Chapter 724 Wonders and Champa Rice
Players who have redeemed the Fortification Order can get some quotas for exiled prisoners.

Although these were exiled prisoners, they were all Han Chinese, and there were some scholars among them. Now the whole Modong is short of manpower, so Li Fusheng had to personally escort them to avoid too many people dying on the way.

In Modong, where everything is waiting to be done, every Han Chinese is a precious resource.

Some city lords offered very generous conditions on the forum to recruit Baigong players to go to Modong. In short, the forum was very lively.

Obviously, compared with the unpredictable sailing business, or the development of the Silk Road across the desert, the risk of developing in Modong is lower, and the benefits are naturally greater.

Through the way of trade in the early stage, the players have successfully attracted the tribes on the Modong Grassland to trade.

The players who built the city brought more goods, and at the same time began to actively search for nearby tribes, and set up settlements one by one on the Modong grassland.

These settlements spread the influence of Tang Dynasty to the surrounding area, attracting more tribes to settle near the city.

Li Fusheng was busy building the city, and his younger brother Li Fuhai was not idle either.

The Byzantine captain Avazd, who came all the way from Egypt, finally bought enough porcelain and silk, and he started the return voyage with a full load of goods.

It's just that Ahwazd's full ship of benzoin can't be sold at a high price in Datang, and the people of Datang are not interested in this nose-punching spice. If it weren't for Li Fuhai's generosity, Ahwazd's goods would It's about to fall in the hand.

In exchange, Li Fuhai will take Ahwazd's boat to return.

Ahwazd has been in Bao'an County these days, and has gradually gained some understanding of the government of Datang.

The official in silk was the local governor, the great man who ruled over the port and the surrounding lands.

And there are thousands of governors like Datang, which is really awesome!
Ahwazd was amazed at the vastness of Datang, there are more than 1000 places like Baoan County!
And Ahwazd was even more amazed at the abundance of talents in Datang, there were more than 1000 governors who could govern the region!

Datang is indeed a powerful country that can rival the Great Food in Black!
And the benevolent Li who bought his own goods is the chief clerk next to the respected governor, and at the same time the governor's personal guard.

Such a figure in Byzantium is also a noble figure that Avazd cannot easily contact.

The respected governor's clerk, the biggest benefactor who sponsored his return voyage, and his entourage, the Latin-speaking translator Li Zhai, were going back to Egypt on Ahwazd's ship.

Ahwazd's ship was replenished in Bao'an County, and Li Fuhai actually told Ahwazd that Datang would soon enter the season of frequent storms, and he urged Ahwazd to start returning as soon as possible.

Ahwazd was very surprised, he didn't expect Li Fuhai to be an astrologer who could predict the weather.

But his biggest benefactor had spoken, and Ahwazd could only drive the sailors back to the cabin, and quickly left the port in Bao'an County to head south.

Sure enough, after Avazd's ship went south, a violent storm blew up on the sea. The priest accompanying the ship knelt in the cabin to pray every day, but fortunately the ship had left the periphery of the storm and was not affected too much. .

Ahwazd trusted Li Fuhai even more, and he would ask Li Fuhai for advice on sailing matters.

Li Fuhai felt like he was on a boat of thieves.

It's not that Ahwazd is a part-time pirate, but that this broken ship was able to sail from Egypt to Datang, which is simply a miracle in the history of world navigation!

Relying on a compass and a broken chart, Avazd managed to complete the voyage. It was simply ridiculous to open the door to the ridiculous, and it was ridiculous to get home!
According to Ahwazd, his incomplete chart is still a document left in the library of Alexandria. Ahwazd spent a lot of money to buy it from an Egyptian scholar.

Ahwazd regarded this chart as a treasure, and even his first officer refused to see it.

However, Li Fuhai did not believe this statement at all. The library of Alexandria had been burned down a hundred years ago, so how could there be any leftover manuscripts left to this day!

The only thing that made Li Fuhai gratified was that the cartography of the Byzantine Empire was developing fairly well, and the Southeast Asian charts drawn by Ahwazd were still readable. Through the mutual verification of the modern charts downloaded by Li Fuhai, the ship was finally able to maintain on the normal route.

The only thing that makes Li Fuhai gratified is that his [Surveying and Mapping] and [Navigation] skill experience has gradually increased online, and he is about to reach the proficient level.

Compared with Li Fuhai's busy life, Li Zhai, who boarded the ship as an interpreter's entourage, had a much happier life.

His daily job is to discuss the situation in Byzantium with the priest on board, and then curse the damned cannibal in black together.

To Li Zhai's surprise, this down-and-out priest with a bad nose had once been a low-level priest in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral.

Talking about this miraculous building, the old priest also showed a proud expression. He didn't expect that in the far east, there were people who had heard the name of the church.

Listening to the old priest talking about the magnificent church, Li Zhai also became excited and said:
"Exactly! How can such a great church be turned into a mosque!"

The old priest froze for a moment, then said in horror, "What?"

Li Zhai quickly covered his mouth and said, "A slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue."

But the old priest lowered his head and said, "When I left Constantinople, there was a prophecy in the city that the Hagia Sophia would become a mosque."

Then the old priest sighed and said: "Nowadays, the black clothes are aggressive, but the empire is in constant civil turmoil. Maybe one day the prophecy will really come true."

Li Zhai also sighed. In the timeline of the real world, the Byzantine Empire was finally destroyed, and the Hagia Sophia was converted into a mosque.

After seeing off the old priest, Li Zhai found Li Fuhai who was drawing a chart and asked:
"Brother Hai, how long do we have to sail?"

Li Fuhai wrote down the hydrological data just measured on the chart, and said to Li Zhai:

"Why, bored so quickly?"

Li Zhai sighed and said, "This sea voyage is too torturous. If there is no forum to fill me with water, I will be bored to death."

Li Fuhai closed the log book and said: "We will arrive in Chenla in a few days, and we can disembark at the port for a stroll."


"Chenla is an ancient country in the Indochina Peninsula. It is recorded in the Han Dynasty, but it is generally called Ji Mie in the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zhai had also heard Jimie's name from the sailors in Bao'an County, and he immediately said, "So it's Cambodia!"

Li Fuhai said: "To be precise, it is the Laowo area in Cambodia. The port we are going to stop at is Shuchenla in the south, which is the Laos area today."

"I thought I caught the thief, but I didn't expect to stab Lao Lao?"

Li Fuhai glanced at Li Zhai, and Li Zhai quickly said: "Why is there still water and Zhenla? Is there still Tuzhenla?"

"The Kingdom of Chenla split decades ago, with Cambodia in the north as Land Chenla, and Laos in the south near the sea as Water Chenla."

Li Zhai asked again with bright eyes: "So now there is Angkor Wat in Cambodia?"

Li Fuhai said helplessly: "How come you are so familiar with the history of Byzantium, but you don't know the history of the Indochina Peninsula at all? Angkor Wat was built during the Angkor Dynasty, and the Angkor Dynasty has not yet been established. Angkor Wat."

Li Zhai was disappointed again. Why have these wonders been burned or not yet built? Could it be that only the Great Pyramid can be seen after the voyage?
Li Fuhai continued: "Chenla is an important node of the Maritime Silk Road. The inspection report can gain a lot of experience. I have already told Captain Ahwazd that we can stay in Chenla for a few more days."

Li Zhai nodded quickly, the reason why he took part in this dangerous voyage was not just for experience?
However, Li Zhai still asked, "Are there any special products in Chenla?"

Li Fuhai said: "According to Captain Ahwazd, the special products of Chenla are coconut, agarwood and rhinoceros horn ivory."

"But we are not here to buy these things. The most important cash crops in Chenla are rice and sugar cane."

Li Zhai has a wide range of hobbies, and he often spends time on the forums. He is also very familiar with the fetishes mentioned by those Baigong players. He blurted out: "Is it Champa Rice?"

Li Fuhai nodded and said: "It's Champa rice. In fact, Champa rice is not only rice from Champa, Vietnam. The rice varieties in the entire Indochina Peninsula are quite good. Chenla is also rich in rice. The irrigation conditions and climate here are suitable. Rice can mature three or even four times."

"The other thing is sugar cane. As long as the economy develops, the profit of sugar, a consumer product, will exceed that of salt. There is a large amount of sugar cane in the entire Indochina Peninsula. This was the most important source of sugar in the world before corn syrup came out. It was in the southern part of Eagle Country. The slave owners on the plantations are all growing sugar cane."

Li Zhai immediately said: "Why don't you hurry up and send troops to fight it down!?"

Li Fuhai shook his head and said: "It is definitely necessary to fight, but not now. Datang and Lingnan are not developed enough. Guangxi still has a large area of ​​virgin forest. Sugarcane and Champa rice can be transplanted to Lingnan first. Now it is a warm period. The weather is also hot, suitable for the growth of sugarcane."

"Later in the Song Dynasty, Champa rice was planted in the Jianghuai River and could be harvested twice a year. With the climate in Lingnan today, there is absolutely no problem with three crops a year. As long as these two industries can be developed, we in Lingnan will overtake other regions in a corner. !"

(End of this chapter)

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