Chapter 464 Conspiracy
Yingzhou City.

This city is an important town in the northernmost border of the Tang Dynasty. During the Warring States Period, it was the bridgehead against Donghu, which was the northern fortress of the Han people's territory.

After the Qin and Han dynasties, Datang established the Dudu Mansion in Yingzhou to govern all Zhuo Shou mansions in western Liaoning.

An Lushan was from Yingzhou, and Li Guangbi, the Tang general who was stationed in Xiangzhou to prevent An Qingxu from escaping back to Hedong, was also from Yingzhou.

Yingzhou was also the former camp for Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty to conquer Goguryeo three times. The Great Sui Dynasty established a granary in Yingzhou, which was an important town in western Liaoning.

However, during the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty, Yingzhou was affected, and the city of Yingzhou was burned down.

The new Yingzhou City was built in the third year of Kaiyuan. The Xi people and the Khitan people requested it to be attached. At that time, the imperial censor Zhongcheng and the governor of Yingzhou, Song Qingli, thought that Yingzhou City could be restored, and asked the imperial court to conscript labor in western Liaoning. It was completed in 30 days. fortification.

After the city was built, Song Qingli led the people to reclaim farmland, and recruited Hu merchants to open shops in the city. Yingzhou City gradually became an important town in the north again.

When Song Qingli was in Yingzhou, he was fair, upright and strict, and treated Han people and Hu people equally, and was deeply loved by the people.

People in Yingzhou still remember Song Qingli today, so many people are unwilling to rebel against Tang with An Lushan.

It's just that all businesses in Yingzhou City are now in decline, and the prosperity of the past has long been lost.

Because a large number of people are fighting in the Central Plains, the population of Yingzhou City is short.

There was another heavy snowfall last night. Except for the snow that was swept away at the gate of the Pinglu Jiedushi Mansion, other roads in the city were blocked by snow.

Many houses were collapsed by the snow, because the roads were not clear, the rescuers could only step on the snow pits, and Yingzhou City was in chaos in the morning.

Today's Jiedu Envoy of Pinglu is Xu Guidao, who was originally the deputy of Jiedu Envoy Liu Zhengchen after staying in the Pinglu Army.

During the Tianbao period, although Anlushan was the envoy of the three towns, the emperor appointed Liu Zhengchen, who was also from Pinglu and loyal to the Tang Dynasty, to lead the Pinglu army, also to contain Anlushan.

After An Lushan raised the banner to rebel, Liu Zhengchen, as Tang Ting hoped, launched the Pinglu Army to attack Fan Yang's lair in Anlu Mountain.

Originally, Liu Zhengchen was progressing smoothly, and he was about to enter Fan Yang, but at the last moment, Liu Zhengchen was bribed by Xu Guidao, the deputy envoy of the Jiedu Envoy, who had already been bribed by An Lushan, and bribed his confidant Anton Governor Xuanzhi. Kill with poisoned wine.

Originally Xu Guidao promised Wang Xuanzhi that as long as he did something, he would be promoted to the post of Jiedu Envoy of the Pinglu Army, but after taking control of the Pinglu Army, Xu Guidao changed his words.

He let his eldest son serve as the envoy of the Pinglu Army, and still let Wang Xuanzhi be the protector of Anton.

Wang Xuanzhi, who had made great contributions when Xu Guidao was in power, was very dissatisfied. After Xu Guidao defected to Anlu Mountain, he completely obeyed the orders of the puppet Yan court and sent troops and supplies to the Central Plains. The Pinglu Army, which was not rich at first, was even more embarrassed.

The soldiers of the Pinglu Army who had a history of rebellion fought the toughest battles every time, and took the least military merits and spoils.

These were not problems when the puppet Yan made great strides and occupied the two capitals.

But when the strategic stalemate was staged, when the Puppet Yan court squeezed Pinglu Town even more, the dissatisfaction among the middle and lower ranks of officers intensified.

Especially this time when Shi Siming asked Pinglu for [-] soldiers on the order of the prime minister of the puppet Yan court, it aroused Pinglu's contradictions against the puppet Yan.

During these days, Xu Guidao was also sitting on pins and needles.

The whole of western Liaoning has been empty, and all the young and strong have been transferred to the front line.

Xiangji Temple, Shanxia, ​​Suiyang, Luoyang, after several battles, none of the puppet Yan troops fled back to Hedong.

The town of Pinglu suffered heavy losses, almost losing its younger generation.

Shi Siming asked for soldiers again, where did Pinglu go to collect the fifty thousand young men.

A few days ago, Anton's protector Wang Xuanzhi and his general Hou Xiyi suggested that the Jiedu envoy send people to search for the Hu tribe in the northern forest, and lure them to join the army.

Hou Xiyi also said that in the woodlands in the north of Songmo, someone claimed to be the Khitan Khan Yaonian Qulie. If Yaonian Qulie could be found, the Khitan people could be recruited to join the puppet Yan.

Xu Guidao was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the news, so Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi immediately took care of the matter.

But both Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi said that their troops had been transferred to the Central Plains, and there was no manpower to do this.

Xu Guidao thought about it all night, and finally divided 800 of the [-] personal guards who were in charge of defending the Jiedu envoy's mansion, and handed them over to Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi to command them to go north to look for the Khitan Khan Yaonian Qulie.

Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi led away, but Xu Guidao felt even more uneasy.

These thousand elite dental soldiers were supported by Xu Guidao's high salaries by scavenging Pinglu's money and food.

These tooth soldiers are very loyal to him, and they are also the guarantee for the safety of Xu Guidao's family.

If it wasn't for Shi Siming's oppressiveness, he would definitely be reluctant to let these elite soldiers leave Yingzhou City.

Xu Guidao's son Xu Xianyi came to Jiedushi's mansion and asked to see his father.

Now Xu Xianyi is the posthumous envoy of the Pinglu Army and the successor of the entire Pinglu Army.

However, Xu Xianyi is only in his 20s and has no experience in leading troops to fight. He knows that veteran generals like Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi are not convinced by him. He recruited some local ruffians to join the army, and established a troop called Youhuying. They rode horses and galloped in the city of Yingzhou all day long, which made the people of Yingzhou hate Xu's father and son extremely.

Xu Guidao knew that his son was useless, but he was plotting to kill his superiors with poison, and he didn't trust his subordinates even more.

The position of deputy commander can only be given to his own son, and Xu Guidao dare not hand it over to other generals.

Xu Xianyi yelled as soon as he entered the door: "Father! Why don't we let the Young Tiger Camp do the work of arresting barbarians in the northern forest!"

Xu Guidao still knew about this son's ability. Shi Siming's official document was harshly worded, and he had to hand over [-] soldiers to the Taiyuan Mansion before the spring.

The young tiger battalion that Xu Xianyi tossed out was okay to bully and dominate the market in Yingzhou city on weekdays, but if they really marched and fought, they would probably collapse if they went out of the city.

Xu Guidao said: "The snow field is dangerous in winter, you have no experience in marching, you should stay in Yingzhou City."

Immediately afterwards Xu Guidao said: "How many people are there in your young tiger camp?"

The young tiger battalion was Xu Xianyi's greatest achievement. He said, "Father! This young tiger battalion of mine has five hundred cavalry and infantry each. Each of these 1000 people is an elite! They are all loyal to our father and son!"

Although he knew that this young tiger battalion might not be a display, the thousand soldiers could still make Xu Guidao feel safe.

He said to his son: "Just now the Jiedushi mansion is empty of defense, you transfer that young tiger battalion to guard our Jiedushi mansion."

Xu Xianyi immediately said: "Your Majesty! Commander!"

This was the first time Xu Xianyi was assigned a formal task by his father. He stood up excitedly and rushed to the military camp outside the city.

On the other side, Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi took Xu Guidao's military order and removed 800 people from the Yazhang guards guarding the Jiedushi's mansion. Then Wang Xuanzhi and Hou Xiyi immediately took the 800 people and went straight to Yingzhou In the snow forest to the north.

Leading the troops out of the city, Wang Xuanzhi and Hou Xiyi used both kindness and force, and quickly took control of the troops.

Stationed in a Zhuoshoufu fortress north of Yingzhou, Wang Xuanzhi and Hou Xiyi conspired under the lamp.

Wang Xuanzhi first said angrily: "Back then when I poisoned the old man, my brothers stabbed him in the back for a long time afterwards, but that Thief Xu refused to let me stay as the queen of the Jiedu envoy and let his idiot son be the queen. Just break the arrow and swear, if you don't take revenge, you won't be a human being!"

Hou Xiyi quickly comforted Wang Xuanzhi, he did not participate in the conspiracy of Xu Guidao and Wang Xuanzhi back then, but he quickly supported Xu Guidao after he took refuge in the puppet Yan, stabilized the morale of Pinglu's army, and was also a great contributor to Xu Guidao's superior position.

But Xu Guidao was also stingy with rewards to Hou Xiyi, and he is still a general so far, not even giving a miscellaneous general.

For this reason, Hou Xiyi was also filled with anger, he and Wang Xuanzhi quickly formed a family, and hibernated while waiting for an opportunity.

Now is the best opportunity, the Pinglu army is empty, Xu Guidao is unpopular, and everyone in Pinglu has long hated him.

These thousand elites were the last strength to guard the Jiedu Mission's Mansion. Originally, as long as these 1000 people could be stabilized, Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi had no choice.

Unexpectedly, Shi Siming sent an assist and asked Pinglu for [-] soldiers.

The news was leaked by Hou Xiyi and Wang Xuanzhi ahead of time, and Yingzhou immediately fled.

Those with males fled to the mountains and hid, which made it even harder for Xu Guidao to recruit soldiers.

Hou Xiyi also made people falsely claim that the Khitan Khan Yao Nian Qulie was haunting the northern snowfields, and then suggested to Xu Guidao that he should lead troops to the northern snowfields to recruit Hu people.

As expected, Xu Guidao was in a hurry and went to the doctor in a hurry, and he really handed over the thousand elites who guarded the Jiedu Ambassador's mansion to the two of them.

Hou Xiyi said: "I have already sold all my property and replaced it with gold and silver and hid it in the warehouse of Zhuoshou Mansion. During these days, we have spent a lot of money to buy tooth soldiers and hold these 800 people in our hands."

Wang Xuanzhi said: "I'll sneak back to Yingzhou City right now, wait for news from Brother Hou, and immediately open the city gate. As long as we take down the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion, we will immediately kill Xu's father and son!"

But Wang Xuanzhi said again: "But we really killed Xu Guidao, over there in Taiyuan Mansion?"

Hou Xiyi said resolutely: "Let's bring out the old Jieshuai and send a document to the Tang court to announce that anyway!"

"As long as we can win Pinglu, the Tang court will definitely use high-ranking officials and generous salaries to recruit us!"

Wang Xuanzhi immediately said: "Brother Hou is more thoughtful, so let's do it like this!"

At the same time, Fang Guoshou had already sneaked into Yingzhou City with a group of players.

(End of this chapter)

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