Duke of Herrington

Chapter 54 Sir Da Vinci's Secret

Chapter 54 Sir Da Vinci's Secret ([-])

A few days later
In the early morning, the painter Da Vinci was called by Chris to help inside the city hall.

As a senior painter, I never refuse commissions such as painting, especially invitations from the lord.

In the marriage registration office, at Ted's request, every person who comes to register for marriage will get an exquisite marriage certificate with a color photo of both husband and wife on it.

Originally, everything was normal and everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.
Until a 60-year-old outstanding citizen father made a request that was not too much.

Out of the lord's people-oriented policy, the need for humane treatment is not excessive!Chris, the housekeeper and temporary mayor, did not refuse!
The 60-year-old citizen wanted to use the function of this magical camera to help him find his son who was lost more than 20 years ago. Even if he couldn't, he begged the staff to let this magical machine transform into the appearance of his poor son. Together with the family, appear in a family portrait.

Of course, Chris knows that the camera doesn’t have that ability, but the camera’s inability to do that doesn’t mean people can’t.
Helping him find his son cannot be accomplished, but the wish behind him can be fulfilled, but it has to be drawn with a pen.

It seems that Da Vinci, who is tidying up the gallery, can complete this task.

Because Da Vinci is a mature artist, with the face of this old father, he should be able to imagine the appearance of his son.
So Chris used his special authority to send a letter to Da Vinci in the name of Ted.

Of course, this right was granted by Ted, as long as it is not military affairs, Chris can fully accept it.

By taking this opportunity, by the way, Da Vinci can be gradually accepted by the people, which is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

When Da Vinci received the letter yesterday, he packed the materials early and made full preparations. He even rehearsed three times in advance what kind of smile he should keep when he was scolded or ridiculed.

When the appointed time came, he dragged the materials to the people's livelihood department of the city hall.

At this moment, in the hall
Just like a few days ago, it was full of people. In order to prevent people from queuing outside, Chris came up with the idea of ​​getting a registration number. If there is no extra space in the city hall, you can go to a nearby restaurant or bar to wait. Waiting outside to be frostbitten by the weather.

When Da Vinci came to the front of the appointment office, he saw Chris and the clerks logging in together. Because there were too many people who came to apply for the certificate, Chris urgently dispatched people from other departments to ease the problem here. work pressure.

However, there were still not enough people. By the time he noticed Da Vinci, it was already 20 minutes later.

Even so, Da Vinci still waited patiently and calmly with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, a vicious couple saw this strangely dressed man!He sprayed viciously at Da Vinci: "Bah! You stinky beggar, what are you doing here with Valentine?"


"Hey!" Chris stretched out his arm to block the spittle sprayed at Da Vinci, and sternly reprimanded the citizen in front of him: "This citizen, please pay attention to your words, this Sir Da Vinci was hired by the lord People, come to improve the predicament of cultural desert for us! Your behavior is questioning our lord! If you have any opinions, you can write a letter and put it in the mailbox! But please don’t do this kind of vulgar behavior and bring down our overall Quality!"

Sir Chris reprimanded the illiterate northern citizen in front of "this", so he had no choice but to shut up and pretend to be honest.

After all, after eating the food distributed by the lord, if you question him again, you will be stumbled by the fanatical and outstanding citizens, and the things you receive every time will be short.

"It's my lack of consideration, I'm sorry." The vulgar man had no choice but to be deflated, and returned to the queue to wait patiently.

After finishing this, Chris took out a handkerchief and gently wiped off the stains on his sleeves, signaling Da Vinci to come along.

"Here, go this way, bring good things and follow me~"

"Okay." Da Vinci was very moved. Since he came to the northern border, only a small number of outstanding citizens in the northern border did not treat him coldly. Others avoided him when they saw him, and some even treated him Abusive words are directed at each other.

Because Da Vinci is a "lifetime nobleman" in "outland", the title of Jazz is the status of a commoner noble in the Xueman Empire.

It is completely different from the treatment of Sir Hack Empire.

Here, lifelong nobles without vassals are just wealthy commoners, how can they be on an equal footing with hereditary nobles?
Ordinary people don't like them because he is separated from the people. Not only can he not deter others with his status as a knight, but he can't make the people around him benefit from him, so the people will envy and ridicule him.

It's just that even if the knight is respected like in the Harker Empire, it doesn't mean that the northern border will be like this. After all, some time ago, the citizens drew their weapons and used force to confront the prince, let alone this knight.

On the way, Da Vinci whispered to Chris gratefully: "Thank you."

Chris didn't mind, but responded with a smile: "You don't need to thank me, you should thank the lord, because his plan changed my mind by the way. Half a month ago, I was no better than the eloquent one just now." How strong are people."

Walking upstairs, Chris stopped and waited for Da Vinci to come up.

"I just understand a truth: If you want to make the northern border rich and strong, you have to 'learn from each other'! It's useless to rely on humans alone. For example, before the arrival of the moon elves, our weakness was food cultivation, and After they came and joined us in the north, this shortcoming was made up for, and with them, the city is even more exciting."

Hearing this, Da Vinci was at a loss. He didn't know what Chris wanted to express: "But, what does this have to do with the people in the northern border not liking me?"

"You are now being used by us to make up for our shortcomings. Everyone is temporarily uncertain about you. If you want to join us, you must either make contributions and solve the problem of our cultural desert, or become like us. But the latter is true for you. It’s useless for you, because you are not from the north, no matter how you live, you are also a foreigner.”

Chris didn't explain too much, but just said something strangely.

To be honest, it would be too ruthless.

"Are you a tool man we have chosen? A boss who was hired with money to enrich the people's livelihood in the northern border?" Chris is also a nobleman, he is a person who wants to save face, and he will be promoted to a vassal baron after the new year. Hereditary nobles, let alone say these things abruptly.

The problem with the moon elves before was just an inappropriate metaphor. The value of the moon elves is immeasurable. Measuring them by value is not only an insult to the moon elves, but also to human beings themselves.

Moreover, even if they cannot grow food, they will not be discriminated against.

Because they conform to the aesthetics of human beings, their unique temperament wanders in the mountains and woodlands, like a cold but accessible statue.

Moreover, they have many women, which can ease the bachelor crisis in the city. In addition, accepting them will also allow the city to have a certain degree of magic protection. Whether it is effective or not, it is worth considering. In addition to their unparalleled night vision ability, It's hard to say no to them.

There is also the most important point. That is Ted wants to find a moon elf wife. With his own resolution, he will create a poor image for the moon elves, so that the people of the northern border will treat them with compassion.

Therefore, the public's first impression of the moon elves is very good, and it is a matter of course to accept them afterwards.

If the people who come are goblins, even if their abilities are even more outrageous than the moon elves, Ted will not create a good image for them and let the citizens take them in
Because goblins do not conform to human aesthetics, let alone the so-called 'equality' of human beings.

In the eyes of most people, the value of human life is higher than that of green goblins. Advocating equality will only arouse human resistance, and will even be cruel to goblins.

But if it is replaced with an aesthetically pleasing creature, there will be no such problems
For Da Vinci, the lord Ted set up a decent character for him. As for what happens next, it depends on him.
"Come with me~ the location is at the end of the corridor, soon~"

Five minutes later, Da Vinci came to the agreed free room.

These days, in order to integrate into the northern border, he shaved his body completely like the locals, even the beard was gone, and his face could be seen clearly from a long distance.

Before pushing the door and entering, Chris took out a note card to remind: "This family~ is our model family of excellent citizens. They are very nice people. As long as you are polite, nothing will happen."

"No problem!" Da Vinci straightened his sleeves and followed Chris into the room.

Pushing open the door, two familiar faces flashed from memory.

A voice from the bottom of my heart asked myself: "Who are they?"

The outstanding citizens sitting in the vacant room, out of politeness, stood up to greet someone when they saw someone.

But I never thought that this familiar and unfamiliar face made the parents' tears flow out of the corners of their eyes unconsciously.

The old man in front of him had tears in his eyes, and looked up at the face that was very similar to his own when he was young. A call from blood and soul woke him up.

Chris was stunned, and he pushed the glasses on his nose to observe carefully.


Without the cover of beard and lush body hair, the faces of the two people are indeed very similar.

Humans in this world have a lifespan of about 200 years, and only after 150 years old will they gradually age from their prime of life.

Therefore, it is easy for outsiders to judge whether a stranger is a family from their appearance.

"Huh" Chris didn't speak, but walked out the door and gently closed the door behind him.

Before leaving here, he told the three people in the room: "I'm very busy, so I won't accompany you. Remember, you have to leave here before eight o'clock in the evening~ We have to clean the city hall at night~"

At this time, it doesn't matter whether they are a family or not.Because Chris's task has been completed, there are more important things waiting for him to do now, and there is no need to get entangled in other people's affairs.

Da Vinci, who was stunned in place, and the strange man continued to stare at each other, without any movement, and stood there at a loss.

From the bottom of my heart, that voice sounded again: "I have a father? Isn't that right? I grew up in an orphanage in Baishui Town in the middle of the empire, an abandoned orphan. This."

While thinking, the woman beside her also moved. With a wry smile on her face, she walked enthusiastically, stretched out her hands and grabbed Da Vinci. After careful observation, she stroked his face and asked: " Michelangelo, is that you?"

"I and you." Da Vinci froze in place
It seems that this 'Michelangelo' and this tone have appeared in my life
It was the first time for him to be touched so affectionately, and the familiar feeling made his mind go blank, and he didn't know what to do next.

At this time, the old man came back to his senses and walked towards Da Vinci step by step.

"Son, where did you grow up?"

Part of it can be determined based on appearance alone, but it cannot be completely determined. Finding common ground bit by bit in terms of life experience will prevent oolongs.

"I grew up in the orphanage of Baishui Town in the middle of the empire, and then..." When he said this, Da Vinci seemed to recall something bad and dared not continue.

The man patted his thigh, as if he had settled his mind: "Fucking child, our child was lost in Baishui Town!"

"Then you are really Michelangelo! My son!" After saying this, the mother sat paralyzed on the ground and couldn't look directly at the young man in front of her.

She still couldn't let go of this matter. She was too tired that day, and she just sat on the grain pile for a nap, and the baby in the swaddle was carried away.

"Michelangelo, my poor child, how much you have suffered these years, you have become so skinny"

The mother was too excited and didn't know what to say at all, so she could only speak incoherently what the mother should say, even though Da Vinci in front of him was not thin at all, even a little puffy.
At this moment, Da Vinci still couldn't believe what had just happened. He pulled a stool and wanted to sit on it to relieve his excitement, but because his body was shaking and he couldn't control his hips precisely, he fell on the ground. on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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