Duke of Herrington

Chapter 39 Trial and error in exploration, serious development!

Chapter 39 Trial and error in exploration, serious development!
It took only 20 days for the factory to be built, and qualified products were produced on the eighth day of trial operation.

Today, the factory has already been able to operate stably. Chris chose to cut the ribbon today to make the factory officially operational, just because the weather was fine today, there was no wind outside, and the temperature was only minus 27 degrees.

According to past records, this may be the best day of weather after deep winter
The crowd dispersed, and each family got at least one can and a bag of sugar~
The method of making these two things is actually not difficult, especially white sugar, only needs three steps~
Squeeze the sugarcane juice, extract the juice, filter and purify, wash and heat to make it crystallize, and the sugar is ready~
These materials are all urged by the moon elves, only the part above the soil is taken, there is no need to wash and remove the soil, put it on the cart, and pull it to the factory next door for direct processing~
Existing equipment is not enough to produce better sugar, but the content of these products produced now is enough for people to enjoy!Only when the technology is improved a step further, can sugar be refined!
As for canned peaches, in order to save trouble, Ted just took out the seeds without removing the skins, because the current machines are not so smart and there is no way to peel them. but that would slash output and slow down efficiency.

Besides, peaches with skin are not inedible
Regarding the price, Chris had already had an idea, which coincided with Ted's.

A can of 2L canned peaches is sold to people from other places at least one silver coin, while the locals only need 15 copper coins. According to the latest cost calculation, a can costs 10 to 12 copper coins. Can be reduced to 11 pieces.

A bag of white sugar, the local price is 20 copper coins, and the selling price is 2 silver coins. The cost is about 15 copper coins. If the scale is increased, the cost will be reduced to half.
As for seizing the market, there is no need to think about it. Even if other workers in the empire can make the same product by hand, the cost will be several times that of the northern product.

These two things can be regarded as the first step for Ted to promote industrialization~ Besides, Ted did not forcefully improve efficiency on the premise of squeezing employees!

In his opinion, those who do this should at least be hung on the city wall and cast aside by everyone!

In order to make the factory operate stably, Ted installed all the hydroelectric generators in the inventory in the nearby big river to ensure the normal operation of the factory.

I also thank God for not freezing the river. According to the usual records, the big river near Valentine will only freeze when the outdoor temperature is below minus 45 degrees.

As for the specific reason, the records indicate that there are several hot springs near the river, and the groundwater of the hot springs will flow into Hanoi, so that the temperature of the river water will not become too low and freeze.

As long as there is no ice age that occurs once in a thousand years, the river will not be frozen.

Of course, this is only Ted's expectation. According to records, the ice age generally occurs once between 900 and 1100 years.

And now, 920 years have passed since the last ice age, which means that the super cold current may come tomorrow, or it may be more than 100 years later.

However, Ted didn't care about this. He had enough charcoal to survive the ice age. The only problem was that the temperature of the ice age would freeze the river, and then his hydroelectric generator would not work.
My own motorcycle has been dismantled, and it can be made into a simple generator to heat hot water for the normal life of the citizens, but there is no way for factories and workshops that need a lot of electricity.

Right now, I can only place my hope on God, at least this year, don't have a convulsion.
As for the sales channel, Ted is still thinking about it, and he doesn't know which chamber of commerce is more suitable for cooperation.

At the same time, exciting news came from Thomas!
When Ted came to the workshop the next day, he found that a truck for pulling goods had been manufactured!
Although this truck may disintegrate freely or explode when it reaches over 80 mph, if you control the accelerator properly, there will be no major problems!
If this thing is added to the transportation, the mixed wagon team can greatly improve the efficiency of coal mine transportation!
Starting next spring, coal will be collected, and a few factories will be built outside the city. By then, everyone will have jobs with good pay!

Now, the only problem is diesel.
Thomas made the first diesel truck, and there will be a second and a third!
And it is impossible for me to buy diesel in the system all the time. That way is too stupid, and the consumption is huge!I don't have so many star coins to waste on this, Ted has to save some for the future
Things like airplanes and cannons have to be bought for John and Thomas to disassemble and build them freely.

After thinking about it, Ted picked up the book "Energy"
It is not an easy task to refine oil. If you are lucky and the explored oil field produces light crude oil, these will not be a problem!

Like Sha, a big dog, the crude oil produced by their oil field can be poured into the engine as fuel after a little processing.

If he encounters heavy crude oil, Ted can only leave it aside and wait until he has the ability. After all, not only gasoline and diesel can be extracted from crude oil, but also natural gas, asphalt and some other substances. They are fully utilized, and collecting them is also a hassle.
Now!Ted can only hope that there is a light oil field in his territory, preferably within a depth of 500 meters. After all, if it exceeds this distance, his detectors will not be able to detect it.
However, when he opened the store to check the necessary equipment, his mind changed again!When I opened the equipment for collecting crude oil, my face was smashed.
Ted ignored mining difficulty, only thought of refining difficulty
I am not a student of energy, and my knowledge in this area is too lacking, so I hit a wall one after another, and my thoughts had to be changed because of the facts.

Mining requires a drill bit, which cannot be made in a few days. I can indeed drive the peasants to use a chisel to create a deep well, but such behavior is killing people!Contrary to my original intention!

There is also the construction of factories. A factory that can refine oil, like a small city, has a complete production line and does not waste every drop of crude oil.

It is not an easy task to build a small city of ten square kilometers dedicated to oil refining!

My own ideas are just ideas, without theoretical basis, just bragging.

"Hey..." Ted's newly regained confidence was frozen cold again.

As the saying goes, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up, thinking of this, Ted gave up decisively!
Even if you have advanced knowledge in your hands, you must develop step by step!I have only developed for more than two months now, and there is no need to directly complete the 300-year process of human beings in one year. It is true that progress can be made by taking big steps, but it is also easy to pull the ball.
Now that coal mines have been discovered, let's use coal first. After ten or twenty years of development, when we have a certain industrial foundation, it is not too late to consider the issue of oil!
The engine made by Thomas can continue to be modified in his spare time, at least it is qualified if it does not explode at high speed
"If crude oil is not considered, then the plan will have to be changed. We can only build railways, and then use steam locomotives to pull goods."

Once you have a plan, act now!Ted plans to ask Chris to rewrite the city's future plan!
At the same time, the students should be called together to re-establish the learning direction!In order to meet the needs of urban development.

In the evening, Chris came to Ted's office with the plan and the suggestions put forward by the students.

After signing some necessary documents, Chris opened the proposal he had organized.

"My lord, I have some suggestions, I hope you can listen to them."

"Just show it to me!"

Ted took the notebook and watched it one by one
As I guessed, after conducting some research with students in materials science and geology, Thomas made a suggestion: shift the focus of research and development to steam trains, because of the existing capabilities, unless you encounter something like the Baku Oilfield That kind of Kanda, where oil can be found 50 meters down, other than that, there is no way to extract crude oil.
Also, regarding the bragging of everyone before, saying that the steam engine is useless, it is just to cheer everyone up, and they hope that Ted will not take it to heart
Of course Ted will not reprimand the passionate teenagers, as long as they understand this, they will stop bragging~
After all, at that time, I also despised these seemingly backward technologies, resulting in a situation of high-sightedness and low-handedness
It is not too late to find out now, at least Ted took the lead in making changes and led everyone to explore together.

If we continue to develop according to the previous plan, then all subsequent actions will be useless and will not help the development at all. It will only slow down the process of industrialization and waste materials.

"Chris, please remember, I accepted this suggestion made by Thomas, and let him and his team shift their focus to steam locomotives and steel rails. Before that, discuss with William to build a train outside the city. Steel mills, by the way, we must train enough employees! This winter, we must select candidates in advance!"

Ted is not a god and will make mistakes, but after this kind of ups and downs, the next time he makes a decision, he will not be as careless as before.

"No problem, my lord!"

The next proposal is made by the students who choose medicine and biology. They have been learning theoretical knowledge. I hope Ted can provide a basic laboratory for everyone to learn!
This Ted frowned, not knowing what to do, because the biological laboratory and its supporting experimental facilities were the most expensive of all science laboratories!The starting price is 2000 star coins, which is 20 times that of the chemical laboratory!
Now there are two tasks to earn star coins, that is to improve the city's sanitation and take in refugees. For the rest, the rewards have nothing to do with star coins.

Improve urban sanitation, but there is no place in your own territory that can be improved.
The villages outside were abandoned by themselves, all the villagers joined the city, and all useful materials in the village were demolished.

Because in Ted's view, there is no need to stay in those places, and the northern border is not suitable for growing crops. It is better to demolish the villages, transport the materials back to the city, and give the new citizens the vacant houses in the city to live in, and help them find a share by the way. new job~
As for taking in refugees these days, where are there refugees to take in?
(End of this chapter)

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