Chapter 611 Chaotang Storm
There is a saying among the small officials in the Tang Dynasty that the situation of the court depends on Yushitai.

If the censors at Yushitai have nothing to do, it means that the court has nothing to do and the world is auspicious, which means that the Tang court today is a good day for you, me, everyone.

If the censors at Yushitai are too busy, it means that the court is shaking and there is a storm in the court.

After a memorial from Wang Chengwei was sent to the Political Affairs Hall, a storm began.

The chancellor of the Zhengshitang today is Cui Guangyuan. When Cui Guangyuan opened the memorial and saw Wang Chengwei's name, he frowned.

The last time the emperor opened his mouth, all the officials in Chang'an could report to the emperor. Wang Chengwei is also regarded as a Beijing official, so theoretically he also has the right to report to the emperor.

But Wang Chengwei, an official of Sesame Mung Bean, what is the value of his memorial? If it is a worthless memorial, it will generally be worthless in the comments of the political affairs hall. If such a memorial is sent to the emperor, the emperor will probably not will watch.

The thought of Wang Chengwei gave Cui Guangyuan a headache, but his daughter's appearance made it impossible for Cui Guangyuan to ignore Wang Chengwei.

And the most important thing is that he has entered the camp of the King of Yue. If there is something in Wang Chengwei's letter, he, the prime minister who is a pen-handling prime minister, can do it so that his memorial can be sent to the emperor.

Until this time, Cui Guangyuan thought that Wang Chengwei's memorial was just to show his presence in front of the emperor.

But when he opened the memorial, he was so surprised that he unknowingly dropped the pen in his hand to correct the memorial.

As the pen symbolizing the authority of the prime minister fell to the ground, the eyes of all the prime ministers in the political affairs hall fell on Cui Guangyuan.

After Cui Guangyuan finished watching Wang Chengwei's memorial, he broke out in cold sweat, and his heart was filled with waves.

It turned out to be a memorial to impeach Donggong!

Cui Guangyuan didn't expect that Wang Chengwei would be so bold as to submit a memorial to impeach Donggong!

What frightened Cui Guangyuan even more was that Wang Chengwei turned the case into an iron case!
This is different from the previous censors participating in the Eastern Palace. What the censors said was basically rumors, and what they attacked were things like the arrogance of the Eastern Palace and the violation of the law by the officials of the Eastern Palace.

But this time is different!This is the answer to private casting of fake money, and all the evidence is there, pointing directly to the high-level officials of the East Palace, and now millions of dollars of unmelted Kaiyuan Tongbao have been seized, and the price of millions of dollars just minted has been seized Fan Shilu!
Cui Guangyuan hadn't recovered from the shock for a long time, seeing him so absent-minded, many prime ministers put down their pens.

Cui Guangyuan read it again, and after reading the confession and evidence, he immediately said to the little official: "All the prime ministers, please take a look."

The little official didn't dare to be negligent, and directly passed the memorials to the prime ministers one by one.

Similar to Cui Guangyuan's reaction, Li Xian, who had just entered the political affairs hall, also stood there in a daze. After he realized it, he ordered the little official to pass it on to the next prime minister.

In this way, this memorial shocked all the prime ministers in the Zhengshitang. When it returned to Cui Guangyuan, he held up the prime minister's pen to correct the memorial and said:

"Everyone, this memorial is related to the East Palace. We dare not be self-confident, so let's send it to the palace."

All the prime ministers nodded, and then Cui Guangyuan said: "It's just that Wang Weicheng, who was playing the memorial, is only Wannian County Prime Minister. Without our comments, I'm afraid it won't be in His Majesty's hands. I'd better write it first."

After speaking, Cui Guangyuan wrote on the note: "Please read it, Your Majesty." Then he clipped the note at the end of the memorial.

This note is called a note, and each prime minister can comment and write a note. The more notes in a memorial, the more attention the Zhengshitang pays, and the greater the probability of sending it to the emperor.

Cui Guangyuan wrote the note, and Li Xian, the prime minister with the most sense of justice, also said, "I will write it too."

After finishing speaking, Li Xian also picked up the pen and wrote "Please Your Majesty to read", and then inserted it into the memorial.

Other prime ministers also signed the same opinion one after another, and then sandwiched it in the memorial.

Cui Guangyuan called the eunuch who was in charge of delivering the memorial and ordered them to send the memorial to the palace immediately.

Seeing that all the prime ministers were in the middle, the little eunuch didn't dare to neglect, and immediately trotted to send the memorial to the imperial study.

Mu Rong, who was sorting out the memorial in the imperial study, immediately brought people to the imperial case after receiving the memorial.

Mu Rong directly put away all the memorials on the imperial case, and then put Wang Chengwei's memorial on the imperial case alone.

The little eunuch who was in charge of delivering the memorial was taken aback, he looked at Mu Rong and said, "Godfather, are you like this?"

Mu Rong said nonchalantly: "The prime ministers are all concerned, and of course such a memorial should be shown to His Majesty as soon as possible."

The little eunuch trembled, Mu Rong's action almost sent the memorial to the emperor's face.

Sure enough, Li Heng, who had just come out of the harem, was a little tired, and was shaken to sleep when he was riding in the imperial harem.

The sun is so good today, Li Heng is in a good mood, after he stepped into the imperial study, he saw the neat imperial case again.

Generally speaking, the more memorials on the imperial case, the more things in the court.

And the fewer and more tidy the memorials of the imperial case, it means that there is nothing wrong today.

Thinking of this, Li Heng's mood is even more joyful, so he should work harder to deal with the affairs of the previous dynasty and return to the harem as soon as possible!
Li Heng sat down and saw that there was only one memorial lying on the imperial case, and behind the memorial were densely packed strips of the prime minister. He opened the memorial curiously, but the more he looked at it, the more ugly his face became. The little eunuch who was accompanying him His legs were trembling, and he peeked at the emperor's face tremblingly.

After reading all of them, the emperor even went straight to the case:

"Good! Good! Sure enough, he is my good son!"

The eunuchs knelt down one after another. Li Heng endured the anger in his heart, and read the memorial again, even the confession and ledger attached at the back. He only felt his head buzzing. , I didn’t know how to approve this memorial for a while.

The one who was impeached by the memorial was the prince of the current dynasty. My own son, my good son, actually minted the price privately when the court minted new money, planning to make a fortune.

If it's just ordinary melting of old money to cast new money, it's fine, but Li Chu actually mixed lead into the money. This is to make bad money!

In Wu Qi's letter to the imperial court, the first article is to crack down on private casting and prevent bad money from impacting the credit of the imperial court's new money.

Unexpectedly, the first one who violated this was his own son. Li Heng couldn't help but let someone copy the East Palace directly when he saw this!
But Li Heng still held back, patience is the emperor's most precious quality, because Chang'an couldn't stand it anymore.

What is even more chilling is that a few days ago Li Heng took the lead in donating money and food to the royal treasury and called on all officials to raise funds for the frontline soldiers, but the East Palace only gave out hundreds of thousands of money and cried to the emperor for poverty.

Last night, Wannian County seized millions of dollars directly from the workshop where the counterfeit money was minted privately. Li Heng felt even more chilled when he thought of this.

But when Li Heng wanted to deal with the prince, he hesitated again.

If the prince is to be dealt with, wouldn't it be a signal to King Qi that if it really happens, it will be another battle for the heir apparent.

In fact, Li Heng always believed that the king of Qi was unworthy of great responsibility. The reason why he promoted the king of Qi was because of Queen Zhang's ear, and on the other hand, it was to promote the king of Qi to check and balance the prince.

Thinking of this, Li Heng got a headache again, but the prime ministers couldn't give him any advice on this matter, so should he endure it?
Li Heng decided to keep Wang Chengwei's memorial for the time being, and temporarily suppress this matter.

But there are some things that you can't suppress if you want to suppress them.

The news of Wang Chengwei's memorial was quickly spread in Chang'an. After Yu Shitai found out about it, all Yu Shi's hearts trembled.

The prince privately minted fake money?

Now Gu Kuang and Wei Yingwu finally understood what Wang Chengwei meant by speaking for him.

Wei Yingwu and Gu Kuang were filled with righteous indignation when they found out what had happened. They immediately wrote a letter to impeach Donggong together with their acquaintance Yu Shi!

Most of the Yushitai are young officials. They naturally know the dangers of privately coining counterfeit money, and more importantly, they are the main users of the money.

The important officials of the imperial court have farms outside the city, and there are also people below who are filial, but the practical money is not too much.

Moreover, Datang's benefits for senior officials are quite good. Every year, precious silk medicinal materials are given, and there are not many places to spend money, or they don't rely on salary to live.

The low-level officials are different. The last time the court owed their salaries, several censors almost starved to death. If fake money floods the market, then Chang’an’s prices will inevitably collapse. Doesn’t the censor who receives a salary like that want to eat porridge with the common people?
No, I'm afraid I won't even be able to drink porridge at that time.

The snowflake-like memorials were sent to the Zhengshitang, and then transferred to the imperial palace, and these were neatly arranged by Mu Rong and piled up on the imperial case.

Seeing the mountain of imperial censor impeachments, Li Heng knew that the matter could not be suppressed, no matter how timid he was. He could only hold the Yanying Hall meeting again to discuss with the prime ministers how to deal with it.

The prime ministers were silent, and finally Li Heng said helplessly: "Although it is related to the crown prince, Qian Fa is a major matter of the court, so it's okay for you prime ministers to say it."

Now Pei Mian said: "Your Majesty, this matter should be handed over to the San Judicial Division for verification first, and please ask the Yushitai, the Ministry of Punishment, and Dali Temple to re-investigate this case."

The emperor just woke up like a dream, and he immediately said: "Just do what Pei Aiqing wants!"

Among the three judicial divisions, Yushitai is in charge of supervision, and the Criminal Department is in charge of judicial interpretation and trial of cases. The greatest pressure came to Dali Temple.

Shan Tao, a player recommended by Cui Guangyuan to join Dali Temple, was suddenly summoned by Dali Temple Minister.

(End of this chapter)

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