"Quanzhen sect?" Although Du Hongjian was an official in Shuofang, he now holds the position of military commander like Jiedushi.

But Du Hongjian was born as a Jinshi, and he was a genuine scholar.

Why hasn't he heard of the Quanzhen Sect?

Seeing Du Hongjian's questioning eyes, Zhang Tianlun also asked for help on the forum.

"Brothers, I made up the identity of Quanzhen Sect. What is the teaching of Quanzhen Sect?"

Soon, a group of onlookers appeared on the forum, and one of the players said: "The teaching is that you must never marry a Taoist nun from the Ancient Tomb Sect!"

Some other players offered advice to Zhang Tianlun, asking him to accept seven apprentices called Quanzhen Seven Sons, and never accept Yin Zhiping, the grandson of the dragon knight.

However, among the players, there are indeed people who know the Taoist faction. One player said in detail:
"Quanzhen Sect is a sect of Taoism, but it pays attention to the integration of the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Personal practice."

Zhang Tianlun could only tell Du Hongjian about this set of theories. Du Hongjian was worthy of being a Jinshi, and he quickly found Confucian elements from these theories.

Doesn't sound like evil?
Du Hongjian became puzzled. The teachings Zhang Tianlun said were all extremely glorious and upright teachings, and the methods of practice were also orthodox Taoist ways.

Moreover, what Zhang Tianlun revealed is not only a sect with perfect teachings, but also a Taoist system with a complete organizational framework and a layered structure.

It stands to reason that such a mature sect should be very famous. Why hasn't Du Hongjian heard of it?
Du Hongjian asked, "Why hasn't Du heard of the Tao of Quanzhen preached by Daoist Zhang?"

Zhang Tianlun could only pretend to be profound and said: "Quanzhen Dao is the teaching that I realized suddenly under the snow-capped mountains. Before that, I only preached in Longyou. This time Lingzhou was hit by a disaster, so His Royal Highness Yue Wang sent me to help the disaster."

Du Hongjian was even more awe-inspiring. There are many sects in Taoism, but there are not many sects that can have such complete and comprehensive teachings as Quanzhen Taoism.

The one who can establish a sect must be a generation of grandmasters.

Du Hongjian said with admiration: "I didn't expect Daoist Zhang to be the master who founded the sect. I will tell the court about the Quanzhen Taoism, and ask the monk and Taoist to give the Quanzhen Taoism the qualification to open an altar and set up a temple."

Zhang Tianlun didn't expect that Du Hongjian, a virtuous envoy, would be so interested in his random nonsense about Quanzhen Taoism.

But Zhang Tianlun could only pretend to be grateful if the other party wanted to help.

He also promised to pray for Du Hongjian's family in the Taoist temple after the completion of the Quanzhen Taoist temple in Lingwu.

After entrusting Zhang Tianlun with the disaster relief work in Lingzhou, Du Hongjian returned to Jiedushi's mansion and handed over the civil affairs to Jiedushi Liuhou and Zhu Gongcao, while he himself took the officers of the Shuofang Army and prepared to enter Hexi.

However, in addition to Zhang Tianlun's porridge team, there was also a team of players sent by the Wangfu Bank to Lingzhou to set up a branch in Lingzhou for disaster relief.

However, the leader of this player team is an aborigine, that is, Yang Yan Yang Gongnan, the right-hand man of Jiang Lun, the head of the Salt and Iron Tax Department.

This Yang Yansheng is very handsome. If the normal historical development is followed, he will become the proponent of the "Two Taxes Law" in the future, and he is a figure with mixed reputation in history.

But the current Yang Yan is a talented treasurer of this time and space, and Jiang Lun's right-hand man.

Yang Yan didn't enter Lingwu City in a high-profile manner like Zhang Tianlun gave porridge all the way. He led the players around the countryside of Lingwu City.

For the golden signboard of Wangfu Bank, it is very resounding in Longyou.

Originally, the Wangfu Bank only served players, and it was also doing settlement business for transactions between players.

Because Datang's money method is very chaotic, silk and various gold, silver and copper can be used as currency, which caused a lot of trouble for players' trade.

In particular, copper coin transactions are really inconvenient. If it is a large-scale trade, it will take a car just to transport the money, which is unsafe and inconvenient.

Wangfu Bank provides players with a convenient settlement system. If they need cash, they can go to a big city to exchange it directly, which greatly facilitates the majority of merchants and players.

And with the activity of merchant players in Longyou, those natives who did business with merchant players also found the convenience of Wangfu Bank.

As long as you save the coins, you can get a ticket that passes through the Longyou Bank. This ticket is the standard copper coin for settlement, which is the amount of Kaiyuan Tianbao.

This ticket can be used to withdraw money at any Wangfu bank, or it can be used directly to trade with players.

With the special QR codes on these tickets, merchants and players can use the in-game software to verify the authenticity. The transaction of tickets makes the transaction of goods easier and faster, and merchants do not need to pull a lot of cash to buy goods.

At first, merchants who only traded with player merchants used banks and bills, and then ordinary merchants also began to use banks and bills for settlement.

Up to now, Wangfu Bank has obtained the qualification for savings business.

However, Jiang Lun did not dare to take too big a step. The first batch of government bonds issued by Longyou, which was opened to the public, was agreed to be one year, and the interest was two points.

However, this first issuance of Longyou government bonds was a great success. A total of 500,000 yuan of bonds were wiped out, and some people whose families became rich rushed to buy them.

Relying on the huge financial resources of the Wangfu Bank, Yang Yan brought the working group to Lingzhou.

Before Jiang Lun set off, the goal assigned to Yang Yan was to open three banks in Lingzhou that issued green crop loans, and to open a branch of Wangfu Bank in Lingwu City.

Yang Yan bypassed the cities of Lingzhou all the way, and specifically selected those villages that were seriously affected by the disaster.

However, unlike Zhang Tianlun's generous way of giving out porridge for free, Yang Yan will distribute green crop loans to the local people when he goes to a place.

The loan included grain for winter and seeds sown in spring, but Yang Yan asked the people to return the grain and seeds to the bank after the seeds were harvested.

Although it was an interest-free loan, Yang Yan also asked the people to plant some cash crops that Longyou needed.

Yang Yan also very cold-bloodedly asked these poor farmers to take out their things as collateral before they were willing to issue the green crop loan.

The players who followed Yang Yan all the way were scolded by the common people, saying that they were jackals who took advantage of the fire and profiteers who got into the eyes of money.

Yang Yan's face remained unchanged, and he still insisted on his way. Every time he entered the village, he would lend money in this way, causing the players to complain.

Seeing that they were about to enter Lingwu City, the players finally couldn't bear it anymore. They recommended a player named Zhu Yan and found Yang Yan to lodge a protest.

Unexpectedly, before Zhu Yan opened his mouth, Yang Yan, who was taking stock of the books, said, "I thought everyone would complain after entering Lingwu City, but I didn't expect to be here?"

Zhu Yan looked at Yang Yan's handsome face, and when he thought of the people who cursed them, he couldn't help but said: "Mr. Yang! What did President Jiang say when we came here? You can't charge interest for green crop loans. To save the people, not to plunder from the people."

Yang Yan closed the account book and said, "I followed President Jiang's request. The Green Crops Loan distributed seeds and grains, and asked for the seeds and grains to be recovered after harvesting. No interest was charged."

Zhu Yan said excitedly: "There is no interest charged. What are the mortgages you want? There are also soybeans and cotton that are required to be grown by the people. Doesn't this increase the burden on the people?"

Players secretly say that Yang Yan is a vampire, and they all think that he is deliberately making things difficult for the people, and he is worthy of being a famous cruel official in the middle Tang Dynasty.

Yang Yan didn't justify his actions, but instead asked: "Zhu Huiban, do you still remember the goal set by President Jiang before we set off?"

"Of course I remember that President Jiang wants us to establish a branch in Lingzhou."

Yang Yan said: "These are just work tasks, not goals."

"What is the goal?"

"President Jiang said before departure that the goal of this operation is to bring Lingzhou into Longyou's economic system."

Zhu Yan was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Jiang Lun had indeed said this before setting off.

But he only thought it was Jiang Lun's useless empty talk, but he didn't expect Yang Yan to bring it up at this time.

Yang Yan stood up, looked out of the window and said, "What is the most important thing to bring Lingzhou into Longyou's economic system? It is to let the goods of Longyou and Lingzhou flow."

"The economy is like a river, stagnant water will stink, only when the water flows will it become clearer and better."

"I asked the people of Lingzhou to grow cash crops such as spices, soybeans and cotton, so that Lingzhou can be integrated into the Longyou market. People who plant these things can exchange them for money in the coming year. With money, they can buy more Only seeds and tools have the ability to consume."

Zhu Yan was stunned, he never thought of so much, the players all thought that Yang Yan was deliberately making things difficult for the people who wanted to borrow money, but they didn't expect him to have such a deep meaning.

"Lingzhou has just been hit by a disaster. If the people are allowed to plant by themselves, they will definitely plant beans. These are things that people often do in disaster years."

Zhu Yan nodded. Beans have been a food crop since the Qin and Han Dynasties.

The unit yield of beans is not as good as that of wheat, but wheat has a long planting cycle and there are too many unstable factors in the harvest, unlike beans, which have a short harvest cycle. People in disaster years are eager for food and are afraid of starvation, so they will grow beans.

But in fact, planting beans whose yield is not as good as wheat will cause a vicious circle.

The more afraid they are to grow high-yield grain with a long harvest cycle, the more grain they will be short of when planting beans, and the more scarce grain on the market will be.

Now Zhu Yan understood why Yang Yan only gave out wheat seeds, but not bean seeds to the common people.

Yang Yan sighed and said, "This is not because the victims are short-sighted, but because of survival."

"President Jiang once said that borrowing is not only about the exchange of money, but also the regulation of production through borrowing."

"Let the common people grow wheat and plant more economic crops, which is also for Lingzhou's harvest next year."

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