Run, host she's not right

Chapter 156 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 156 Three Good Students 28
Qiushuiyuan, the most high-end restaurant in Shuicheng, is decorated with warm colors and luxurious style. It is a place specially used by Shuicheng people to pretend to be aggressive.

Zhongli, led by a waiter wearing a well-fitting cheongsam, walked back and forth to the private room. Every time he walked through a place, there was a different scenery, which shows that he designed it with care.

A9008 even muttered, "Wow, this place is so beautiful! The food must be delicious~"

"That's not necessarily true." Zhong Li said to A9008 in his heart with his expressionless face and slightly pursed lips.

"Look at so many complicated twists and turns, it's thousands of miles away from the kitchen, and there's a strong fragrance all around, so there's no smell of food at all. When the dishes are delivered to the table, they're probably just for viewing. That's all."

Zhong Li looked at a group of waiters carrying dishes with lids and said.

This kind of place is suitable for saving face, not for eating.

"Ah, is that so?" A9008 was stunned, so there is such a thing?
But it smells those smells, it's really tempting!
"Haven't you guys eaten something delicious?"

Under the guidance of the waiter, Zhong Li turned another corner and asked inwardly, A9008 doesn't look like it has a mouth either, so don't they eat?
"We, of course we won't eat these things..." A9008 said stubbornly.

Zhong Li was a little amused, thinking to himself, he must take A9008 to see what is delicious.

After turning a corner, Zhongli, with his sharp ears, happened to hear some familiar voices.

It was Zhou Ziyu's voice.

"Sister, just say it~ Our parents are very open-minded, absolutely not pedantic, and won't blame you for your puppy love, why don't you bring your brother-in-law back to have a look~"

A female voice with a slightly sweet voice rang out.

It was followed by Zhou Ziyu's voice explaining: "No, I don't have a puppy love."

Zhou Ziyu felt a little wronged. She had been concentrating on her studies and never thought about puppy love or falling in love.

But seeing her biological parents looking at her suspiciously, they seemed to believe what Xu Jinyi said, while the adoptive parents were shocked by the environment, shrank in the corner uncomfortably, and shut their mouths tightly.

Among the relatives in the room, no one spoke for her.

"Then you went out early this morning, isn't it just for a date? You just said it, sister, I won't laugh at you~"

Xu Jin said reluctantly, she caught a glimpse of the content of the barrage from the corner of her eye, and she smiled even sweeter.

Just when Xu's parents were about to say something, a somewhat casual voice came in.

"Yeah, Zhou Ziyu, just tell them, you've been with me all day today, and you're dating me, so there's nothing shameful about it."

Seeing Zhongli, Zhou Ziyu's eyes lit up in an instant, as if seeing his own salvation angel, this look made Zhongli hesitate in his steps.

"You, who are you?" Xu Jinyi looked at Zhongli with hostility.

She looked at the barrage warily from the corner of her eye, and all of them were praising the beauty of the girl who suddenly appeared.

That head of golden hair, fair skin, and the backlight came in, as if an angel had descended.

This made Xu Jinyi, who had been praised by the barrage, very dissatisfied. Seeing the girl ignore her, she became even more angry.

And why didn't Zhongli speak, she looked straight at the void, and even squinted her eyes regardless of her image, intending to take a closer look.

Because she saw a string of code characters appearing in the half-void, and Zhongli knew a little bit of hacking skills, of course she understood these things.

But she couldn't understand the code characters in the semi-empty space, and these codes were so light, one percent, two degrees translucent, Zhongli almost thought they didn't exist.

So, what exactly is this.

At this time, A9008 began to shout, "Zhongli Zhongli, this person is Xu Jinyi, she has a 'dark' smell, and the darkness covers her whole body, especially the place not far in front of her, where it is most obvious. "

The place in front of Xu Jinyi?

Isn't that exactly where the piece of "code" is?

"who are you?"

Xu Jinyi watched Zhong Li look towards the "bullet screen", she said nervously, she was afraid that Zhong Li could see these bullet screens.

"She is my deskmate, Qiu Li." Zhou Ziyu quickly introduced Zhong Li.

Zhou Ziyu's two parents looked at Zhongli's golden hair.

In their eyes, this blonde hair has nothing to do with being an angel or not. They just think that a girl with dyed hair is not a good child.

"Classmate Qiu Li, are you really with Ziyu today?" Mother Xu looked at Zhongli suspiciously.

The fear is that she is helping Zhou Ziyu lie to them.

"Why, you don't even believe in your own daughter?"

Zhong Li looked at her with a sarcastic smile in his eyes, which made Xu's mother feel uncomfortable.

What she said, it seems that she only gets close to her adopted daughter, not her own daughter...

"Believe it or not, anyway, there are tens of millions of people all over the world in the studio who know that this morning, I was with Zhou Ziyu."

"Oh, there is another man here. If you insist on thinking that that man is Zhou Ziyu's puppy love, then I can't help it."

Zhong Li's expressionless expression seemed to have mocked everyone in the private room, making the four adults uncomfortable, especially Xu's parents.


Xu Jinyi keenly heard this word from a bunch of words.

After all, she has a live broadcast room on her body now, and her fans watch her live broadcast in real time in another world, and then give her a reward, so that she can exchange for a bunch of magical things in the system mall.

So, the word Xu Jinyi cares about now is the live broadcast room.

"What live broadcast room?" Xu Jinyi asked immediately.

After hearing Xu Jinyi's words, the parents of the two families also noticed the word. In their eyes, this live broadcast room is not a good thing.

Tzuyu is a good boy, okay, why did he get involved with these things.

"Ziyu, didn't I want to tell you that you have to study hard?" Mother Zhou's eyes turned serious, and she began to educate Zhou Ziyu skillfully.

After all, in the previous 17 years, she had disciplined Zhou Ziyu in this way. It was not until she found her biological parents that Zhou's mother had no confidence to continue to discipline Zhou Ziyu, and she did not dare to discipline her own daughter.

Although the adoptive mother was very strict and unreasonable, Zhou Ziyu's nose was sour, and she felt the love and care from her mother for a long time.

After all, now, her biological parents may only give her things out of guilt, but they don't communicate with her too much, and the adoptive parents don't have the confidence to discipline Zhou Ziyu.

Obviously now there are two sets of parents, but during this period of time, Zhou Ziyu felt like an orphan with no one to discipline him.

(End of this chapter)

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