Chapter 114 Enlightenment
Cui Tao bought real estate in an alley near the Governor's Mansion, and Cui Ruoyun moved to Shazhou with his younger brother.

It's just that King Jianning was also afraid that Cui Ruoyun's experiment would take away the governor's mansion, so he built a special laboratory for Cui Ruoyun outside the city.

It is rare that both siblings are at home. When Cui Tao saw his sister, he immediately said, "Sister, why did you write a letter to repair the railway? Can you do it?"

Cui Ruoyun looked at her younger brother and said: "Why can't it be repaired? I have already discussed it in the advice of King Guijian Ning. The railway plays a great role, and the technical difficulties in its current construction are not too big. It can be built."

"I know what you said is technically feasible. The second phase of the iron plant of Dashuixia Iron Mine is also under construction. It is also possible to repair iron while making iron, but I am not talking about the technical level, but the railway construction project. feasibility!"

Cui Tao said: "Sister, do you know that in many small countries in the Western Regions, iron and copper are the materials for minting coins? Isn't it the same as putting money on the road when you put rails on the road? Can no one steal the rails? "

"The distance from Shazhou City to Guazhou City is not very close, so we can't send people to patrol such a long distance every day? Then how much does it cost?"

"And how much material can be transported between Shazhou and Guazhou now? Will the railway you are building now be able to pay back?"

King Jianning put aside the dispute between the Northward School and the Westward School, but started the railway plan that wasted money and people, which made Cui Tao very depressed.

So as soon as I got home today, I plucked up the courage to quarrel with my sister Cui Ruoyun.

Cui Ruoyun watched her younger brother finish speaking, but instead smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the first time you resisted me was in the game."

Only then did Cui Tao remember the horror of this sister, and he quickly lowered his head.

Cui Ruoyun came over and patted Cui Tao on the shoulder and said, "The little brother who used to only cry has grown up."

Cui Ruoyun pulled away the chair and sat down and said: "I know the problems mentioned above. Stealing railroad tracks has happened in the real world to this day. Even if the price of iron is low, someone will steal it."

"And our old friend Pakistan Railway, do you know how many meters of railway tracks are stolen in Pakistan every year?"

Cui Tao shook his head, but the demand for steel from the people of Israel-Pakistan Railway is probably not a small amount.

Cui Ruoyun continued: "You are right. The residents of Shazhou and Guazhou are only tens of thousands of households, and there is no transportation demand for railway construction."

Cui Tao looked at her sister suspiciously. She thought that Cui Ruoyun was just a pure tech freak who was interested in science and technology. She didn't expect that she had already considered the questions he asked.

Cui Ruoyun added: "I have also told King Jianning face to face about these practical difficulties. The construction of the railway between Shazhou and Guazhou will definitely not recoup the cost."

"Then why repair it?"

Cui Ruoyun shook her head and said, "How many railways do you think make money in this world? The American East-West Railway is full of deserted towns along the way. How much money do you think you can make?"

Cui Tao was also silent, so it is really difficult to get back the cost of building the railway.

Even the capital-led American railways lost a lot of money at the beginning, and many railways did not make a profit when the builders died.

Cui Tao asked suspiciously: "Then why do you want to fix it?"

Cui Ruoyun said: "Industrial Enlightenment."


"You all know that the steam engine is the mother of industry. In fact, the sign that a country has really entered the industrial age is the large-scale construction of railways."

Cui Tao was stunned for a moment, it seemed that what Cui Ruoyun said made sense.

Whether it is the United States or our country, they all started from the large-scale construction of railways and entered the industrial country.

The railways built by the colonists and warlords before the founding of the People’s Republic of China are not counted, because the railway mileage is too short.

The real large-scale construction of railways was really before the rise of the country's industrialization.

Cui Ruoyun said: "If you look at the history of industry, you will know that the railway is the engine of heavy industry. The construction of railways requires the development of locomotive technology and the development of steam technology. These are the most advanced technologies at present."

"Railways need lower-cost steel, which requires the development of smelting technology."

"The construction of railways is a project for the whole people. It needs to mobilize a large number of railway workers, which also trains a large number of workers."

"A country that can build railways means that the basic industries are complete."

"The problems we encountered when building the railway are the problems we will encounter in the development of industry in the future. In this world, we can cross the river by feeling without eagles, because Datang is the most advanced country in the world!"

Cui Ruoyun's words silenced Cui Tao, the more he "played" this "game", the more Cui Tao knew that development was not easy.

Even for players who have cheated, it is extremely difficult to reproduce a certain technology in this world and carry out a certain transformation.

And as Cui Ruoyun said, the development of industry is not enough just relying on this player.

It is impossible for players to work long hours in the ironworks, and it is impossible for players to drive to and from Shazhou and Guazhou every day.

These tedious, but very important positions require natives to fill them.

To train these workers requires the enlightenment of industrial thinking and the running-in of a large project.

Cui Tao also had an idea, maybe if he wants to change the current situation in Datang, it will ultimately depend on the people of Datang.

In Jiangling Mansion, an old man with a white beard licked a pen with his tongue.

The two eunuchs beside him held brocades, the old man scratched his ears and cheeks for a long time, and then took another sip of fine wine.

Only then did he splash ink and read the poem while writing:
The northern captives in Sanchuan are in chaos, and the four seas are running south like Yongjia.

But use Dongshan Xie Anshi to talk and laugh with Jing Husha for the king.

Sitting on the flagship throne, King Yong clapped his hands and said joyfully, "Okay!"

Xue Yu, the confidant of King Yong, couldn't help admiring: "What a poem! Taibai is really a poet!"

Then Xue Yu bowed to King Yong and said: "Your Highness, the An'an rebels in the Sanchuan area are in turmoil, and the people of the two capitals are fleeing, just like the troubled times of Yongjia in the Western Jin Dynasty. Your Highness is far more talented than Xie An. Go straight to the lair of the rebels and put down the rebellion!"

King Yong laughed again, first he gave money to Li Bai who wrote the poem, and then King Yong said:
"This time, the emperor ordered the lonely king to rule over the four states in the south of the Yangtze River. Wen Youqianlang, Li Taiqing, and Wei Zichun were conspired, Wu Youhun Weiming, Ji Guangchen, Gao Xianqi were generals, and poets such as Taibai sang and drank for our army. ! Civil servants and military generals use their lives, why worry that the world cannot be calmed down!"

Xue Yu, the staff member, nodded one after another.

King Yong said again: "When the lonely king arrives in the south of the Yangtze River and raises hundreds of thousands of troops to go northward, the land in the east of the river will be restored! At that time, the emperor's brother will attack Xijing, and the lonely king will attack the eastern capital, and the rebellion of the bandits will be quelled!"

At this time, the fleet entered a gentle bend in the river, and the soldiers on the shore immediately drove the captured civilians to pull the tugboat.

The thin ropes strangled the flesh and blood of these poor people's thin shoulders, and the soldiers continued to yell and urge them.

The tracker who fainted from exhaustion was thrown into the river by the soldiers, the flagship God and the king rang the bell to eat, and the conscripts on the bank turned into bones.

 Thank you everyone! !

  Continue to code!

(End of this chapter)

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