’t in the future. Compared with mistresses all over the street and orphans abandoned in the sewers, agreeing with Ted’s ideas will save a lot of trouble.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is a perfect candidate in front of him!
That is good girlfriend Alice!
"I'm Mia~ I'm so smart!"

After thinking for a minute, Mia came back to her senses and made her first request to Ted! "grown ups."


"I have no objection to you marrying sister Alice, but I have a request!"

"Say~" Ted hugged Mia with one hand, and kept pinching her little cheek with the other hand. The soft and delicate feeling was exactly the same as the little milk cat's meat pad!
And the scent of jasmine always reminds me of Xiao Mi's cat litter in my previous life
"That is~ if you want to marry a wife in the future, my lord, you must obtain the consent of the current wives, and it must be unanimous! And! You can't forget your old love just because you married a new wife!"

"Mia! How can I not love you!? I forbid you to say such words! I will accompany you until the world is destroyed."

This answer warmed Mia's heart, and the love drove them to kiss each other.

Ted was dumbfounded to meet such a sensible wife!It is simply a gift from God!How could he not love her! ?
In order not to be seen what he thinks, he continues to enjoy the soft face!

If Zhenggong doesn't stop him, then he can boldly complete the illustrated book project with confidence?
"Hey hey hey! Mia, don't bite my lip! Whoops!"

"Hee hee~" Mia stepped back a foot, lying on the big bed and waiting quietly.

In order to conceal the joy in his heart, Ted took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, and coughed twice to signal for Alice to come in.

Three minutes later, it was just Ted and his two wives in the bedroom, and Chris, who was recording this.

At first, several people looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing how to start the conversation.
Until Mia spoke first: "Sister Alice, do you like Lord Herrington?"

"Huh?" Alice was stunned. She didn't expect Mia to ask so directly?Only then did she understand that the folk saying 'Northern women are bold' is not a lie
"I" Alice whispered, not knowing how to answer.
The lord who took in himself and his compatriots like this!There is also an excellent first impression of compassion, compassion, and kindness, which gave Alice the first fantasy of falling in love.

And Ted, after taking everyone in, he personally broke the curse that had imprisoned him for more than ten years!

The moment she broke the shackles, she fell in love with this handsome man.
Due to her psychological barrier and the embarrassment she had made in front of him, she didn't dare to bring it up first.

Only in the dark night, alone in the room holding the quilt to fantasize
If the lord can ask himself, the answer must be 'I am willing! '

Ted is not a fool, this thin layer of window paper needs to be pierced by himself.

He adjusted his emotions and stared at Alice with eyes full of love, causing her to bury her head shyly.

When the time comes!Ted reached out and raised Alice's chin, staring at her eyes: "Alice, look into my eyes!"

"It's my lord." According to Ted's words, she mustered up the courage to look directly at the man in front of her.

"Yes, that's it, just like Mia, look straight at me, don't run away!"

To encourage Alice, Mia clasped her hand and cheered her on.

"Alice, are you willing to marry me and be named Herrington from now on, and become my wife together with Mia?"

As soon as these words came out, Alice blushed and avoided Ted's gaze again, covering her blushing face with her small hands.
"Don't you want to?" Ted refused to let the shy and introverted girl go, moved forward a foot, put his left arm around Mia, and pulled Alice with his right hand.

Alice has never been exposed to this kind of thing, and she is not as bold as the women in the north. Such a situation made her nervous and sweating profusely.

A scent of sweat belonging to the moon elves came

"I do" Finally, Alice overcame the psychological barrier and answered with a voice as loud as a mosquito.
Now that he agreed, Ted stopped being polite, grabbed Alice, and hugged Mia into his broad arms.

"Alice, do you want to move in with me?"

"Hmm" was still a mosquito-like voice, and after answering, the smell of sweat on Alice's body became stronger.

At the same time, Chris beside him completed the recording and wrote in a notebook: "Ted, sexual orientation: female, normal!."

After finishing these, he packed up his things and left quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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