Duke of Herrington

Chapter 56 Sir Da Vinci's Secret

Chapter 56 Sir Da Vinci's Secret ([-])

Sir Da Vinci stood up, not understanding what the hell Ted said?

According to the general perception of the general public, it is almost impossible to recognize relatives.

Only like the nobles, from the day of the wedding to every night before pregnancy, they come to the bedroom to "watch the ceremony", and they also come to see the child's face when they give birth, so as to ensure that the child will not be replaced, which is time-consuming and laborious. In order to ensure that the child is of noble blood.

But these behaviors are limited to the circle of nobles. For the common people, they have to run around for their lives every day. When they go home at night, how can they have the energy to watch others make trouble?

"My lord, what do you mean by that?"

Ted didn't speak, but walked to his side: "Don't move, I'll pull your hair, just one~"

"My head? Ah!" Before he could finish speaking, Da Vinci yelled, and a hair was pulled away by Ted.
"Ahem." With a polite cough, Ted took two steps forward: "You two good citizens, please give me one of your hairs with follicles."

"Hair follicles? What's that?"

"Husband! Don't care what it is, just pluck a hair and it's over!"

"Oh oh oh"

"Ouch!" "Mom!"

After two strange screams, two outstanding citizens handed their hair to Ted.

After getting three hairs, there is no need for extra operations, just put them into the tester and wait for the test results.

Close the lid, the red light is on~

The harsh sound that came with it made the surrounding people tense up. Inadvertently, a tense atmosphere quietly permeated the room. No one dared to say anything. They didn't know what the lord was doing, and they didn't dare to doubt it.

Ted didn't mind the harsh sound because he was used to it.
In my previous life, my family lived next to the hospital. This kind of "cardiac arrest" sound is the same as the alarm clock of a fruit phone. Not only will I not feel bored, but it even has a certain hypnotic effect on myself.

"Huh~" Looking at the small thing in his hand, Ted couldn't help but sigh: "The things in the future are so easy to use~"

"When!" The sound ends, and the indicator light changes from red to green.

The inspection report shows that the relationship between the three is indeed parents and children.

After the sound ended, the people around gathered together. Even if they didn't know what happened, the mentality of joining in the fun still made everyone gather around curiously.

Ted tore off the printed note, handed it to Da Vinci's biological mother, and congratulated him, "Well, congratulations, you two found your son!"

"My son? Is it true!? Ga!!!" The father, who was an excellent citizen, twitched on the spot due to excessive excitement.

The same is true for the mother, but her condition is better, she didn't collapse, she was just overexcited!Breathing shortly, he sat slumped on the spot, and his eyes were covered with snowflake-like cobwebs.

The only Da Vinci, who looked like he had seen strong winds and waves, was not calm after hearing the result, and just like his father, he directly pulled over and fell to the ground with a bang.

Ted glanced back at Chris, who understood.

This kind of excited situation is exactly the same as his performance after getting the coal mine a few months ago.

Sudden surprises, if not grasped, may turn into bad news, and even cause the person concerned to die on the spot.

Judging from the reactions of Da Vinci and his father, they are indeed a family, and they fall down in exactly the same direction, even when they roll their eyes, they point at the same angle!
Like this, as long as the heart is still beating and not foaming, it is enough to pinch someone.

After 1 minute, the two men woke up from the coma.
"Huh!" They leaned on the stools and panted heavily.
Now that the parents have been found, Ted, as the lord, must ask the three of them if they remember what happened back then. If the murderer can be found, bringing him to justice is the best answer for the victim.

"Are you alive? Then I have to ask you! Da Vinci, what is the furthest thing you can remember? Can you remember who abducted you? Who adopted you? "

It's fine with the other words, but when Ted mentions 'adoption' Da Vinci's face is instantly filled with horror.
"I'm not adopted by anyone. I don't know, I don't know.!"

This sentence was like a conditioned reflex, opening up Da Vinci's fearful memory. He curled up and hugged his knees, avoiding Ted's eyes.

This kind of performance, idiots can see the tricks
Da Vinci's childhood was miserable, but how deep was the injury to cause such a blow?
"Da Vinci?"

In an instant, Da Vinci's senses were thrown into the deep sea, and the sense of loneliness and helplessness made him afraid of everything around him.

Ted wanted to reach out his hand to wake Da Vinci, but he didn't want him to howl and quickly backed away.

A sense of suffocation came, and he kept backing away until he reached the corner before he felt a little safe.

"Da Vinci?" Ted tried calling his name again, taking a step forward.

"Don't come here, there is no devil in me!"

In just a split second, Da Vinci was crying and incontinent. It seemed that Ted was the butcher who led him to the gallows, and would kill him in the next moment!

Behind him, Vajna, who is a member of the Moon Elf family, understood the situation at a glance. Only people who have suffered first-level trauma in their hearts will show such an insecure appearance.

"He needs reassurance." Vajna held Ted back, motioning him to step back.

"Huh" took a deep breath, she used enough magic power, took out a refreshing plant fragrance powder from her pocket, and blew it towards Da Vinci.

The moment the refreshing air was inhaled, Da Vinci stopped crying, but he was still afraid of the men in front of him, but he was not on guard against the women.

In order to prevent accidents and prevent the fear from spreading further, Vadina called again in a soft voice: "My child, you are safe now~ Don't be afraid."

Steve was dumbfounded, how could he have never thought that Vadina would be so gentle?
Ted also secretly sighed in his heart: "Sure enough, the 600-year-old grandma is not just as simple as Neptune. Hey, in the future, to deal with PTSD, there will also be a psychiatrist~"

After 3 minutes, Vadina stretched out her hand and gently stroked Da Vinci's forehead, with the expression of a kind mother: "Now, please tell me what happened."

In order not to let others know about these pains, Vadina signaled everyone present to retreat to the corner. This is a person's privacy, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

"Everyone come with me, stay away." Ted understood, and pulled the people around him back to the farthest corner.

Vadina knelt on the ground on one knee, and put Da Vinci's hand on her chest, letting him feel her heartbeat: "Don't panic, I'm the only one here."

She didn't care about the mess on the ground, but patiently helped him get rid of the nightmare
"Speak, child~ just say it"


In this way, Da Vinci recounted his childhood experience.
Vadina roughly captured several useful information from his lisp
"Priest, priest, pope, little boy, exorcism, pain in the back"

Hearing this, Vazina was stunned. As a moon elf, she was once enslaved by high elves, and such a shocking thing had never happened before!
Even if the high elves do too much, they won't touch those poor children, at most they just tie them to magic transmitters to extract magic power.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Vadina took out a strange seed from her pocket and placed it on Da Vinci's head. As she uttered a string of obscure incantations, the seed turned into a The grass, like the one on the head of a slow sheep, just settled on Da Vinci's head.

Then, he fell into a deep sleep as the grass grew taller.

"My lord, please come here." Vadina felt that it was necessary to confirm with Ted, especially about the issue of the Human Church.

As a branch of the elves, they have not believed in religion since many years ago, because the ruler found that believing or not believing in the goddess of moonlight will not make his life better or worse.

So, why do you still believe her?

The last elf queen has been in office for more than 6000 years. After careful consideration, she made this decision. As a decision that seemed to violate her ancestors, she was not punished. After retiring 1600 years ago, she still lived well~
so!Religion is all deceitful. It is okay to fool the people, but it is not easy to fool the elders, especially this group of elves who are thousands of years old and tens of thousands of years old.

Ted stepped forward cautiously, came behind Vadina and asked, "What happened? Da Vinci was so frightened?"

"My lord, will human religion attack little boys?"

This sensitive question instantly made Ted understand what was going on.

"My God. This church is too."

Vadina raised her hair, stood up and leaned against the wall: "My lord, Da Vinci was probably stolen by people from the church. I saw their teachings and teachings in my sweetheart Steve's backpack a few days ago. The so-called scriptures, in their eyes, women are demons and a symbol of uncleanness, so it seems that men are a choice."

Ted didn't want to admit it, but the facts were right in front of his eyes. Those church people loved to do these bad things. They said that women were devils, but secretly they fell into the devil's lair every day.

In addition, in the name of saving women and exorcising evil spirits, they opened a brothel to amass money, allowing believers to punish devils. The financial revenue in this area once exceeded 7% of the church's total income.

What's more, in the name of God and his status as a priest, he will help women to repent and say, "I'm helping you disperse the devil!"

And those people with "high faith" did abide by the teachings and did not target women. They aimed at "clean" men, but men were strong enough to be bullied, so they switched their targets and targeted Little boy in the orphanage.

This kind of dark history, Ted thought it was just a legend, and such absurd things would not happen!But I didn't expect it to happen, and it was so close to me.

"The Hiroshima priests, sooner or later, I will throw you into the cesspit and choke to death!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Ted looked at the sleeping Da Vinci, and could only feel sorry for him.

"My lord, I think. It is also because of this reason that he likes painting. Only in the painting, he is free, unfettered, and will forget all this! And he was awarded the title of knight because he Used to be next to the Pope”

"Okay, stop talking, I see." Ted put his hands in his pockets and murmured, "Rites and music are broken! It seems that dealing with the church should be on the agenda. Wait a little longer, the Empire I don’t know how many people in the territory will be ruined by the church!”

Ted stood up, looked at the anxiously waiting parents in the distance, and said, "You two outstanding citizens, you go back first, there is something wrong with Da Vinci, and when we finish solving the problem, we will send your How about returning the son to you?"

"Okay, my lord, please ensure my son's safety, thank you!"

Ted nodded and didn't say much. At this time, a firm look is worth a thousand words.

After the two left, Ted walked up to Steve and asked, "Your Highness Fifth Prince, I have something to ask you."

As the prince of the empire, Steve is in his 30s and a young man. From Ted's point of view, he must have some understanding of the church's dark activities.

"But it doesn't matter. If it's about the church, I know their dark history, but if you want me to do something, then I'm sorry, and I can't do anything about it. I have no power or power, I can only barely survive."

Steve is just a prince with no power and power, he can't do anything, he has no choice but to be slaughtered like a fat sheep.

Such an answer was expected by Ted, but it was not a problem: "Okay, since this is the case, I have to discuss something with you."

"Can we talk about it here?" Steve thought it was business, or that Ted wanted to use himself to avoid the eyes of the church.

"Of course, there are no outsiders here. It is impossible for your Vadina to help those churches. I can see fear and disgust in her eyes, and even more hatred."

"As for Da Vinci, he can't hear anything now."

Steve stretched his shoulders lightly, made a gesture of invitation, and waited for Ted's next words: "Okay, Mr. Earl, what can I do for you?"

Ted put his hand on the prince's shoulder with a smile, and said solemnly: "I want to put you on the throne and make you the emperor of Xueman Empire."

The Xueman Empire needs an emperor, and after 2234 is gone, the world also needs a Lich King, and the Maw Abyss needs a warden.

Since it must exist, it is better to find a tool person who can control it, and then manipulate everything behind the scenes.

Steve was dumbfounded, and kept changing his expression to confirm whether Ted was joking.

"Are you serious?"

"You think I'm joking? Just say you want to?"

"Of course I want to! I'm thinking about it in my dreams!"

"Okay, then leave the rest to me. Before you ascend the throne, keep quiet and follow my arrangement. I will definitely make you emperor!"

Although he didn't know whether Ted's words were reliable or not, Steve had a thought of 'I can be the emperor' in his heart.

Judging from the tidy city and some strange supplies, this frontier nobleman seems to have a big secret.

If you don't give it a try, you will die young, why don't you stud, put your bet on Ted, and seek a chance!
"Then from tomorrow on, you and your sweetheart don't get tired of being together, at least squeeze out some time during the day and come to class with me."

"Attend class?"

"Come and find out!"

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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