Chapter 610 Player's Justice

An accident happened in the fake money workshop, the first one not to let him go was the crown prince.

The remorse in Eunuch Shen's heart was that he asked for this "good job" after asking for a lot of connections, but he didn't expect that the car would overturn before the job was finished!

This private coining of counterfeit money was originally a shady thing, what eunuch Shen wanted was to fill his own pocket, take the opportunity to get some counterfeit money, or collect some Kaiyuan Tongbao by himself to burn some money.

Unexpectedly, within a few days of starting work, the workshop would be completely taken over by the Wannian County Government.

It's over now!
Eunuch Shen understands that casting fake money privately is a serious crime, but it is absolutely impossible for Donggong to admit it!

So I, who is in charge, must bear the responsibility, but I am doomed!
Thinking of this, Eunuch Shen, who was always afraid of death, almost peed in his pants.

When the prison van stopped, under the escort of the yamen servants, Eunuch Shen knelt in the cold courtroom, his mental defense collapsed all of a sudden.

When a supervisor pointed out that Eunuch Shen was the person in charge of the workshop, and that Eunuch Shen was instigated to abduct those men, Eunuch Shen just knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said to Wang Chengwei: "The villain is wronged, the villain is wronged!"

Wang Chengwei looked at this fat man without a beard, and already had a guess in his heart.

Those who can privately mint fake money must be the dignitaries in Chang'an City. This fat man looks like a dead eunuch. Chang'an City can use the dignitaries of eunuchs, that is, the emperor's relatives.

Princess Yanguang has been persuaded by Shangbo, and she is not going to mint fake money privately, but takes out all her own money and gives it to Shangbo to participate in the arbitrage of players.

In the city of Chang'an, only the crown prince and the king of Qi are the royal relatives who can have this energy.

Wang Chengwei was excited, he didn't expect to catch a big fish!
If it was really done by the crown prince or King Qi, it would definitely be a big storm that shook the government and the public!

It really is a big fish!
Wang Chengwei looked at the eunuch Shen who was kneeling on the ground and kept kowtowing, he slapped the gavel and said, "According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, illegally minting counterfeit money will be severely punished, and the crime will not be pardoned!"

After hearing Dabi, Eunuch Shen trembled even more. He raised his head and said to Wang Chengwei:
"Sinners have important matters, they can only talk to the county master face to face."

He was about to die, and eunuch Shen couldn't talk about his loyalty to the prince. Besides, he was a eunuch who was a solitary eunuch, and he was not afraid of Donggong's revenge.

At this time, Eunuch Shen's psychological defense had completely collapsed, and survival was his only thought.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengwei slapped the gavel and said: "This officer handles cases with integrity! You can tell people everything! You can say anything here!"

Hearing Wang Chengwei's words, Eunuch Shen's face was ashen.

But if you don't say that you will definitely die, but you still have a chance to live, eunuch Shen is not stupid, he immediately weighed the pros and cons and said:

"Master County, you asked me to say this!"

Eunuch Shen also went all out, knelt on the ground and said, "This workshop is run by the crown prince, and the villain is just in charge."

After saying this, everyone was shocked!

Wang Chengwei and the players and officials were ecstatic!
Sure enough, a big fish was caught, this is a big case involving the prince!
For these players, any case involving the seizure of the heir apparent must trigger a big mission!There must be rich rewards.

All the players are gearing up to make the case an iron case and drag the prince into the water!

For those native officials, they can't wait to get eunuch Shen's words out of their minds!
Is this something these petty officials can listen to?

Being an official in Chang'an has experienced a lot of things, and many people have been officials for generations. They deeply understand a truth, don't know what you shouldn't know, don't inquire about things you shouldn't inquire about.

The case involves the prince, so it is not an ordinary case. Could it be possible that the prince was really arrested and brought to the county government for interrogation?

Impossible, if this matter was not done by the prince, and this fat man just bit the prince, then the county government will clean up the prince's stigma.

If it was really the prince who did it, is it possible that he is really going to arrest the prince?

The old officials in the hall looked at Wang Chengwei with playful eyes, and now the county magistrate is out of play.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chengwei slapped the gavel again: "You said you were ordered by the prince, what evidence do you have? If you wantonly bit the prince, it will be a more serious crime!"

Eunuch Shen was also determined to survive, he immediately said: "The villain is a handy eunuch in the East Palace, and they are all registered in the palace!"

"Duan Dajiang, who is in the prison car with the villain, is the leader of the artisan household belonging to the East Palace, and he is also registered in the Ministry of Industry!"

But Wang Chengwei patted the gavel again and said: "You wait for the second thieves to be from the East Palace, but that doesn't mean that the crown prince is behind the scenes. Could it be that the two thieves are using the name of the East Palace to privately mint fake money?"

Wang Chengwei didn't want to excuse the prince, but to force eunuch Shen to produce conclusive evidence to make this case an iron case.

Only when one case becomes an iron case, can it be qualified to drag the East Palace into the water.

If there is any flaw in such a case, it will be brought out and attacked.

Wang Chengwei naturally knew the risks and benefits involved, and sure enough, under his persecution, Eunuch Shen produced evidence of his decision.

"The villain has an account book on him."

"Account book?"

Eunuch Shen also knew that his only hope of survival was to drag the prince into the water.

Only when the prince is involved, can someone resist the charge of privately minting counterfeit money.

Eunuch Shen is also a careful person. He took out the account book hidden in the lining of his clothes and said: "The 500 million yuan in the treasury was all paid from the East Palace treasury. This account book has Dou Shen who joined the army in the East Palace. signature!"

At this moment, Wang Chengwei's eyes lit up. Dou Shen is a celebrity around the prince. Everyone knows this. The most important thing is that those Kaiyuan Tongbao were taken from the prince's treasury. This can be regarded as ironclad proof!

Naturally, someone delivered eunuch Shen's account book to Wang Chengwei. This account book can be said to be quite detailed, and it does have Dou Shen's signature.

After putting away the ledger, Wang Chengwei said: "You put everything you just said into a statement and sign it. Is there anyone else in this workshop who can corroborate what you said?"

Eunuch Shen immediately mentioned the names of several people, and Wang Chengwei immediately ordered the servants to pull these people to the lobby, but before Wang Chengwei could threaten them, all these people were recruited.

The old craftsman revealed that the fake money contained lead, because lead was poisonous when it melted, so he asked Dou Can to send people from the street to catch Lifu to do coolies, and he told the truth about Lifu's disappearance.

Wang Chengwei tried the case from midnight to early morning, and finally asked them to sign and pledge the confessions of all the people involved in the case, and personally sealed the fake money and the Kaiyuan Tongbao used to make the fake money in the county government treasury, and finally put all the evidence and testimony They all rubbed a copy, and Wang Chengwei brought all the evidence to Jingzhao Mansion.

Since Cui Guangyuan paid his respects to Prime Minister, Jing Zhaoyin's position has been vacated, because Jing Zhaoyin's affairs are so complicated that no one is willing to succeed him.

Hearing that the emperor was furious, the Zhengshitang finally recommended Li Kui, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, to succeed Cui Guangyuan as Jing Zhaoyin.

Li Kui is an official of the Ministry of Rites, and he was born as a Jinshi. Although the minister of the Ministry of Rites is not a powerful official, he can be regarded as a noble official.

After becoming Jing Zhaoyin, Jing Zhaoyin's affairs were too complicated, which made Li Kui work overtime every day, and finally managed to straighten out the affairs of Jing Zhaoyin.

Li Kui was a little puzzled about Wang Chengwei's visit early in the morning, but Li Kui was still very satisfied with Wang Chengwei's capable subordinate.

Li Kui once served as an examiner in the last imperial examination, so Wang Chengwei can also be regarded as his disciple.

Although it is not the teacher-student relationship in etiquette between a teacher and a disciple, Wang Chengwei respects Li Kui very much and treats him with half-master etiquette.

Li Kui also took great care of this upright disciple, and the Wannian County under Wang Chengwei's jurisdiction was not only safe and sound, but also paid a lot of business taxes to Jingzhao Mansion, all of which made Li Kui very satisfied with Wang Chengwei .

Before it was time to sit in the yamen for office work, Wang Chengwei's hasty visit at this time must be something important, so Li Kui had someone lead him into the study.

"Da Yin." Wang Chengwei saluted Li Kui, then put the testimony and physical evidence on Li Kui's desk from his arms and said:
"Da Yin, yesterday's subordinates solved a major case of smuggling counterfeit money in Wannian County. This is the testimony obtained from the criminals in the counterfeit money workshop."

Fake Money Workshop.

Hearing these four words, Li Kui immediately woke up.

Li Kui opened the confession, and after he read it carefully, he took a deep breath.

The matter was related to the crown prince, and the Qianyuan Chongbao, which was still being minted by the court, appeared in fake money. Li Kui looked at Wang Chengwei with meaningful eyes, and said:
"Jizhi, do you know what this confession means?"

Jizhi is the watch word chosen by Wang Chengwei himself. Calling the watch word on this occasion means that Li Kui wants to have a relationship with Wang Chengwei.

Wang Chengwei immediately said: "Teacher, this disciple understands that Donggong is the crown prince of a country and his majesty's son, and they have been inseparable since ancient times. It is not only difficult to impeach Donggong, but it will also anger your majesty if it succeeds."

"Since this is the case, do you still want to write a letter of impeachment?"

Wang Chengwei said solemnly: "Men, do you know that those captured men are chained to the edge of the hot copper stove, eating, drinking, and messing around the copper stove, and they still endure lead poisoning to make money?"

Li Kui was silent, and Wang Chengwei said: "It is a serious crime to cast counterfeit money privately. Donggong is so mad and treats the people like slaves. If the students ignore them, wouldn't they be in the same rank as them?"

Li Kui is a traditional scholar-bureaucrat. Hearing Wang Chengwei's words also aroused his sense of justice.

Li Kui also said: "What happened in Chang'an is also a matter of Jingzhao Mansion. I will also sign my name."

(End of this chapter)

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