Run, host she's not right

Chapter 2 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 1

Chapter 2 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 1

where is this?
Zhong Li opened her eyes and looked up. There was a dazzling light above her head, which made her squint her eyes, and turned her head to carefully look at the surrounding environment.

It is a strange room.

She was lying on a big soft bed.

In a split second, Zhong Li recalled what happened when he fell into darkness.

She got on a black motorcycle and was taken to the foot of Lincheng Mountain by the other party.

Then when Lao Ban called, she didn't take it lightly, and told Lao Ban all the details of the other party. Unexpectedly, she fell into darkness before she finished speaking, and this is where she woke up.


Zhong Li reached out and touched the back of his head, his first reaction was that the other party had accomplices.

One was in front of her, the other ran behind her, knocked her unconscious with a stick.

Even if it wasn't knocked out, it should be like the TV show, giving her an injection and knocking her out.

It should be that she said a license plate number. These people are afraid of being exposed, so they will not move their hands in the future.

Careless and careless, it made those people jump over the wall in a hurry.

But, what is their purpose?
To blackmail her parents who have dozens of buildings?

Or is it to delay her college entrance examination?
Zhongli speculated on the opponent's behavior with the most sinister thoughts, but he didn't come to any conclusion.

After all, I only made her dizzy, and threw her here, with a bed and a pillow, and her hands and feet were not tied, and there was nothing wrong with her body, her head was not dizzy, her eyes were not blurry, and even her hands and feet were very strong, and she didn't feel anything wrong .

So what's going on here?

If it was kidnapping, the treatment would be too good. Are you afraid that she will run away after waking up?

As Zhongli thought, he got up quickly, watching the careless behavior, but he didn't make a sound, and before Zhongli looked at the seemingly spacious room, there was a piercing sound.

It came from the top of her head.

Zhong Li looked up and saw a flat and snow-white ceiling on top, except for a girlish ceiling lamp, there was nothing else.

[Zhongli is a high school student in City A. After waking up at the graduation party after the college entrance examination, she found that the whole world had changed. Difficult to survive, finally bitten to death by zombies...]

What the hell?

Who said she died, isn't she fine?

Zhong Li got out of bed and walked around, and found that the sound was above her head, wherever she went, it would follow.

The voice came out precisely from the top of her head, and she carefully observed the smooth ceiling, but she didn't even see a sound hole.

The voice above continued to ring.

[...Before Zhongli died, he discovered that his good friend Meimei actually had a space ring with mountains, waters and plants in it. Meimei lived a comfortable life in the apocalypse by relying on this space ring. Faced with Zhongli's request for help, Meimei was indifferent. She was half starving.And this ring was given to Meimei by Zhongli on her birthday. 】

The voice with clues stopped abruptly at this point.

Zhong Li reached out to touch the gorgeous hairpin on the bedside table, she stretched out her hand, and quickly threw the hairpin towards the ceiling. The hairpin was thrown high, and after hitting the ceiling, it fell to the ground again, making a dull sound on the carpet .

It seems that this is just an ordinary ceiling.

There is no false screen projection, and even the sound is the sound of the concrete wall, but there is no place where the sound can be emitted.

Unable to find a flaw, Zhong Li could only give up looking for the thing that made that sound, she lowered her eyes and pondered what these two sentences meant.

Is it a clue?
Script kill?

You got her here just to play a game?
A doomsday survival script?There are also fantasy elements such as space?

Hearing that my name appeared in such a place, why was I killed by zombies? It was really shocking.

Zhong Li was very upset.

Pulling her, a student who is preparing for the college entrance examination, here to play some kind of graduation party, there is something wrong with her mind.

"Is there anyone? I'm just a poor and helpless little flower of the motherland. I am inspired to contribute to the motherland. Can you let me out first? Can I take a small test?"

The voice echoed in the room, but no one answered.

Zhong Li could only look around, picked up the schoolbag that had fallen on the floor, opened it, and found that the test pens, pencils, erasers, scratch paper, etc. were still there, and even her mobile phone was placed on the schoolbag intact.

Her exam admission card and ID card were obediently lying in the middle of the schoolbag, but her college entrance examination was ruined.

Zhong Li was in a hurry and had to go out quickly and leave this place.

Hurrying over now, she missed the morning exam and got a zero score in one subject. She gritted her teeth and got the highest score in the other subjects, so she should be able to save it.

Zhong Li's lips were tightly pursed, and she pressed the power button on the right side of the phone with her hand. She was able to call for help just now, but now the screen was pitch black, and it couldn't turn on no matter what, it must have been a heroic sacrifice.


Zhong Li threw the phone back into the bag.

If it wasn't for the fact that the bag was still here, Zhongli would have thought that he had been killed by that black motorbike driver and had crossed over.

Zhongli couldn't figure out what the other party wanted to do, and the other party wouldn't let her go out. Normally, she would just lie down and wait for the other party to let her out. But now, she had to go back to take the exam. Time is money, and she could only pass the game quickly. , went out by himself.

Zhongli took off the black mask to reveal a youthful and beautiful face of a goddess of first love, full of collagen, eyes as bright as stars, but his complexion was a bit cold.

Zhong Li took a look in the mirror and was sure it was his own face.

I got up and searched the room briefly and quickly, but I didn't see anything like a camera that could monitor her, or even some weird things, it was just an ordinary girl's room.

It's just that this girl's family has hundreds of millions of dollars. After all, everything on the dressing table is from big names.

Zhong Li looked at the bedside sockets, planning to pry open a few sockets to see the situation.

At this time, she heard some strange sounds.

When he walked to the window, Zhong Li quietly opened a corner of the curtain and looked down. Outside was a strange scene. Outside the small white-painted wooden guardrails used as decoration, there were tattered and grinning people, who seemed to smell The delicious smell is approaching here little by little, and the guardrail in front of them can't stop their pace at all.

This should be the zombie mentioned in the broadcast just now.

It looked horrible and disgusting.

This is really a game?
Zhong Li opened the window and stretched out her hand, it was very real, and she even felt the morning breeze.

This is not right.

Zhong Li turned his head, looked at the room, took a bottle of valuable lotion from the dressing table, pointed it at the nearest zombie, and smashed it with his hand.

With a "click", the lotion hit the zombie's head, and the white viscous liquid slowly flowed down from the zombie's head, mixing with the body fluids of its body, which was disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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