Duke of Herrington

Chapter 37 Sugar Mills and Canneries

Chapter 37 Sugar Mills and Canneries

In the early days of the Empire, and until now, the aristocracy has had a strange etiquette.

That's 'watching the ceremony'.
From the moment the nobles held their wedding ceremony until the next morning, no matter what they did, they would always be crowded with people eating melons!

In everyone's opinion, this is the only way to ensure that the child born belongs to the noble family, so that the noble blood can continue.

Moreover, when the child is born, these people will also come to see the child's face clearly at the first time, so as not to let people with ulterior motives replace the child.

So, Chris has just been logging
It's just that he knows some biological knowledge, and knows that "observing the ceremony" is not the only way to verify the purity of the blood, so it is the best way to leave in time wisely without disturbing Ted's elegant mood.

Now, there are only three people left in the room!
Ted still has a task in his hands that can be completed immediately!That is to unlock the love module.

Not for anything else, just to shield Neptune Vazina, let myself grow up safely, and then fall in love with the two beauties in front of me.

Just do it!Kiss the two first!I'll talk about the rest later!

Gathering up his courage, Ted looked at Alice in front of him in combination with the cool advertisements he saw when squatting on the toilet in his previous life: "Alice, since you agree, can I kiss you?"

"But I don't know how to do it yet," Alice answered courageously, but she was afraid that she could not do well.

"It's okay~!" Tedra smiled over Mia: "Then~ Mia and I will give you a demonstration first, shall we?"


"Come on~ Mia!"

"Come on!"

Immediately afterwards, the two had a sweet kiss in front of Alice.

This time, they let go of the embarrassment of first love and came to the period of passionate love!
Alice looked silly from the sidelines, she could feel happy just watching them kiss
In order not to cause bad things, and to prevent the hormone concentration from continuing to rise, the two kissed for only 1 minute and then stopped!It is the best choice to have a taste.

"Mia, how many strawberries have you eaten~"

"Hee hee hee~ Our kiss is strawberry flavored! Every time you eat strawberries in the future, you will recall my Mia's sweet kiss!"

In such a scene, Alice became more nervous, and the deer bumped into an alpaca.

At such a close distance, Ted could clearly hear her heartbeat! 'Plop plop' and that mosquito-like buzzing sound, and my breathing became short of breath!
Ted turned and looked at Alice: "It's our turn, Alice. Huh? Why is your face so red?"

Just now, when she watched the two kiss, she was really moved!A long list of memories flashed in my mind!

Those little brothers who I saw when I was young and went hunting with bows and arrows on their backs suddenly no longer look good!On the contrary, this gentle and strong nobleman in front of him is squeezing into his heart bit by bit!
The men of the elves are very cold, listening to the chats of the elders, even the most basic kissing has to be proposed by the women, usually without consent
I am so introverted, how can I have the courage to ask for a kiss from the opposite sex?And the active man in front of him not only knows that he is introverted, but is more willing to set an example so that he can experience a little happiness.

Such a man is more suitable for my appetite!
At this moment, Alice made up her mind that she must be an excellent wife like Mia!
"Huh..." She gradually closed her eyes, followed the feeling, grabbed Ted's face, pursed her lips little by little, and moved towards Ted.

Mia stayed aside, covering her mouth and holding her breath to prevent herself from laughing
Alice's action was like a seal holding a ball, her mouth was so high that her saliva flowed out.

Three seconds later, Alice felt that she had kissed something, but it didn't feel right
Ted reminds her awkwardly but politely: "Alice is my nose"

"Puff. Hahahaha!" Mia still couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing while spitting.

"Mia~" Ted reached out and tapped her forehead, signaling her to stop making trouble.

The way Alice shyly covered her face aroused Ted's desire to protect again!

He likes bold girls, like Mia, who can bravely express his love like no one else!

At the same time, he also wants an introverted and gentle wife!With a delicate appearance, facing the world shyly, knowing nothing, like a blank sheet of paper!And the only person who can walk into her heart is myself, so ~ I will act as a paintbrush and teach her everything bit by bit.
"It's okay, let's do it again, this time, don't close your eyes, but look at me, and close your eyes after confirming that you have kissed my lips, how about it?"

"Understood." Alice adjusted her mentality, mustered up her courage again, stared into Ted's eyes, and moved towards his face bit by bit

After all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the two finally succeeded in kissing. Ted dared to say that even the docking of the space station was not so strenuous~
Now!Ted is young this year, only 15 years old, but he got kisses from two girls. He can feel that people around him look at him differently!

"grown ups."


"Hey! Stop kissing!" Mia just remembered that there seems to be something to do today, and it's still a big deal!

"You two, don't forget, we still have tasks! You said that you have important matters to deal with! Take us with you!"

"Ahem." Ted picked up Alice and let her face into his arms!Such a quiet and introverted girl was so active just now, her face must turn red when she stops now!At this time, I should show my desire to protect and stuff her into my arms to give her a sense of security!

As for today's big event, it is to go to the sugar factory and the cannery to cut the ribbon. The first day of official operation, I and my wife must be present!

Just got a kiss from Alice, officially registered two wives, and the task is completed!
Plus the small factory opens!On the days when Duoxi is coming to the door, I have to go out and take two steps to have fun with the people!
"Didi, mission completed!"

[Unlock: Love Module!

The installation is complete!

Detecting female targets resisted by the host, does it filter out love? 】


[The filtering system is activated, the target of this filtering is: the female moon elf, Vazina]

After reading this line, Ted finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least he won't be charmed by this nasty Neptune next time.
"Didi! Excuse me, does the host need to enable the filter target for 'wives'? If it is successfully enabled, the filter target function will also be applied to 'wives'"

"Turn it on!" Ted didn't hesitate, and directly activated the effect on Mia and Alice.

Vadina, as a 600-year-old sea king, Ted doesn't believe that her partner is only male!
After all, there are more than 2000 partners and more than 600 years of experience. You are sure to be safe!

"Call us to change into a suit, we have to wear formal clothes to attend the event!"

"no problem!"

at the moment!The three need to change into a set of beautiful clothes to participate in the ribbon-cutting.

As a lord who loves his people like his son, the most important thing is to get closer to the people.

In other words, you can't dress too gorgeously to separate yourself from the crowd, and you can't dress too close to the crowd without majesty!
It is especially important to keep a certain distance and maintain a sense of beauty, so that the citizens feel that they are trustworthy and reliable lords.

After thinking about it, Ted chose a dark suit with curly short hair. In addition, he put on a pair of dark leather shoes and golden glasses
After a lot of tossing and trying, Ted still chose the clothes he usually wears.

After all, it is too cold outside, especially in this kind of weather, it is more than 30 degrees below zero. Wear a suit and stand for a while, and then you can have a feast when you come back.
In the face of temperature and elegance, Ted chose temperature. Like the last foreign president who chose elegance, he was severely frostbitten in the end, his condition continued to deteriorate, and he burped his fart in less than a month
I'm not that stupid, besides, I have two delicate wives to take care of~

There was a knock on the door, and the servant asked softly at the door: "My lord, the carriage is ready, when will you leave!?"


The three arranged their clothes, opened the door and walked out of the house.

Half an hour later, the group arrived at the north of the city. Before that, it was an unused ruin, overgrown with weeds and without any breath of life.

Since Ted announced the plan, the land has been divided into factories, and there have been some fireworks.

Next to the chicken farm, there is a sugar factory, and next to it is a cannery.

Regarding raw materials, Ted directly used the processed greenhouses to build an experimental field next to the factory in advance to test the output, and also provided raw materials for sugar factories and canneries.

Although the city of Valentine is located in the remote northern border, it is the second largest city in the empire, only a circle smaller than the imperial city [Dherim], with a large city of 55 square kilometers, enough for 100 million people to live.

Now, there are only 60 people in the city, and it is a pity that the rest of the city is not used as a factory!
(End of this chapter)

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