Zhu Yan is a student majoring in economics and management.

The reason why he majored in economics and management was because Zhu Yan didn't have any majors he was interested in when he was in high school. He just heard that economics and management majors are easy to get a job, so he applied for this major.

Zhu Yan didn’t realize that the employment prospects of economics and management majors have nothing to do with your university grades, or even have much to do with the university. The employment prospects and career prospects of economics and management basically depend on whether your family has resources. .

For Zhu Yan, the child of an ordinary city resident, the best opportunity to enter the financial industry is to sell insurance at an insurance company, or do business at the counter of a bank.

From then on, Zhu Yan hated this major even more. Anyway, it is the same to learn well and poorly, so it is better to learn something else.

After being lucky enough to enter Datang Fengyun, Zhu Yan's goal in playing games is also very simple, that is to exchange test qualifications and sell them for money.

Ironically, Zhu Yan, who obviously hates economics, used his professional skills in the game instead.

Relying on his professional background, Zhu Yan entered Wangfu Bank and is now the branch manager of Zhangye City Branch.

However, Zhu Yan, who has received an education in economics, began to think about his social value as a financial person under the inspiration of Yang Yan.

Zhu Yan once also thought that bankers are vampires who give umbrellas in sunny days and take umbrellas in rainy days, and are schistosomes attached to modern society.

But what Yang Yan said today made Zhu Yan feel something different.

Yang Yan said: "President Jiang said that the way of finance is the same as government orders. Use it for good to benefit the people, and use it for evil to harm the people."

"When we came to Lingzhou, President Jiang asked me to bring Lingzhou into Longyou's economic system."

"After thinking about it, this is the only way. First, use debt to connect the people of Lingzhou with Longyou. Only with surplus commodity trade can Lingzhou be added to Longyou's market."

"Lingzhou is not Uighur, and the people of Lingzhou are also compatriots of Tang Dynasty. It is not enough to rely on economic plunder, but also to use debt to support the production of Lingzhou."

Zhu Yan lowered his head in shame. In fact, he had heard many things in professional courses, but he didn't take economics seriously and didn't take these truths to heart.

Yang Yan, a local aboriginal in the game, was able to understand these principles, and even used them in practice, which made Zhu Yan ashamed of his academic background.

Yang Yan continued: "As the saying goes, if we just distribute young seedlings and disaster relief food to the people, they will naturally thank us, but what happens after the thanks? If we don't rescue the disaster next year, will they still curse us? ?”

Zhu Yan nodded, the human nature that Yang Yan said is true.

Yang Yan continued: "Let the common people take out their things as collateral, so that they can cultivate the land well in the coming year, so that they can grow food to pay off their debts. The Wangfu Bank does not make money, but it cannot lose money either."

Zhu Yan lowered his head in shame, it turned out that every step of Yang Yan was carefully considered.

After Yang Yan finished talking about his thoughts, he said to Zhu Yan: "But you are right. Although I don't care about my own reputation, I also have to take into account the reputation of His Royal Highness. Let them pay their IOUs."

Players are stepping up their economic penetration into Lingzhou and preparing to open a Wangfu Bank branch in Lingzhou.

At this time, in Yingzhou City, Pinglu Town in the north, the new Pinglu Jiedu Envoy Wang Xuanzhi got good news that Shi Siming recognized his envoy of Pinglu Military Jiedu Envoy.

At the same time, Shi Siming is ready to surrender to the Tang Dynasty, and Wang Xuanzhi will also be canonized by the Tang court and become the justifiable Pinglu Jiedushi.

Being able to receive the double canonization of both Hedong and Datang, although Wang Xuanzhi did not believe that Shi Siming sincerely wanted to surrender to Datang, but now his position as the governor of Pinglu Town is justified.

Pang Ju, a player who was on an envoy to Fan Yang, suddenly became a celebrity beside Wang Xuanzhi.

Wang Xuanzhi also rewarded Hou Xiyi for his meritorious service. First, he rewarded Hou Xiyi, the general of the Pinglu army who rebelled with him, after he stayed as the envoy of the Pinglu army.

Then the generals who took part in the rebellion against Xu Guidao and his sons were rewarded, and Pang Ju, who made great contributions, suddenly became the judge of the Jiedushifu, and he was acquainted with the important military and political affairs of the Jiedushifu of the Pinglu Army.
Pang Ju was able to write and count, and he gave Wang Xuanzhi advice many times to help him manage the civil affairs, and soon gained Wang Xuanzhi's trust, and even handed over the civil affairs of Yingzhou to him.

But today, Wang Xuanzhi summoned Pang Ju in a hurry. As soon as he met Wang Xuanzhi, he took Pang Ju's hand and said, "Mr. Pang, help me!"

Although Wang Xuanzhi was a warrior, he would buy people's hearts. Otherwise, when Xu Guidao was overthrown, so many people would not follow him.

After he killed Xu Guidao and his son, he also recuperated in Pinglu, and rewarded the soldiers with the money of Xu Guidao and his son, and now Pinglu is living in peace.

It was the first time for Pang Ju to see Wang Xuanzhi lose his composure. After Wang Xuanzhi pulled him to sit down, the new Pinglu military governor said anxiously:

"In a few days it will be time to distribute charcoal money, but now the treasury is empty, so what should we do?"

When it turned out that it was for money, Pang Ju suddenly understood why Wang Xuanzhi was so worried.

Soldiers in Hedong Army Town, in addition to their fixed monthly salaries, were also rewarded before and after each battle.

For example, the reward money issued to rebel soldiers is the money to reward them for following Wang Xuanzhi's rebellion.

In addition to these money, there are ice money and charcoal money every summer and winter.

As the name suggests, charcoal money is the money given to soldiers to sell charcoal during the winter, while ice money is a subsidy for soldiers to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

These two sums of money have been distributed since An Lushan served as the governor of the three towns, and they are regarded as special benefits for the three towns in the north.

When Wang Xuanzhi handed out the rewards earlier, he had confiscated the wealth of Xu Guidao and his son.

When Hou Xiyi said today that he wanted to distribute charcoal money, Wang Xuanzhi became worried, and quickly summoned the resourceful Pang Ju.

It turned out to be a question of money.

Pang Ju breathed a sigh of relief, if it was a matter of money, it would be easy to handle.

But Pang Ju didn't agree immediately, but said to Wang Xuanzhi:

"Jie Shuai, this subordinate has a plan, I don't know if it will work, please give Jie Shuai a few more days."

Wang Xuanzhi was also desperate. He started his career by coup d'état, and the two coup d'états were inherently unstable.

The soldiers in Lulong Town are unruly, and they won the hearts of the people by relying on rewards.

This year's heavy snow in the north, if the charcoal money is not issued again, I am afraid that these soldiers will really make trouble.

Hearing that Pang Ju said that there is a way, Wang Xuanzhi immediately said: "If Pang Jun can help me through this calamity, I will immediately promote you to be the governor of Jiedushifu! If you have any requests, just ask, I will definitely satisfy you !"

Pang Ju didn't sit on the ground and raise the price, but said: "It's not too late to reward Jieshuai after the matter is completed, so let's go out of the city and find a way to solve the difficult problem of charcoal money for Jieshuai!"

Pang Ju immediately asked for the official documents and left Yingzhou City.

Wang Xuanzhi asked Pang Ju for help, but he was still not at ease, and tried his best to sell the valuable belongings of the Jiedu envoy's mansion, but he still couldn't get together the charcoal money for Ping Lujun.

Rumors that the new Jiedu envoy could not send charcoal money also spread in the military camp in Pinglu Town. Wang Xuanzhi sent his cronies to appease him, but the rumors continued to intensify.

Wang Xuanzhi even asked his family members to pack up their things. If the Pinglu army really started making trouble, he would immediately lead his family members south.

After Pang Ju left Yingzhou City, he immediately contacted Fang Guoshou and Yu Chixin who were stationed in Tongliao City.

After Yu Chixin heard Pang Ju's report, he felt dumbfounded.

Wang Xuanzhi, the fierce man who killed two Jiedu envoys, turned out to be like this because he couldn't afford the charcoal money.

Fang Guoshou said: "During the middle and late Tang Dynasty, countless Jiedu envoys were killed by soldiers because they could not pay rewards or owed their salaries. In fact, the vassal towns in the north could not be pacified because this system was beneficial to the interests of all parties in the vassal towns. "

Yuchixin ruled the army strictly, and Longyou improved the combat effectiveness of the army by improving the status of soldiers and social security.

When the Longyou army was first established, it was clearly forbidden for the army to plunder and ask for rewards in private.

Yu Chixin really didn't understand the strange situation in which the governors of the Tang Dynasty were afraid of the soldiers.

Fang Guoshou said: "Because of maintaining the separatism of the vassal towns, the taxes in these separatist areas do not need to be handed over to the imperial court. In addition to enjoying themselves, the Jiedushi must also benefit the officers and soldiers under him in order to maintain this state of separatism in the vassal towns."

"The Jiedushi bribed the soldiers, and the soldiers supported the Jiedushi. This kind of political tacit understanding was the contract basis for the tenacious existence of the mid-late Tang dynasty."

"In the late Tang Dynasty, even the imperial court wanted to use these feudal towns, and they could fight wars as long as they were given money, which was more effective than the shence army raised by the imperial court itself."

"The vassal system is not only a subjugation of the local government to the central government, but also a subordination of grassroots officers and soldiers to the Jiedushi. Jiedushi can also be said to be the most dangerous occupation in the entire Tang Dynasty."

Fang Guoshou said: "The financial crisis of the Pinglu Army this time is a good opportunity for us to intervene in Pinglu Town!"

Yu Chixin nodded and said, "That's true, but what identity should we use to intervene? It can't be said that the money was lent to Wang Xuanzhi by the King of Yue, right?"

Fang Guoshou smiled and said: "Yuchi, you forgot that there is still a Haidong Shengguo in the north."

"Old Fang means to lend money to Wang Xuanzhi as the Bohai Kingdom?"

Fang Guoshou nodded and said, "It doesn't matter to Wang Xuanzhi whoever borrows money. He needs to borrow money to tide over the difficulties. We need to use this money to infiltrate into Pinglu Town. Isn't this a win-win thing?"

Yu Chixin laughed and said: "Indeed, it's hard to win, everyone has a bright future."

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