Recreating the prosperous Tang begins with summoning players

Chapter 725 Maritime industry and biological substitution

Chapter 725 Maritime industry and biological substitution
"Envoy Zhang, the last general has wiped out the pirates on Haidong Island, so he came to return."

A middle-aged general in armor held Zhang Duanyang's military order and respectfully handed it back to Zhang Duanyang.

Zhang Duanyang accepted the military order and said with a smile: "General Han Huang is really fast. He issued the military order three days ago, and he has done his best today!"

This middle-aged general was Han Huang, the former envoy of the Jingmen Army. When An Qingxu attacked Jianghuai, he was recruited by the imperial court to go down the Yangtze River from Jingzhou to Yangzhou to support Gao Shi.

After the Jingmen army arrived in Yangzhou, An Qingxu was already dead. Han Huang was planning to return to Jingzhou, but he got an order from the court.

Pirates and bandits in eastern Zhejiang were serious, and the imperial court transferred Han Huang to eastern Zhejiang to work under Zhang Duanyang's command to suppress bandits.

So Han Huang had no choice but to take his army again to visit Zhang Duanyang, the observer of Eastern Zhejiang, in eastern Zhejiang.

Zhang Duanyang put a lot of emphasis on Han Huang, and Han Huang lived up to expectations. He stood out among Zhang Duanyang's generals, and the Jingmen Navy soon became a navy that frightened the surrounding pirates and smugglers.

"Tai Chong, the picture of five bulls that I asked for last time?"

Han Huang showed a helpless expression and said: "Observer, I have been fighting at sea these days, this is the picture of five bulls."

Xu Jie sighed and said: "There is a tradition of shipbuilding in eastern Zhejiang. There is no shortage of wood for shipbuilding. I found a lot of aniseed materials that have been dried for many years in a shipyard in Mingzhou, which is enough to build seagoing ships. But now there is a shortage It is not only wood, but to build a durable large ship, sail winches and other ancillary products, Zhedong has no way to manufacture it by itself.”

His boss, Zhang Duanyang, valued him very much. He has made many military exploits in eastern Zhejiang and now he has accumulated credit, and he will be promoted soon.

People in eastern Zhejiang are good at sailing boats and can fish in wind and waves, which is well known throughout the Tang Dynasty.

East Zhejiang has been a prosperous place since ancient times, and the generation of Ningbo is even more blessed by nature. The Zhoushan Fishing Ground is the largest fishing ground in East China. When Zhang Duanyang just sailed into Zhoushan, he could see densely packed sea fish parading under the boat.

Dahang City is the first shipbuilding base developed by the player, which brought together all the shipbuilders in Liaodong. Later, Suhang collected shipbuilders and timber reserves from Silla North Road. Now the Dahang City Shipyard builds fast Boats, are very popular throughout the North.

Xu Jie was one of the seventeen sons of Longyou. After passing the imperial examination, he was assigned to Jingmen as an official, and became friends with Han Huang.

Xu Jie shook his head and said: "No way, I also contacted Dahang City, and they said that they don't have enough ships to build, and there is no surplus to sell to us."

So Zhang Duanyang promoted Xu Jie to be a meritorious officer in the Observer's Mansion, who was responsible for construction matters. A few days ago, the shipyard in Mingzhou (Ningbo) was completed, and Xu Jie had just returned from the inspection, so he immediately reported to Zhang Duanyang.

But after Zhang Duanyang arrived at Putuo Island, he dispatched warships to cruise, cutting off the connection between the bandits at sea and the people on land.

"Observation envoys, the shipyard in Mingzhou has already been built, and the shipbuilders in the entire eastern Zhejiang have been arranged to build ships."

"Go to the forum to post, improve the salary, we can give the land to the people and resources, I don't believe that we can't build a sailing workshop in eastern Zhejiang!"

It is said that the orders from Dahang City have already been dispatched half a year later.

Even in the coastal areas of eastern Zhejiang, some people usually fished by the sea, and when they had work, they went out to sea by boat, gathered in the Zhoushan Islands, turned themselves into pirates, and robbed passing ships.

It is said that the King of Yue in Chang'an remembered the name Han Huang. This middle-aged man who failed many times in the imperial examinations ushered in a bright future on the battlefield.

The pirates in eastern Zhejiang are basically entrenched near the Zhoushan Islands, where the islands are vertical and horizontal, and they are close to the land.

Zhang Duanyang put down the ledger in his hand and said: "Without the technology of freezing insurance, these seafood products cannot be transported to the inland. Even if the coastal cities love seafood, how much can they eat?"

Therefore, although Mingzhou is close to the sea, it is not regarded as rich. People operating boats and fishing on the sea are very risky, and the people here are also living a miserable life.

Xu Jie continued: "Observer, a Baigong player from Longyou contacted me, asking if we can get whale oil or seal oil?"

Han Huang lived comfortably in Zhedong.

The last time I followed Han Huang from Jingmen to Yangzhou, and finally came to Zhang Duanyang's subordinates.

Zhang Duanyang is his boss, and it is really hard to delay any longer. Han Huang decided to draw well after returning to the barracks today, and strive to draw the Wuniu picture as soon as possible.

Xu Jie's management ability is very strong. Zhang Duanyang handed over all the shipbuilding and logistics to him, and he arranged everything in an orderly manner. This time, Xu Jie also contributed a lot to the extermination of pirates.

But what made Han Huang a little depressed was that both his boss Zhang Duanyang and his colleagues all asked him for paintings.

Mount Putuo is on the east side of the Zhoushan Islands, guarding the gateway to and from the archipelago. After Zhang Duanyang stationed troops on Putuo Island, he dispatched naval forces to constantly eliminate pirates on the nearby islands.

However, Mount Putuo at this time was not the Avalokitesvara Dojo. The real Putuo Temple was in the Xiantong year of the late Tang Dynasty. Fusang monk Huie invited the statue of Avalokitesvara from Wutai Mountain to take a boat back to Fusang. Believe in Avalokitesvara and refuse to cross to the east, but leave the holy image to enshrine on the side of Chaoyin Cave, so it is called "Refused to go to Avalokitesvara".

Zhang Duanyang cupped his hands against Mount Putuo, and said silently in his heart: "Don't be offended by the Bodhisattva who robbed the Bodhisattva's ashram." Then he built a large-scale construction on Putuo Island, building piers and houses.

And because of the complex island situation of the Zhoushan Islands, it has also become a paradise for smugglers. Before Zhang Duanyang arrived, there was a blatant black market on Putuo Island, selling goods looted by pirates and smuggled goods.

Zhang Duanyang suppressed pirates in the east of Zhejiang. Instead of heading to Huanchun County, where the bandits were the most serious, he led his private soldiers to Mingzhou and directly established a military port on Mount Putuo in the east of the Zhoushan Islands.

Then Zhang Duanyang used Putuo Island as his base to continuously conquer the nearby islands, and wiped out all the large pirate strongholds near Zhoushan.

However, at this time, the people of Datang still preferred to eat freshwater fish. More importantly, in the era without cold chain technology, fish in the sea could not be transported to inland areas.

The faint sea breeze blew on Han Huang's face. Looking at the Putuo Island under construction, Han Huang felt that the location of the naval base chosen by Zhang Duanyang was crucial.

"However, relying on the ocean, we don't have to worry about food. Now the pirates have almost been wiped out. The most important thing is to start the shipping trade."

Han Huang led his soldiers back to rest, and Xu Jie walked into Zhang Duanyang's barracks to report on the shipbuilding in Zhoushan.

At this time, there were only a few hermits practicing Wild Fox Zen on the island, and Zhang Duanyang sent these people back to land.

Zhang Duanyang once again felt that there was not enough talent. Now that the entire Tang Dynasty has shifted from countering the rebellion to developing the economy, Baigong players have become the most sought-after resource.

What Han Huang wiped out was the last large-scale pirate stronghold in the vicinity. Now the pirates in the eastern Zhejiang waters have gradually subsided, and only some pirates have been driven out of the coastal waters and fled to the open sea to survive.

Painting is just Han Huang's amateur hobby. After arriving in Zhoushan, he either trained soldiers or fought wars, so he didn't have time to paint.

After solving the pirate problem, the big clans in eastern Zhejiang trembled. This time, the pirates in eastern Zhejiang colluded with them a lot. Zhang Duanyang had soldiers in his hands. These big clans were all afraid of his settlement.

People in Mingzhou can only dry sea fish into salted fish and sell them to inland areas, but they can't sell them at too high a price.

Zhang Duanyang frowned and said, "Do you have these things in Dahang City? Can you buy some back?"

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way. Now that the sea trouble in the east of Zhejiang is no longer rampant, you can take a good rest for a while, and it's not too late to paint again!"

The logistics of the Jingmen Army are all handled by his good friend Xu Jie, who is safe and fair, and the soldiers are very supportive of him, and there has never been a shortage of logistics.

Xu Jie also nodded. What Zhang Duanyang said was indeed correct. He would vomit after eating seafood these days. Fortunately, his body in the game would not suffer from gout. If he ate like this in real life, he would have been admitted to the hospital long ago.

And Han Huang fought water battles in eastern Zhejiang. He seemed to be very talented in water battles. He quickly summed up a set of naval warfare tactics, and his boss Zhang Duanyang also encouraged him to record the tactics, saying that he would The tactics of the Tang Dynasty were promoted to the newly established military academy in Chang'an as a textbook for all the generals of the Datang Navy.

Colleagues are very cooperative, and they can execute strategies in every naval battle, and they are united in the east of Zhejiang, and no one is holding back.

Sails and cables are already the cutting-edge technology in the shipbuilding industry of this era, especially a durable sail, which requires the cooperation of various workshops to produce it.

Xu Jie couldn't help but said: "The fishery resources in Zhoushan are so rich, but Eastern Zhejiang doesn't cherish such a treasure house."

Node Xu nodded, preparing to post on the forum to recruit players who can open workshops in East Zhejiang.

"Whaling? Whaling goes deep into the polar regions. We don't even have trading ships. How can we build whaling ships? What do they want whale oil for?"

Xu Jie explained: "Whale oil is an excellent fuel, and it is also one of the best lubricating oils for the machine. The oil field exploration in Longyou has not progressed. Even if there is oil, it will be difficult to extract lubricating oil. The machine needs Lubricating oil, so some people proposed to start the whaling industry first, and whale oil is the best lubricating oil in modern times.”

Xu Jie said: "Longyou is now engaged in biological substitution of industrial products. Many players are going to Guangxi to find tung oil trees and lacquer trees, especially tung oil. It is said that they can also be used in shipbuilding."

"Why did I forget about the tung oil! By the way, I know the Bao'an county magistrate, I'll ask him if he can bring back some tung oil!"

(End of this chapter)

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