Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 405 The Beginning of the Age of Navigation

Chapter 405 The Beginning of the Age of Navigation

Fang Guoshou changed the subject and said, "Do you know what resources are the most important in Siberia?"

Duan Wenchang said, "Is it ore?"

Fang Guoshou shook his head and said, "Siberia is rich in minerals. In order to find out the mineral reserves in Siberia, the Soviet Union used several nuclear bombs."

"Nuclear bomb? Can the nuclear bomb still prospect for mines?"

"Of course, I also heard from the professor of the Department of Geology that the nuclear bomb exploded underground, and by monitoring the changes in the spread of seismic waves, the type and location of the underground mine can be calculated."

"During the Cold War, the former Soviet Union and the United States both used nuclear bomb prospecting, and both achieved good results."

"In the end, hundreds of mines were discovered in Siberia, among which there are as many as 46 large mines that are convenient for mining!"

Duan Wenchang gasped, what a coveted fortune this is.

Fang Guoshou said: "However, the minerals in Siberia are not easy to mine. Some minerals are under the permafrost, and the winter in Siberia is very cold, which is not suitable for long-term living."

"The former Soviet Union built many youth cities, industrial and mining cities in Siberia, but the conditions were too harsh. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the residents of these cities fled back to the warm western region, and these cities were abandoned."

"At the industrial level of the former Soviet Union, mining Siberia's minerals was so difficult."

"Our industrial level is still a long way from being able to collect Siberian minerals."

Duan Wenchang asked, "What kind of resources are we in urgent need of?"

Fang Guoshou pointed to the map of Bohai State and said, "Timber."

"The timber resources in Siberia are very rich, and these are dense cold zone trees. These are excellent materials for building ocean-going wooden sailboats!"

Duan Wenchang's breath became short of breath: "Old Fang, you mean ocean-going ships?"

Fang Guoshou nodded and said: "The easiest way to go to sea is wooden sailboats. Our steam engine technology is still a long way from putting steam engines on board, and steel shipbuilding still needs a long way to go."

"The current Datang has been able to build ships for offshore navigation, and the Arabs have even been able to cross the Indian Ocean to reach the southern ports of the Datang."

"Although I don't know much about shipbuilding, it was also wooden sailing ships that opened the era of great geographical discovery."

"Siberia's high-quality timber is enough to support the development of ocean-going shipbuilding."

"Besides, it is a historically warm period. Vladivostok is navigable for half a year, not to mention the ports further south."

"Like Lushun Port on the Liaodong Peninsula, it is a good natural port that does not freeze all year round! Although this port is now under the control of the Puppet Yan, as long as we can win Liaodong, we can have the best port city in Northeast Asia. .”

"The Liaodong region is very suitable for the development of the shipbuilding industry. If it can be done, it can become the center of Northeast Asia."

Fang Guoshou is drawing the blueprint of the north in his heart.

Duan Wenchang has already seen the prelude to the age of sailing!

Not to mention going to the Americas, the Korean Peninsula and Japan are good places now!

Duan Wenchang said: "What does Mr. Fang mean, is to occupy the Bohai State?"

Fang Guoshou shook his head and said, "It is quite difficult to directly occupy Bohai State, but it is still possible to influence and infiltrate."

Duan Wenchang was completely fascinated by Bohai's abundant resources, so he quickly asked, "How does it affect it?"

Fang Guoshou said: "The Bohai State is founded on commerce, and commercial civilization is most likely to be affected by trade."

"The Anshi Rebellion didn't affect Datang alone, it had an even greater impact on the surrounding small countries."

"One turn of the giant whale may cause the small fish to fall into the vortex."

"Balhae country's trade is to buy grain from Bohae and Silla Japan, and transport it to the south of the Yangtze River to exchange it for silk."

"Datang's silk then buys grain, forming a dual cycle."

"When the maritime trade is smooth, the system of the Bohai State is to sit and reap the dividends."

"When you buy and when you sell, you get a profit each time. It's really a big win."

"But now the binary trading system is broken."

"The sea route is not smooth, and the risk of sailing is high. Datang can't produce enough silk for trade, and the ships that risk rushing to the south of the Yangtze River will return empty."

"Trade is the foundation of the state of Bohai. If there is a problem with this foundation, the most worrying thing is the owner of Bohai."

"Furthermore, grain is different from other commodities. The price difference between new grain and old grain is not small, and grain will rot and deteriorate. If it cannot be sold, it will be a loss."

Duan Wenchang suddenly realized: "No wonder we proposed to trade with the Bohai Kingdom, and the Lord of the Bohai Sea agreed immediately."

Fang Guoshou nodded and said, "Yes, besides us, who else can sell the grain in the treasury of the Bohai state government?"

"Pseudo-Yan would not spend money to buy food from them. Silla and Japan produced food themselves, and there was no way to trade in the Jianghuai war."

"So we must seize the opportunity and vigorously develop trade with Bohai."

"As long as Longyou becomes the largest trading partner of the Bohai Kingdom, we can use trade tools to manipulate the Bohai Kingdom."

"For example, if we need timber, we only need to add timber to the trade list."

"We can even ask to build a factory directly in Bohai, and then use force to protect the interests of the factory."

"This method of moistening things silently is much less expensive than direct military conquest."

"What's more, what we export to Bohai State are all high-end industrial products, obviously we earn more."

Duan Wenchang said convincingly: "Wonderful! When Mr. Fang proposed the big detour strategy, did you already start planning the Bohai Kingdom?"

Fang Guoshou shook his head and said, "That's not true. There are very few records about the Bohai Kingdom in history. I didn't expect this prosperous country in the East of the Sea to be so rich."

"Chinese civilization has always been a powerful land civilization in history, but it declined in the age of great exploration."

"Civilization that sticks to the mainland is flawed. I want to start with Bohai and inject the genes of ocean civilization into Datang."

"Maybe it is possible to start the age of great exploration in this 'world'?"

Duan Wenchang was also fascinated by the scene Fang Guoshou described, and he didn't notice that Fang Guoshou used "world" to describe the game world.

Fang Guoshou opened the map to write and draw, but did not go deep into this topic.

Duan Wenchang looked at the line segment on the map and asked, "Old Fang, what is this?"

Fang Guoshou said: "This is the route map of the Puppet Manchukuo Railway. This is a railway line from Changchun to Lushun."

"Puppet Manchukuo Railway?"

Fang Guoshou said: "Do you know what the earliest American railways were for?"

Duan Wenchang shook his head.

Fang Guoshou said, "It's just for transporting timber."

"The American frontier movement was essentially a need for timber from the great forests of the Midlands."

"Even in the industrial age, wood is the most important industrial raw material, and in the early days of the founding of the United States, it mainly relied on exports and wood to earn foreign exchange."

"I have to say that North America is really a unique geographical location, rich in products and self-sufficient."

"In the early stage of the railway construction in the United States, it was for timber, and later for oil. Both of these are available in Bohai."

Duan Wenchang's eyes brightened even more.

Fang Guoshou said: "Changchun is now within the territory of Bohai State. Lushun is a good natural port and the best ice-free port in the north."

"If such a railway can be built, then Bohai State will be completely pulled into the Northeast trade circle, and we can control the entire Bohai State through trade."

Duan Wenchang became more and more excited. Fang Guoshou's entire plan can be said to fit perfectly. This is a complete development plan for Northeast China.

Fang Guoshou recalled: "My hometown is in the Northeast, and I watched the Northeast decline step by step."

"Maybe in this world, we can give the Northeast another road, a road that will not decline."

Fang Guoshou looked at the map and fell into reverie, while Duan Wenchang looked at the direction of the distant sea.

As an adventurous player, what is more exciting than exploring the world on the sea!
I thought that only by conquering the entire Tang Dynasty would I come into contact with "expansion packs" related to navigation, but I didn't expect that as long as I occupied the Northeast, I could build ships and go to sea.

This is an opportunity!
The top players in "Da Tang Feng Yun" are not necessarily the highest level players.

For example, Duan Wenchang's general level is almost level 18, but he is still not considered a first-rate player.

The top players in Datang Fengyun are all capable of calling the wind and rain in the "game", affecting the existence of the entire Longyou decision-making layer.

But to be able to stand out from ordinary players, both vision and ability are indispensable.

The reason why Duan Wenchang came to Liaodong with Fang Guoshou was for the opportunity to become a top player.

It seems to be such an opportunity to start the era of navigation in Datang!
Duan Wenchang looked at the map of Bohai Kingdom, and it seemed like a treasure inside, waiting for his excavation.

Duan Wenchang secretly made up his mind to collect more information about Bohai State and start recruiting talents who can build ships.

In addition, Duan Wenchang also needs to collect information on wooden sailboats in the real world. After the players occupy Liaodong, Duan Wenchang will write a letter requesting the development of the shipbuilding industry!
The player's goal is the sea of ​​stars!

After a brief surge of passion, Duan Wenchang returned to reality.

The road still needs to be walked step by step. Now the player can't even control the Songmo Dudu Mansion, let alone occupy Liaodong.

At the same time, Yu Chixin's army was also marching rapidly on the grassland.

The second year of Zhide, mid-September.

Longyou's army is making a big detour to western Liaoning.

The Great Tang and Puppet General Yan led Cui Youqian's army to confront each other in the Shaan Gorge, and the decisive battle to determine the fate of Luoyang was about to begin.

Yin Ziqi, the puppet general of Yan, was continuing to besiege Suiyang. Nan Jiyun, who broke out from Suiyang, looked at the tall Pengcheng gate in front of him, took out the request for help from Zhang Xun, the defender of Suiyang, and rushed into the city.

And Zhang Wu, who was dressed as a commoner, also entered Pengcheng in disorder.

(End of this chapter)

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