Chapter 534 Jianghuai Money Law
Gao Shi couldn't help asking: "Since we can't ban coins from going out to sea, how can we solve the money shortage?"

The most uncomfortable thing in this world is not knowing the crux, but what is even more uncomfortable is knowing that the crux is a dead knot, and there is no way to solve it.

Jiangnan is short of money, this is already a deadlock, so Gao Shi went to the doctor in a hurry and asked Li Daoyuan.

Li Daoyuan said firmly: "The easiest way is how to earn back the money lost."

"Earn it back?"

"Yes, it is through trade to earn money back from countries such as Silla, Fusang and Nanyang!"

Gao Shi thought about it, and this was indeed a path he had never thought of.

I only heard Li Daoyuan say: "Excuse me, old man, do you know that when these foreign businessmen come to Yangzhou, do they all go back with a boatload of goods?"

Gao Shi nodded, Yangzhou is still an important trade center in the southeast, and foreigners can actually buy goods, and they will fill the cabins to bring back the goods from Datang.

Li Daoyuan said: "That's right. Datang's goods are also easy to sell in these countries. The money can be transported from Datang, and naturally it can be earned back from them through trade!"

Gao Shi listened to Li Daoyuan's words, the more he listened, the more feasible he felt.

Yes, since these foreign businessmen cannot be prevented from leaving with Datang's money, Datang can also do business with these countries and take back the coins of Datang on the market.

Gao Shi had heard from merchants a long time ago that if silk and porcelain from the Tang Dynasty were transported to Silla Fusang, the price would be doubled, and if they were transported to the Southeast Asian countries, the price would be doubled even more.

Gao Shi thought of another thing and said, "But the Forbidden Sea?"

The prohibition of the sea was an order issued by the emperor, because the Japanese envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty made several voyages across the sea and the entire army was wiped out. Dong Yao, the servant of the Ministry of Industry of the Tang Dynasty who escorted the Japanese envoys to the Tang Dynasty to return to Japan, encountered a storm in the South China Sea on a boat, and almost died of shipwreck.

After Dong Yao returned to Chang'an, he told the emperor that he had seen the "Gate of Hell" in the South China Sea, and the emperor ordered that Tang's official ships were not allowed to go to sea.

If it is to engage in sea trade, then the sea ban on official ships going to sea will be imposed.

Obviously, this is not something that Gao Shi can decide alone.

At this time, Li Daoyuan smiled and said: "Official ships are forbidden to go to sea, but foreign businessmen can come and go to Datang."

Gao Shi nodded, this is obviously a bug in Forbidden Sea.

Datang banned official ships and civilian ships from going out to sea, but foreign ships could berth in port cities.

In fact, it is tacitly understood by everyone that many of the big businessmen active in Yangzhou and Quanzhou today are from Datang.

It's just that for the convenience of sea trade, the ship is hung under some small countries.

Some fleets even hang directly under the fabricated country and do business as foreigners in Datang.

Gao Shi seemed to have opened up a new world. In the past, these maritime merchants came to Datang to do business. Why didn't Datang go to their country to do business?
These countries all use Datang's currency, and Datang's goods are also very popular in these areas, so it's enough to get the money back through trade.

Gao Shi was a little excited. He didn't expect that the problem that had troubled him for a long time would be solved by Daming Temple, a young scholar.

But there is one more question at the end. Gao Shi couldn't help asking: "But sea trade is very risky, and sea ships are easy to capsize. The navy of the imperial court needs to guard the port and cannot go to sea casually. Is there anyone willing to take the risk to go to sea?"

When Gao Shi asked this question, Li Daoyuan had basically confirmed that the person in front of him was Huainan Jiedushi, a famous Tang Dynasty poet Gao Shi.

Only Huainan Jiedushi would ask such a question.

After knowing that the other party was Gao Shi, Li Daoyuan became calmer.

I have never seen such a high-ranking official, but the aura of Gao Shi, a great poet, is more attractive.

However, Gao Shi is also a conscientious senior official. The shortage of money in the southeast is indeed a problem that plagues Datang. Li Daoyuan also wants the people in Jiangnan to live better.

Li Daoyuan said: "I once saw a shipbuilding book about Dashi, Dashiren can build big ships that sail at sea, and that kind of big ships can transport goods across the sea."

"In fact, Dashi's shipbuilding technology is no better than Datang's. As long as there are skilled workers, ships can be built."

Gao Shi nodded, he had seen a big man-eating ship in the port.

It is said that the ship set sail from Tianzhu and arrived in Yangzhou after bypassing the southern coastline of the Tang Dynasty. These strange Tianzhu merchant ships can sail on the sea for a long time and can withstand the invasion of wind and waves.

There was also a Datang merchant who wanted to buy this kind of sea-going ship, but it was a pity that the Dashi merchant refused to sell it, and only the shipbuilder of Dashi could build this kind of ship.

Gao Shi was overjoyed, he didn't expect this young man to have a book on Dashi Shipbuilding, if he could build a safe Dashi merchant ship, then more people would go to sea.

The next step is how to encourage the people to go to sea for trade, and earn Datang's money back from these countries.

Li Daoyuan said: "As for how to encourage people to go to sea, that's not what Xiaosheng is good at, but I do know one or two friends who are proficient in finance, and I can ask them for advice."

Gao Shi knew that the harvest this time was big enough, so he quickly asked, "Can you take this book about Dashi Shipbuilding with you? Can you show me this book?"

Li Daoyuan spread his hands and said, "I didn't take it with me."

Gao Shi was a little disappointed, but he didn't expect Li Daoyuan to continue to say:

"However, Xiaosheng has a photographic memory, so he can silently write the contents of the book."

Gao Shi was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Don't lie to my lord, this old man is Huainan Jiedu envoy Gao Shi, and I have benefited a lot from talking with you today. I don't know the name of my little friend, where is he from?"

Li Daoyuan pretended to be terrified and said: "Xiaosheng Li Daoyuan is from Longyou."

"Li Lang, if you can present the book on Dashi Shipbuilding Technique, then you will be of credit to the people of Jianghuai and Tang Dynasty. This section will definitely recommend you to the imperial court!"

Li Daoyuan said: "Xiaosheng has no intention of fame, thank you Jiedushi for his kindness. I can write the book about Dashi Shipbuilding now silently."

After finishing speaking, Gao Shi quickly called the little monk, brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and spread it out for Li Daoyuan to write silently.

In fact, in order to be able to go to sea, Li Daoyuan had already studied shipbuilding.

The civilizations that have used wooden ships for ocean voyages in history include European, Arab and Chinese civilizations.

In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He made seven voyages to the West, and he traveled on treasure ships capable of ocean voyages.

It's a pity that all the information on the treasure ship has been lost, and the hull of the treasure ship is very large, requiring a lot of precious century-old wood.

Given the current situation in Datang, it is very difficult to obtain these large timbers in Jianghuai.

After discussion among the players, the Arabian angular galleon is the best choice for sailing in the East Asian waterway.

Li Daoyuan wrote down the materials he had collected on the spot, and even drew out the drawings of the shipbuilding stroke by stroke.

Gao Shi was amazed by Li Daoyuan's ability of "photographic memory", and once again regretted his decision not to take the imperial examination.

After Li Daoyuan wrote a shipbuilding manual, Gao Shi believed Li Daoyuan's statement. This is a kind of ocean-going ship, which is almost exactly the same as the ocean-going sailing ships that big cannibals sail to the seaport near Yangzhou.

Gao Shi left his name post and told Li Daoyuan that as long as his friend figured out how to let the common people go to sea to do business and earn money back, he would immediately go to Jiedu Shifu to find him, and then left Daming Temple with his family.

Li Daoyuan quickly contacted Jiang Lun who was far away in Longyou, and told Jiang Lun about his experience.

Hearing Li Daoyuan's narration, Jiang Lun couldn't help but said: "Old Li Yi is too powerful, travel can trigger so many tasks, this time is also a big task!"

The Jiedushi in Huainan was the Jiedushi in the most affluent area of ​​the Tang Dynasty. Although the Jiedushi in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions were not as independent as the Jiedushi in the border areas, the imperial court often rotated the Jiedushi in these regions.

But this is also the most powerful figure in the Tang Dynasty. If they can increase their favorability, wouldn't it be easy to do the task.

Sure enough, high play is high play, Li Daoyuan traveling alone can trigger such a big task.

Jiang Lun thought for a while and said: "Marine trade is very profitable. In fact, as long as Jianghuai is willing to let go, the people are still willing to go to sea to do business. It is not difficult to let the people go to sea. The difficulty is how to let the merchants who do business take Datang's money. Ship it back."

Li Daoyuan quickly recorded it, only to hear Jiang Lun say: "Normal trade, merchants buy goods from Datang, then ship them to Silla or Fusang for sale, and then buy local specialties from these countries, and then ship them to Datang for sale. "

"If this is the case, not only will the ocean trade not allow money to flow back to the Tang Dynasty, but the lack of money will cause a greater problem of money shortage because of wealth."

Li Daoyuan asked: "Then what should we do?"

"One is to issue credit currency, that is, banknotes, as I want to do in Longyou. The cost of minting banknotes is very low. It is a good thing for us to recycle banknotes used by foreign merchants. This is equivalent to their currency The power has been handed over to Longyou."

"Think about the hegemony of the US dollar in later generations, relying on the minting power of credit currency."

"However, this one doesn't work in Huainan. Datang lacks modern government and financial technical officials, so it is too difficult to issue credit currency." "What about other methods?"

Jiang Lun said: "The other way is to refer to the practice of the Spaniards in the past and use precious metals such as gold and silver as the main goods. Isn't there a gold mountain in Fusang? Isn't there a lot of silver mines in Nanyang? If the merchants of the Tang Dynasty brought Return to gold and silver, then solve the tension of large currencies. And..."

Li Daoyuan asked: "And what?"

Jiang Lun said: "Moreover, the copper-based currency of the Tang and Song Dynasties is not conducive to economic development. You can try to implement the silver-standard currency reform in Jianghuai."

Li Daoyuan said desperately: "I can't understand what you said!"

(End of this chapter)

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