Duke of Herrington

Chapter 7 Traditions of the Empire!

Chapter 7 Traditions of the Empire!
There is a strange tradition in [Xueman Empire], when nobles or noble heirs do not want to marry other nobles, they will pick a young girl from the orphanage, raise her up, and become a maid of the noble family, and this Maids usually become noble ladies.

Because the children in the orphanage generally have a clean background and will not have any relationship with any forces, this has also become the best choice for those nobles who do not want to stand in line.

As a border hereditary nobleman in the northeastern part of the empire, since Ted came to this land, his ancestors have never married the daughter of any noble family in the country.

The Viscountess Herrington was almost all poor people from the Valentine Orphanage, and because of this, Ted had no physical defects. Compared with those in the middle of the empire, he was healthier, smarter, and taller!

Soaking in the bathtub, Ted continued to browse the mall, picked out suitable tools, and downloaded some e-books to increase his knowledge of agricultural planting and urban sanitation.

"When the book is in use, you will hate less!"

Although the brain understands this knowledge, his hands don't think so. If Ted is allowed to learn the theoretical knowledge, there will be no problem. If he starts to practice, it will only make a mess.

"It seems that I have to do it myself!"

At the same time, Mia just finished eating grapes, she took off all her clothes, and got into the brand new big bed.

At this moment, it is late autumn, and there will always be a cool breeze at night, but hiding in the warm and comfortable quilt, every piece of plump coral fleece rubs against every inch of skin, and the whole body is sunken in the mattress, as if floating in the warm In the bathtub, a sense of comfort bursts out from the body.

"Really relaxing" Gradually, the soft pillow awakened her drowsiness.
As a maid of the lord's house, Mia knew more or less about the Herrington family, and her clever little head also deduced that she must be the future Mrs. Herrington~
I just heard the rumors from Sir Chris that the previous Viscountess gave birth to a child at the age of 13, although unfortunately she died in the end.
I am already 13 years old this year, why is Mr. Ted reluctant to act on me?
Consciousness dissipated little by little, Mia stopped thinking, but let her mind let go of her thoughts and fell into a deep sleep.


In the evening, Ted stayed in the office with the housekeeper to deal with unfinished government affairs.

Inadvertently, Chris asked: "My lord, your mother gave birth to her first child at the age of 13, but why did you hesitate to act on Mia? The matter between you and Mia has long been decided by your father." It's down. You know, it's good for the family to have a new generation as soon as possible."

"Pfft." Ted looked at Chris with a smile, and asked back: "I am the only seedling in my family, and all those born before me died. My mother only succeeded in giving birth to me when she was 26 years old. You say I am the only seedling? What's the rush?"

"Is it possible that you also want me to feel the pain of losing a child? Like my father?"

Hearing this, Chris shook his head quickly: "Of course not, my lord." He didn't think of such a simple truth for a while, so he picked up his pen and continued to work.

It's just that the responsibilities of generations forced him to interject again: "Sir, how about I go to the empire to find a 25-year-old noble woman who has not yet met men?"

"Patta!" Ted put down the pen holder helplessly, and said blankly: "There is no better choice in this world than Mia. First of all, we are childhood sweethearts, we like and understand each other, and secondly, she has a very good background. Clean! Our family does not want to have too much contamination with the outside world! So Mia is the only person in the world who meets these two requirements."

"But... earlier."

"Shh! Don't mention this matter again!" Ted picked up the pen again and ignored it.

In addition to the conditions just mentioned, there is another advantage, that is, the two are not related by blood!
The marriage partners of the nobles were either the daughters of the close relatives of other nobles in the empire, or the maids at home.

For the sake of future generations, Ted would rather die than consider other noble daughters.

"Continue to process the file!"

"Yes, my lord"

Slowly, the pile of documents on the table became less and less, and the sky gradually became brighter. It was not until the next morning that the two of them finished processing the backlog of government affairs.

But they are not allowed to sleep right now!Because today, a week's worth of food will be distributed, and hundreds of thousands of residents in the city will receive supplies. This is a big project, and Ted has to visit the site in person to improve his prestige.

A few days ago, I sent people to call the citizens to build public bathrooms, but two days later, no one was willing to come, even if the officials kept shouting the slogan of "pay the wages, don't work for nothing", no one cared.

Now, Ted has gray hair and thinks he has some charisma, so... this shouldn't be a problem?
"I hope so."

At eight o'clock in the morning, a whole commercial street was full of people, all of them were family members, waiting for the shops to open. What was different from the past was that their faces were full of smiles, and many people expressed their gratitude to Ted. Wave your hand!

This kind of scene made Ted suddenly have a kind of "looks like I'm not bad!" ' Thoughts.

At 08:30, the store opened on time to distribute supplies. Everyone was shocked when the door opened!
There is not only wheat in front of you, but also cabbage and tomato!The dew on it even soaks up the smell of summer!

"Crunch." One door after another was opened, and there were piles of fruits and vegetables that could only be seen from the middle. Even expensive apples were included in the free supply, sweet and delicious red dates and olives, Just being there can attract a large crowd to watch.

Before that, even if you sat next to these fruits and smelled them, the merchants had to charge money.
There are also some expensive supplies, Ted has not released, he has other plans.

After receiving the instructions from the lord, the staff standing in front rang the bell in their hands and shouted: "Don't fight, don't rob! Every family has enough rations! Our lord has bought enough food! You can It will be distributed for free until next year's autumn harvest! Those who don't line up and loot will be disqualified!"

The people, who were about to move, stopped immediately after hearing this. Even if they could grab it, they couldn't escape the guards standing guard. Why don't you come as required? There seems to be no need to worry about the large boxes piled up in the store.
At this time, Chris took the guards and moved a large board to the end of the market!
"After receiving the supplies, you can go to the wooden board ahead to see! The lord wants to recruit 300 men over the age of 20 to build public facilities, and there will be wages!"

The shocked people widened their eyes once again, talking beside them
"Giving money? Isn't it recruiting civilian husbands to work for free?"

"I heard about it a few days ago, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"Recruitment? I'm afraid it's not a cover, it's actually a recruitment! No money will be given in the end"

"I don't want to go anyway, there is food to eat, I don't want to work."

Most of the people who received the free supplies all left in a hurry. They began to accept the lord, but the level had not yet reached Ted's psychological level.

Until a man named William stopped in front of the board, all 10 members of his family came here to collect supplies, everyone had food in their hands, and the mother even dragged a cart to pull wheat and charcoal
Seeing this, the man stopped and turned to look at the two elder sons.

"Jack, Tom! You two and I will build public facilities for the lord!"

"Why? Father, no one is going here, just let someone else come." The two sons stopped where they were and wondered.

Father William shook his head and smiled: "Family, think about it. If it wasn't for the lord, our family wouldn't be able to survive this winter, and many people would even die. We don't need to care about others. At least the lord saved us. Food is our wages, we're going! Understand?"

Hearing his father's words, the family was thoughtful. The eldest son and the second son put the wheat on the cart and followed in the footsteps of their father. As the first family to join, they were at the forefront.

After a few hours, at least tens of thousands of people passed by the sign, but less than 200 actually stopped.
(End of this chapter)

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