Run, host she's not right

Chapter 16 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 15

Chapter 16 End-of-Life Survival Assessment 15
According to Yan Meimei's behavior of not using her words, and Bai Xiaoyuan's knees softening when she saw a zombie, Zhongli was the only one who dealt with these zombies.

Fortunately, they were resting in the parking lot when they were hiding from the explosion just now, and Zhongli took the opportunity to recover her strength. Now that her strength is full, she is still flexible enough to deal with some zombies.

In particular, Zhongli regarded this as a holographic game, and he got used to it even more.

So Zhongli didn't let them go into the parking lot together, but asked them to find a safe place to wait, don't hold her back, she rescued them by herself.

"A Li, there are a lot of zombies inside, can you really do it by yourself?"

Listening to Zhongli's arrangement, Yan Meimei began to chirp weakly, Zhongli didn't understand what she meant, and looked at her coldly.

"Then why don't you save them?"

Yan Meimei opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Of course, her existence is not to be a soldier, to help Zhongli kill zombies, she wants to drag Zhongli back from time to time, to shake her mind.

Yan Meimei immediately started to use her old tricks, "Whoa, A Li, I'm too weak as a girl, I can't do it."

"Knowing that you can't do it, just wait here until I rescue people, and watch me carry the audience!"

Zhong Li reached out and patted Yan Meimei's head. Seeing that she was calmed down, he walked towards the parking lot with an axe.

Although his mentality had changed, Zhongli did not have the attitude of looking at everything carelessly, instead he became more cautious.

While holding the ax tightly in his hand, Zhong Li walked into the parking lot, looking around the situation with his eyes.

With Bai Xiaoyuan's experience, Zhongli also understands that it will definitely not be that simple to get points for this question to save cheap father.

It's just that the hostages are still inside, and Zhongli can't continue to blow up the cars inside. What's more, this is inside a building. Once the explosion explodes, the foundation will be destroyed, and the whole building will fall down. Buildings will be affected.

Zhongli didn't know if there were any people in the surrounding buildings, so Zhongli couldn't bear such a big consequence, and couldn't do it.

What's disturbing is that Zhongli still doesn't know where the cheap father and the others are.

Zhong Li took out the mobile phone that was left in the villa, and dialed the cheap father's number, but no one answered the phone, and he didn't know if the mobile phone was lost or the person was gone.

But no matter what, she had to go down.

Zhongli continued to make calls with the mobile phone in one hand, while cautiously going down to the parking lot.

This parking lot is not like the one they stayed in just now, it was dark without lights, and the power supply here has not stopped, so along the way, although the lights are not bright, at least it allows Zhongli to see the surroundings clearly. Condition.

As soon as he entered, he saw a ferocious zombie, smelling the smell, rushing towards his face, Zhong Li skillfully raised his hand and killed the zombie with an axe.

After killing too many zombies, now Zhongli has found the trick, he can cut off the necks of zombies with one axe, and immobilize them with one axe.

Even after killing too many zombies, the disgusting feeling of facing these ferocious and smelly zombies at close range at first has almost dissipated.

Just like now, Zhongli can look at the zombie in front of him blankly, and kill it with an axe, ignoring the splashing liquid.

Lifting his foot, he kicked the stinking zombie to the ground, and bright red characters floated out from above its head.


After taking care of the zombies casually, from a distance, Zhong Li saw zombies dangling around in the distance, and there were quite a few of them, as many as ten.

The ten zombies sensed Zhongli's actions, waved their hands at this moment, and began to come towards her crookedly from all directions.

With this amount of zombies, to Zhongli, it was nothing.

So before they ran in front of them, Zhongli carefully touched them, and with a swing of the ax in his hand, one zombie was dealt with, and then he continued to run towards the other zombies.
The ten zombies were easily dealt with, and Zhongli's expression remained unchanged.

Well, just now I got so many points at once, and the ten points in front of me are no longer enough to make Zhong Xin move.

After finishing the zombies, Zhongli continued to walk down without stopping.

Judging from the sign at the entrance of the parking lot, the parking lot has two floors. Zhongli searched the parking lot on the first floor, but found no one and not many zombies.

Judging by the clothes on his body, it should belong to the white-collar and blue-collar workers of the company or the employees in the parking lot.

But no matter what their origins were before they were alive, after they turned into zombies, Zhongli raised his ax and swiped to solve them.

Then Zhongli jumped onto the roof of a car, stood high above, and took in all the situation of the parking lot on this floor.

The pair of cheap parents were not found, not even a living person was seen.

Although the current zombies are inconvenient and slow to move, they are very sensitive to people. If the cheap parents are here, the zombies will definitely be here.

But the first floor was empty, with only a few zombies wandering around, which could only mean that cheap father, and the zombies in the parking lot, were all on the second floor.

To be on the safe side, Zhong Li took out his mobile phone and continued to call Cheap's father, but still no one answered, but he didn't see any movement on the lower floor.

So Zhongli went directly to the second floor.

After going down, Zhongli realized that the parking lot on the second floor of the basement was quite different from the first floor.

Because a part of the parking space has been transformed into an office, which is the logistics department of a certain company in the building.

It seems that cheap father, the reason why they were able to wait until Zhongli came to rescue them, should be because they hid in this office.

Knowing this, Zhong Li followed the signs and walked towards the office. The further he walked, the louder and louder the voice could be heard.

There was a rustling sound in this silent space, which made one's skin crawl.

Zhong Li walked over quietly and found that it turned out to be a dense group of zombies, surrounding a wooden door, scratching the wooden door non-stop and making noises.

It seems that cheap father and the others are hiding in the office.

The zombies outside were so excited to scratch around the wooden door because they sensed these living people.

Zhong Li was very happy to have found someone, but she was a little puzzled as to why there were so many zombies on the second floor.

Noticing that there were a lot of papers that had been trampled on the ground, Zhong Li picked up a piece of paper full of footprints and looked at it. It was a resume.

Look at the youthful appearance of those zombies in shirts, they should all come for interviews, and then they were trapped here and turned into zombies.

Although Zhongli didn't understand why he had an interview in the parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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