Chapter 463 Pinlu
After Yelushun left, Li Fusheng followed the movement in the woods and chased the two soldiers of the pseudo-swallows deeper into the woods.

The mountain forest piled up with snow is easy to leave traces, and the mountain forest is very quiet at this time. Li Fusheng easily followed the two soldiers into the depths of the forest.

However, after chasing for a while, there was no movement. Just when Li Fusheng was puzzled, he suddenly heard a noise above his head.

Li Fusheng raised his head, only to see a simple tree house suddenly appear halfway up a tall pine tree, and then he suddenly realized that they were camping on the tree.

This place has already entered the depths of the forest, and the wooden house still looks very simple, and the two soldiers have just entered the forest not long ago.

However, camping deep into the forest is still very dangerous. Even if the camp is set up on a tree, there will still be many dangers.

And now that it's winter, it's time to enter the mountains and forests, which shows that these two pseudo-Yan sergeants have an important mission.

Thinking of this, as a player who is not afraid of big things, Li Fusheng became excited.

Li Fusheng remembered the lesson Duan Wenchang gave to novice players. When encountering wonderful experiences, he can turn on the camera function to record them. As long as the video becomes popular, he can make a fortune.

While turning on the camera in the game to start recording, he hid himself better and approached the tree house carefully.

The two fake Yan soldiers threw some cooking tools from the tree house, and then began to boil snow water to slaughter the poor roe deer.

While dealing with the roe deer, the two pseudo-Yan sergeants were talking, the forest was very empty and silent, and the content of their conversation floated into Li Fusheng's ears.

"I don't know if Yao Nian Qulie, whom the captain asked us to find, is hiding in this forest. These Khitan people are really good at hiding!"

"Don't complain, this time we got reliable news, and the captain sent us here. If you really catch Yao Nian, it will be a great contribution!"

"Great credit is great credit, it can be hard work, the black blind man who came out of the camp before almost ate us!"

"Don't complain, I didn't find anyone today, I'll go north tomorrow."

Hearing the two mention the school captain, Li Fusheng pricked up his ears even more.

The lieutenant colonel in the army is already a mid-to-high-level general. It seems that these two soldiers have shouldered important tasks.

The puppet Yan army sent to look for the Yaozhan family, which sounds like a tribe of Khitan.

These two pseudo-yan sergeants are cooking roe deer, and it seems that they want to use this tree house as a long-term camp.

Li Fusheng marked the location of the tree house on the game map, and returned to the forest to wait for Yelushun to bring his men to join him.

Li Fusheng left a mark along the way, and Yelushun followed the soldiers halfway, and after joining Li Fusheng, he returned to the camp by the creek again, and Li Fusheng asked:
"They say they're looking for something in the woods. Do you know what it is?"

Yelushun said a few words in Chinese, and then pronounced it again in Khitan, and then said with surprise on his face:
"Brother Li, are you talking about Yao Nian Qu Lie?"

Li Fusheng nodded, and Yelushun said: "Impossible! Yao Nian Qulie should be dead. My father told me that he saw Yao Nian Qulie hit more than a dozen arrows with his own eyes."

Li Fusheng asked: "Who is this Yao Nian Qu Lie?"

Yelushun said: "Brother Li, our eight tribes of Khitan are eight tribes of the same ancestry, and every time an old khan returns to Changshengtian, our eight tribes will hold a tribal meeting and choose a new khan from among the leaders of the eight tribes. "

"The Khitan Khan is the co-lord of the eight Khitan tribes, and this Yaoqian Qulie is the last Khitan Khan."

Li Fusheng looked at Yelushun in surprise.

Yelushun said: "I heard from my father that our Khitan belonged to the Tang Dynasty during the first year of Kaiyuan. At that time, the Khan was given the surname Li by the court, and he was given Jingjie and a golden seal."

"Later, there was civil strife in the tribe. Yao Nian Qu Lie killed the old Khan who was conferred by the Tang Dynasty, and the emperor ordered An Lushan to attack and kill Khitan."

"Yao Nian Qu Lie fled to the north, reconvened the tribal assembly of the eight tribes of Khitan, and forced everyone to choose him as Khan."

"However, in the tenth year of Tianbao, before An Lushan raised troops, he led troops to defeat the Yaoni Qulie tribe. At that time, Yaoni Qulie was killed in battle, but many people saw it with their own eyes."

Li Fusheng pondered for a while and said: "It seems that some people gathered the old Khitan tribe in the mountains and forests in the north under the banner of Yao Nian Qu Lie."

"Report to the higher ups."

While reporting to the players in Tongliao City, Li Fusheng led his soldiers into ambush, waiting for orders from above.

In Tongliao City, Yu Chixin and Fang Guoshou were discussing the situation in Pinglu.

Fang Guoshou said: "The three towns in Hedong, Pinglu is a place where the rule of the puppet Yan is weak. It is recorded in the history books that until De Yuanzai, the governor of Pinglu, Liu Zhengchen, refused to rebel with An Lushan, and was poisoned by his deputy Xu Guidao. That's why the Pinglu army followed An Lushan in the rebellion."

"Then Xu Guidao was killed by his generals Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi. Hou Xiyi announced that he would return to the Tang Dynasty, but was finally defeated by the pseudo-Yan Shi Chaoyi and fled to Qingzhou."

"It's just that we have inquired about the situation in Yingzhou. At present, Xu Guidao, the Jiedu envoy, is still alive. There are only a few records of Hou Xiyi in the Tang Dynasty anyway, and we don't know when he started the incident, and we don't know who he is. What is the specific reason for the incident?"

Yu Chixin nodded and said, the reason why he chose to go back to Liaoxi in a big detour was because among the three towns in Hedong, the one with the weakest control in Anlu Mountain was Pinglu Town.

The envoy of Pinglu Jiedu was stationed in Yingzhou, which is now Chaoyang in Liaoning.

An Lushan is a native of Yingzhou, and he also started from the establishment of military exploits in Pinglu.

It stands to reason that Pinglu should be the most loyal to Anlu Mountain in the three towns of Hedong.

But in fact, Liu Zhengchen, the governor of Pinglu, was always unwilling to rebel with An Lushan, and contradicted An Lushan's military orders many times.

In the end, An Lushan refused to allow Xu Guidao, the envoy of Pinglu Jiedu at that time, to poison Liu Zhengchen, and finally let the Pinglu army follow An Lushan to rebel.

The soldiers of Pinglu were born in the bitter cold, and they were brave and good at fighting. They were also an elite force within the puppet Yan.

However, since An Lushan started his army, because Liu Zhengcheng was not loyal enough, he was also quite suspicious of other generals in Pinglu.

The Pinglu Army has always been fighting the hardest battles and holding the least rewards.

After the puppet Yan captured the two capitals, the military strength began to be stretched. Both An Lushan and An Qingxu kept asking Pinglu for soldiers.

After several battles, the soldiers born in Pinglu suffered heavy losses, which further aggravated the dissatisfaction of the entire Pinglu town against the puppet Yan.

Yu Chixin has already dispatched a group of internal guard players to sneak into Yingzhou to find out the situation inside Yingzhou.

At this time, Yu Chixin and Fang Guoshou both received information from Li Fusheng that they found soldiers from Pinglu Town near the forest in the north of Tongliao.

Tongliao City is not far from the prefecture of Pinglu Township. There have been many times before that Pinglu's soldiers went deep into the mountains and forests, but they were all silenced by the players in time.

Yu Chixin was not surprised to receive this news, he said:
"After losing the two capitals, the puppet Yan asked Pinglu for [-] elite soldiers. It is probably because of being forced to be anxious, so the Pinglu Jiedu envoy wanted to capture some Khitan remnants from the mountains and forests to go to work."

Fang Guoshou nodded. The various alien races outside the pass have always been a very important source of troops for the An Lushan Group.

The situation in Eastern Liaodong is complicated, and there are Khitan, Xianbei, Goguryeo, Turkic, and Shiwei people living there. These alien races living in the bitter cold region of the north are quite powerful in combat.

The most elite cavalry in Anlu Mountain, Yaoluohe, was composed of recruited Hu people, but they were completely defeated by Guo Ziyi in the Battle of Shanxia, ​​and their titles have been revoked.

In the past, Yingzhou could use money to go to the mountains to find Hu people to recruit soldiers, but with the loss of Chang'an and Luoyang, the puppet Yan court's finances were even more stretched.

The long-term war almost ruined the entire two years of farming in Zhide, and the young and strong were dragged to the front to fight. There was no labor to complete the autumn harvest.

Since they couldn't afford it, Pinglu had no choice but to rob it. The Khitan people in Songmo area fled north and west because of the continuous dispatch of troops from Pinglu Town to capture them.

Winter was coming soon, and Pinglu Town sent soldiers into the snowy mountains and forests at this time to search for traces of the Hu tribe, which also showed that the frontline battle was indeed tight.

Yu Chixin sent a message to the team near Li Fusheng, telling them to gather at Li Fusheng's location, and ordered the soldiers monitoring the direction of Yingzhou to guard the pass. Then Fang Guoshou said:

"Old Fang, Pinglu's renunciation against the pseudo-Yan, it's better not to fight against others. I think important people should go to Yingzhou to instigate Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi."

Fang Guoshou got up and said: "Let me go, if I can instigate Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi to revolt, then Pinglu can be taken down without a single soldier."

Yu Chixin was overjoyed and said: "Then Lao Fang will grow old!"

Li Fusheng was relieved when he received the news that he would get support soon.

But Yelushun, who was traveling with him, became anxious: "Yao Nian Qu Lie must be dead. Someone gathered the tribe under the banner of Yao Nian Qu Lie. This is a big deal. What if they voted for fake swallows?"

When Yelushun said this, Li Fusheng also became worried.

Someone gathering people in the mountains and forests must be ambitious. If a Khitan power really rises in the north of Tongliao City, it will also have an impact on the big detour strategy.

Li Fusheng thought for a while and said: "When the support arrives, we will deal with those two pseudo-Yan sergeants tomorrow, and we will go to the north to look for that Yao Nian Qu Lie!"

(End of this chapter)

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