Run, host she's not right

Chapter 15 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 14

Chapter 15 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 14
When they got to the entrance of the parking lot, far away, Zhongli and the others heard a sputtering sound.

When I went out to have a look, I didn't know when it was pouring rain outside.

The crackling rainwater, with heat, paved the pavement with a sultry heat and an unpleasant smell of burning, as if steaming in an oil-scented sauna.

Zhongli stood at the entrance of the parking lot, stretched out her hand to feel the rain, she looked up at the sky, it should be a cloudless and sunny day today, but now the sky is gray, suddenly it rained so much.

Could it be that this place also has the function of climate regulation.

Zhongli knew very well that the sudden rainstorm must have been caused by her series of explosions. Maybe, the explosion outside had been stopped by the rainstorm and would not continue to explode.

How powerful is this examination room?

Not only can they make a world full of zombies, but they can also adjust the climate of this world, and there are real NPCs...

Could it be that she has entered the holographic game described in those novels?

Otherwise, if this is not a virtual game, who can construct such a strange and bizarre world, is there still a god in this world?
Zhong Li nodded secretly, thinking that he had come into contact with the truth!
She silently thought about how to leave this game.

Zhongli and the others didn't have rain gear, so they waited for more than an hour. After the rain stopped and the sky above them became sunny again, they went out.

Looking at the unpredictable sky in the blink of an eye, Zhong Li believed in his guess more and more.

After leaving the parking lot, you can see that this large area has become ruins. The tempered glass of the nearby building has been shattered into pieces the size of a thumb, glued to the wall, and glistening in the sun.

The three of them were silent, and walked back to the road of the explosion. The explosion was indeed stopped by the heavy rain, and even the fire caused by the explosion was extinguished.

Looking at the road from a distance to the front, there is a piece of charred car wreckage, and some of the wreckage are still burning with raging flames. Some flames flew into the shop and set everything in the shop on fire.

The entire street seemed to have experienced a fierce war. The zombies running all over the street had been burned to black at this moment, and the street became empty.

Zhongli was afraid for a while, but fortunately this is just a holographic game, everything is fake, and no one is there.

Otherwise, no matter how she atones, she will not be able to atone.

Of course, it was also because of this, knowing that this was not the real world, and knowing that no one was there, that Zhongli had the audacity to use this method to kill zombies.

Zhong Li waved the ax in his hand with a stern face, and dealt with the charred but not dead zombies one by one, and got a bunch of points again.

Zhong Li looked at the time, she had been delayed for so long, she had to continue to save the cheap parents, otherwise even if it was an NPC, she probably couldn't wait forever.

"Do you have any plans? I have to save people."

Zhong Li looked at the fat woman and asked.

From that red character floated up, Zhong Li understood that the woman in front of him, like Yan Meimei, was an NPC, not a real person.

So Zhongli didn't know what she wanted to do, she had to leave now, and she didn't know whether to take this person with her.

Upon hearing Zhong Li's question, the fat woman sniffled, "I, I have nowhere to go, can I follow you?"

Looking at the woman in front of him, is this another question?
Zhong Li hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

And just after she agreed, a red character floated on the fat woman's head.


Another point?
Calculated from just now, this is already two extra points, so it is two questions.

The first question was to save her from being eaten by zombies, so the second question was because she took in a woman?

Is it possible to take in a person, is it a plus point?

Zhongli couldn't be sure because there was no one else who asked her to take him in for a look.

And Yan Meimei seemed to be frightened by Zhongli's explosion, she kept quiet and didn't speak, and she didn't play tricks, Zhongli couldn't determine anything through her.

To Zhongli's surprise, the fat woman Bai Xiaoyuan carried enough supplies to feed her for three days.

Is this considered bringing supplies to defect?Zhong Li also couldn't figure it out.

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled shyly, with two lovely dimples appearing on both sides of her cheeks: "I originally planned to leave City A by car with my friends, but at the intersection just now, because too many cars blocked the road, I couldn't drive , we had no choice but to get out of the car and walk.”

"Then I met zombies. I was so afraid of zombies that I couldn't move my legs at all. I don't know when my friends left, leaving me alone, and then I met you..."

Bai Xiaoyuan said sadly and blamed herself, as if thinking about why she was so bad, she couldn't move at all when she met a zombie, which not only dragged down her friends, but also dragged down Zhongli and the others.

But she was also very sad about being abandoned by her friends.

Zhong Li looked at Bai Xiaoyuan, and after listening to her words, his eyes drooped, as if he was thinking.

Zhong Li didn't know if Bai Xiaoyuan's words were an explanation for her sudden appearance at the crossroads, or if Bai Xiaoyuan's friends really abandoned her and ran for their lives.

But no matter what, knowing that there are so many more people in this world, not just these few, Zhongli is still very happy, and hopes to meet these people by then.

Now that there is enough food for them to eat, Zhongli and the others don't have to worry about the supplies. It's better to rescue the cheap parents first, and then go find the supplies.

There was one more person, and a road became like this. The road was full of potholes. After this rain, it either turned into a puddle or a fire pit. It was impossible to walk at all, so Zhongli and others took a detour.

Perhaps most of the zombies had already been killed by the serial explosions, so Zhongli and the others didn't see any zombies along the way.

On the way, I passed a store with its door wide open, no, it should be a clothing store with all the glass shattered, Zhong Li went in to find some suitable sportswear, and took out one of them to change into.

Yan Meimei and Bai Xiaoyuan also picked out their favorite clothes, and put them in Yan Meimei's space.

After changing their clothes, the few of them didn't waste time, and went smoothly, followed the route planned by Zhongli, to the downstairs of Cheap's father's company, and found the parking lot.

Compared to the quiet road outside, there was a dense "ho ho" sound in the parking lot.

It seems that there are many zombies here.

(End of this chapter)

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