Duke of Herrington

Chapter 40 Outrageous Weapon...

Chapter 40 Outrageous weapons.
If you want to get star coins immediately, you can only change the sanitation status of other cities in the empire.
It's just that if you want to change the health conditions in other parts of the empire, you will inevitably have conflicts with the church and other nobles.

Winning a conflict is not an easy task, and if you decide to clash, you are making an enemy of the entire empire, a rebellion!

First of all, the teacher is famous, and can kill the opponent in one wave without leaving any future troubles
Neither of these two is easy. The church controls the thoughts of most people in the empire, and even the emperor has to listen to those magic sticks. If he wants to be famous, he is simply playing the erhu in his crotch, nonsense!

My current territory is not large, and there are not many people. According to the calculated tax and business surplus, I can support a private army of 2 at most.

It is still unrealistic to rely on 2 spearmen to win. Without heavy firepower cover, only relying on light weapons, the opposite crowd of tactics will be cold, and a few guns cannot achieve dimensionality reduction strikes.

Unless there are 2 tanks and other mechanized troops to carry out a "blitzkrieg" to destroy all production capacity and transportation hubs in a short period of time, and wipe out the command system, can there be a chance to kill the opponent wave.

But if you have [-] tanks, you may have them in your dreams. In reality, if you want to support such a large-scale armored division, you must have a lot of natural resources and a few gold mines.

That seems possible, but not now.

"Hey, just think about it, don't take it too seriously."

Ted continued to look down and saw some good news below.

The college has expanded in scale, and John has established a suitable production line with other students, which can stably produce qualified firearms and supporting parts!However, due to the lack of ammunition, the accuracy cannot be tested, so the data is missing
And the chemistry students I taught a while ago also received good news. According to their own guidance, they produced single-base propellants and lead azide.

Now, just put it into the shell and primer according to the ratio in the book, and finally stuff it into the bullet, and you can assemble it into a bullet!

After a lot of trial and error and corrections, the best plan for making bullets was summed up, and the requirements were handed over to the mechanical students, asking them to build a small ammunition production line. Small-scale output of ammunition can give the North a certain strength to defend foreign enemy!
My [Hot Weapons Course] is the last day today!Then you can buy ammo with star coins!
Using the batch of ammunition purchased, some of them are handed over to the students for imitation, and the specific blueprints of the ammunition are added to help them improve their research efficiency and lead a self-sufficient life as soon as possible.

Ted intends to use copper-plated steel lead cores as warheads. This common ammunition is enough to prevent most enemies from invading the northern border!It's enough for self-defense!

In addition, there is no need to produce different types of ammunition. I don't have the strength now. Just producing ordinary ammunition will exhaust most of the mineral production capacity.

For now, the materials in hand are barely enough. If I start another project, I will have to live like pants.
In this cold winter, it is unrealistic to go to the mine to mine. The outside is blocked by heavy snow and it is difficult to walk. If you want to walk a few kilometers to the mine to mine, it is just a dream.
Then, based on the existing material reserve, Ted rewrote his idea and handed it to Chris, asking him to discuss with the students again whether this plan is feasible.

As for the requirements of the biology and medical students, Ted can only do his best. After all, the star coins in his hand are not rich, and he has to save some for emergencies!
"Okay, Chris, take these for review first, and then show them to the students. If you have anything to do, come to me later, how about it?"

"No problem, my lord!"

After finishing all this, Ted turned on the system for the last thermal weapon course.

The last section of the course is mainly based on assessment. In addition to the written test, there is also a VR simulation test. The disassembly, assembly, maintenance and shooting of the first-generation semi-automatic weapons must be assessed!

Ted looked at the question in front of him, heaved a sigh of relief, and clicked 'Start Assessment'.

Two hours later, Ted passed all the assessments with full marks through his own efforts, including the maintenance of firearms, rules of use, and considerations and choices for dealing with emergencies.

As a cute new army fan, none of these troubles him!For light weapons, Ted still knows a lot!
[Congratulations to the host, the hot weapon test has passed, unlocked: some items in the weapons and ammunition mall! 】

[Acquired Mission: Officers and Soldiers!
The host needs to select some people from the active army to train a company (not less than 120 people) of excellent shooters. In the test session, all members need to obtain an average score greater than 16 in the shooting test of no less than 8 rounds !

Reward: Obtain the system rank: Company Commander!Unlock the right to purchase advanced weapons in the mall!And 1000 star coins!

Reward weapon: anti-material small-caliber sniper gun-longbowman, with a box of ammunition (50 rounds) included! 】

Weapon introduction: As an excellent anti-materiel weapon, it has withstood the test of war and has been finalized after several rounds of transformation. The weapon uses 30x173mm caliber tungsten steel armor-piercing bullets, which can shred any target in front of it. It is equipped with three rounds of magazines And 4-16 times special sniper scope, do not let any prey escape from the eyes!

"Wow!" Ted was dumbfounded. He never thought that the reward would be so outrageous?
I thought that 1000 star coins were the main reward, but I didn't expect that there was an even more outrageous reward behind the star coins!
In order to find out, he opened the mission introduction and rewards, as well as the page for reward descriptions.

After reading it carefully, he finally figured out what was going on.

The missions of the system, except for novice missions, are generally serial missions, one chain after another, this "officer and soldier" mission, the opening condition does not start from the company commander, but from the soldier!

The initial reward was a front-loading flintlock, the squad leader was rewarded with a bolt-action rifle, the platoon leader was rewarded with a semi-automatic rifle, and the next step was the company commander task he accepted.

The law of mission upgrades is to use the weapons unlocked at the previous level, arm the troops, and then train the troops to complete the system assessment, thereby unlocking the right to purchase new weapons!

Star coin rewards start from 400, from soldier to marshal, each level increases by 200
"That is to say. I have to pass the test with the M1 Garand rifle before I can unlock the right to purchase automatic rifles."

"That is to say, this longbowman is the reward accumulated from the previous three missions with star coins!? 400+600+800 I rely on! What a loss! I can buy a biology laboratory with 1800 star coins!"

Because of my own idea, the production of semi-automatic rifles in advance made the starting point of the mission directly span three levels, so the cumulative rewards of the first three levels directly raised the rewards of the company commander mission by at least one level.

But I also lost the right to choose. The system randomly selected a weapon worth 1800 star coins in the mall as a reward, and added it to the next task.
"Hey..." Ted's intestines are full of regrets!He patted his thigh hard, and stretched out his hand to slap his mouth.

"Forget it." Taking a deep breath, he stopped the action of self-mutilation, instead of slapping his thigh, he might as well study carefully what this new weapon is.
At a glance, just looking at the text introduction in the mission prize, and the shape that does not belong to modern technology at all, Ted knew that this weapon was probably not made on Earth, and should be a product of other parallel universes
Until I read the end of the description: The sniper guns manufactured by Aoxinaneng Group in 3728 are mostly used for mechanical soldiers or super human soldiers
"It looks pretty good! A sniper weapon of this caliber is really rare! I've earned it, right?" Ted stroked his non-existent beard and continued to observe the rewards on the picture.
As a male upright walking creature, he has no resistance to this kind of violent toy. This 'Longbowman' sniper cannon feels very violent just by talking about it!

Compared with him, M82A1 and the like are all scum!

If I remember correctly, the caliber and size of this bullet is exactly the same as the caliber of the GAU-10 Avenger machine gun under the nose of the A-8 Warthog attack aircraft.

"Oh no wait"

Ted seemed to realize something. Can such a weapon with such a large bullet really work with his small body?The warhead and shell case are more than 30 centimeters. The weapon has
It was written in the description just now that this thing is made for mechanical soldiers or super human soldiers
Then you are such a weak chicken.
With trepidation, Ted clicked on the specific data of the weapon
Weapon specifications: weight 175kg, barrel length: 2.5m, total gun length: 3.89m.

"Okay! I can't use this thing!" The excitement just now was extinguished by the ice water at this moment
Such a weapon, unless it has the equipment of the Master Chief and their physique, let alone want to use it, even lifting it will be a problem!
When the gun went down, his shoulder was shattered.
And the adjective for this thing is not a sniper rifle, but a sniper cannon!It's a cannon!

Ben fantasized about making money, but he didn't expect the system to give him something that he couldn't use.

"I knew the system didn't have good intentions! It picked such a superimposed reward for me! Blood loss!"

Ted leaned back on the chair and kept rolling his eyes at what was in front of him
"Hey, sure enough! There can't be pies in the sky!"

Just finished complaining here, Ted found the ammunition needed for the active rifle.

[Do you want to spend 10 star coins to buy 11 boxes of .3006 conventional ammunition? 】


Like most stores, the mall of the system is no exception. One star coin and one box of ammunition, as long as you buy more, you can get a discount~
As for the extra box, let the students study it, and strive to make their own bullets as soon as possible.

Back then, in Ted's last life, the country relied on this method to quickly make up for the gap in technology, and by dismantling high-tech products, it found the missing part of the technology tree through fumbling, and developed rapidly!
Then I also follow this routine now, there should be no problem, as long as I use advanced technology to make up for the technical gap in time, the problem will not be big~
Click Take Out Items, and Ted pulls out a box of ammo.
Just like the bullet unboxing video seen on YouTube, there are two large tin cans of lunch meat in one box, and each can contains 192 rounds of bullets.
In this way, one star coin is a bit of a loss!But after thinking about it, the items sold in the mall will decrease in price as their technology improves.

When I really make bullets, the price of these things should drop a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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