August 26.

The battle outside Taiyuan City can be said to be lackluster.

Qin Chuan yawned. The defenders of Taiyuan City had been bribed by the Wang clan long ago. After several rounds of cannon fire from Yuchixin, the defenders of the outer city killed the leader and opened the gates of the outer city.

Yuchixin was not afraid of the false surrender of the defenders, so he directly let a team of players rush into the outer city, and then the defenders at the gate of the inner city also announced their surrender, completely opening the gate of Taiyuan City, allowing Yuchixin's army to enter the city.

Yu Chixin rode on the horse, and said to Qin Chuan: "Sure enough, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Once the critical point is reached, it will be the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai."

Qin Chuan also nodded and said, "It's still that amazing one. He is indeed the number one politician and strategist in history."

Yu Chixin nodded. In fact, the overall strategic thinking and strategic details of the Great Detour Strategy were copied by the players.

First occupy the outside of the pass, and then attack Fan Yang. In the end, the general trend has become to destroy Hedong. After this combination of smooth and flowing punches, there is no suspense in the war.

Even if there is no Wang family in Taiyuan, there are Li and Zhang who jumped out and shouted to surrender. Now people with a little common sense can clearly see the general trend of the world, that is, the east of the river will be settled.

There are still many things to do in Taiyuan City. Yu Chixin wants to take over the arsenal and reorganize the Taiyuan garrison. The most important thing is to take over the entire Hedong Jiedu Mansion and seal up the materials in the Hedong Jiedu Mansion.

Naturally, there is no need to go into details about all these. After the surrender of Xiancheng, the Taiyuan Wang clan has been very peaceful.

Neither claiming credit or being proud, nor repaying favors, the clansmen also kept themselves safe, and absolutely did not do anything out of the ordinary.

This made Qin Chuan very disappointed, and the chance to take the opportunity to clean up the Wang family was gone.

When Taiyuan City was broken, Yu Chixin immediately spread the news to all directions. After other cities in Hedong Town heard the news of Taiyuan City's collapse, people in the whole of Hedong were panicked. Everyone knew that Shi Siming's situation was over.

On the front line of Xiangzhou, Shi Siming is in the camp.

Although he had won several battles during this period, Shi Siming was still in a bad mood.

Shi Chaoqing walked into the handsome tent and said:

"Father, this time we grabbed some food from near Xiangzhou, enough for the army to eat for a few more days!"

These days, the supply of grain in Hedong is getting slower and slower. Shi Siming has no choice but to let Shi Chaoqing lead the army to plunder the towns in Xiangzhou regardless of the previous agreement to win over Xiangzhou and not to plunder in Xiangzhou.

The army rations for the past few days were looted by Shi Chaoqing. Although the army was full, the people of Xiangzhou suffered.

Xiangzhou was originally a die-hard supporter of An Lushan. An Qingxu was able to rebel in Xiangzhou because the people of Xiangzhou were dissatisfied with the rule of Datang and chose to support An Qingxu.

Later, An Qingxu returned Xiangzhou to Shi Siming, and the people of Xiangzhou gritted their teeth again and vowed to support Shi Siming to the death.

I thought that Shi Siming's Hedong army was upholding justice for them, but when Shi Chaoqing led the army to rob the town, the people of Xiangzhou woke up from their dreams.

Datang discriminated against Henan Province in terms of policy, and imposed heavy taxes on the Central Plains, but it was possible to live in the past.

But since the war, Henan Road, as the main battlefield, has almost been destroyed.

It used to be the most densely populated area in Datang, but now it has been beaten to the ground, and the entire Xiangzhou is deserted.

The people in Xiangzhou supported An Qingxu and Shi Siming successively, and Shi Siming snatched the food in the family.

The former dream was disillusioned, and in exchange for deeper hatred.

Shi Siming also felt this change. As Xiangzhou began to hate the Hedong Army, his battle became more and more difficult.

First, a few camps on the front line were attacked by Timur's cavalry at night, not to mention losing a few important positions. Now the legend of the Tang army's thunder method is circulating in the entire army, which makes the morale of the Hedong army low.

The supplies sent by Hedong were robbed by Xiangzhou bandits. Shi Chaoqing led the army to wipe out a group, and a new batch of bandits emerged.

Another bad news came a few days ago. A county occupied by Shi Siming was breached by bandits. Officials below the county magistrate he personally appointed were sentenced to massacre, and their bodies were hung on the city gate.

Shi Siming was furious, and sent his generals to clean up again, but the rebels in the county had already withdrawn, and his generals reported to Shi Siming that the county was broken because of internal and external collusion, so the soldiers looted the county for three days.

In addition, soldiers from several battalions fled collectively. Shi Siming could only separate father and son brothers from the same battalion, and divide these relative soldiers into two battalions. .

Although this deterred the soldiers who wanted to be deserters, it suppressed the momentum of the soldiers to flee.

However, as the saying goes, when father and son soldiers go into battle, Shi Siming's subordinates are the army of the old era. Without this kind of kinship maintenance, the combat effectiveness of the army has declined.

The problems in Shi Siming's army came up one by one, but anyone with some knowledge knew the decline of Shi Siming's army.

In September, news of Bianzhou City reached Xiangzhou, the deposed prince Li Chu committed suicide, Li Baochen, who was sent by Shi Siming to contact Prince Chu, was killed, and the entire Bianhe River was back under the control of the Tang Dynasty.

Shi Siming was depressed for a long time again, and the last hope of surrender was gone.

Shi Siming couldn't figure it out either. Two months ago, he was still on the verge of breaking into Tongguan and going straight to Guanzhong.

How did it land in this field in such a short time?

But before Shi Siming recovered from one bad news, another bad news came one after another!

Shi Chaoqing rushed into Shi Siming's tent with an urgent military situation. When he saw Shi Siming, he said:
"Father commander! Emergency report from Hedong! Taiyuan has fallen!"

The words "Taiyuan fell" were like a bell covering Shi Siming's body, and he was hit hard again.

His whole body trembled, his pale face became even paler, and he couldn't stand upright, so Shi Chaoqing helped him to sit down.

Although he still holds an army of 30, Shi Siming already has a face full of defeat.

Shi Chaoqing originally thought that he was so capable that he could replace his elder brother and inherit his father's career.

But in the current situation, Shi Chaoqing was also at a loss, unable to come up with an idea, so he could only support Shi Siming and burst into tears.

Shi Siming cheered up and asked Shi Chaoqing to summon his confidants to discuss how to continue fighting the war.

In any case, the news of the fall of Hedong cannot be spread among the army. If the soldiers of Hedong know that their home has been taken away, they must not have the intention to continue fighting, and the 30 army will be defeated in an instant.

But Shi Siming summoned his men to plan for a long time, but there was still no way.

When encountering something that cannot be resolved, the last resort is to resort to time, and simply block the news first, as if this incident never happened.

Maybe the army is about to be defeated, so there is no need to think about where to go.

Compared with the anxiety and uneasiness of the historians and his sons, the generals under Shi Siming had many other thoughts.

The king of Yue's call for rebellion said that Shi Siming was the chief villain of the rebellion, and he would never be forgiven.

But Shi Siming's forgiveness does not mean that others are not forgiven.

During the battle a few days ago, these generals began to leave a way for themselves, deliberately releasing water during the battle, and giving up part of the front.

And the Tang army on the opposite side also tacitly did not kill, but quietly occupied the territory, not chasing the enemy.

Looking at the battle report sent by his subordinates, Shi Siming's commander-in-chief was gloomy.

On Guo Ziyi's side, there was a beaming scene.

The news of Taiyuan's recovery has reached Guo Ziyi's army, the old nests of the three towns in Hedong have been taken away, and Shi Siming's army entrenched in Xiangzhou is at the end of its strength.

Li Fuguo had been killed, Guo Ziyi quickly removed those generals promoted by Li Fuguo's relationship, and appointed Li Siye and Pugu Huai'en as envoys of the left and right armies respectively, leading the Tang army to start a full-scale counterattack.

In the past few days, the Tang army has made rapid progress, and has pushed the front line forward a lot. Moreover, the Tang army has suffered little loss and captured many of Shi Siming's soldiers.

Guo Ziyi adopted the suggestion of the player Timur, and asked the battalion to select a soldier with the loudest voice, and stood at the place where the two armies were fighting to shout to the Hedong army day and night, telling them that Hedong had been recovered by Datang, and Shi Siming was about to be defeated!
And the players have received a new mission, as long as they can bring back a surrendered soldier from the east of the river, they can gain corresponding experience.

Players of the Tang Army destroyed Shi Siming's camp at night, while players lurking in Shi Siming's army organized mutiny and led the soldiers to flee in disorder.

The Tang army also specially set up a prisoner camp at the junction of the two armies. At night, lights were lit in the prisoner camp, and the players fled towards the lights with Shi Siming's soldiers.

After a few days, Shi Siming's soldiers would flee towards the lights by themselves, even if they didn't want to be led by the players.

At the beginning of September, Shi Siming's army, which had already been established, surrendered to Datang. In order to prevent the soldiers from surrendering, Shi Siming had to take the initiative to retreat back the defense line, and sent military judges to the various troops to kill a group of relatives of the fugitives.

Although this temporarily deterred the soldiers, it also caused dissatisfaction to spread in the army.

The news that Hedong was captured by the Tang army could no longer be concealed from the army, and the morale of the army had fallen to the bottom.

Just as the great man lamented, the times come and go with the same force, but the heroes who are transported away are not free.

At the beginning of September, Shi Siming's downfall was like a rotten and hollow old tree, which could fall down with just a slight push.

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