Duke of Herrington

Chapter 43 The Negotiation Was Too Smooth

Chapter 43 The Negotiation Was Too Smooth
Back home, Ted came to an empty space with no one there, clicked on [Boutique TTx One Truck] in the inventory, clicked on the exchange at the back, and a dialog box popped up.

[May I ask if the host wants to smash the selected item into 1 star coin, or exchange it for other items? 】

"Exchange it into other items! Keyword: painter's paint."

The items in the inventory can indeed be exchanged for other items, but there are many restrictions. For example, daily life items can only be exchanged for daily life items. If you want to exchange low-level daily life items for high-level daily necessities, the ratio will be broken!
The camera I exchanged for a while ago, and the two cars of TT were exchanged for a set of photography equipment. If you convert it into gold coins for comparison, Ted will lose money.
[Searching, after searching, you can exchange for artist suit x10, is that okay? 】

[Painter set: contains a high-quality drawing board, high-quality paper x100, high-quality paint x a box (full color), spare paint x1 box, high-quality brushes x10, special palette x3]

Ted didn't understand this long list of things, but judging from the content, there should be nothing wrong with it. Anyway, I don't need TT, so I might as well replace this last truck with useful items.

"Successful exchange!"

After finishing these, Ted clicks to take out one of them~
The next moment, a large polymer box appeared in front of my eyes. In terms of size, it was at least as big as 8 large suitcases, and the weight could not be lifted by one person.
"This thing is not small!" Ted exclaimed, stretched out his hand to pull up the lever, borrowed the pulley at the bottom, and pulled it towards Da Vinci's room.

When the painter's suit was displayed in front of Da Vinci, he was stunned, touching the exquisite painting tools in the box and tears filled his eyes.

The dazzling array of paints made him restless for a long time, especially in this era of precious blue, there are so many in the box
"Draw slowly, I am waiting for your new work~"

"Lord Earl, are you trying to recruit me?" Da Vinci burst into tears, and began to cry about his recent encounter with snot and tears.

The last time the emperor gave him his manor was on the border. When the war broke out, the farms and pastures were looted, and he could only run away with the money.
Listening to his tragic experience, Ted motioned for Leonardo to sit down.

"Sir Da Vinci, I do have the idea of ​​​​soliciting, but the problem is that you are too holy to be a vassal to a lord like me. However, I can provide you with a venue for you to paint and grant you a a residence."

Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. People with different personalities will have troubles sooner or later. The Sir Da Vinci in front of him, because of the characteristics of the Holy Mother, will create countless unstable factors. If he is recruited into his own Under his command, there may not be any trouble.

Instead of recruiting him into your own ranks, it is better to use another method~
For example, he was hired as the head of the painting department of the Northern Cultural Center, and used his works to cultivate some artistic atmosphere among the people.

And such an employment relationship is more suitable than a vassal.

The Duckholm family that Chris belongs to has also been a vassal of the Herrington family for thousands of years. The habits and personalities of the two families are almost exactly the same. conclusion.

Ted sat aside, put his hand on Da Vinci's shoulder, and expressed his thoughts without any reservation: "Sir Da Vinci, first of all, you must be clear that I am not a good person. On the contrary, I will Use any means for your ends, as long as you don't do anything that endangers the northern border or the people of the northern border, everything is fine!"

Next, Ted offered a position in the cultural department and asked about his intentions.
"Deal!" Da Vinci didn't hesitate at all!Anyway, his home is gone, and it doesn't matter where he stays, so why not take this opportunity to settle in the northern border, besides, there is enough food and drink here, which is worse than his previous life!
Except for the 7 million points of cold and the [-]-month winter, everything else is pretty good~
"That's it! It just so happens that our northern border has just developed, and no one is engaged in cultural activities, especially the elegant art like painting, which has almost zero foundation, so people like you are needed to fill people's emptiness!"

"No problem, my lord, leave it to me, I have loved art since I was a child!"

"That's good~" Ted opened the small notebook he carried with him, opened the vacant houses, and selected an exquisite small villa from them.

The owner of the villa had no children, so Ted took over all the property after his death.

The house has been cleared out, now only one person is missing~
"In this case, let's allocate a small villa for you to live in first, located in the east of the city, and then give you a shop in the city center that has been idle for 30 years, and transform it into a gallery. Well, that's it!"

"Thank you, my lord! I will definitely get rid of the problems of the Holy Mother, and strive to become a qualified northern resident as soon as possible!" Da Vinci was grateful. He did not expect such an unexpected harvest during this trip to the northern border.

This box of paints that I had never seen before, as well as the exquisite drawing board, was enough to buy me off. I didn't expect Ted to offer such a high price again!

Is there any reason to refuse this?

"Don't worry, just get in touch with the residents of the northern border. They may be hostile to you at the beginning. As long as you show your harmless side and concentrate on painting, I don't think it will be a big problem."

"No problem! Thank you, my lord!"

After dealing with Da Vinci, Ted seized the time to go upstairs.

The strange voice finally stopped, and Ted could only stand at the door and ask, "Is it okay, can I come in?"

"Come in~" Neptune's magnetic voice sounded, and Ted pushed open the door. Judging from the demeanor and the situation of the two, what Neptune just said '10 minutes is enough' should be correct, and there is no need for him to wait 30 minutes. minute.

"Ahem, how's it going? Both of you, can we talk about business now?" Tedra opened the stool and sat beside him waiting for an answer.

Steve sat up with his coat on, drank a glass of warm water, took Vadina's little hand and looked at Ted and asked, "Mr. Earl, what do you want to see me for?"

Ted took out a proposal that he had just drafted and handed it to Steve: "I heard that you have a chamber of commerce under your command. I want to sell products from the North through this chamber of commerce. What do you think?"

"Oh? Chamber of Commerce? Ah! I remembered!" If Ted hadn't mentioned the Chamber of Commerce, Steve himself might have forgotten about it.

This chamber of commerce was sponsored by him with his own money. He holds 9% of the shares, but he has never exercised his rights as a major shareholder, and has always been receiving dividends.
The chairman of this chamber of commerce is also very ambitious. He intends to establish a nationwide chain of shops, but it has been severely suppressed by the local chamber of commerce, so the profits in recent years have not been much, and he is barely surviving.

"I remember these materials are carried with me, wait a moment." Steve reached for his satchel, and took out a stack of paper documents from the mezzanine.
At the same time, Wazina saw the photo that was kept by the prince, and the two cuddled together, like a newlywed couple, regardless of each other, intimate.
"Sweetie, you're so romantic~" Vadina didn't mind Ted, but kissed Steve in front of him.

As a prince who liberated his nature, he was once again ignited by this sudden kiss. He hurriedly packed up the documents, took out the note about the chamber of commerce and threw it to Ted, and then fell into the abyss again hugging Aquaman.

"Mr. Earl, this is the information of the chamber of commerce. You can decide what to do after that. I will send someone to contact the chamber of commerce after the winter in April next year. If there is nothing else, can you give me a private space?"

Ted was very witty, and quickly walked to the door with the document: "Then wish us a happy cooperation?"

The prince can hand this kind of confidential document directly to himself, thanks to Neptune's contribution!To make him hand over the documents so happily with her beauty
If this was done in normal times, it would probably take a lot of talking and haggling, but the gentleness of Neptune made the prince ignore everything, no matter how important money is, it is no more important than at this moment.

Steve didn't answer, but gave a thumbs up!By the way, he urged Ted to leave as soon as possible.

"Have a good time~"

(End of this chapter)

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