Run, host she's not right

Chapter 1 Exam Begins

Chapter 1 Exam Begins

"Master, are you going to Linjiang Road?"

A girl appeared on the corner of the street, and within a few steps of her long legs, she came to a motorcycle.

She was wearing a black mask, her eyebrows and eyes were exquisite and beautiful, her breathing was a little short, and she looked at the motorcycle owner in front of her with a little anxiety.

The moment the other party nodded, Zhong Li lifted his long legs neatly, and got on the motorcycle in a blink of an eye. Then, with a hook of his slender fingers, he hooked the helmet handed over by the other party.

While taking it, he urged: "Master, hurry up."

Zhong Li is really anxious to death, today is the first day of the college entrance examination.

Originally, her home was only 10 minutes away from the examination room, just in case she went out two hours earlier, just to prevent accidents on the road from running out of time.

Unexpectedly, after an hour and a half, she did not walk out of the intersection of the community.

As if a ghost hit a wall, it kept delaying her time.

Seeing that time was running out, taking a bus to take a taxi and running into a traffic jam was even more fatal, so when he caught a motorcycle, Zhong Li hurriedly urged the other party to set off.

"it is good."

The man who was dressed in black and wrapped up tightly, nodded his head and mumbled a word, then turned his hands, the motorcycle made a loud noise like a beast, and started running fast with a whoosh.

Zhong Li, who had just put on the helmet, couldn't help but leaned forward. With her strong waist, she stabilized her body and grabbed the car body with both hands.

"Go to NO.12 Lincheng Sixth Middle School on Linjiang Road."

Zhongli's words were covered by the helmet, and he didn't know if the other party could hear him.

She reached out and opened the protective cover, opened her mouth, and the wind blew into her mouth, blowing away her words.

Realizing that this affected the image too much, Zhong Li had no choice but to put the cover back on.

The shiny black motorcycle made a sound like the roar of a ferocious beast. In the dense crowd of vehicles, it drove left and right, and soon drove to Linjiang Road.

It's just that this way is a bit wrong.

Zhong Li gritted his teeth looking at the scenery that was not a route at all, thinking that this is not the case with Mercury retrograde, right?
She quickly reached out and patted the other person's back, "Master, master, you drove the wrong way. It was the top lane No. 12, not the bottom lane..."

"Master, you stop, I want to get off."

Zhong Li quickly opened the protective cover and shouted, his voice was torn apart by the wind, Zhong Li didn't know if the other party heard him clearly.

She reached out and patted the man's back.

Can't hear it, but the other party must be able to feel the movement of the struggle so big, right?

Sure enough, when Zhongli's hand touched his back, and the warm body temperature came from behind him, the man's body froze, and he said dryly.

"It's coming soon."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence.

"Don't worry, little ancestor."

He was also wearing a helmet, and there was wind noise all around, but the man's voice clearly entered Zhongli's ears.

She gritted her teeth.

It's useless to delay her exam and call her ancestors.

That's right, isn't this still a shortcut?
Regardless of whether this is the case or not, Zhongli can only tell himself to wait patiently.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to get off the motorbike whizzing by at such a high speed if the other party didn't stop.

If you let go of it, everyone will be smashed into foam.

The man in black was driving around the city on a motorcycle, but Zhongli couldn't see him arriving at his destination, and Zhongli, who had been measuring the time in his heart, felt cold.

This time is longer than her riding a shared bicycle. How can there be such a long detour.

She must have met a black motorcycle!

Unlucky is not like this from beginning to end.


Zhong Li patted the other person on the back, pulled off the protective cover and wanted to tell him.

Dear, don't spare the way, take me to school quickly, I will give you whatever fare you want!

My sister has plenty of money!
Anxious Zhongli wanted to raise his leg and kick the man's back to make a sudden stop and protect himself, but after thinking about the consequences, Zhongli still gave up on this plan.

As a result, the other party stopped the car at this time, and he said in a muffled voice while wearing a motorcycle helmet.


With a "bang", Zhong Li, who had slammed on the brakes, almost bumped into the opponent's body. She sat up straight and stabilized her image.

Reaching out to take off the helmet, Zhong Li raised his head and looked around, his heart felt cold.

"What is this place."

It is at the foot of a famous mountain in Lincheng.

The surroundings are empty, except for the high bluestone mountain gate, there is nothing.

Let alone who it is.

What about her exam school?
There was no shadow, so I talked to her.

Zhongli realized that she not only met the black motorcycle, but also met the kidnapper.

She raised her leg and got out of the car quickly, keeping a distance from the person, looking at him vigilantly, and grabbed the high-quality helmet with her right hand.

If the other party dares to touch her, this is her weapon.

At least this heavy helmet hitting the opponent's head is much more powerful than her fist.

Taking out the mobile phone in the bag with the other hand, Zhong Li kept his gaze fixed on the man, not forgetting to comfort him calmly.

"Is there any difficulty for you? You can talk to me if you have something to do. I can't help and the police. It's completely unnecessary for you to do this..."

The man was a little confused about Zhongli's words and attitude at the moment, after thinking about it, he looked at Zhongli.

"Aren't you going to take a test?"

Why are you still dawdling here?
Hearing this, Zhong Li also became angry.

"Since you know I'm going to take an exam, why do you send me to this wilderness? What's your purpose?"

The man in the helmet was a little confused: "This is not a wilderness, but an examination room."

"Examination room? You think I'm stupid!"

Zhong Li pulled the corner of his mouth and sneered: "I don't care what you are, send me to Lincheng No. [-] Middle School quickly, and I'll give you the money if you want."

The man in the helmet asked with a blank expression, unable to understand at all.

"Sixth Middle School? Why go there?"

"Why go there, go there to take the college entrance examination!"

After such a long delay, I don't know if it will be too late to enter the arena after rushing over.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

At this time, the phone in Zhongli's hand vibrated, and a call came.

In fact, when I was in the car just now, a phone call came. Zhongli knew that it was her homeroom teacher, but at that time, she was riding a motorcycle and the speed was so fast that she had to hold the car with both hands to keep herself from flying out. The admission ticket was gone, and she couldn't take out her mobile phone from her bag to answer it.

Now when the call came, Zhong Li answered it with a swipe of his finger before it even rang. The other party was very angry and anxious, and said cracklingly.

"Zhongli, what are you doing? You are still late for the college entrance examination..."

Zhong Li interrupted the other party and finished talking in one breath.

"Old Ban, find a way to help me delay the entrance time for the exam. I am now at the foot of Linshan Mountain on Linjiang Road, and I got into a black car with the license plate number L2444..."

The homeroom teacher who was anxiously waiting in Lincheng No. [-] Middle School was so anxious that the Mediterranean sea on his head turned red into a caramel-colored marinated egg.

After a piercing "squeak" sound came from the phone, the voice of his favorite student disappeared!

"Hey, hey, Zhongli! Zhongli! What's going on! Who are you, that black car master, don't rush, don't do anything, come to me if you have something to do, don't trouble your children, we will give you whatever you want, money and a house, please Don't hurt the child..."

Lao Ban said hurriedly to the phone that hadn't hung up yet, he was afraid that the other party would ask for money and not die, and hurt Zhongli.

Ouch, what happened to this kid Zhongli.

Lao Ban, who was originally middle-aged and fat and round, squeezed back and forth among the candidates who started to enter the examination room, hoping to squeeze into the police comrades who maintained order and find help.

It's just that the road was terribly long, and before he could get there, there was a "beep" from the mobile phone in his hand, and the other party hung up.

"You son of a bitch, if you dare to hurt my student, I will fight you!" Lao Ban said through gritted teeth.

Now he no longer expects Zhongli to take the exam well and give him a good result in the exam. He only hopes that she can come back safely.

The exam begins——

 Opening a new book~ It’s a fast-paced text, but it’s not a traditional fast-traveled text. The pitfalls in the previous two books, Doomsday and Live Farming, will be filled in this book. The plot follows the rhythm I used to start from the beginning, little by little. Come.

  The first world is the doomsday assessment. After the assessment, there will be a small mission world.

  The small world is expected to have:

  (1) Doomsday World Assessment
  (2) Gossip actresses in the entertainment industry

  (3) The three good students who are true and false daughters are true daughters

  (4) A good-for-nothing hero without gold fingers

  (5) The real world - a girlfriend who suddenly becomes a genius
  (6) The ancient peasant girl who did not farm


(End of this chapter)

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