Run, host she's not right

Chapter 3 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 2

Chapter 3 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 2
"Ho ho ho!" The smashed zombie yelled angrily a few times, and then looked up stupidly after a while.

Unexpectedly, it was able to hit it, and Zhongli hit it: "..."

Seeing those zombies heard the sound, raised their heads, and when they looked here with their black eyes, Zhong Li felt 1 shit in his heart.

This is actually true!

Not video, not special effects.

Zhong Li's eyes were so sharp that he could even see that a certain zombie still had flesh between its teeth, and that zombie whose head was hit with lotion all over his face was sluggish, not at all like a fake.

With a "swish", Zhongli closed the curtains as if to cover up the fact.

Leaning behind the curtain, she was a little dazed when she heard the whoo-hoo sound coming from outside that seemed to come from a broken trachea.

It's over, it's over.

She seems to have really arrived in a world with zombies.

This house is real, and so are the zombies outside.

This is so fucking exciting!
This is not a script killing, but a werewolf killing!

Zhongli thought quickly again, the black man seemed to have said something about an exam before he came here, could it be an exam?

What test?
Where is the examination room?

Is it really good to bring her, a prospective high school candidate, to this place for the exam?

If it is an exam, do you wait until the exam time is over, or do you leave after answering all the questions?

Can I hand in the papers early?

What is the exam topic?

A bunch of messy questions filled Zhongli's head, but he couldn't find the answer.

At this time, there was movement from outside the room, Zhong Li thought for a while, but staying in the room was useless, so he went out to see if there were any clues outside.

Zhongli walked down the stairs gently and walked to the dining room, just in time to see a girl open the refrigerator door.

After seeing Zhongli, she hastily closed the refrigerator door, with a somewhat exaggerated movement, making a muffled "touch", and she looked at Zhongli nervously.

"Zhongli, are you awake?"


Zhongli nodded, looking at the sweet and fresh-looking strange girl in front of him, he remembered the "beautiful" that the voice he couldn't find just now said in his heart.

The girl in front of her was wearing a somewhat crumpled aristocratic school uniform, a white shirt with a pleated skirt, and a student name tag with the name Yan Meimei on her left chest.

Zhongli: "..."

Is this clue so obvious?

Thinking of this, Zhongli looked at the finger in the girl's hand, where there was a simple ring.

It doesn't look very ordinary, but at this moment, a red light flashed suddenly, like a special effect, I'm afraid Zhongli didn't notice it.

"Ah? What's wrong with you, Ah Li?"

Meimei looked at Zhongli with no sense of strangeness, she seemed to be a good friend of "Zhongli".

Zhong Li blinked his eyes quickly and calmed down, the light just now must have been reflected from the lamp!Thinking of this, she began to look tentatively at the girl in front of her and asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, did you hear anything just now, Meimei."

Meimei's eyes changed, and she hurriedly walked towards Zhongli with a crying voice.

"Hmm, I heard a strange noise outside, Ah Li, I'm so scared!"

"I checked my phone in the morning, and everyone was talking about the end of the world, and there were zombies outside."


Zhong Li tilted his head, wanting to see what the "outside" of this place looks like.

"What's said outside, let me see."

"Ah, Ah Li, haven't you seen it without surfing the Internet?"


"Your phone is right there."

Meimei pointed out that there was a mobile phone on the table in the restaurant.

Zhong Li went to get the phone, pressed it to look, the phone recognized and automatically unlocked the face, and then revealed Zhong Li's photo as the wallpaper.

Looking at the smiling faces on the wallpaper, Zhongli's goosebumps arose.

She can guarantee that she has never taken a photo like this, and she has never smiled like this.

Zhongli quickly clicked on the app to block the wallpaper, and asked while fiddling with the phone.

"Are there any other voices besides these?"

"Other voices? None."

Meimei shook her head with a dazed look on her face.

Changing the phone's wallpaper and screen saver to a random photo, Zhong Li looked at Meimei and asked.

"For example, some novel game plot reminder or something, the voice saying that the exam has started."

"No, I haven't heard these voices before." Meimei said flatly.

"What about golden fingers, abilities, space...?"

As soon as she asked this question, Meimei came within three meters of Zhongli. In an instant, Zhongli saw a change behind her.

It is a miniature space scene.

There are about ten football field-sized lawns inside, and fruit trees full of fruits are planted on the side, including apples, peaches, oranges and pears. The fruits are big and beautiful, and they look very delicious.

There is a well in the middle of the lawn, and the well water gushes out like a fountain, and the gushing well water converges into a small river, meandering and flowing to the distance, and there is still a layer of white steam floating in the river, Make the whole lawn look dreamlike and dazzling.

This should be the scene in that space ring.

Compared with the pile of terrifying zombies outside, it is simply a paradise on earth.

Really tempting!

After hearing Zhongli mention the interspatial ring, Meimei was a little flustered, and quickly hid the hand with the ring behind her back, for fear that Zhongli would discover the ring and the secret of the ring on her hand, and then wanted to put the ring on her back. to go back.

However, the range of motion is so large that even a blind person can see the guilty conscience of this person.

"No, I haven't heard those voices."

While talking, Meimei approached Zhongli, and the picture of the interspatial ring behind her became more and more clear, like a miniature picture was enlarged, the sweet and delicious fruits on the tree were clearly visible, the big fat fish swimming freely in the river, and even In the clearing where you can see the lawn, there are several boxes of fresh milk and bread.

This package looks like Zhongli's breakfast at home, after all, there is the same bread and milk on the table.

"Did you hear nothing?"

Zhong Li opened his mouth slowly, while sizing up the girl secretly and carefully, her expression was very real, she didn't look like someone who just received the script at all, instead, it was like what the voice said, a person who just discovered that there was a change in the outside world, and A person who has a life-saving artifact in his hand.

On the one hand, he was afraid of being found and robbed, and on the other hand, he was somewhat superior and ecstatic.

The expression is very serious, and people can tell at a glance that this acting skill is that even the most skilled actors can't perform so realistically, especially when the girl in front of her is just full.

Zhong Li thinks.

After all, apart from NPCs these days, which young girl would be willing to be called Meimei.

"Yes, Ah Li, I'm so scared, what should I do?"

The NPC Meimei was very dedicated to her work, and while speaking in panic, she took Zhongli's arm again.

The moment her arm touched Zhongli, a white prompt panel jumped out from the space of her ring and appeared in front of Zhongli.

【May I ask if you want to seize the space ring】


(End of this chapter)

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