Run, host she's not right

Chapter 155 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 155 Three Good Students 27
A live broadcast from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] noon attracted tens of millions of people at home and abroad to watch. The servers of the live broadcast platform crashed many times due to people entering and leaving, but there were still many people who kept trying to squeeze in. .

Zhongli successfully made people all over the world know "Qiu Li".

"Okay, this live broadcast is over, I believe everyone understands."

Zhong Li stared blankly at the series of bullet screens flying past, letting herself ignore them all and not be affected. Until now, when the live broadcast was about to end, she picked out a few questions to answer.

"Account? This is not my account, but my classmate's. It is just borrowed now. I don't think I will broadcast live in the future."

"I won't go to those places... In the future? Study hard and be a good student... If you need me for something, I will definitely help..."

After answering ten random questions, Zhongli turned off the live broadcast without hesitation, making Xu Qiaoran howl.

This is his account. There are so many people watching the live broadcast. As long as these people pay attention to it before closing the live broadcast, his fans will surely exceed tens of millions! !
Xu Qiaoran hugged the computer and wailed for a while, trying to operate it to see if it could increase some fans.

People's desires will really get bigger and bigger, and Xu Qiaoran is not enough to satisfy a few hundred fans at the beginning.

Zhong Li got up and went to the old professors sitting behind.

They listened to the live broadcast just now and watched Zhongli's problem-solving ideas, and they listened seriously.

The notes in his hand were written page after page, and someone next to him looked at it and felt dizzy.

It's not that the writing is messy, it's that the writing is too much and too professional, and ordinary people can't understand it at all.

It seems that these old professors really care about these new and unknown knowledge that have just come out.

In order to get a fuller understanding, they even asked Zhongli questions from various aspects and asked her to answer them. This is also the reason why this live broadcast can be dragged on for so long.

Otherwise, according to Zhongli's temperament, he could finish the lecture in two hours with just the solution ideas of these few questions.

What?Can't understand?Then listen to it several times!

"The little teacher's class really benefited us a lot."

An old professor said with a smile, and looked at Zhongli with a sure face.

He likes this kid!
"I can't afford it. I should learn from the professors." Zhong Li waved his hands and said sincerely.
After all, being a manager in the previous world made Zhongli understand the ways of the world at a young age. Of course, her own EQ is not low.

As a student, she still admires these knowledgeable professors and imagines them studying.


"By the way, you just said on that live broadcast that you plan to be a good student in the future and don't plan to enter our courtyard?"

An old professor with clear eyes looked at Zhong Li and asked.

They had previously discussed with Zhongli implicitly whether they wanted to join them, study together, and serve the country together.

Zhongli nodded. Of course she wanted to enter these places. Although she was young and smart, Zhongli was not conceited enough to think that she was a genius in the sky. She was the best in the world. Study in these places and get acquainted with those geniuses.

It's a pity that this world is not her world, she has a mission in this world.

Not to mention the task of the good student A9008, that is, she herself has to be beside the daughter of the interface, and it is more convenient and simple to help her.

"I'm still young and I still have a lot to learn."

So Zhongli smiled and shook her head and refused, but she didn't completely refuse. After all, after helping Zhou Ziyu to expel the "dark" forces, after the task is completed, she may not have to leave this world in such a hurry, and then she can go in Learned learned.

Now Zhongli understands that there is no harm in learning a lot.

Seeing that she is now just a few calculation formulas she learned in high school in the world, but in this strange world, it can help her a lot. If she learns a little more in this world, maybe it can also help her when she performs tasks in other worlds. to her.

"Okay, okay, it's right to learn more."

Regarding Zhongli's statement and attitude, the old professors present liked it very much. They looked at Zhongli with satisfaction and kept nodding their heads.

This child is neither arrogant nor impatient, he is a good seedling!
"You are also a sophomore in high school, and you will be in your third year soon. How about entering Beijing University next year?" One of the old professors looked at Zhongli slowly and said.

The meaning of what he said was definitely not to let Zhongli get into Beijing University in the college entrance examination, but that Beijing University wanted to exempt Zhongli from the exam.

Beijing University is the best and most famous university in the world.

Zhongli thought about it for a moment, and finally nodded with a smile.

"my pleasure!"

Zhongli has already gone through a college entrance examination, although he missed one subject, it is a pity that he failed to get the best result.

But Zhongli is not one of those stubborn people, he must take another exam and come back first.

In this world, the "heroine" is Zhou Ziyu, she is the daughter of the interface, God's own daughter. According to the normal plot, the No.1 in the same school in the same city in the same class must be her.

Now that Xu Jinyi's accident happened, maybe it will happen, but with Zhongli around, she will definitely not let Xu Jinyi and the others continue to rob Zhou Ziyu's luck and gain her reputation.

But Zhongli can't grab Zhou Ziyu's attention too much, after all, she will leave sooner or later, this world is just a task for her, and Zhou Ziyu is a turning point, a hope for this world.

So in order not to snatch Zhou Ziyu's aura, it is a good choice to be exempted from the entrance examination and be specially recruited.

After sending off the old teacher and the others, the matter of solving the arithmetic is considered to be over. At this time, the parents of the Qiu family know what "Qiu Li" has done.

Maybe Qiu's mother doesn't care about this, but Qiu's father knows, he understands how much benefit it will bring if such a powerful genius appears in his group.

Thinking of this, he can be said to have set his sights on this daughter who has been neglected since he was a child, and he even warmly invited Zhongli, planning to have dinner with the whole family.

"Oh, have dinner together?" Zhongli sneered, this is something that the original owner has been looking forward to since childhood, but it has never been fulfilled. Now that she is dead, her fake appearance can make this happen. up.


Zhongli opened his mouth to refuse, after all, she is not a real little girl Qiuli, and she does not expect this so-called fatherly love and motherly love.

But at this time, A9008 hastily told Zhongli.

"Qiu Shui Yuan, Zhou Ziyu will go to this place tonight, and will be humiliated by Xu Jinyi!"

Zhong Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyelashes curled up long.

Her pitiful little deskmate than the bully?

There is also Xu Jinyi and her "dark" forces, and I don't know what form they will appear in.

"Okay, I'll go."

(End of this chapter)

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