Chapter 404 The Black Land

Liu Yan only heard the rapid sound of the bugle, and the man pushing the cart immediately put down the cart and hid behind the cart with the livestock.

The cavalry mounted their horses at once, and a small shotgun was hauled out of the carriage and mounted in the center of the convoy.

Liu Yan was also evacuated to the crowd of civilian husbands. At this time, he was a little nervous.

The player who commanded this team was named Jiang Jin, and he was also the first batch of players who entered the game after the test.

Jiang Jin never left the army, and followed Yu Chixin to fight everywhere.

Originally, he was supposed to set off with Yu Chixin's army, but the Qiang tribe on the edge of Wuwei City rioted, Jiang Jin went to suppress it, and finally had to protect the luggage and set off.

Now the army is about to arrive in Tongliao, and Jiang Jin's supply team is only halfway there.

It happened that Liu Yan was going to take office in Songmo Mansion, so Jiang Jin took a task to protect Liu Yan when he took office, and set off with him.

"Brother Jiang, he's a Turkic!"

Jiang Jin said: "It turned out to be Turkic people, no wonder they want to attack us, about how many people."

"A medium-sized tribe, all the males who can go, 500 people came on horseback."

"How about the equipment?"

"There are only a few dozen people with armor, both young and old. It seems that they are all mobilized."

Jiang Jin smiled: "They treat us like fat sheep, if that's the case, then you don't have to be polite!"

"Follow me to the mountain to ambush, and wait until the Turks get close to the cart and the guns sound before moving!"

The subordinates showed a smile, this is already a common routine summed up by the logistics team in front, and it is also a tried and tested routine.

This small Turkic tribe saw the convoy, and was dazzled by greed, and rushed towards the convoy shouting waggggg.

Feeling the vibration of the ground, Liu Yan felt a little nervous.

What about the guards?Did they leave the convoy and run away?
No, along the way with that Jiang Xiaowei, the other party is not like a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

Liu Yan didn't know what to do. Seeing that the mighty Turkic people were about to rush to the convoy, he became even more nervous.

At this moment, a cannon sounded, and the shotgun installed in the convoy was fired!

Shrapnel and steel nails flew out from the muzzle, and a steel storm engulfed the entire fan-shaped area in front of the muzzle, and the steel storm tore up the Turkic people who rushed to the front.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the Tang army's war drums sounded on the mountain, and Jiang Jin led the cavalry from the hillside and rushed straight to the group of Turkic troops.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the battle. After Jiang Jin's troops rushed into the Turkic troops, the Turkic people had already lost their fighting spirit.

When the second shotgun was fired, the Turkic warriors who were still organizing the attack also lost their courage.

The player's army interspersed again, and the Turkic army completely collapsed, and then entered the garbage time of the battlefield.

By evening, Jiang Jin had returned to the temporary camp with hundreds of prisoners.

Liu Yan stepped forward and asked, "Lieutenant Jiang, where did these Turks come from?"

Liu Yan also did his homework before coming. They have entered the Modong area now, and the influence of the Uighurs is already very weak.

All kinds of nomads are fighting in this area, and no new overlord has been born yet.

A tribe with a size of 500 people is no longer a small tribe on the Modong grassland.

Jiang Jin said: "Before the army moved, it drove several Turkic tribes further north. Now that the army is gone, they are united and want to plunder our supplies."

"Liu Changshi don't need to be afraid, we have defeated their main force."

Looking at the Turkic captives strung together with hemp rope, Liu Yan asked, "Then these captives?"

Jiang Jin said: "I have already contacted the people from the Modong Development Company, and these captives were sold to the Modong Development Company."

"There are still several strongholds to be built in the future, and there is a shortage of manpower!"

"If you are not in a hurry, you can go directly to take these tribes away, and you can make a lot of money."


Seeing that Jiang Jin was lamenting that there were not enough prisoners, Liu Yan felt absurd.

These tied Turkic people are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. When did the fierce nomads become the plundered sheep of the Tang army?
With such doubts, Liu Yan continued to set off, trying to find answers in Songmo.

At this time, in front of a small city in Songmo, Fang Guoshou was repairing the city wall.

This is the seat of Songmo Dudufu, which was called Cherry City in the Han Dynasty.

But now that Cherry City has been abandoned for many years, Fang Guoshou recruited some Han refugees from Bohai State and brought them back to Songmo to build the city.

The Governor's Mansion of Songmo probably controls the area in the west of Liao and the east of Mengdong. During the reign of Emperor Taizong, the Tang Dynasty once extended its tentacles here.

However, due to the limit of the empire's territory, during the Emperor Taizong's reign, the Tang Dynasty only sent a small number of officials to manage the Songmo Dudufu, mainly to adjudicate disputes among the Khitan people, and use diplomatic balance to rule the area.

In the last years of Emperor Taizong, Songmo Governor's Mansion was abandoned again because of Khitan's rebellion against Tang Dynasty.

Three towns in Hedong were established in the year of the last emperor. After Anlu Mountain took charge of Hedong, the influence of the empire returned to the Songmo area.

The Dudu Mansion was re-established, but the Dudu was appointed from the imperial court to a position conferred by the imperial court after being elected by the Khitan tribe.

After the Anlushan rebellion, the Hu people behind Anlushan were the first to be mopped up.

The Khitan people in Songmo Dudu's Mansion were beaten by An Lushan and fled north and west.

But everyone in the world did not expect that the Longyou army would arrange such a roundabout strategy.

Such a strategy would not have been possible if Longyou had not already possessed the organizational capabilities of the industrial age.

Fang Guoshou's men who built the city were all purchased from Bohai Kingdom.

After the rebellion in the three towns of Hedong, the life of the people under the rule became even more miserable.

An Lushan has recruited troops many times, and after the capture of Guanzhong, he still has to recruit troops from Hedong to support the front line.

From seven households to collect one Ding, to three households to collect one Ding, now it is one household to collect one Ding.

There were not many people in Hedong, but to the south it was a war zone, and many people in the Tang Dynasty fled north to Bohai.

The influx of a large number of people from the Tang Dynasty also gradually changed the attitude of Bohai Kingdom towards these Han people.

At the beginning, Bohai State sympathized with these Han refugees.

Moreover, the area of ​​Bohai is not small, but the population is not large. The Lord of Bohai also granted these fugitive Han people land to cultivate.

However, as the number of fleeing Han Chinese increased, the contradictions between these fleeing Han Chinese and the local residents of Bohai State became more and more serious.

Many Han people became slaves, but they were more rebellious than Hu slaves. Rebellion and conflicts continued one after another, and even the Bohai King was very troubled.

Fang Guoshou took the initiative to redeem these Han slaves, and also paid for them to migrate to Songmo.

Faced with this request, the Lord of the Bohai Sea naturally supported it [-]%.

In this way, Fang Guoshou bought [-] Han Chinese slaves from the first phase of the Bohai Kingdom and brought them to Songmo Cherry City to repair the old city.

Cherry City is near Tongliao, and Tongliao is still a grassland now.

Fang Guoshou first announced the restoration of freedom to these slaves, and then granted them the land near Cherry City.

Cherry City is a small city. Fang Guoshou commanded the people to expand the city. In the future, this will be the stronghold of the Great Detour Army in western Liaoning.

The grain bought from Bohai State was also gradually transported to Cherry City. After the grain was available, the peasants became more motivated to work.

In addition to the Han slaves, Fang Guoshou also crossed the mountains and reached an alliance with the Khitan tribe who remained in Songmo.

These Khitan tribes hated An Lushan deeply, and many of them were taken to the front line by An Lushan.

Under the banner of Datang, Fang Guoshou quickly gained their support.

Fang Guoshou did not expect these tribes to unite to attack Hedong, but just took advantage of their familiarity with the terrain.

These people will be the best guides for counterattacking Hedong in the future.

During this period of time, Fang Guoshou also lived in fear. If the puppet Yan sent troops to attack with the strength he had, he would definitely not be able to defend it.

We can only hope that the army will arrive sooner. As long as the stronghold of Yintao City is occupied, the players will be able to control the entire Songmo.

In the words of players who like to play StarCraft, as soon as this branch base is opened, immediately build a turret to defend it!
With the support of Longyou's advanced equipment, it can pose a huge threat to the rear of the Puppet Yan!
Compared with the boring historical research, Fang Guoshou once again felt the thrill of the game.

A young mind thinks quickly, and a young body moves quickly.

In the game, Fang Guoshou did not feel old, and returned to his youth.

In that young age, Fang Guoshou also did whatever he wanted, and he was full of action.

The recent busyness in the game has deviated from Fang Guoshou's original intention of entering the game.

Under the interference of players, the history of Datang has gradually deviated from the historical track.

But Fang Guoshou is still very interested. This is an interesting "historical experiment", which has brought Fang Guoshou's research on the Sui and Tang Dynasties to a higher level.

And this feeling of making history with his own hands is what makes him addicted to the game.

Duan Wenchang, a military general who accompanied Fang Guoshou on his mission to the Bohai Kingdom, escorted the last batch of grain into Cherry City.

He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked into the makeshift tent.

"Old Fang, the last batch of food has arrived!"

Seeing that Fang Guoshou was still studying the map, Duan Wenchang said again: "Old Fang, this Bohai country is really rich. Look at their black land, it's really fat!"

Duan Wenchang went back and forth to Bohai State several times, and couldn't help admiring.

The territory of Bohai State is probably the central and eastern regions of Heilongjiang and Siberia today.

Originally thought that the Bohai country was a place of bitter cold, but did not expect that the Bohai country turned out to be the granary in the north.

Fang Guoshou said: "Of course, the Northeast and the Far East are very fertile areas, not to mention that today is a warm period in history. The frozen land of our future generations is still the Great Plains."

Fang Guoshou stood up, pointed to the map and said, "It's such a waste of such fertile land to be empty!"

(End of this chapter)

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