Chapter 535: Task Master
Jiang Lun couldn't explain clearly for a while, and said to Li Daoyuan: "Well, I will give you a plan, but it is just a general outline. You can just give this plan to Gao Shi."

Li Daoyuan said with some embarrassment: "I have already made a splash in front of him today. If I do it again, I'm afraid he won't let me go."

Now Jiang Lun was completely speechless. Other players were looking for missions all over the world, looking for historical celebrities to get close to them, hoping to trigger some missions.

But Li Daoyuan is a good man. He has a lot of tasks on hand and he doesn't want to do it, so he has to travel to sea.

Mission party players like Jiang Lun are the ones who can't see missions being wasted the most.

He said to Li Daoyuan: "Just say that you didn't contribute this plan. Let me see if I can find a player near Yangzhou to help you with this."

Li Daoyuan said in embarrassment: "As soon as the spring wind arrives, I will be ready to go to sea. Can your people hurry up?"

Jiang Lun was even more speechless. He hurriedly said, "I promise to arrive before you set sail. Wouldn't it be better if Gao Shi could support your voyage? The shipbuilding at the government dockyard must be more reliable than the private boat you found, right?"

Thinking of this, Li Daoyuan also nodded.

His original plan was to collect navigation information in Yangzhou, and then go to Zhoushan like Jianzhen, and find a ship sailing in the open sea to go to Fusang.

But Jiang Lun reminded him that if the Jianghuai Jiedu Envoy could support his cause and directly build new sailboats in the government's dock, the survival rate of going to sea would be much higher.

And with an official status, sailing to sea will be much more convenient.

Now Li Daoyuan hesitated, he thought about it, and finally decided to sharpen the knife and not mistakenly chop firewood, and stay in Yangzhou to get Gao Shi's "favorability" first!
The next day, Li Daoyuan found Gao Shi with a reform plan.

In fact, the money law reform, which sounds complicated, is actually very simple in terms of implementation.

Datang itself has a customs agency, and the shipping department of each seaside city is responsible for supervising the construction of seagoing ships, and is also responsible for taxing seagoing ships entering and leaving the port.

The Rudong Port, Biandan Port, and Zhenhai Port under the control of the Huainan Jiedushi all had municipal shipping departments responsible for collecting city taxes on foreign ships.

Jiang Lun's proposal is to levy additional taxes on goods arriving in Hong Kong, and to give tax relief to ships bringing gold, silver, copper and other precious metals to Hong Kong.

As long as each ship carries a certain amount of gold, silver and copper, the additional tax can be reduced or exempted. Then foreign ships that go to Datang to do business will naturally carry some gold, silver and copper.

In addition to the tax law, Jiang Lun also suggested that Gao Shi ask the imperial court to allow Yangzhou to mint silver coins.

In fact, many transactions in the Yangzhou market today have already been traded in silver.

However, the silver used by the common people is uneven in quality and quite chaotic. If it is not for merchants, it is very difficult to use.

Ask Gao Shi to ask the imperial court to cast silver dollars. The prestige of the Tang court is still there, and silver is also a precious metal. As long as silver dollars can be issued, part of the problem of money shortage can be solved.

In the end, it was time to pan for gold. Li Daoyuan presented a map of the Fusang gold mines and told Gao Shi that the state-owned gold mountains in Fusang, if these gold mountains can be excavated and the gold flows into Jianghuai, then Jianghuai can get a lot of wealth.

With the three-pronged approach, Gao Shi was really tempted.

He said to Li Daoyuan: "The matter of Qianfa will have to wait for Yuan Zai, the new Jianghuai renter, salt and iron envoy, to take office. I will discuss with him before going to the court."

"The matter of the sea ban is already raging in Quanzhou and Guiguan. Sooner or later, the imperial court will lift the sea ban."

"Little friend Daoyuan, you can go to Rudong Port first, where there is a dock under the control of Huainan Jiedufu. After the new sailboat is built, you can try to go to Fusang."

Gao Shi became more and more satisfied with Li Daoyuan's strategy. He quickly said to Li Daoyuan, "When will you be able to arrive in Yangzhou, my friend? I'm going to hand over the Huainan City Shipping Department to him, so it shouldn't be considered inferior?"

Li Daoyuan said quickly: "Not counting."

Li Daoyuan triggered a new regional mission, and it was a major mission for Haimao. The news spread throughout the forum again.

Players can't help feeling, this is Gaowan's strength, right?
The eastbound brigade was disbanded, and now the four eastbound are still active in the first echelon of players.

Let’s not talk about Li Daoyuan’s walking task trigger.

Yu Xiaoxiao became famous in one fell swoop by performing "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" at the Zhengdan Great Court Meeting. Now the whole of Chang'an recognizes her status as the heir of Aunt Gongsun. Many princes and nobles have invited her to train dancers in their mansions. Guests.

Zhou Shi is now the deputy envoy of Liuhouyuan of the Dudu Mansion, who is one of the troika of Chang'an players, responsible for collecting intelligence and communicating with Chang'an officials, and it is also a mess.

In the end, Zhang Duanyang was under Zhang Xun's command, and now he is marching into Qingzhou, and many generals and players have joined him.

Reforming the Jianghuai money law is a good task visible to the naked eye.

The money law is the lifeline of the economy. If you can lead the reform of the Jianghuai money law, you can control the Jianghuai economy and further infiltrate the power of the King of Yue into the Jianghuai region.

Ocean trade is also a very important part. If sea-going ships can be built in Jianghuai, in addition to being able to conduct ocean-going trade, they can also extend their hands into the navy of Jianghuai.

After Jiang Lun thought about it, he could send his subordinates to Jianghuai, that is, Yang Yan and his party who were preparing to build the Wangfu Bank in Lingzhou.

Jiang Lun immediately wrote a letter to Li Yan, with Yang Yan, who was planning to build the Wangfu Bank in Lingzhou, as the principal, and the player Zhu Yan as his deputy. The reserve seeds selected by the salt and iron tax bureau immediately went south to Yangzhou.

Yang Yan was the deputy trained by Jiang Lun during this period. He has very strong executive ability and is good at dealing with Tang officials.

Zhu Yan is a major in economics and can provide advice for the reform. The remaining players are also proficient in the affairs of the Wangfu Bank, so they can open the Wangfu Bank in Jianghuai.

Jiang Lun's ideas diverged further. If the Wangfu Bank could be established in Yangzhou, and then carry out JAC's money law reform with the Wangfu Bank in Yangzhou as the core, then Jianghuai's economy could be further controlled.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lun immediately finished writing the proposal and sent it to King Yue.

At this time Li Yan was watching a song and dance performance at Li Guangqin's residence. After the snowstorm ended, Li Yan stayed in Tingzhou for Zhengdan.

The Uighur peace missions continued to stay in Tingzhou because they wanted to spend the Lantern Festival in Tang Dynasty.

Li Yan, the royal sister, invites him to watch songs and dances every now and then, or organizes a poetry meeting in Tingzhou and invites Li Yan to participate.

However, Li Guangqin is indeed a talented woman. Although their Pugu family is a family of generals, Li Guangqin is also proficient in dance music. It is said that the song and dance troupe of the dowry troupe was trained by her, and they are all beauties of mixed race.

This kind of dance with the style of the Western Regions is really touching. It also made Li Yan understand why those stupid kings like to indulge in singing and dancing. It is really beautiful to watch a group of beauties dancing!

However, Li Yan is also a person with self-control. In recent times, he has rejected Li Guangqin's invitation and has been imprisoned in the military camp to handle government affairs.

Today Li Guang himself came to invite him, saying that after today's banquet, he would go to Uighur to make a kiss, so he invited Li Yan to attend.

At the end of the story, Li Yan could only go to Jiedu Shifu, where Li Guangqin lived temporarily, to watch the last song and dance.

Originally Li Yan was bored with this royal girl, Li Guang would not be able to return to Shazhou if he stayed in Tingzhou.

But at today's banquet, seeing Li Guangqin crying from time to time, Li Yan felt a different kind of emotion in his heart.

For the sake of stability between the Tang Dynasty and the Uighurs, Li Guangqin voluntarily requested to replace the daughter of Li Tang's clan to marry him.

Such a woman who is about the same age as me, if she marries far away in the Uighur grassland, she may never have the chance to return to her homeland in this life.

No matter how you look at it, Li Guangqin is indeed an admirable woman in this era.

Li Yan picked up the wine glass and said to Li Guangqin: "Princess, if you have suffered any grievances in the grassland, you can write to the lonely king. As a family member of the natal family, the lonely king will definitely seek justice for you!"

Only then did Li Guangqin smile through his tears. It was because of this promise that she wooed the King of Yue these days.

With the promise of the King of Yue, the atmosphere of the banquet gradually became lively, and the atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

After receiving Jiang Lun's letter, Li Yan immediately approved his plan in its entirety.

After the banquet was over, Li Yan returned to the barracks in Tingzhou, while Princess Ningguo returned to her boudoir.

The female player Lu Anya has become a female official next to Li Guangqin. A group of female players who are determined to establish a career on the grassland surround Li Guangqin and want to go to Uighur with her to get married.

"Princess, did King Yue agree?"

Li Guangqin nodded repeatedly and said: "The king of Yue agreed, if I am wronged on the grassland, I can ask for help from my mother's family, the king of Yue."

Lu Anya nodded and said: "With King Yue's promise, your life in Uighur, Princess, will be much easier."

"However, King Yue's promise is only for affection, and you still need to fight for your status!"

Li Guangqin took off her long skirt and sat on the boat. She combed her hair and said, "I understand the reason, but I'm a little afraid to go for a kiss after hearing what An Ya said about the Uyghur situation."

It has been more than half a year since Mou Yu Khan succeeded to the throne, and the situation within the Uighurs has finally become clear.

Lu Anya also inquired about the internal information of the Uighur through the players at the trading station.

But before Li Guangqin could wait for Lu Anya to persuade her, she got out of depression by herself.

"With the support of the King of Yue, with you assisting me, and with Datang as my backing, I will definitely be able to gain a firm foothold in Uighur, right? Anya?"

Seeing Li Guangqin's charming smile, Lu Anya, as a woman, felt swayed.

Damn, why did the dog plan make this female "NPC" so good-looking!
Oh, it's a "historically masculine game", that's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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