Chapter 42
In the afternoon of the second day, the blizzard continued, and there was no tendency to stop, but it was getting bigger and bigger!The temperature is also gradually decreasing
Except for pulling dung trucks, almost no one goes out every day
Ted upholds his own philosophy, these workers who go out to poop will get double wages, and those who stick to their posts will also be the same!

At this time, Ted, who was sitting by the stove, put down the watermelon in his hand, and suddenly remembered the prince who came from afar. Hearing from Chris, Steve seems to have a chamber of commerce. It is a formally registered organization with profits and turnover. It has been in operation for several years and has a place in the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

"Let's talk to him about business today. If sugar and canned food can really be sold through this chamber of commerce, the troubles in the northern border will be much less~" Ted thought about it, and felt that this method is really good!
After all, the people in the north can't get along with other people in the empire, so it's better to use the prince's name to do business, it's safe and stable, it's not easy to cause trouble, and it can cover up certain news!

For businessmen, as long as they make money, they will not pursue the source of the goods. As long as they are reasonable and legal, they will not be questioned, and they will not care who is behind the scenes~
With such a calculation, not only can I not do anything to Steve, but I have to make friends with him, and I even have to help him in times of crisis.
"Forget it, let's talk to him in detail!"

Ted got dressed and set out for the Yingbin Building opposite the Lord's Mansion. In order to solve the problem with the envoy in time, he specially placed this place opposite his home, saving time and effort!
Coming to the second floor, Ted slowly walked out of Steve's room along the route.

Suddenly, the intermittent philosophical voice caught his attention.
This Steve not only did not repent, but also relying on someone to cover up, cheating here unscrupulously!And this kind of life will continue until next April.
"This prince really let go of his nature!"

As a civilized person, Ted should know how to be polite, let alone disturb other people's good affairs, so he knocked on the door lightly and said, "I'll come back to talk to you in 20 minutes, is that okay?"

Hearing the voice from outside, Neptune Vazina laughed: "10 minutes is enough~"

"What 10 minutes! It takes half an hour!" Steve argued forcefully, and was very dissatisfied with this joke of Neptune.
"Okay, I'll be back in half an hour!" Ted didn't intend to argue with the two, let alone listen to the two, so he chose to come to the first floor to see what other people were doing. What?
Along the stairs, Ted suddenly found a half-open door
"?" In order to satisfy his curiosity, Ted quietly approached the door and looked inward along the gap.
At this time, Da Vinci was drawing a picture, looking at the pattern on the drawing board, it looked like snow outside, besides, the surrounding tables were filled with his previous paintings
In order not to frighten Da Vinci with his reckless behavior and make his painting fail, Ted deliberately stayed at the door for a while, and waited for Da Vinci to put down his pen before raising his hand and knocking on the door.


"Huh?" Da Vinci turned back and found Ted who was looking at him: "Mr. Earl, what are you doing here?"

Ted pushed open the door and came into the room with a smile: "I was just passing by, and I happened to see you painting, so I stopped for a while, and waited for you to stop before I knocked on the door, lest I might scare you and ruin the painting." painting"

"You are so caring~" Da Vinci stood up with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation: "Come in and have a look, these are all drawn by me~"

"Then I'm welcome!"

Just when he was at the door, Ted saw the work "Icy Smile" in the corner

Da Vinci was about to rest for a while. He noticed that Ted was looking at the painting he had made not long ago, so he also leaned forward: "Mr. Earl, do you like this painting?"

"I don't really like it, I just feel sad. I think it's better to have less wars. We [Xueman Empire] and the [Hack Empire] in the south have fought for thousands of years. It's time to unify them. After all, we are all one family." People, there's no need to call back and forth."

"Can you understand my painting?" Da Vinci was stunned. He had seen this painting by many people, and most of them gave dirty and obscene answers, saying that he went into the sea at a young age, And crying and other vicious and vulgar language.

Prior to this, the best answer was Steve's: "Keep the kids out of harm's way" without getting to the point.

"Mr. Earl, how did you find out?" Sir Da Vinci wanted to find out. There are not many people who can understand his paintings like this, so we need to communicate with each other!
Ted didn't intend to play tricks, but pointed to the painting and stated his thoughts one by one: "Look, you use cool colors to show that you want to highlight the bleak atmosphere, and this girl's smile represents a good wish for life , but the tears from the sky are really a stroke of genius, indicating that this wish cannot be fulfilled."

"The last petal is the only warm color. I guess it's your own wish. You want world peace, right?"

'Boom! Da Vinci was stunned and sat directly on the stool. It was the first time he had been able to correctly understand the paintings he had drawn for so many years.
"It's just a landscape that I happened to encounter. I think it's realistic, but I didn't expect you to see so much from it?" Da Vinci knelt on the ground and couldn't recover for a long time.
In fact, this ability can be regarded as relatively basic reading comprehension and picture comprehension.

According to the texture of the ink on the paper, the production time of this painting is not far away. Combined with recent events, it is easy to guess the meaning of this painting, and it is not difficult.
"The reading comprehension I did in my previous life came in handy?" Ted smiled and pulled up Da Vinci and said, "How about this, I will provide you with some ink, and you continue to draw~ Let yourself go, how about it? Personally, I think these paintings are quite Meaningful, staying will have an impact on future generations."

"Really, Monsieur Earl? Would you mind giving me some more blue paint? It's the most expensive paint, and I'm not as rich as you."

"No problem, just wait for me for a while, I'll come as soon as I go~"

In this painting, there is not only sadness and lamentation, but also a layer of anger!
Da Vinci may not have felt this layer of anger, but Ted could see it
In order to prevent the art students from getting their hands on the map with paintbrushes, Ted decided to provide him with a platform, enough paint and funds to let him paint hard.
Leonardo Da Vinci was the only person in the empire who won a seat of nobility because of his painting, which is unprecedented.

Before he became a nobleman, the paintings he made were all colored works, dedicated to those powerful nobles
While his history of fame is a bit tainted, it's not enough to overshadow his ability to draw.

Of course, the most important thing is...don't let an artist of this level fall down, once they fall down, the world will suffer!
Since he draws well, let him continue to draw~
Because of this influence, Ted also ordered a lot of things to public officials!

For example, when rejecting someone who came to apply for a job, or someone who is applying for a job, never say: "You are not suitable for this job! Get another one!" Such statements that raise blood pressure.

Instead, use a tactful tone to make him feel a little bit of struggle: "I'm sorry, your current ability is still a little short of our requirements. I hope you will continue to work hard! You may have a chance next year!"

Such encouragement is often warmer than blunt rejection, and it can also give job seekers the idea and motivation to further improve themselves~
(End of this chapter)

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