Duke of Herrington

Chapter 59 Little Kitty~

Chapter 59 Little Kitty~
What catches the eye is a cat frame. According to the selected breed, different basic shapes will be generated, and then the host can re-match the pattern according to his own preferences~
The initial attributes of cats are the same, whether it is IQ or physical endurance, they are all a value.

"That is to say, the core of cats is the same, but the skin is different?"

After Ted carefully read the instructions one by one, and thoroughly researched and understood, click to pinch his face!

As a beauty control, you must choose a puppet when choosing a cat. Anyway, the cats given in the system will not have loose stools. As long as you don’t feed things randomly, you don’t have to worry about the cat’s gastrointestinal problems.

Therefore, the long-haired cat will not turn into a mop stained with feces in Lu Bu's hands, nor will it bring dirt to every corner of the room~
Besides, I am a cat lover, and I will definitely buy top cat food from the system mall~
【Successful loading! 】

After the loading was successful, Ted was drooling, and squintingly observed every face-squeeze option.

"The eyes. They should be sky blue. The patterns must be symmetrical, even if there is a deviation of one nanometer."

"The meat pads must be pink! The hair volume must be the largest!"

The process of pinching the face lasted for a full half an hour, and the process can be described as going through untold hardships.

However, the effort is worth it!Not long after, a queen-level pet was born!
[Are you sure you want to exchange the current pet? 】


[Please select the type of pet, the current options are: smart, latent]

"Smart type!"

The next moment, the golden light shone, and the light scattered in all directions made Ted unable to open his eyes!This level of brightness is even more outrageous than the light produced by encountering golden legendary items during the system lottery!
After three seconds, the golden light dissipated bit by bit.

'Plop' the kitten landed on the bed on all fours, and Ted slowly opened his eyes.


The milky meowing sounds entered Ted's ears, and at this moment, his tired body and mind were completely healed!

"Hey hey, kitty!"

According to the prompt in the system, the age of the kitten is set as juvenile, there is no specific number, and there is no display of lifespan
"Could it be that, just like in the game, there are only childhood and adulthood? Forget it, forget it! I'll talk about it later!"

As a person who knows how to communicate with cats, Ted did not reach out to catch the kitten immediately, but lowered his body as much as possible, buried under the quilt, with only one head exposed, and slowly moved forward to show his friendliness.

The little milk cat is not stupid, as a smart cat, he quickly understands who is in front of him?

So, she turned sideways, 'baji' lay on the soft quilt, obediently exposed her belly, and exposed her weakness to the master.

"Yeah, the kitten is very good, and quite strong~"

Ted stretched out his hand slowly, picked up the kitten, and brought it to his face.

"Hey, the little cat is blushing, let me taste your taste!" Ted opened his big mouth with a smile, and put the whole cat's head in.

This is what every cat owner will do, even if they don't admit it, they will do it secretly.

Hold this kind of kitten in your hands, put it in your mouth for a while, and then take it out.
This kind of meaningless action, as long as the cat does not grow up, will be loved by the owner every day.

"Hey hey mu!"

When Ted took the kitten out of his mouth, the kitten let out a fierce 'meow' and complained: "Eat garlic and don't brush your teeth! Bad review!"


Ted was stunned, and made a small tactical back, thinking he heard it wrong.
"Master! Remember to brush your teeth when you eat garlic!" The little cat thought that what he said was not clear enough, so he repeated it again.

"You can talk?"

The kitten turned its head sideways, raised a paw to cover its nose, and tried its best not to let the smell of garlic enter its nasal cavity: "I am a smart cat! What is the difficulty in talking? Also! I am hungry, remember the litter box , cat food and canned cat food, you need to prepare a few more! If you have chicken breast cooked in water, give me a copy too!"

"." Ted stayed where he was, without any reaction, but stared at the little guy in front of him. After purifying the smell in his mouth with mouth spray, he asked again: "I said...you are a kitten, You should please your master, and wait until your master is satisfied before raising conditions!"

The two wives had just done the same thing to him, and Ted was doing the same thing.

He put down the little kitten, stretched out his hand and gently scratched the little cat's chin.

The kitten's eyes widened, enjoying the scratching, closed its eyes and asked its owner, "Then what do you want?"

"A kitten like you, plump and plump, let me take two bites"

"Ah?" The kitten suddenly opened its eyes, looked at Ted who was approaching, couldn't help taking two steps back, and bent down with horror on his face.

"Hey~ These white and smooth little paws, my God, I dare say, even the most expensive wool is not half as good as this."

"No, master, don't come here!"

"Huh~" Ted couldn't bear it any longer, how could he hold back such a sweet and delicious kitten?

After one sip, the natural vanilla flavor is tangy, and the unique taste of the little milk cat makes the happiness to the top.

The next moment, Ted aimed at the cat's little pad!

Taking another bite, I gently touched the pink and soft meat pad with my lips, as if a rubber fudge was stuck to my mouth, and there was still an inexplicable milk fragrance on it.

"Exactly the same feeling!"

Next, on to the most important part!Put your whole face on the cat's belly!

As an ultimate shit shoveler, he must have had the experience of sucking his own cat's belly. Ted didn't hesitate to lie on her belly and enjoy the softness that fell into the sky.
"Phew, the needle doesn't poke!"

After 5 minutes, Ted turned around, like a great sage, without any desire, not even a little distracting thoughts.

On the other hand, the kitty on the other side stayed where she was in astonishment and was at a loss.

She thought that the master would eat her alive, but she never thought that he just had a soft spot for the hair and pads on his body.

After finishing all this, the little cat slowly moved to Ted's ear step by step, and whispered: "Now, can you open a can for me?"


After enjoying it, you have to be responsible. Ted is not a scumbag, and such a cute kitty, how can he not talk about it?

Click on the system mall, choose cat food, and buy a top-level luxury cat set that not only includes food and drinking water, but also a cat teaser and a cat scratcher!For this suit, Ted spent a full 100 star coins.

"I have never spent so much on myself, but I spent 100 on you all at once. Look how good I am as a master!"


While Ted was talking, he came to the cabinet, took out the litter box skillfully, filled it with soft and fine large-grained cat litter, then walked to the other side of the room, took out the cat bowl, and took out the cat litter box. Produce a box of fine canned food that cats will drool upon seeing.


With the sound of 'click', the cat can was opened, and the aroma of food immediately attracted the little cat to come to have a meal!

In the last step, senior excrement shovelers know that it is best not to put the cat’s water bowl and rice bowl in the same place, because they don’t like to drink water where they hunt.

So Ted put the water bowl on the table.

"Hey, why did you put my water bowl so far away?"

"Aren't you a cat? Cats don't like food and water."

"I'm not a wild cat. I'm a puppet, Xiao Gongju!"

Ted was speechless, and could only pick up the cat in a desperate manner, took her rice bowl, and put them on the table together, so that she would not eat on the ground, but eat on a solid wooden table like a public servant.

Today, Ted was taught a lesson by a cat.
"Baji. Baji"

There was a crisp and pleasant chirping sound, and Ted closed his eyes to enjoy the comfortable ASMR.

The chirping sound of humans eating may make some people feel bored, but the chirping sound of kittens will never be bored~
"I said, Xiao Mi, what name should I give you?"

The kitten didn't look back, but put its face in the rice bowl and replied intermittently: "That's your business, you are my master~"

"In that case, call you little boy?"


As soon as the voice fell, the bedroom door was pushed open.

It's just making dumplings. It's not difficult to make enough dumplings for three people, and the rest can be handed over to other people.

"Honey, there's only 20 minutes left. My God! What is this?" Mia covered her face, as if she had discovered something incredible!
"Could it be that this is a white saber-toothed tiger cub? But the hair is too thick, isn't it?" Alice has seen a lot. When she was a child, she remembered that the uncle next door passed by wearing an apron made of saber-toothed tiger skin.

From this, you can imagine its appearance, but it is impossible to be the little guy in front of you. Albino saber-toothed tiger cubs do not have such long hair, so it is easy to distinguish.

The little boy shook his hair, turned his head to look at the two female creatures behind him, licked his lips, gave a soft squeak, and then turned back to continue eating.

Mia grabbed Ted, stood there excitedly and whispered, "Where did this little guy come from?"

"Yes, dear, what kind of creature is this cute little guy?" Alice quietly approached Xiaoguai, turning her head to observe her eating carefully.

"What is this food? It smells so good?" Alice closed her glasses, and gently twitched her nose to sense the smell of canned food.
The babbling sound stopped abruptly, and a can was completely eaten by Xiaoguai~
After doing this, Xiaoguai turned around, looked up and waited for Ted to wipe his mouth.

"Are you... want me to wipe your mouth?"

Xiaoguai nodded, and warmly reminded: "I'm a little princess, how can I be like other cats? You have to wipe my pp when I go to the toilet later!"

"Uh" Ted didn't refuse. After all, this long-haired cat will always be a problem when going to the bathroom.

Even if it's not the mop on Lu Bu's mop, some cat litter particles will stick to it. Paying attention to cleaning will keep the cat hygienic and make it easier to suck it by itself.

At the same time, Mia and Alice beside them were stunned. They hid behind Ted with their eyes wide open and asked tremblingly, "Husband, is this a monster? Is it aggressive? It can even talk." ? Could it be? The Demon King?”

Ted grinned, pulled the two of them in front of him, and then, in front of them, took out a wet wipe for cats and wiped Xiao Guai's mouth clean.

"You said, such a cute little guy, will he be the devil king?"

"This...creature cannot be judged by its appearance. Will she bite our throats while we are sleeping?"

Ted covered his face and pointed at the little boy in front of him: "She's a cat! She's a close relative of a saber-toothed tiger, and like a demonized saber-toothed tiger, she can talk, but she doesn't have that kind of attack ability!"

After saying this, Ted picked up the cat and put it in front of the two wives: "Look, is she aggressive?"

Xiaoguai was also very cooperative, just licked his lips with his tongue, and then whispered in a unique milky voice: "How is he like a villain? He is just a kitten, what evil can a kitten have?"

"This" Mia, as a brave girl in the north, has the courage to accept new things. She first reached out to take the kitten from Ted's hand, and held her in her arms like a child.

Inadvertently, Alice caught a glimpse of the cat's clean glass bowl and remembered something important.

"Honey, I forgot to tell you. Just now, Chris sent a message saying that the official location of our glass factory has been selected, and the tools are still being prepared, but the people in the chemical department and the mechanical department are working on bullets. , there is no extra manpower to study the raw material-alkali for the time being."

"I understand this, I will deal with it tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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