Chapter 113 Railway
Merchants and players unified the idea of ​​marching into the four towns of Anxi, and organized pioneering business groups to march to the four towns of Anxi.

However, players who are official players have great differences on how to develop.

After the great victory, Li Yan asked Shazhou and Guazhou officials to write a letter stating his suggestions for the future development of Bafu.

Li Yan's desk was full of letters, and officials from the two prefectures came up with all kinds of solutions, which made Li Yan dizzy.

This is roughly divided into several factions.

The one with the highest voice is the Beishang faction. With the influence of the great victory, they went north to Gaochang and Yiwu, and then continued to go north to control Beiting.

This plan also has the most support. The governors of Gaochang and Yiwu are unknown people in the history books. With the great reputation of defeating Tubo, it is not a big problem to go north to seize the two states.

Then he can take over the Beiting Protectorate Mansion and completely control the northern part of the Longyou East Road.

But this plan was strongly opposed by Cui Tao.

Cui Tao also wrote a letter analyzing that the two cities of Gaochang and Yiwu have been plundered by Uighurs all year round, so it can be said that they are poor and white.

Beiting Protectorate's Mansion and a group of arresting and guarding mansions have been mobilized all elites. If King Jianning really goes north, after taking over these places, he will also be responsible for the defense of the Uighurs.

With King Jianning's current embarrassing status, the emperor's health is not good, the prince is powerful, and the prince sworn brothers with the Uighur prince, taking over the defense of Beiting at this time is a big pitfall.

Anyway, Tang and the Uyghurs now have a friendly relationship, and the Uyghurs will not invade Beiting on a large scale. It is better not to take Beiting for the time being, but to take the four towns of Anxi first.

The four towns of Anxi in the east of Longyou are rich and important nodes on the Silk Road. Occupying the four towns of Anxi will help expand Li Yan's power even more.

In addition to this factor, Guo Xin, who was temporarily in charge of the Jiedushi of the four towns of Anxi after staying in the Anxi Protectorate, was the nephew of Guo Ziyi, the pillar of the Tang Dynasty.

Guo Ziyi is also King Jianning's teacher. With this relationship, it will be easier for King Jianning to control the four Anxi towns.

There are also many supporters of the westward movement. Cui Tao and Shangbo, the two players with the highest official positions, both support the westward movement plan.

In addition to going north and going west, there are also some players who advocate the plan of going east.

The eastward plan is to enter Yangguan, enter Shuozhou, and attack Shuofang Lingwu and other cities.

This plan was directly thrown under the table by Li Yan, to attack Shuozhou with such little strength?

Lingwu was the place where the emperor used to rely on his soldiers. If he really dared to attack Lingwu, he would definitely be sprayed to death by the people of the world.

At that time, his teacher Guo Ziyi will be able to take the lead in blowing his head off.

In addition to attacking Lingwu, some players suggested going south to Tibet and directly hitting India.

There is also the nonsense of going north to Uyghur and riding a horse on the shore of Lake Baikal.

These suggestions were all thrown into the brazier by Li Yan, and they were regarded as the players' nonsense.

Most of the official players are arguing whether to go west or not, and Li Yan himself is a little undecided.

After all, both factions have their own reasons, and both have put forward their own executable plans.

But now that Jinshan Pass has won the victory, there are still many things to deal with, so there is no rush to decide whether to go north or west.

Just when the players were discussing whether to go north or west, a suggestion from two players shocked the players.

Cui Ruoyun, a female soldier in Ba's mansion, and Jian Xia, supervisor of Dashuixia Iron Works, jointly sent a letter of advice to Ba's mansion.

They proposed to test the laying of railway tracks between Guazhou and Sabah.

Now the player has not rubbed out the steam engine by hand, this rail is a horse-drawn train.

But according to Cui Ruoyun and Jian Xia's calculations, if horse-drawn trains are used, the cost of cargo transportation between Shazhou and Guazhou can be greatly reduced, and the connection between the two places can be deepened, making it easier for the Bafu to control the two states.

The other two also suggested building a railway from Dangjin Pass to Shazhou City. With this railway, if Tubo attacked Dangjin Pass again, they could send the troops from Shazhou City to Dangjin Pass within one day.

Technically speaking, the difficulty of producing rails is not high. Shazhou and Guazhou are also plains, and there is no need to open mountains and cross bridges. The only thing needed is manpower.

And when it comes to manpower, the two thousand Tubo captives who just won the Jinshankou victory are all good young and strong laborers. They are already enemies with Datang. Let them repair the railway.

The Shagua Railway is also to accumulate technology for building more complex and longer railways in the future. In case when the player can break through the technical difficulties and invent the steam engine, then the horse-drawn train can be turned into a steam train.

This suggestion sounds far-fetched, but it seems to be achievable when you think about it carefully.

Moreover, what Cui Ruoyun and Jian Xia said was right, this railway was not technically difficult, even if they had accumulated the technology of building the railway, it could also allow the two thousand Tibetan captives to play a role.

Originally, according to Xue Cheng's suggestion, two thousand Tubo captives were to be killed and piled up in the valley to form a Jingguan to deter the Tubo people.

But Cui Tao and other players feel that the killing and surrender is ominous, and these Tibetan laborers can also play a role.

Originally, they were going to send them to the mine to mine, but Cui Ruoyun and Jian Xia's plan made Li Yan change his mind.

For railway construction, even horse-drawn trains have a carrying capacity more than ten times that of ordinary horse-drawn carriages.

What kind of scene would it be if they occupied the entire Longyou in the future and built a railway from Guazhou to Dashi?
On the third day after the victory at Jinshankou, King Jianning issued an order from Yibafu to establish the Shagua Railway General Administration, and Jiang Lun judged the railway bureau to be in charge of coordinating the construction of the Shagua Railway.

He also appointed Qin Chuan as the envoy to build roads, and led two thousand Tubo slaves to build roads.

Cui Ruoyun and Jian Xia also joined the General Administration of Railways, responsible for tackling technical difficulties in railway construction.

Bafu sells the spoils of cattle and sheep seized in the first battle of Dangjin Pass in the market to raise funds for the construction of the Shagua Railway.

As soon as this order came out, the player was shocked.

On the forum, going north and going west were arguing endlessly, and finally passed the plan to build a railway first?

Before the gun was made, the railway was about to be built?

But this plan seems to be really feasible, right?The technical difficulty of the horse-drawn train is not high, and the Dashuixia iron mine has a high output, which has brought down the iron price of the entire Shazhou Guazhou.

In this era, there is not so much steel consumption, and so much iron is not used at all except for casting cannons.

But this cannon was built by turning sand and turning it into a mold, and there are not many players who can turn it into sand and turn it into a mold. At most, one or two cannons can be built a day.

And because there are no saltpeter and sulfur mines in Guazhou, Shazhou, gunpowder stocks are also tight, and there is no gunpowder to fire so many cannons.

Building rails is also a good way to consume steel production capacity. Historically, the sharp increase in steel production in industrial countries was accompanied by the movement to build railways.

The railway was built in Longyou, and the ships of Jiangling Prefecture were also completed.

King Yong looked at the fleet stretching across the river, and couldn't help being overwhelmed with pride, and said to an old man with a white beard beside him:
"Lady Qinglian, do you have a poem to congratulate the lonely king?"

(End of this chapter)

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