Run, host she's not right

Chapter 179 Three Good Students 3

Chapter 179 Three Good Students 51
"Qiu Li, I finally found you..."

One day, when Zhongli came out of the house, a voice came from the corner, apparently someone had been waiting for her.

She has been obsessed with studying recently, either in the school library or in the research room, swimming in the sea of ​​books.

With nothing to do today, Zhong Li also went out early, planning to go to the company first, and then go to the library to borrow some books.

The winter morning was dark late, and there was still some fog, so Zhongli didn't see clearly who this person squatted in the corner for a while.

However, Zhongli has a good memory, relying on the other party's voice, he quickly guessed the other party's identity.

"Cao Gang?"

Zhong Li slowly opened his eyes, and said in a cold voice.

There was a bit of uncertainty in his tone.

Zhong Li really didn't expect that Cao Gang, who committed such a serious crime and could not be exaggerated to be shot, has only been imprisoned for so many years, how could he come out?

"Hmph, it seems that you still remember me!" Cao Gang came out from the corner half-bent, his eyes were dark, staring at Zhongli as if he had been poisoned.

"Thanks to you, I can see the sky again!" Compared to five years ago, Cao Gang's voice was much sharper, just like a father-in-law.

Looking at him, Zhong Li didn't panic at all: "Sorry, I don't think your death is an exaggeration, how many years is this?"

For those girls who were deceived by you and ruined their lives, you just spent a few years in prison, how could it be worth the suffering they suffered.

Cao Gang seemed to be amused by Zhong Li, he laughed a few times, and then he gritted his teeth like a lunatic and spoke.

"Hahaha, Qiuli, you really aren't afraid of me at all!"

At this time, Zhong Li, with sharp eyes, found the clothes that the other party was wearing from the collar of the ill-fitting padded jacket, the striped clothes, which looked like some hospital gowns.

Looking at the other party's reddened, obviously abnormal eyes, Zhong Li couldn't help guessing, could it be that Cao Gang is still crazy and has become mentally ill?

"A9008, check the latest information about Cao Gang for me."

"It has been found out that two years ago, Cao Gang suffered from mental problems in prison. One year ago, because of his serious condition, he was sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. He has been treated for four times, and the last treatment was a week ago. , and then he took the opportunity to escape from prison."

A9008 hastily sent the found information to Zhongli, fearing that she would suffer a disadvantage.

"That is to say, the current Cao Gang is mentally ill, hurting someone, killing someone is not illegal?" After listening to A9008's brief introduction, Zhong Li looked at the excited Cao Gang in front of him and raised his eyebrows.

"According to the laws of this world and this country, it should be like this." A9008 said honestly.

"Zhongli, stop him quickly. It's good that he's not sick and looking for you now. If he hurts other innocent people, it will be too tragic."

"Understood." Zhong Li rubbed and moved his fingers, looked at the person in front of him coldly, and smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth.

"Exactly, when I beat you back then, I didn't think it was enough to relieve my anger. After all, you have ruined Qiu Li's life and ruined the happiness of so many girls. It's not enough to just beat you up like that."

If she hadn't maintained Qiu Li's persona in front of the police, being an ordinary little girl, she would have killed this disgusting, air-wasting guy with one fist.

After all, many zombies died under Zhongli's hands, and these zombies were all transformed by people.

Cao Gang didn't know what Zhongli was thinking, and he took out a steel knife that he didn't know where he got it, and there were some scarlet bloodstains on it.

He touched the bloodstain on the knife nervously, with a smile on his face, as if he had thought of something, then turned his head suddenly, and looked at Zhongli with a ferocious face.

"It's you, it's you who ruined my life. You ruined my family, made me unable to be a man, and made me ridiculed. Qiu Li, I hate you, I hate you, you die for me!"

Looking at his expression, Zhong Li seemed to understand that it was her kick that made Cao Gang "cut off his children and grandchildren", and then he went crazy.

Cao Gang took the knife and charged straight at Zhongli, raised the knife in his hand, Zhongli's expression remained unchanged, he raised his foot, and kicked him at the elbow, with a slap, Cao Gang's knife fell to the ground .

Seeing the knife dropped, Cao Gang was about to bend down to pick it up, but Zhongli's fist arrived, and a set of impenetrable fists greeted him.

The beating made Cao Gang wailing again and again. There was no good place on his body, and he curled up in a corner.

With all his anger blown out, Zhong Li went up and folded his hands, and with a grappling technique, he put both hands behind his back, found something to tie them up, and then Shi Shiran called the police.

The police arrived soon, looked at the scene, then at Zhongli, and finally just took a note and took Cao Gang back.

After all, he was a fugitive criminal, and he stabbed a patient in the hospital. Zhongli caught Cao Gang, not only did he pass, but he also contributed.

After all, when a little girl catches a fugitive, she is so frightened that she loses her sense of control, and beats the person so hard that she can't move. Isn't this a normal thing?
"Yeah, I will actively cooperate with the investigation." Zhong Li nodded, seeing that it was getting late, and was about to go to the library when he received a call from Xu Qiaoran.

"Qiu Li, that matter has come to fruition."

Because of this phone call, Zhong Li's restless heart immediately became agitated.

"it is good."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."

Zhongli rushed all the way to a technology research company, and Xu Qiaoran, who had become mature and stable, waited for Zhongli inside.

Seeing Zhongli approaching, Xu Qiaoran couldn't help but sigh, "It's been a long time since Qiuli, and we haven't been together for two or three years."

At the beginning they were obviously in the same class of sophomores, but in the second year, "Qiu Li" skipped the grade and entered without taking the exam, and became their freshman senior sister.

After they were admitted to Peking University, "Qiu Li" was very busy after they were admitted to the same school as her. He was either busy participating in some research, or squatting in the library to read books by himself. It is rare to meet in the same school. Got poor.

It's very rare to get together, but I didn't expect that "Qiu Li", who was nowhere to be seen, would suddenly run over after a phone call.

"Why, do you think you haven't worked hard enough recently and miss the oppression I gave you?"

Zhong Li looked at Xu Qiaoran with a half-smile, and immediately reminded him of the horrible years he was under the claws of "Qiu Li", always looking for "Qiu Li" as if he was looking for death, and then doing a series of unimaginable things. .

Just thinking about it now, Xu Qiaoran felt ashamed and flustered.

"No, sister Qiu, can you not mention this?"

(End of this chapter)

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