Duke of Herrington

Chapter 55 Sir Da Vinci's Secret

Chapter 55 Sir Da Vinci's Secret ([-])

At the same time, Ted just finished class, and after finishing his homework, he came to the city hall to check if there was anything he could help
In the city hall, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, it was approaching the meal time, and the enthusiastic and responsible public officials were still sticking to their posts.

Different from noon, it is considered finishing work now, because today's number has been collected, and if you want to register, you have to wait until tomorrow
As the lord of the territory, Ted looked at every new and old couple who came to register and greeted them with a smile.

My heart is also drooling: "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"

These days, as long as it is in the daytime, the stars are growing all the time, which also makes Ted feel like a local tyrant for the first time~
No matter how many gold coins there are in the real world, there is no sense of security with virtual star coins~
However~ the system will not allow each host to obtain currency too smoothly.

Just as Ted was smirking at the rising stars, suddenly, the growth stopped abruptly.


[The first phase of the task is completed!

10000 couples registered and received 10000 star coins.

The second phase of the mission is on!
Ignite the hormones in the empire! (Every couple you help, every new life is born, star coins +1!)
Reward: star coins, and a chance to get a lucky draw card! 】

"I knew it!" Ted shook his head, thinking that he would continue to collect star coins, but was interrupted by a reminder from the system.

He was angry, and there were ten thousand alpacas shitting in his heart: "This is a stupid mission, temporarily add an explanation! Is someone watching me! [Officers and soldiers] I can see the detailed content of this mission, why is this Can't it!?"

Tucao is Tucao, this task is not too ruthless, after all, I have [-] more star coins~
"It is estimated that the running water is wrong, and the administrator temporarily fixed the bug!"

The second phase of the task will have to wait ten months at the fastest, so don't worry about it now, even if you are anxious, it's useless.

Why not focus on other tasks, such as [Strengthen the Northerners] or [Improve hygiene within the Empire]

As for changing the minds of the people in the empire, and fighting the church against the main task of the continent
Just take one step at a time and work hard, at least it's not the time yet.

There are many ways to complete this main task, some simple and some complex.

There is also the simplest, quickest, and most mindless method, such as: kill all the people from the imperial church forces.

This is the most effective way to complete the task, but also the most cruel and inhumane.

The rockets sold in the system are equipped with anti-matter cluster bombs, one can blow up the entire continent
For only 600 million star coins, you can buy a giant rocket equipped with 2 tons of antimatter cluster bombs.

The energy caused by the annihilation of 2 kilograms of positive and antimatter is equivalent to that of Big Ivan, and the 2 tons of antimatter is approximately equal to the energy produced by the explosion of 2000 million Big Ivans.
As long as you stay in the north and save star coins, 600 million is not difficult.

But if you do that, Ted will only get a piece of ruins, and the people in the empire will be devastated. If you don't grasp the landing point, you will also be finished.
Those poor beautiful girls, who could have been loved at home, would be reduced to ashes if they were fired.

That was the last thing Ted wanted to see.

Although overthrowing the rule of the church will inevitably lead to a war, it is still possible to use tricks to reduce the scale of the war and save ordinary civilians from the flames of war!
In this regard, Ted already has a preliminary plan.

According to the famous words of the old man: "Use magic to defeat magic!"

Right now, it is unrealistic to convert the people to atheism as quickly as in the northern border. The timing, location, and harmony of people are not enough.

First of all, there are no churches in the northern border, and the theology obtained is basically from hearsay and random fabrications, and God, the old man, has never appeared, and later Ted and Chris fanned the flames.
After years of grievances, everyone naturally abandoned this "useless god" and believed in Ted's remarks.

But this method is not suitable for other parts of the empire, because there are churches there, and priests and priests tell the people all the time: "Believe in God, or you are a heretic, and you will be tied to the stake and burned to death"

The inconspicuous pope will also go on tour from time to time, allowing the people to pay homage to him, in order to strengthen theological beliefs.

Moreover, the church has far more power and voice than the lord and emperor in the empire except the north!
If it weren't for the irreconcilable conflict between the Pope of [Snowman Empire] and the Pope of [Hack Empire], the last war would not have been fought at all.
After years of brainwashing, it is difficult for the public to jump out of the existing cognition.

That being the case, Ted will use his and Chris's ability to 'fool'.

These fools have to believe something, so why not let them believe in the god they made up?
For example, the sun in the sky is a good choice, everyone is very familiar with it!There are also many folk poems and songs praising the sun.

As long as one's mouth is strong enough to make the sun god so miraculous and give enough benefits to the people, then there is a high probability that everyone will give up their original beliefs and switch to the sun god religion.

If you want to achieve this goal, you must first have a foothold in the empire.

After all, the northern border is too far away from the main body of the empire, and the nearest city is 120km away.
"Huh? Why don't you just go to the Tomato Baron 120km away? Talk to him?"

As the closest city to the northern border, the relationship with the people of the northern border is not as tense as it is with other regions. As long as you get the permission of Baron Tomato, you can start working~
"Wait until spring~ go try your luck!"

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you have a goal, the next thing will be much easier!
After a lazy stretch, Ted came over to Chris.

At this time, Chris was just busy with the task at hand, and he looked up at Ted: "My lord? Is there anything you need me to do?"

Ted shook his head and asked, "Has anything happened in the city recently?"

"Are you referring to a special event?" Chris put away the documents and searched his memory carefully
Half a minute later, he shook his head hesitantly: "Probably not."

"Hey! Wait! There is really a special event that just happened! It is that Da Vinci, he was an orphan, it seems to be a child lost in our northern border, and he found his parents just now!"

"Huh?" Ted was dumbfounded. Why didn't he expect to encounter such an outrageous thing?
"You mean that Da Vinci may be from the north?"

Chris spread his hands, raised one eyebrow, and shrugged: "I'm not sure, they do look alike, but I don't have any testing tools, so I'm just guessing."

"In that case, shall we go and have a look?"

"Then go and have a look, I can take you there, I don't need my help for marriage registration here~"

After they got dressed, they were about to go upstairs when they saw Vadina and Steve pushing the door open.

It is not common for the princes of the empire to come to the city hall in the north. Generally, the nobles in the territory are self-governing and do not need to obey the orders of the royal family.

"Eh? Steve, what's the matter with you? Why do you come to my city hall with such a beautiful elf girl instead of warming the bed at home?"

Steve was not angry, but looked at Ted kindly: "Hey, Mr. Earl, don't be nervous, I won't inquire about your news, after all, I only have 20 years to live at most, I just want to make a deal with you~ "

This sentence made Ted puzzled, so he could only ask in a skeptical tone: "Deal?"

Steve nodded solemnly, trying not to look like he was joking: "I am the fifth prince, and I have no power or power. After my father dies, I will be assassinated by other princes, so I want to use my Everything is in exchange for 20 years of peace and no regrets."

A trace of disappointment flashed across his eyes, and Steve forced a smile.

These days, living with Vadina has allowed him to regain his passion in life and forget about the intrigues in the imperial city.

It's just that he still remembers and is always alert to himself: From the moment I was born, I was a victim, and only I knew the pain.

"Also... I have a son, I hope he can survive, let him die in the empire, and spend his life as a northerner, is that okay?"

When talking about this, Steve's tone became decadent and desperate, and he didn't know whether this method would work, let alone whether Ted would agree.

Ted did not answer directly, but pulled Steve together: "Hey~ Steve, you are always so sentimental, but please rest assured, you are of great use to our northern border, and you are still valuable time, I will not let you die~"

Then, Ted pointed outside: "The road to the north is so dangerous, I don't know what hidden dangers are hidden in the 120km wide Gobi, sometimes, even if your brothers send a reorganized army, they may die there, so ~ you don't Worry! Show your worth more, and you can live a few more years~"

"Also, you can bring your family over, my territory is quite big~"

Ted didn't speak his mind directly, but as long as his IQ is not a problem, he should be able to understand.

Due to the unique geographical advantages of the northern border, few people are willing to come here. The morale of Laoshi's expedition through the Gobi is estimated to drop by half before the fight begins.

Moreover, Ted and the Northern Territory really need a spokesperson in the empire, not only to cover for their own sales, but also to have a strong identity to help them fight against the church.

If Ted's own name is used to rebel against the church, it is not justified, and if the banner of the fifth prince is used to take over the church by the way
That is reasonable!
If you make good use of Steve as a tool man, the obstacles encountered in the future plans will not be a problem!
Next spring, I will have enough weapons and bullets to protect myself. In a few years, even if we fight, it will not be difficult to deal with a group of church corps who only know F2A~
"Hey~ Since you've come to see me, why don't you go to the theater with me?"

"Watching a play?" Steve thought carefully about what Ted said, and found that it really made sense.

Since it is the northern border, everyone is unwilling to come. So as long as you show your value and hide in the northern border, can you live a few more years?

Dad will die in 20 years, and it will take a long time to seize the heir, so~ can I still enjoy the tenderness with Vadina?
Thinking of this, Steve no longer had a sad face, but smiled and took Vadina's little hand: "Let's go, then I will go to the theater with Mr. Earl~"

"Come on then~"

In the end, the four of them tacitly followed Chris and walked upstairs to the city hall.

"Dangdangdang~" Three knocks on the door sounded.

In the room, Da Vinci and his parents talked about the past of these years with tears in their eyes.

Different from the scenes depicted in the movie, the three people who were too excited couldn't ask other questions except "did you eat enough, did you have a wife, and did you have children".

Even da Vinci's ability to paint, and his status as a knight, were forgotten.

"Cough cough."

Ted opened the door first.

The people in the room felt that the door was opened, and they all stood up to check.

"This Earl?" The man was pleasantly surprised at first, but when he saw Steve, his tone dropped: "There is also His Royal Highness."

Steve didn't care. Since he learned about the bitter history of the Northern Territory, he no longer struggled with it. He also sympathized with these people from the bottom of his heart.

"Gentlemen, what is this for? Let me draw?" Da Vinci wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned around and asked.

Ted shook his head, spent ten star coins to buy a genetic tester from the system mall, took it and walked forward with a smile: "No, I'm here to help you recognize your relatives~"

(End of this chapter)

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