Duke of Herrington

Chapter 6 What ~ Is Happy Planet~

Chapter 6 What ~ Is Happy Planet~
Back in the lord's hall, Ted's first task was to issue a complete administrative order.

From today until next year's autumn harvest, as long as you complete the lord's tasks as required, you can receive free rations and charcoal for the family, not only wheat, but also all kinds of fruits and vegetables, even the rich can eat The grapes that arrived are also on the list.

Tomorrow is September 9th, and there is still one month before Valentine ushers in the first snow. Ted must clean up the sanitation of the city and the citizens before the heavy snow comes!

"Crack!" After stamping his lord's seal, Ted signed his name and date.

The executive order takes effect immediately!
The next moment, the word 'Complete' popped up on the task prompt bar in the system

The 200 star coins were immediately credited to my account!

[Merciful lord, the task is completed, reward: 200 star coins!Random card x1]

With the card, be sure to draw a prize!Ted threw the card into the lottery machine almost as soon as he got the reward.

I thought that the single draw would only be free, but Ted was suddenly possessed by a European. The violent shaking combined with the flashing golden light made him unable to open his eyes!
【Wow!Golden legend!Natural Resource Finder! 】

"It turns out that a single draw can also perform miracles!" Ted discovered the benefits of a white face!

The prize this time is an extra function of the system, which is equivalent to the DLC of the game, but according to the description of the function, this thing is better than any physical reward!

【Equipment is complete! 】

"Natural resource detector: an additional function of the system, which can detect coal mines, oil, natural gas and other industrial lifelines, as well as metal ores! When entering the resource range of 500 meters, the detector will prompt the host!"

This amazing gadget was useful before the big detectors were invented!
Just as she was immersed in joy, Mia quietly came behind and said, "My lord, didn't you... go to buy food? Will the food be delivered later?"

Ted didn't answer, but took out a bunch of delicious grapes from his pocket like a magic trick~
When he entered the city, he put a small amount of resources in the shops~ enough for the citizens for a month, and he is not in a hurry now.

When the little maid in front of her eyes widened her eyes when she saw the grapes, she subconsciously put her fingers in her mouth, and said falteringly, "My lord, are these grapes?"

As a resident in the north, living in the snow and ice all year round, such delicacies only exist in hearsay. After all, no businessman is willing to take the risk of being robbed and transport this perishable food across the 120 kilometers of Gobi. here~
"Mia, have you taken a shower these two days?"

"Didn't I wash it a few days ago?" The unique aroma from the grapes spread out, and the young maid drooled a lot. She has never experienced the taste of grapes in her life. The sour, refreshing and moist experience is like jade. Blast on the tongue coating, chewing the tender pulp bit by bit
“Should be delicious”

This bunch of plump and plump fruits is like the pineapple hanging in the Garden of Eden~ and Ted is like a beast guarding the fruit, guiding her step by step to the happy planet.

"Hurry up and take a shower, I'll eat it for you after washing!" For the sake of everyone's hygiene, I need to use some small rewards to lure everyone to maintain the habit at special moments!Since Mia likes to eat, let me make a small condition~
"Okay! I'll go right away!" In the era without mobile phones and computers, food is motivation~!

When Mia left, Ted put the grapes aside and opened the system mall!

I just got 200 star coins, plus the rest from before, it shouldn't be too much to buy something to reward myself.

"Let me see, what's so good about it!?"

Just wandering around in the mall, I turned to the column of supplies.

Spend 10 star coins to buy a truck full of universal neutral body wash, and buy 100 large plastic buckets of manure.

There is no sewer system in the city, and it is all washed away by rainy days. Sometimes, natural cesspools will form in low-lying places, and no one will clean them until the pile of feces is tens of centimeters thick.

Such a picture is so beautiful, even the poor gray state of the earth will not throw away excrement at will.

Tell the citizens clearly the usefulness of this thing, then promotion will not be a problem!Wouldn't it be a waste of money to throw this kind of natural gold and rubbish on the street! ?Xiaoxiba will use it to make wine, Xiaobaga will eat it hot, and Ted will use it to farm and feed fish~ not bad!
In addition, the materials used to build public bathrooms have to be bought. The current technology is not enough to smelt copper water pipes, so they can only be purchased with star coins.

A public bathroom system costs five star coins, and Ted plans to build a large one, so he bought ten sets at once!With the supporting devices and necessary parts, more than 100 star coins were spent one after another.
When there were only one hundred star coins left, he realized that he didn't seem to buy anything for himself.

I just did several big things in a row, so I can reward myself with a little something
For example, a comfortable big bed~
My own bed is as hard as a steel plate, there is no mattress, only stuffing like weeds. It is a torment to lie on it and sleep, and bugs often crawl on the wooden bed, which is very uncomfortable!

Falling asleep and falling asleep, can feel an object crawling across the face, it feels terrible!

Just do it!Ted doesn't plan to spend a lot of star coins on himself, now is not the time to enjoy it!
So he bought a modern bedroom set for only five pennies!

Unfortunately, these items need to be assembled by himself, and the painting of the bedroom has to be done by himself
As a handicapped party with perfect theoretical knowledge and almost zero hands-on ability, now is the time to prove yourself!

Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Ted rolled up his sleeves, pushed the things in the bedroom out of the door bit by bit, took out the tools and started working.
Two hours later, Ted had the bedroom refurbished!I thought it would be very cumbersome, but I never thought that when using the inventory, these paints will automatically become the appearance of the wall!Click to use, the paint will be sprayed directly on the target spot!The placement of furniture is also very smart!It even has air conditioning!But. There is a small problem, that is, there is no electricity right now.
After finishing this, Ted pushed open the glass windows to ventilate. Since the piles of dung piled up outside were moved outside the city, the air at night was extremely cool, with only a slight smell!

After another hour, the countdown of the system is over, the paint and the ground are quickly dried, and you can move in directly!
The power system and drainage system are not connected, and the facilities in the bedroom are almost useless, but~ it doesn't matter, I just want that clean big bed!
At this time, Mia sang and came outside Ted's bedroom, looking at the pushed out furniture, thinking what happened to the lord?
After hurriedly opening the door, Mia was completely dumbfounded. Unlike the previous environment, the lord's bedroom was filled with furniture that had never been seen before. The simple style was refreshing in the era of elegant and luxurious aesthetics!The unique style made Mia's heart beat!

Especially the king size bed in the middle of the bedroom!Coral fluff sways left and right with the breeze blowing, like a peaceful grassland under the mountains, gently rippling with the wind
"If you lie on it, it must be very comfortable~"

Ted had just finished his work and was covered in sweat. He planned to take a shower before dealing with government affairs.

In the past two days when I was away, things must have happened a lot. If I don't deal with them in time, there will only be more and more things. It is immoral to leave the task to the children and grandchildren!Ted scoffed at that!

"grown ups."

"Oh? Mia? Is there any more bath water?"

"I would like to follow your lord's order. Now someone is dedicated to manage it. The lord's house has hot water all day~"

"That's it." Ted thought for a while, and immediately ordered: "No problem, I will take a shower later, and then I will discuss political affairs and infrastructure projects with Chris, how about you?"

This little girl's eager expression can be understood with her toes. As long as this kind of modern crafted soft bed is a carbon-based creature, she will not refuse it!

"Then~ you can try it for me, how comfortable is this bed~ how about it?" After finishing speaking, he picked up the plate beside him and put it in Mia's hand, and said again: "Remember to put the grapes on the table after eating the grapes." Throw rubbish in the bin outside!"

"Yes, my lord, I promise to complete the task!" Mia pursed her lips and nodded slightly to Ted
The handsome and handsome man in front of him became even more charming at this moment, and it seemed that a thousand cheerful alpacas flew by in his heart, dancing in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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