Duke of Herrington

Chapter 58 A planet orbits a star once

Chapter 58

After half an hour.
Ted could finally hear Steve's roar.

"Mr. Earl! Tad! Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you, stop yelling, Steve!"

In the end, both of their voices became hoarse, and their ears didn't slow down.

The outgoing sound is as vague as the water separated by one meter. Not only that, when receiving the sound, it is also accompanied by ear pain and intermittent tinnitus
It's clear that loud noise, especially indoors, affects hearing much more than the 01:30 point.

After discussion, the two decided to go home and rest first, and then train after recovering tomorrow.
Of course, Steve didn't get the weapon because he hadn't passed the course test and probationary period, and the other thing was that Ted didn't know if he could control his emotions.

Like Ted himself, after unlocking the weapon mall, he didn't immediately buy a weapon suitable for him, because he himself was also considering his own endurance. , took out his weapon and shot him down?what is this?tyrant?Evil Lord?
Even in these years, the lives of civilians are not life, and Ted's heart does not allow him to trample on other people's lives wantonly. It is also because of similar reasons that he did not issue bullets to the soldiers.

If there is no control and the evil in his heart is released at will, then Ted will immediately become a native of the motherland, or a warlord, leading soldiers to run amok in the countryside and disregarding human life.

Just thinking about that result is terrifying.
Sometimes, self-control is also very important, just like in the game, a paladin cannot apply the Holy Shield or the blessing of protection immediately after giving himself a lay on hands, the 30 seconds in between is called self-discipline.
When he was free, he would not hang the weapon on his body, but planned to wait until he was a little more mature before doing so.

Therefore, even if Steve racked his brains just now and exchanged his treasured treasures, Ted did not agree, but insisted on letting him finish the class.

Steve is a prince, even if he is the most useless, powerless and powerful prince, according to the law, he is above ordinary people, if he is given such a powerful weapon without education, it is difficult to guarantee his Do nothing.

Ted is not a gambler, he will not bet his life, or the lives of innocent people, on whether Steve is kind.

Came to the city hall, after processing some necessary documents, Ted covered his ears and returned home
When Ted returned home, it was almost lunch time, and Alice and Mia were preparing to cook~
The moment Ted pushed the door and walked in, the gentle and virtuous Alice noticed Ted's abnormality. According to the previous experience, she helped Ted to the side of the big bed, and gently put her jade hand on Ted. De's head.
"Sister Alice, I also want to~" Mia came uninvited, sitting on Ted's lap and begging Alice to pet her coquettishly.


Immediately afterwards, Alice closed her eyes, lowered her head and murmured an obscure magic spell. A gentle magic power flowed along Ted's skin to the injured part, accelerating the healing of the damaged tissue.

After a while, the tinnitus and tingling sensation disappeared.
And Mia can also feel this warm magic, from Alice's fingertips, across Mia's whole body.
It seems that the cat is lazily stretching its body, and the comfort bursts out from the bottom of my heart.

After enjoying the nourishment of magic power, Mia stood up mischievously, rubbed against Alice's smooth right arm, imitating Ted's previous appearance, and asked, "Mrs. Alice, what are we eating today~"

Alice is no longer shy, especially for Mia's deliberate mischief, she seems to be immune!
"Hee hee, dear Mrs. Mia, let's eat dumplings!"

"Dumplings? Isn't that a traditional delicacy in our northern territory? Why do you want to eat it at noon today?" Mia covered her face and exclaimed loudly, then turned to look at Ted.

Seeing the two live creatures playing mischievously, Ted relaxed his body, took off his coat and leaned back.

He explained with a smile: "Because tomorrow is the festival when we celebrate the planets revolving around the stars. It's the New Year. According to our northern tradition, we have to eat one or two dumplings for every meal. Of course, you can also eat Lantern Festival~ "

Alice didn't speak, but together with Mia, looked at Ted with the little resentful eyes, trying to hint at what he should do.

Ted took a long breath and urged in a tired voice: "You two, stop making trouble ~ hurry up and cook! I'm a little hungry!"

Alice was still not in a hurry, she took Mia's little hand unhurriedly, and did not follow Ted's instructions to cook, but lay beside Ted.

"My dear husband, don't you think it's time to give your wives a sweet kiss? Especially when the 'planet is about to revolve around the star'?" Mia stretched her body, lying on her side on the big bed, Hit Ted lightly on the face with his clean little feet.

"Yes, my dear husband, if you want to eat the ladies' food, don't you feel embarrassed?" Following Mia's example, Alice also slapped Ted's face with her little foot.
They were both feet, but Ted wasn't interested at all because one was left unwashed and the other was too clean.
"Okay, my wives, I'm about to faint from hunger, let's go cook~" In order to prevent the two wives from continuing to tease him, Ted sat up and kissed each of the wives.

After this, Alice took Mia out of the bedroom.

When the two wives left, Ted lay on the big soft bed and kicked off his shoes.

"Although I didn't work hard today, I'm still very tired."

Slowly closing his eyes, he let his mind sink again into deep, dark fantasies.
However, when there are no accidents, there will always be accidents.

The system beep sounded again!
"Didi!" Such a heart-stopping voice didn't make Ted react. He slowly opened his eyes and opened the system prompt calmly.

[The first stage of the main line of the mainland: Change the thoughts of the people in the territory (completed)!

Introduction: In the current northern border, people no longer believe in religion, and instead begin to move closer to natural science bit by bit.

Evaluation: Good job, but still need to strengthen people's minds and let them continue to believe in science!

Mission Reward: Pets!
Additional rewards have been unlocked: When changing the minds of the people, no casualties were caused, and additional rewards were obtained, pet random card x1]

[Unlock the second phase of the mission!
Change the minds of the people in the empire so that they no longer believe in religion!

Reward: Overlord's Colossal Statue x10!

Additional reward requirements: The civilian casualties caused are less than 100 million, and church members are not included in it. 】

After reading this article, Ted was dumbfounded. He pursed his lips and exhaled lightly: "Is this to let everyone worship me? Give me a statue? Then leave it for future generations to see?"

If it weren't for the system's reminder, Ted would have almost forgotten the content of the mission. He thought a few days ago that the mission would only be completed if he had to change the minds of everyone in the empire. He never thought that the first stage was only in the territory!

"Whatever, let's take a look at my pet first!" The second phase of the task will have to wait until next spring, so there is no rush for now.

As a senior cat slave in her previous life, she was not only proficient in bathing, drying and grooming cats, but also understood a few words of cat language!You can also observe the cat's health from the poop!

"Hey, little cat! Here I come!"

Ted's eyes changed, and so did his demeanor. Even when Bingjiao came, he had to give up three points. He turned around and lay down on the bed, carefully reading the system's instructions about pets.

[Please note that pets are not pets in the traditional sense, they can play a huge role in combat, scientific research, and teaching! 】

"Then I have this random card."

Inadvertently, his eyes flicked across the card, and a message popped out, squeezing Ted's face!
It seems that this system can penetrate people's hearts and know what they are thinking at the moment!
[Current Card: Random Pet Card!Need to spend 500 stars to upgrade to a designated card! 】

"So expensive? The pistol I bought is only 20 star coins, and the designated pet card costs 500? Why don't you grab it?"

Although the thought flashed by at the speed of light, the magical system still captured the thought.

The next moment, a countdown appeared on the screen.

[After 10 seconds, the upgrade option disappears. 109]


Ted didn't hesitate, and in just two seconds, he figured out the pros and cons.
If it was a random card, a poisonous frog or a poisonous lizard would accidentally come out randomly. Ted couldn't accept such pets that would make people lose their San value.

He can only accept chameleons at most, other than that, he won't have a problem with any cold-blooded creatures.
After all, I am not the third brother, and I don't like lizards.

[Purchase is complete, congratulations to the host for upgrading the 'random card' to 'designated card'! 】

Ted spent 500 star coins in tears, just to have a dream kitten!
In this world, no pet cat has survived. The only thing that can compete with cats is the saber-toothed tiger that haunts the deep jungle in the south.
Although it is also a cat, no one dares to touch a large gold gradient like this!
It is estimated that those who have this idea and put it into practice, the leeks on the graves have been dropped several times.

"Forget it, the money has already been spent anyway, why don't you take a look at the pet card, what can it give me?"

After clicking the card, due to the huge amount of information, Ted's brain even got stuck before all the options appeared.

Because it is a designated card, according to the instructions, the selected pet needs to be DIY by Ted himself.

"I'm a face pinching master! If that's the case, hehehe!"

Click on the search box and enter 'cat'

However, what Ted never expected was that before the input of 'Mi', the system popped up a few things that shattered the three views due to association.

【Cats, cat girls, cat ear accessories.】

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Ted clicked on Catwoman.
"I go!"

A few young and beautiful cats just appeared in front of me. Although they are not as cute as Mia, they are enough to satisfy the dark side of my heart
Fortunately, he has a bottom line, otherwise, he will definitely spend all the star coins to buy this special 'pet', one is named Chocolate, and the other is named Vanilla
"No, no, no, absolutely no, people can't, at least they shouldn't!"

It took a lot of hard work for Ted to return to normal without letting the nosebleed flow out.

"The system really knows how to play, but I don't want a cat girl! I don't have a hair on my body, how can I satisfy Furui Kong? The soft, cute and sweet kitten is the best! Don't want any cat girl! Don't even want Ankha!"

Ted used his longing for the kitten to dispel the last trace of evil thoughts remaining in his heart, clicked the back button, and locked his eyes on the cat.

(End of this chapter)

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