Li Daoyuan's clipper boat galloped across the sea. A few days ago, the Ryukyu episode's video ratings were very good, and many local tyrants even tipped them a lot of money for more updates.

However, he was sailing at sea these days, and Li Daoyuan was unwilling to take some videos of sea scenery and water, instead reducing the frequency of updates.

There is no political power on the island of Ryukyu now, only some settlements built by savages and Hakka people who go out to sea. Li Daoyuan just stopped at sea, exchanged some supplies with these people with goods from Tang Dynasty, and left Ryukyu hastily.

However, because of the special geographical meaning of Ryukyu in the real world, netizens who watched the video still climaxed and shouted the slogan of colonizing Ryukyu.

This is a matter of the court, and Li Daoyuan doesn't care about it. At this time, his goal is very simple, which is to be the first player among the players to arrive in Fusang.

In the past few days, Li Daoyuan has seen the land from a distance. This is the Amami Island that Fusang people call, that is, the Okinawa area.

It really is a good harbor. Li Daoyuan turned on the video recorder, watched the lagoon in the distance and started recording the video.

"Everyone, this is the lagoon of Amami Island. The so-called lagoon is a part of seawater separated from the open sea by sand spits, sand bars or corals."

"Everyone can see that the water in the lagoon in the distance is different from the sea water in color, because the salinity of the sea water in the lagoon is different from that of the sea water."

"The lagoon can block the storm at sea and is a natural harbor."

"This should be the place where the modern Eagle Kingdom set up a naval base in Okinawa."

But now there are not many people in the entire Amami Island, and the rule of Fuso has not extended to this area. Basically, there are some uncivilized savages here.

According to the calculation of the voyage, it only takes two or three days for the King Mu of Zhou to enter the area of ​​the main island that Fusang people call, and arrive at Chikushi, the largest port in Fusang.

Li Daoyuan was excited. In the real world, he was just an ordinary person, but he couldn't bear the cost of such a cross-sea voyage.

This is also the reason why Li Daoyuan is obsessed with Datang Fengyun. Being able to sail and explore unknown regions in this era is really something that makes all travel lovers crazy.

Li Daoyuan opened the forum, because the sailing competition between him and Su Xing made Fusang very popular now.

After the abolished prince committed suicide, the war in the Central Plains is basically coming to an end, and external expansion and exploration have become the biggest topics for players.

But now players are also divided into many factions.

A few days ago, the Protectorate of the Western Regions, who had been cut off from Longyou, suddenly received a letter. Guo Xin, the protector of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, contacted the Tang court again.

It turns out that Guo Xin has been leading troops to fight on the frontiers of the Western Regions for the past few years, and has not been able to get in touch with the Longyou Governor's Mansion.

Now that he knew the progress of the Central Plains, Guo Xin immediately surrendered to Longyou and sent the map and roster of the Western Regions.

The westbound route that was put on hold due to lack of player power in the early days was discussed again by players.

The westbound route is the route to expand to Central Asia.

Many players believe that when the Silk Road on land is flourishing, they should focus on opening up the Silk Road.

The ancient Silk Road was not a single road, but had many branches.

In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the route often taken by merchants was mainly the Xinbei Road.

Xinbei Road runs from Beiting through Luntai County, Gongyuecheng (Huocheng), Banye (Tokemak) to Talas.

The other is an ancient road since the Han Dynasty, which is to cross Congling, that is, the Pamirs, arrive at the Fergana Basin, and then go to Isfahan and Junbao.

For players, these two roads are very attractive. The only problem is that if you open the Silk Road, you will encounter the black-clothed food that now dominates Central Asia.

This mighty empire in the Age of Empires, with its capital in Baghdad, is the mighty empire that controls trade in the Middle East today.

Players are gearing up and waiting for the end of the domestic war to beat the black-clothed food. They clamored to control the Silk Road and sell Datang's goods directly to Junbao.

Some players even shouted the slogan of breaking into the King's Castle, playing the dry land boat march in front of the King's Castle, and capturing the Roman Emperor alive.

Most of the moderate players dismiss these players who are full of Rome. Suiye City is under the control of the Western Regions Protectorate, but there are thousands of miles from Suiye City to Junbao. The big food blocks the road, and there are countless small regimes and small tribes. To control the entire Silk Road, it is impossible to work hard for more than ten or twenty years each.

For players, the ethnic and religious issues in these Central Asian regions are complicated, and many so-called countries have only tens of thousands of people, and the living environment is harsh, which is not suitable for ruling at all.

Expending energy to rule these areas is simply thankless.

Just maintain the normalization of trade in the Western Regions, why bother to integrate these countries.

The Westward Movement faction is also a minority in the player forum, and most players now support the Sea faction.

There are also many schools of sea routes, such as opening up the Maritime Silk Road, and ships went to Linyi (now southern Vietnam), Chenla (Cambodia), Heling (now Java Island), Pyu (now Myanmar), and Tianzhu (now India) Until the big food, and then have relations with Rome and European countries.

There are also plans to go to Nanyang to occupy Sanfoqi, occupy Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaya, and open up the Australian and American continents.

However, these massive voyage plans are still in the player's conception stage.

Now the most popular and most feasible is the Northeast Asia route that Li Daoyuan is sailing to Fusang.

The strategy of this faction is the clearest and the most feasible. It is currently the sea colonization faction with the most players participating.

These players refer to the triangular trade carried out by the Dutch in Northeast Asia in the Ming Dynasty, and propose a plan to establish trade routes in the Northeast Asia Sea of ​​Datang.

There are gold mines and silver mines on Fusang Island. The Iwami Silver Mine is the most abundant silver ore in East Asia. As long as the trade in Fusang can be controlled, the problem of the current shortage of domestic currency in Datang can be solved, and the silver standard currency can be implemented in advance. system.

The triangular trade of the Dutch in Northeast Asia in the Ming Dynasty was actually very simple, and it could be completed even by the Tang Dynasty.

Fusang in the Ming Dynasty was in the so-called "Warring States Period", that is, the era when various daimyos fought village battles, and the demand for weapons was very high.

The Dutch brought in cannons, weapons and armor, obtained silver from Fusang, and then used the silver to buy silk at the then Daming port, and then shipped the silk to Europe.

This triangular trade is not as bloody as the black slave trade of the American colonists. It can be said that all parties can get what they need.

The Ming Dynasty got silver, the Dutch got silk, and the Fusang people got the "Warring States", and several popular games were released in later generations, which can be said to be a win-win situation for all three parties.

Players of the Northeast Asia route group plan to establish this route in advance. Now Fusang is also in a period of constant fighting, which just allows them to start the "Warring States Era" in advance.

Since the reform of Dahua, Fusang dispatched Tang envoys to learn from the experience of the Tang Dynasty in an all-round way, which indeed strengthened the power of the Japanese king and quickly completed the enlightenment.

However, the so-called "Dahua Reform" did not solve the problem of "vassals" within Fusang. Instead, it was similar to a way of redemption to complete the nominal centralization and retain a large number of privileges of the princes.

Another internal problem in Fusang is that after the introduction of Buddhism, the various Buddhist sects fought hard within Fusang, and a large number of self-cultivating farmers evaded taxes by sacrificing or becoming monks, and many refugees and robbers also hid in temples, which led to the internal conflicts in Fusang today. The religious power expanded, and even temples led the people to fight against the Japanese king.

Fusang's envoy to the Tang Dynasty begged Jianzhen, an eminent monk of Luzong, to go to Fusang. In addition to cultural exchanges, he also wanted to improve the status of Luzong, strengthen the requirements for monasteries, and reform Buddhism in Japan.

For the troubled times of the Wa Kingdom, players have expressed their willingness to help, let them enter the "Warring States" era in advance, and help the society of the Wa Kingdom "develop".

At that time, players will be able to control the silver mines of the Wa country and dump those dilapidated weapons in the Datang treasury. Maybe the name of the Wa country will also thank Datang for his enthusiastic help.

At that time, Ryukyu was the transfer point for the Dutch to carry out triangular trade. Li Daoyuan had found out the sea charts, and he could go to sea from Yangzhou and Zhoushan to establish trade points in Ryukyu and establish maritime trade routes.

After nearly 20 days of voyage, Li Daoyuan finally saw the port of Chikushi.

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