Duke of Herrington

Chapter 76 Treatment Methods and Imperial Refugees

Chapter 76 Treatment Methods and Imperial Refugees
Back home, Ted pulled out his chair depressedly, sat at the table and sighed.

Mia and Alice are still hiding in bed and whispering, still making people blush.
Sandwiched between the two is the new member Lilia. From the past few days, besides eating and going to the toilet, her biggest interest is sleeping
Of course, sometimes I will chat with Ted.

Taking a long breath, Ted stuck his chin and looked outside in a daze
Because I just agreed to the clerks of the city hall about hiring a giant dragon to build a factory, but when I calmed down and thought about it carefully, I felt that this matter was somewhat unreliable
After all, it is a giant dragon, the living fossil of the planet, which has witnessed the rise and fall of countless dynasties, and watched batch after batch of intelligent creatures perish.

And Ted himself is just the most ordinary mortal, not even qualified to be their vassal, at best he is just a dispensable grain of sand.

So... how is he qualified to invite such a group of creatures out of the mountain?
Ted spread out his notebook with a bitter face, and wrote a few words with a solemn expression
It's just that he crossed it out before he even touched a few strokes, and then he hugged his head and lay down on the table, wanting to cry without tears. He could only vent by violently ravaging his hair.

On the pillow not far away, Xiaoguai, the Demon King, felt the irritability emanating from her master. She stretched out her limbs, turned around and stepped on Lilia's back, and slid to the ground along her tail.

Ted breathed a sigh of relief from the soft 'click' of the pads on the ground
"Master, did you encounter any problems?" Xiaoguai didn't climb up Ted's coat. As a smart and flexible kitten, she jumped directly onto the table!
"Little boy, I'm just worried about how to talk to Lilia's relatives. Use your clever little brain to think about it, such a noble dragon is the living fossil of the world! When they were in the fish and meat town, we humans were just mediocre creatures. A monkey with a brain, and now, a 'lower creature' like me not only wants to sleep with their daughters, but also makes them work for us humans"

"Hey" sighed, and Ted continued to sigh on the table.

"Such a creature, when I make a request, will probably despise me to death, and then swallow me as a snack. Oh, by the way, I am not as big as one of their teeth! Eating me will only clog my teeth!"

After saying this, Ted's confidence dropped to the lowest point, he rolled his eyes at the desk lamp in front of him, and then fell down on the table
The little boy shook his head, stretched out his front paws, put the pads on Ted's face, and said in a sweet voice as a wise man: "You have to be confident! Think about your identity ! There is only one chosen person in each parallel universe, there are so many dragons, but you only have one! Think about the weaknesses of the dragons and their situation, I believe you will have a way!"

The right time, the right words, let Ted regain his confidence!This kitten is not easy!
"Yeah, little boy, you're right. Even though human life is short, we fight openly and secretly, and we're fragile, our brains are pretty good!"

As soon as IQ was mentioned, Xiaoguai quickly waved his hand to signal Ted to stop: "Well, to be honest, master, the IQ of human beings can only be regarded as medium. If you don't talk about the distance, let's talk about it. The IQ of the moon elves is at least higher than that of humans." 15 percent"

Ted just had some hope, but it was extinguished by Xiaoguai's words within three seconds.

"Hey! I said! I just found some confidence, and you beat me like this? You are really a bad cat!"

Xiaoguai quickly waved his hands, sat upright on the table, and replied with his heart: "I'm just telling the truth! The advantage of human beings is not IQ, but smartness, but not that smart!"

"Especially the feature of 'if someone blows it, someone dares to believe it'! As long as you have the ability to 'make something amazing', even my poop will be called a fetish!"

"I remember that you humans seem to call it emotional intelligence."

These few words reminded Ted of the third brother. The round cow dung cake and the square cow dung cake did not belong to the same sect, and they even fought for the correct shape of cow dung!

The history of human beings is indeed blown out by the mouth according to what Xiaoguai said, from small groups to large groups, and then to countries and religions, all rely on one mouth.

Xiaoguai shook the hair on his body, and felt that his suggestion seemed useful and could help Ted solve the problem, so he stretched out his paw and made a small gesture: "Master, just a cat strip! I can help you solve your problems!"

"Huh?" Ted covered his pocket, and said vigilantly, "Are you here to mess with the cat?"

The little boy deftly spread out the notebook beside him with his hind paws, and handed the pen on the table to Ted: "I swear, absolutely not! How can a kitten like me have evil intentions?"

"Okay, I believe you! Tell me~"

Opening the notebook, Ted turned to a new page, waiting for Xiaoguai's next words.
Xiao Guai saw that the master was serious, so she became serious. She stretched out her front paws, crossed them in front of her body, and slowly explained, pretending to understand:
"The actual method is very simple, you just need to bring some food samples, such as pork knuckle and steak! Don't bring too much! Be sure not to bring too much! But it must be delicate!"

"There is one more thing, you know! That is, the dragon clan can't feed the youngest person in the family, but if you do, you can seize this point and bite to death. No matter what they say, don't Cowardly! Try to turn the topic to eating! When they are about to bite you, throw out food to calm them down!"

"Be sure to pull Lilia all the way, and announce to everyone that you fed her and slept with her! Even if nothing happened, you have to say it, because this behavior will make others think that killing you It's like murdering your brother-in-law! If you die, Lilia won't have enough to eat and will cry!"

"Let him understand the difference between a full meal and a full meal! If you kill you and all human beings, you can only eat one meal! But if you don't kill you, you may have a full meal!"

"The last one! If you draw a big cake, just blow it up, and one day, you will feed all their dragons!"

Hearing this, Ted smiled wryly, stretched out his hand to touch Xiaoguai's chin, and reminded in a low voice, "I'm all full!? How is this possible? I'll have to wait at least two or thirty years before I can do it!?"

"They have been sleeping for millions of years, and they still care about you for 30 or [-] years? For them! It's just a blink of an eye!"

"Besides, you don't have to feed them all at once, let them feed them in batches! This is a good way! Or you can randomly wake up a batch by drawing lots!"

"Trust me, just say so."

In order to get the sweet and delicious cat strips, Xiaoguai has tried her best!Even the lines were prepared for Ted in advance!
"Okay, done!"

After solving everything, Xiaoguai turned around, flipped up her paws and made a 'bring it' movement!

Ted held the notebook and kept admiring: "Wonderful! I didn't expect the kitten to be so smart!"

"Perfect, so perfect! My little boy, your IQ is indeed good, and the method you gave is also a must!"

At this moment, Ted was overwhelmed by the brain of this smart kitty!
After tidying up his notes, he went to the cat food rack, opened a can of cat food for Xiaoguai, added some freeze-dried food, and packed a whole cat strip on it!
"Wow! Master!" Looking at the luxurious feast, Xiaoguai drools all over the floor!Can't resist taking a big bite!

"Eat slowly!" Ted put down the bowl, enjoying the sound of the kitten smacking his lips while stroking her hair
The next morning, after breakfast, Lilia was stopped by Ted when she was about to go back to her room and continue to sleep.

"Hey! Lilia, I have something I want to talk to you about!"

"Hmm~ What's the matter, hubby?" Lilia still had that sleepy face, as if she had to sleep on this soft bed for hundreds of thousands of years to make up for the emptiness of the past.

As a juvenile giant dragon, "be lazy if you can" is brought into full play by her!

Even when talking, he had to lie on Ted's body.

Ted didn't refuse either, and hummed softly while enjoying the fragrance from the girl: "Lilia, can you take me to meet your parents?"

Lilia's sleepy eyes were immediately awakened by these words, and regardless of Ted's astonished eyes, she lay directly in his arms and acted like a baby: "Meet my parents? Could it be that you are ready!? Please treat everyone to a full meal gone?"

"Ahem." Ted was embarrassed to refuse, so he could only change the subject: "Lilia, I think, no matter what, I should go to meet your parents, in order to respect them"

"But think about it, they only saw humans once 2 years ago."

Having said that, Ted has Xiaoguai's advice, and now he is full of confidence!
He smiled and stretched out his right hand, which turned into a five-finger comb to help her comb her messy hair. His eyes met inadvertently. Because of the law of universal gravitation, the four lips 'accidentally' stuck together.

After a long time, Ted came back to his senses, and he leaned into Lilia's ear and said, "It's okay, I believe I am no worse than my ancestors!"

"Hey, that's good! Let's set a time! When are we going?"

"How is it now?"

"Then you have to wear thicker clothes. My family members are all dormant in their original form! Not having enough food leads to poor control of magic power, so their surroundings are very cold."

"How cold is it?"

"Fifty below zero"

"Wait for me, I'm going to wear two down jackets"

East of the Empire, outside [Munibai]
Even if Lilia is full and no longer disturbs the weather, it is still very cold in winter.

Through the heavy snow, one could see a young man in a trance trying to pull a cart on a small hill not far from the city.
He hadn't eaten for a few days, and what supported him was only a ray of will, and the auditory hallucinations from his parents. Even though they had stopped breathing, the boy still thought that they had just fallen asleep temporarily.

In order to encourage himself not to fall, he paralyzed himself with almost no voice:
"Father, mother, hold on, we will be there soon! Munich in front is a Dacheng town! I remember there is a cathedral, the priest is very kind, and blessed our village! I believe he will help God help us!"

The boy was trembling, braving the cold wind and snowflakes, staggeringly pulling the rope and pulling the cart hard.

Under the ice and snow, he only wore a worn-out unlined jacket and straw sandals.

Even though 10 minutes passed and the car didn't move at all, it still leaned forward and tried to move towards the town not far away.

The wheels of the wheel got stuck on the stone, no matter how hard the boy tried, it was useless.

When the wind and snow weakened and the outline of the town was revealed, he only felt that his field of vision gradually narrowed, and darkness slowly covered his eyes. At the last moment, he couldn't see anything. With a bang, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

After an unknown amount of time, a mature man's voice came: "Hey wake up! Wake up!?"

Under these yells, the boy felt his body again, and he could also feel the warm flames burning beside him, but his stomach was still empty and he had no strength at all.

With the help of a strange man, he slowly opened his eyes, it turned out that everything just now was a dream, but it was very real
"Where are my parents?"

When the boy saw clearly the lifeless face of the man in front of him, he straightened up in horror, and took two steps back in a panic until he bumped into something!
Looking back, he found a pile of corpses nearly half a meter high.

The boy only felt a 'buzz' in his head, and he had auditory hallucinations again. He heard the voices of his parents, as well as the voices of his younger brothers and sisters.
"Are you okay!?" The man roared, pulling the boy back to reality.

"Ah! I..." the young man gasped heavily, and climbed up from the pile of corpses. He had long been numb along the way. No matter men, women, old or young, everyone is equal in the face of hunger, and they are just a dying body.

"Are you still alive? Thank God! Praise the gods! When I went outside to pull the corpse, I happened to see a small cart on the hillside, and pulled you over by the way. Seeing that you still have breath, I put you on fire." Next to the pile, see if you can survive."

The man didn't seem to be surprised anymore, he wasn't depressed, it was just because the boy in front of him didn't die.

Because in the past few days, he has seen many people who were dying, but they didn't survive in the end.
"Huh" adjusted his breathing, the young man's vision gradually brightened, but because of hunger, his mind was still buzzing, he couldn't hear the movement around him clearly, so he could only observe carefully with his eyes wide open.

When he found himself in Munich, he exhausted his last bit of strength, staggered up and shouted excitedly: "We're here!"

I thought someone would turn around or turn around.
But these people have long been numb. They sat on the ground, trying to search for some valuable items from piles of corpses, and went to the black market to pay for dinner.

There are dozens of teenagers yelling like this almost every day.

At first, these people would tell them the truth with a guilty face, there is no food in the city, and nothing will change when they come.

But as time went by, one month, two months until today, they gave up completely.

Seeing that no one responded, the young man hurriedly ran out of the yard and towards the gate of the city.

I thought my parents would be waiting for me somewhere, but in front of me, there were only a large number of refugees and countless piles of corpses.

The living people trembled and couldn't walk a step for a long time while leaning on crutches. They didn't even have the strength to lament. Push your way through the crowd, trying not to be seen.

In front of the city gate, at the disaster relief office, only a few people can get a bowl of porridge, and the particles floating in it can be counted with one palm, not even rice soup.

All the edible food in the city has been eaten up long ago. If you see a cockroach here and there, someone will fight for it.

Almost every second, someone would fall down and be dragged out of the city by soldiers.

The boy staggered to follow the corpse team to the outside of the city gate. He saw his own cart, and his parents were still lying on it, covered with snow.

They fled from the southernmost tip of the empire, and they used up all their money and food along the way.

On a snowy night, the donkey pulling the cart also fell down.

As the eldest son in the family, this young man named Bruce could only take over the burden and take on the responsibility of pulling the cart.

At first, the sister had a high fever, and the parents tried their best, but the young sister still didn't see the sun on the third day.

The family wanted to find a place to bury her, but the robbers passing by took out weapons and threatened them, asking her parents to hand over her sister as lunch for the robbers.

The father refused, and was severely injured by the robbers in the end.

I thought that the death of my sister would reduce the burden on the family, but I didn't expect that the nightmare had just begun.

The next one to fall was the younger brother, who stopped breathing after only 2 days, and then the older sister.
A few days later, only the parents and the 8-month-old child in the mother's womb survived.

Before that, the boy hoped that [Munibai] would save the family, but Bruce never thought of it.

In the end, I was the only one who survived. My parents were on the road, and they stopped breathing at some point.

When the boy came to the side of the scooter, the parents, as well as the unborn child, had already been frozen into ice.

There were already piles of corpses outside the city, and such a scale was not common even during wartime.

At this situation, Bruce was stunned. It took him a long time before he recovered.

"What's the point of my life without my home?"

Bruce pulled out his father's dagger and pointed it at his throat
Just when he was about to end himself, there was a loud noise.

"Hey hey, there's an orphan here! Brothers, we ate her! Hahaha"

Hearing the call, many people in a trance stood up, laughed and ran away like walking dead.

"Human flesh crazy? This group of people is actually" The young man was stunned. No matter how hungry they were along the way, they never caught the attention of humans.
I have no strength now, and I am alone, and I am not stupid enough to be a hero.

At the same time, he didn't want to be eaten by humans, at least he had to die decently!

At the city gate, there are guards guarding it, at least no one will come around and eat themselves.

The only remaining order in the city is maintained by these listless soldiers. Even if they don't have the strength to swing their weapons, they are still a deterrent, so that people around them dare not cross the threshold.

As for the cannibals outside the city, because they violated the laws and precepts, they are not allowed to enter the city. As long as they enter, they will be sentenced to death.

In the distance, these lunatics who laugh wildly from time to time, in order to eat fresh and hot food, specially look for those weak and single women outside, and when she falls asleep, they can have a full meal and continue to live on.

(End of this chapter)

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