Duke of Herrington

Chapter 44 New Team!

Chapter 44 New Team!
Back at the Lord's Mansion, Ted handed over all these lengthy and cumbersome documents to Chris, as well as his own proposals and ideas, and wrote them all down on paper.

Taking this opportunity, Ted also saw Chris's new team!

He has found a large number of outstanding citizen representatives from the people, and these people also have unique views on politics. It is the best way to train them to act as think tanks!

Excellent leaders not only need to be excellent themselves, but also have a team that is more against the sky. Their abilities and contributions are also indispensable, especially under the leadership of an ambitious lord.

All the ideas that I have explained, under the arrangement of Chris, everyone divides the work and cooperates with clear goals, picks out the essentials one by one, and delivers them to different departments for processing.

Ted was also idle, so he sat by and watched how the group of people turned their orders into actions.

I thought it would take a long time, but I didn't expect that in just 10 minutes, a contract and documents were drawn up and sent to me.

"All you need is the prince's signature, my lord!"

"Well, what you guys did was beyond my expectation. I remember that it would take at least a month or even longer for such a file when I was young."

Ted suddenly recalled his childhood. At that time, if an administrative order of his father was to be implemented smoothly, unless there was a special administrative order, the rest had to be recorded layer by layer. After careful consideration by dozens of departments, the information could be sent Go out and make it public.

But the current situation and efficiency are indeed different from what I imagined.

Out of curiosity, Tedlar asked Chris, "Did you change everyone in the department?"

Chris put down his pen unhurriedly, pointed to the people around him and explained: "Oh~ it's like this, my lord. It's still those people, but I moved them all to one place to work together, saving the trouble of running away. Time, by the way, reversed the order, and reorganized the parts that repeat functions."

"Now, each department has clear goals. As long as the tasks are standardized, the efficiency will increase dozens of times, just as quickly as standardized industrial processes!"

Ted stood up, looked around, and found that the clerks who were sorting out the documents were indeed as Chris said, each department performed its own duties, and the tasks were approved layer by layer in an orderly manner.

Before that, they relied on their own emergency administrative orders to temporarily issue instructions to skip approval. Like the emergency administrative order issued last time for food distribution, they were issued directly without any approval.

Now, with this new set of procedures, there is no need to worry about all the political affairs!No need to sit in an office and sign every day!It can save a lot of time to do what you like, and there is extra time to spend with the two wives at home!
This hall was once an abandoned textile factory, and after redevelopment, it became the municipal building, next door to Ted's house.
As for the departments that were previously scattered in various places, they were all demolished and either converted into residential buildings or shops, and no inch of land would be wasted because of the changes.

Not far away, when a subdivided task was handed over to a place called 'Temporary Military Headquarters', the person in charge opened the existing list, selected 120 people from it, and then put the list in an envelope and handed it over to The messenger who is waiting.

After receiving the task, the herald put on his coat, took his documents, and headed for the military camp in the east of the city.

"Then I won't disturb your work, I'll wait for 120 soldiers to go to the warehouse behind!"

"No problem, my lord!"

After finishing this, Ted packed his clothes and went to the workshop on the other side of the road.

According to Ted's request, John has prepared the required rifle.

During this period of time, a group of mechanical students gradually understood the importance of standardization. If they want to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and simplify cumbersome things, standardization is essential. They understood this truth at the beginning of the production of gun parts.

At first, everyone assembled the parts they produced one by one according to their own ideas. Even if there was a problem with their own parts at the beginning, they didn't care about it. Instead, they made mistakes according to the wrong size, making mistakes again and again.

Not only one student did this, but also other students, and there were more or less deviations in size.

Then everyone took the produced firearms together and compared them. Although the items were barely usable, the parts between different students could not be used in common, almost one size per person.
If there is a problem with one part, it can only be remade according to the wrong size, and there is no way to replace parts from other firearms.

After this trial and error, everyone has learned a lesson and remade the waste products.
John rearranged the team members, vetoed the previous task of making a gun for everyone, and assigned different tasks to everyone to produce the specified parts.

Re-issue the task, produce parts strictly according to the standard, and only collect qualified parts.

Gradually, they reached a tacit understanding, abandoning the previous idea of ​​"better guns than anyone else", only responsible for different parts of firearms, and strictly following the requirements of uniform size according to the teaching materials, and finally handed over the parts to a Inspection by a person who is responsible for measuring the size.

Starting from the guns needed now, to the cars in the future, all parts must be standardized.

These can be regarded as the experience of the predecessors. If this lesson is not learned, the subsequent industrialization process will become a mess, and even dung beetles don't like to eat it!

"John, is what I want ready?"

Hearing the call from the lord, John trotted from the back of the workshop wearing a hat and carrying a weapon.

"My lord, everything is ready. According to what you said, 120 guns, with bayonets and maintenance supplies. In addition, we still have a lot of stock and spare parts in the warehouse, enough for replacement and replacement!"

Ted took a weapon and checked it carefully. According to the score given by the system, there is no problem with this gun.

"It's really good, then take me to see the weapons you have made!"

"No problem, my lord, the arsenal is here." John raised his finger and pointed to the factory building behind the workshop.

According to the weapon management standard, all firearms are stored in separate rooms, and if ammunition is available in the future, the storage location will be reassigned.

When they came to the temporary armory, John led several other leading trainees and opened different locks with keys, and it took a minute to open the door.

The lesson of safe storage is not in vain, especially for this kind of dangerous munitions, which cannot tolerate any mistakes, and the lack of a gun will pose a threat to the safety of the city.

Therefore, Ted gave everyone a thumbs up, and praised the students in charge: "Yes, I would like to give you a thumbs up for this management method. What do you want for dinner?"

John, the leader, turned his head to look at Ted with a smile, and said shyly, "My lord, the food you gave is good enough. We have never expected to have such delicious food in our life, and we still eat it every day. We are all fat I don't know how much"

"Hey~" Ted waved his hand to signal that everyone is welcome. Although these people are not famous enough as 'scientists', they can be regarded as one of the few scientific researchers in the city, and they must be paid well!
"You have made so much contribution to the development of city defense. As the lord, I should give you some rewards. Tell me! What do you want?"

The other students looked at each other and talked for a long time, but in the end they just asked for some food and drink. Only John stayed where he was hesitant to speak.

Ted saw what he was thinking, and immediately agreed to the request of the other students to lock the armory. After that, he went about his own business, and he dragged John to the side of the armory.

"Tell me, John, my 'Minister of Ordnance Department', what do you want? As long as I can do it, I will give it to you~"

"Then I'll just say it." John plucked up his courage and looked at Ted sincerely: "My lord, can you reward me with a daughter-in-law?"

Ted: "."

"My lord? Is this request all right?"

Ted was stunned, and couldn't help laughing: "I said, John, you stay in the workshop day and night doing research and development, working just to let me help you find a wife?"

"My lord, listen to me." John pulled Ted to the back of the armory and whispered: "When I submitted the material application, I heard Sir Chris discussing the issue of the proportion of the city's population. In our entire northern border, human beings are suitable for marriage. There are 8 more men than human marriageable women!"

(End of this chapter)

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