In fact, the speed of Tang Jun's march into Tubo was not fast.

The Tang army divided into two groups, all the way from Tuyuhun to the south, taking the ancient Han and Tibetan roads, and coming to Luoxie City.

The other route was the opposite direction of Shang Jiezan's conquest of Lanzhou. The Tang army sent troops from Migan City and came from the east road to Luoxie City.

But for Queen Cai Bang and Monk Jie Zan, this time is too embarrassing.

Zanpu was killed just now, although Shang Jiezan killed the entire Zanputing ministers who supported Tubo, the political struggle in Tubo has always been so cruel, death is a good result for the loser.

However, the result of this was that Shang Jiezan was unable to establish an authoritative rule in Luoxi City. The lords who were loyal to Tubo near Luoxi City all joined forces to protect themselves and ignored Luoxi City's orders at all.

In order to win over the hearts of Luoxi city, Shang Jiezan also prohibited his soldiers from looting in Luoxi city, which made Shang Jiezan's troops who had marched back to Luoxi city dissatisfied.

Queen Cai Bang had no authoritative rule in Zanputing at all, and Xin Zanpu was only five years old, and Shang Jiezan soon fell into an embarrassing situation.

He clearly occupied some cities, but all parties remained silent. They did not express their opposition, but they did not express their support either.

So a strange scene appeared in Tang Jun. When Tang Jun encountered local powerful nobles, these nobles would take the initiative to get out of the way, and even sent supplies to Tang Jun.

And the Tang army also tacitly did not attack these nobles, but only marched towards some cities.

Therefore, although the marching speed of the Tang army was not fast, there was no obstacle at all during the march, and they rushed straight to some cities.

Shang Jiezan could only mobilize his own troops to intercept it, but in this coup, the ordinary soldiers did not benefit at all. Obviously, they were even more unhappy to have them desperately defending some cities.

Shang Jiezan had no choice but to order his soldiers to plunder Luoxie city for three days. In the end, the Tubo royal city was doomed and fell into hell.

At this time, a prophecy became popular throughout Tubo.

Some prophecies came from Buddhist temples, and some prophecies came from the mouths of Bon priests. The contents of these prophecies are all the same, saying that Tubo's royal mandate has been cut off, and only by surrendering to the Tang Dynasty can they survive.

The content of these prophecies is varied, but they are all in easy-to-understand language and spread quickly among the common people.

At this time, the Tubo Zanputing had lost its authority, and the local nobles were skeptical about these prophecies.

And some warriors who fled back from the front sent back the news that the Tang army could use the "Fire and Thunder Spell" back to Tubo, and now the prophecy became even more clamorous.

The two armies of the Tang army marched towards Luoxie City along the way, and Shang Jiezan's soldiers finished looting, and finally they dragged their feet to set off.

It's just that after the army was dispatched, it failed to stop Datang's army as Shang Jiezan wished.

In December, the two groups sent to intercept the Tang army suffered major defeats one after another. The news of Datang's use of Leifa spread to Luoxie City. Zanpu, Tang Jun came to avenge the old Zanpu with a thunderbolt in his hand.

Datang and Tubo are countries of marriage, and the two princesses Wencheng and Jincheng entered Tibet, leaving a very good impression on Tubo.

Attacking Datang was driven by interests. Now it is not beneficial to attack Datang. Instead, mothers will lose their sons, wives will lose their husbands, and sons will lose their fathers. The anti-war sentiment in Tubo suddenly ignited.

When the news of Shang Jiezan's failure to intercept the Tang army came, several riots broke out in the city.

Although he was still suppressed by Shang Jiezan, he now shrank in Zan Puting every day and needed the personal protection of soldiers.

Half a month later, the Tang army approached some cities, and now Shang Jiezan hurriedly begged to see Queen Cai Bang, and asked to move Zan Puting to his territory.

However, Queen Cai Bang obviously has her own ideas. Now in Luoxi city, she, little Zanpu and the support of some warriors in Luoxi city can still control some power.

If he returned to his territory with Shang Jiezan, he would be completely dependent on others, without any power.

Seeing that Queen Cai Bang hesitated, Shang Jiezan rushed into the harem, hijacked the five-year-old little Zanpu, and snatched Zanpu's seal.

Then the Tang army arrived at the city of Luoxie. Queen Cai Bang was dressed in plain clothes and surrendered to Datang with her three-year-old son in her arms.

The Tang Dynasty immediately issued an edict to Tubo, declared Shang Jiezan as a traitor, and named the youngest son of Queen Cai Bang as Xin Zanpu.

By the time the news reached Chang'an, it was almost Zhengdan. Over the years, Tubo had conspired to seize the Western Regions, and often entered border borders.

Now that Tubo has surrendered, the people of Tang Dynasty naturally want to celebrate.

Tubo surrendered, and the Nanzhao king who fled to the southern mountains also gave up resistance. His prime minister Zheng Hui found the embarrassed Nanzhao king in the old capital of Nanzhao in the mountains. The monarchs and ministers hugged each other and cried bitterly. Datang's request.

The king of Nanzhao changed his king to a prince, and bound thorns to surrender to Hu Yu, an envoy of the Zhongyong Army.

King Qi accepted Nanzhaogong's surrender in Chengdu on behalf of the Tang emperor, and the Tang court set up Anle Gongfu in Chang'an, asking Nanzhaogong to move to Chang'an to enjoy his blessings.

Yi Mouxun, the 17-year-old eldest son of Duke Nanzhao, inherited the title of Duke Nanzhao. The Tang court appointed Zheng Hui as Minister of Nanzhao, and Hu Yu as the capital of Nanzhao, assisting the young new Duke of Nanzhao.

Zheng Hui resolutely refused to be the Minister of Nanzhao, but wanted to go to Chang'an with Ge Luofeng. The Tang court accepted his resignation and appointed someone else to be the Minister of Nanzhao.

The news of Tubo and Nanzhao's surrender reached Chang'an, and also reached the ears of Silla students who were studying in the Imperial College.

The "bone product" system implemented in Silla for a long time is stricter than the nine-rank Zhongzheng system in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and poor families have no chance of entering the Silla court.

Pang Ju built a city in Dahang, and made Silla North Province surrender, asking Silla to send scholars to Datang for further study.

However, the real nobles of Silla were afraid that their children would be held as hostages in the Tang Dynasty, so in the end they just let the poor students go to the Datang to study.

These poor children have studied, but they are only country gentry in politics. After seeing the prosperity of Chang'an, they are even more dissatisfied with the internal situation of Silla.

The Tang Dynasty advocated meritocracy, and did not judge high or low by birth, and the students studying in Silla were divided into two factions.

One faction wholeheartedly studies and learns Chinese, and wants to pass the imperial examination to stay in Datang, and become a Datang native in the future.

The other faction is to learn from the system and experience of the Tang Dynasty, and wants to return to Silla after completing their studies and change the status quo of Silla.

But soon, another trend of thought appeared, that is, if Silla directly merged into Datang and became a part of Datang, wouldn't the two factions become one?
In fact, at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Datang established the Canglang prefectures in Silla, and promoted prefectures and counties in Silla. Today, many academies were established by Datang at that time.

The poor families in the ruled areas of Silla originally belonged to Goguryeo, and they were not loyal to the royal family of Silla.

The three schools of thought merged into one, so the Silla students studying in the Imperial College collectively wrote a letter, telling about the debauchery and arrogance of the Silla royal family, and listing the disobedience of the Silla royal family. for the Principality.

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